KOMI :: Volume #14

#1302: Spirit Treasure succeeds in obtaining

When Li Luo walks again, Dragon Tooth Guard or the Dragon Blood Guard people were silent, Li Zhihuo is hard to suppress the mood in heart, is as for his vision slightly appears some delay with the footsteps movement of Li Luo is drifting away. 李洛再次走回来的时候,不论是龙牙卫还是龙血卫的人都沉默了,就连李知火都是难以压制心中的情绪,乃至于他的目光略显得有些呆滞的随着李洛的脚步移动而游离着。 Because no one has thought, such several minutes time, Li Luo almost in a way of spatial glove white wolf, wrapped eight ten thousand dragon essence large amounts of money to come back directly! 因为谁都没想到,就这么短短几分钟的时间,李洛就几乎是以一种空手套白狼的方式,直接套了八万龙精的巨资回来! That is eight ten thousand dragon essence! 那可是八万龙精啊! Even Li Zhihuo, Li Foluo such Guardian Honorable, one year is perhaps laborious to be not necessarily able to gain. 就算是李知火,李佛罗这样的卫尊,恐怕一年辛苦下来都未必能赚到。 The speed that therefore Li Luo this earns dragon essence, they were even frightened. 所以李洛这个赚取龙精的速度,连他们两人都被惊吓到了。 Probably in Heavenly Dragon's five guards historical, has not presented such abnormal player. 好像在天龙五卫的历史上,还没出现过这么变态的选手。 Jiang Qing'e, Li Hongyou after initial shock, mood actually gradually returns to normal, the former pupil is exuding a happy expression is looking at step rampant Li Luo, some brain circuit indeed times of this fellow compare the powerful and unconstrained style, at least, she has not really thought on this hele star stage, actually also contains the so big opportunity. 姜青娥,李红柚在经过初始的震惊后,情绪倒是渐渐的平复下来,前者眸子泛着一丝笑意的望着步伐嚣张的李洛,这个家伙的脑回路的确有时候比较天马行空,最起码,她是真没想到这界河落星台上,竟然还蕴含着如此大的商机。 This may be more laborious than her carries out these bad risk tasks to earn quickly. 这可比她辛苦执行那些凶险任务赚取得更快。 The Li Hongyou pupil light was also becomes bright, although she has not accepted tempting of Li Zhihuo, but this did not say that she victoria regia real ichor had no interest in that on the contrary, if can cast nine column duke platform, then wants to come intensely to that Li Hongque aggressivity. 李红柚眸光也是变得明亮了起来,虽说她并没有接受李知火的引诱,但这并非是说她对那“玉莲真灵液”没兴趣,相反,如果能够借此铸就九柱封侯台,那么想来对那李红雀的攻击性将会更为的强烈。 But six ten thousand dragon essence died of suffocation completely her idea, therefore she gave up directly sanely. 只不过六万龙精完全堵死了她的想法,所以她就直接理智的放弃了。 But now, Li Luo makes her see a ray of hope. 而偏偏如今,李洛又让得她看见了一丝希望。 Under two female gazes, Li Luo arrives directly is also in front of Li Zhihuo in absent-minded condition, puts out a hand with a smile: Li Zhihuo Guardian Honorable, hands over dragon essence single-handedly, hands over the victoria regia single-handedly the real ichor?” 在两女的注视下,李洛径直来到还处于失神状态中的李知火面前,笑着伸出手来:“李知火卫尊,一手交龙精,一手交玉莲真灵液?” The Li Zhihuo complexion is ugly, nearby Li Hongque is also the air/Qi results in the chest to tremble. 李知火脸色难看至极,一旁的李红雀也是气得胸口发抖。 They have not thought, Li Luo really can pull out six ten thousand dragon essence unexpectedly. 他们谁都没有想到,李洛竟然真的能掏出六万龙精了。 As the matter stands, this victoria regia real ichor, but also really can fall to the hand of Li Hongyou in? 这样一来,这“玉莲真灵液”,还真就要落到李红柚的手中了? Suddenly, the Li Zhihuo heart emerges the meaning of regret, if we had known did not take the gambling stake by this thing, right now, but really became supporting the enemy. 一时间,李知火心头涌现出后悔之意,早知道就不以此物来作为赌注了,这下子,可就真的成了资敌。 Moreover, six ten thousand dragon essence that Li Luo pays, will not fall to their hands, but will enter the Heavenly Dragon treasure house. 而且,李洛付出的六万龙精,也不会落到他们的手中,而是会进入天龙宝库。 Li Zhihuo thinks to turn around to leave very much at this time directly, but he understands, if really did this, then he will become the laughingstock in 5 guards, after all at this time tens of thousands people look. 李知火很想此时直接掉头离开,但他明白如果真的这样做了,那么他将会成为五卫中的笑柄,毕竟此时几万人都看着呢。 This he painstakingly plans gives the status and prestige that destroys all. 这会将他苦心经营的身份与威望都给尽数摧毁。 Therefore, in the innermost feelings after short struggling, Li Zhihuo can only get angry, victoria regia real ichor will take. 所以,在内心经过短暂的挣扎后,李知火只能黑着脸,将“玉莲真灵液”取出来。 Then at this time had the treasure house manager who paid attention to here to go forward, first delimited six ten thousand dragon essence from Li Luo, then victoria regia real ichor will hand over. 然后此时有早已关注此处的宝库管理者上前,先是从李洛那边划走了六万龙精,然后将“玉莲真灵液”递了过去。 Receiving that Li Luo smiles, hands over to give Li Hongyou directly: Hongyou senior sister, delivered you.” 李洛笑眯眯的接过来,直接转手递给李红柚:“红柚学姐,送你了。” Surroundings many people look covet, this sent out six ten thousand dragon essence conveniently, this trench must not have the human nature simply, if not one side also has the Jiang Qing'e stand, they even suspected that these two have any particular relationship. 周围不少人看得眼热,这随手就送出了六万龙精,这简直壕得没人性了,如果不是一旁还有姜青娥站着,他们甚至都怀疑这两人是不是有什么特殊关系。 Li Hongyou looked at that victoria regia real ichor to be in a daze several breaths, at once she has not spoken any artificial words, but nodded gently, put out a hand to receive it. 李红柚望着那“玉莲真灵液”发呆了数息,旋即她也没有多说什么矫情的话语,只是轻轻点头,伸手将其接了过来。 This is the Li Luo good intention, she does not need to reject . Moreover, if she can break through Duke Realm smoothly, can give a Li Luo bigger boost. 这是李洛的好意,她没必要拒绝,而且,她如果能够顺利突破到封侯境,也就能够给予李洛更大的助力。 Thanks.” She said in a soft voice. “谢谢。”她轻声道。 Li Luo beckons with the hand, says with a smile: Should thank Li Zhihuo Guardian Honorable, if were not they found agrees with like this your high grade foundation building Spirit Treasure, we had dragon essence also to no help spatially.” 李洛摆了摆手,笑道:“应该谢谢李知火卫尊,如果不是他们找到这样契合你的上品筑基灵宝,我们空有龙精也是于事无补。” Hears the Li Luo laughter, the Li Zhihuo complexion became blacker, he knows that the opposite party this was taunting. 听到李洛的笑声,李知火脸色变得更黑了,他知道对方这是在嘲讽。 Li Luo commands the actually good method, can actually find out such means to earn dragon essence, but your such method, is seeking to obtain profit using the Dragon Tooth Guard overall strength, this regarding Dragon Tooth Guard, perhaps is not the good deed.” Li Zhihuo also worthily is Guardian Honorable, immediately vague opens the mouth. 李洛统领倒是好手段,竟然能够想出这样的办法来赚取龙精,不过你这样的方法,是在利用龙牙卫整体的力量谋取私利,这对于龙牙卫而言,恐怕不是什么好事。”李知火也不愧是卫尊,当即不阴不阳的开口。 Wants the refining star bead, Li Luo and Jiang Qing'e no doubt are the main forces, because of the reason of strength, they must rely on the Dragon Tooth Guard strength, therefore this when the time comes tired , is not only they, provides the Dragon Tooth Guard member who ties a strength for them. 想要提炼星珠,李洛姜青娥固然是主力,但因为实力的缘故,他们也必须借助龙牙卫的力量,所以这到时候劳累的不仅是他们两人,还有为他们提供结阵之力的龙牙卫成员。 This Li Zhihuo thoughts are also very keen, this counter-attack also quite cunning ruthless spicy. 李知火心思也很是敏锐,这反击点也颇为的刁钻狠辣。 Li Luo hears word, smiles lightly, then looks to Li Foluo, said: Guardian Honorable, but also remaining two ten thousand dragon essence, I plan to apportion along with the Dragon Tooth Guard member who we make a move when the time comes, is gains a small income for them, Ok?” 李洛闻言,淡淡一笑,然后看向李佛罗,道:“卫尊,还剩下的两万龙精,我打算到时候分给随我们出手的龙牙卫成员,也算是为他们赚点小收入,可以吗?” Li Foluo looked at his one eyes, said: Your this fellow, works is watertight actually.” 李佛罗看了他一眼,道:“你这家伙,做事倒是滴水不漏。” However, indeed is somewhat the atmosphere. 不过,也的确是有几分大气。 Two ten thousand dragon essence eyes wink divide all, oneself who does not wink do not remain, this boldness is not the average person can achieve. 两万龙精眼睛眨也不眨的尽数分出去,自己一点不留,这魄力也不是一般人能够做到的。 As Li Luo this saying falls, the following Dragon Tooth Guard member spread some cheers immediately, simultaneously shouted loudly is apologizing to Li Luo to command. 而随着李洛这话落下,后面的龙牙卫成员顿时传出了一些欢呼声,同时高喊着谢过李洛统领。 Regarding the Dragon Tooth Guard member, although must follow the star beads of Li Luo multi- refining three health/guard to decide when the time comes however extremely tired, but can earn some dragon essence, this is also the extra happiness. 对于龙牙卫的成员而言,虽说到时候要跟随着李洛提炼三卫的星珠定然极为的劳累,但能够赚取一些龙精,这也是额外之喜。 Li Luo is the frank response: This possibly is a long-term business, if everyone believes me, in the future the advantage will decide however are more, will not treat unjustly anybody.” 李洛则是爽朗的回应:“这可能是一个长期的生意,如果大家相信我,往后好处定然更多,绝不会亏待了任何人。” After enjoying this refining star bead advantage, other how many health/guard get a taste of blood surely, therefore every month, this business should continue in the future, but in this year later, will be a big business? 在享受了此次提炼星珠的好处后,其他几卫必定是食髓知味,所以往后每个月,这生意应该都会持续下去,而这一年下来,又将会是一笔多大的生意? When the time comes even Li Luo, Jiang Qing'e eats the big end, then other, regarding the Dragon Tooth Guard members was not a small number. 到时候即便李洛,姜青娥吃大头,那么余下的,对于龙牙卫成员都不是一笔小数目了。 Therefore, after thinking through this point, the member eyes of many Dragon Tooth Guard are emit the ray. 于是,在想通这一点后,诸多龙牙卫的成员眼睛都是放出光芒来。 Even Li Foluo, coughed, said: If needs me to act when the time comes, I can also help.” 甚至连李佛罗,都是干咳了一声,道:“如果到时候需要我出手的话,我也能来帮帮忙。” He at this time fierce understands, if Li Luo does for a long time, possibly Li Luo will become in Heavenly Dragon's five guards the richest person. 他此时猛的明白过来,如果李洛长期这么搞下去的话,可能李洛将会成为天龙五卫中最为富有的人。 That must, have the meat to eat together.” Li Luo is patting the shoulder of Li Foluo, is very refreshed. “那必须的,有肉一起吃。”李洛拍着李佛罗的肩膀,很是爽快。 The entire square is a scene of jubilation, everyone is very happy, except for Dragon Blood Guard. 整个广场都是一片欢腾,所有人都很开心,除了龙血卫 The Dragon Blood Guard many members are very uncomfortable, because their Dragon Blood Guard can be 5 guards is strongest , because they can refining have most star beads on the hele star stage each time, yet now, as Li Luo starts to help other three health/guard, these three health/guard will also gradually start pursues, therefore that superiority feeling of their past also by big weakening. 龙血卫的众多成员很难受,因为他们龙血卫能够是五卫最强,就是因为他们在界河落星台上每次都能够提炼出最多的星珠,可如今,随着李洛开始帮其他三卫,这三卫也会开始逐渐的追上来,于是他们往日的那种优越感也会被大大的削弱。 This a little changed the 5 guards pattern simply. 这简直是有点改变五卫的格局了。 Moreover looks between Li Luo and Li Zhihuo the so stiff relations, Li Luo will not help their Dragon Blood Guard come the refining star bead surely, this only made them be able to look helplessly other three health/guard enjoyed this time benefits. 而且看李洛李知火之间如此僵硬的关系,李洛必定不会帮他们龙血卫提炼星珠,这就令得他们只能眼睁睁的看着其他三卫享受此次的福利。 This command in the member heart of Dragon Blood Guard is somewhat uncomfortable, if Li Zhihuo, Li Hongque does not aim at Li Luo, perhaps Li Hongyou, they not necessarily are not cannot chat this refining business with Li Luo. 这令得龙血卫的成员心中有些不爽,如果李知火,李红雀不去针对李洛,李红柚的话,或许他们也未必不是不能跟李洛谈谈这个提炼的生意。 After all three ten thousand dragon essence they are not. 毕竟三万龙精他们又不是出不起。 But now, is hopeless thoroughly. 可现在,是彻底没戏了。 Therefore, although they do not dare in the surface to reveal anything discontented and resentment, but in the heart, felt some Li Zhihuo this behavior absences of consideration unavoidably. 于是,虽然他们不敢面上显露出什么不满与怨气,但心中,却难免觉得李知火此次的行为有些欠缺考虑了。 Li Zhihuo detected discontented that in some Dragon Blood Guard member vision contains, the complexion was even more cloudy, this time goes for wool and comes back shorn seriously, even also made him the prestige in Dragon Blood Guard come under some influences. 李知火察觉到一些龙血卫成员目光中蕴含的一丝不满,脸色愈发的阴沉了,此次当真是偷鸡不成蚀把米,甚至还令得他在龙血卫中的威望都是受到了一些影响。 Li Luo commands, that hopes three days later on hele star stage, you really have the star beads of enough strength refining four health/guard, can not complete when the time comes, dragon essence that this succeeds in obtaining must draw back.” 李洛统领,那就希望三天后的界河落星台上,你真有足够的力气提炼四卫的星珠吧,别到时候完不成,这到手的龙精还得退回去。” If so, I must report the report to come up, said you to be opportunistic, cheating treasure house.” “如果是这样的话,那我可得禀报上去,说你投机取巧,诈骗宝库了。” Li Zhihuo cloudy throwing down a few words, then do not want excessively to stay finally much, wields the sleeve to turn around to depart directly. 李知火最终阴沉沉的丢下一句话,然后再不想过多停留,直接挥袖转身离去。 Dragon Blood Guard person, is dingy follows to leave. 龙血卫的人,也是灰溜溜的跟着离开。 Looks back that Li Zhihuo they are departing, Li Foluo is also the brow slightly wrinkle, is asking to Li Luo: „Do you really have confidence? The star beads of refining four health/guard, this consumes living of strength extremely, you were only the refining Dragon Tooth Guard star bead are some strength used up before, helped three health/guard again, really could endure?” 望着李知火他们离去的背影,李佛罗也是眉头微皱,对着李洛问道:“你真的有把握吗?提炼四卫的星珠,这是极其消耗力量的活,你们之前只是提炼龙牙卫的星珠就已是有些力竭,再帮三卫,真的吃得消?” At this time other three health/guard members, are all filling with the anticipation, but if Li Luo cannot meet the requirements when the time comes, this anticipation will change into disappointedly, therefore Li Luo was held at this time high, when the time comes falls sorely. 此时其他的三卫成员,皆是满怀着期待,可如果到时候李洛未能达到要求,这份期待就会化为失望,所以李洛此时被捧得多高,到时候摔得就有多疼。 Welcomes the vision that Li Foluo is worrying about, Li Luo smiles. 迎着李佛罗担忧的目光,李洛笑了笑。 Three days later tried to know.” “三天后试试就知道了。”
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