KOMI :: Volume #14

#1301: Earns the dragon essence method

Presence of Li Luo, will present more vision to attract actually, the projection that the one after another line of sight has a relish comes, they want to know, actually Li Luo has what energy, unexpectedly here dares to spout rhetoric must by six ten thousand dragon essence prices, this " victoria regia real ichor " from Dragon Blood Guard buying. 李洛的出场,倒是将在场更多的目光吸引了过来,一道道视线饶有兴致的投射而来,他们很想知道,李洛究竟有什么底气,竟然敢在这里大放厥词的要以六万龙精的价格,将这「玉莲真灵液」从龙血卫那边给买下来。 After all now Heavenly Dragon's five guards who does not know, Li Luo because of previously " king bead " matter, already buy on credit dragon essence, but in these two months, Jiang Qing'e to help repay a debt, but received many extremely bad risk duties. 毕竟如今天龙五卫谁人不知,李洛因为此前「王珠」的事情,已经赊欠了一屁股的龙精,而这两个月内,姜青娥为了帮忙还债,可是接取了不少极为凶险的任务。 But now, Li Luo says six ten thousand dragon essence brave words, actually does this from where pull out? 而现在,李洛又是放出六万龙精的豪言,这究竟从哪掏? Continues the buy on credit? Dragon Blood Guard will perhaps not agree, even if this matter made Li Jingzhe there, feared that did not occupy the principle. 继续赊欠?龙血卫恐怕不会同意,此事就算闹到了李惊蛰那里,怕是也不占理。 But is welcoming the vision of these suspicions, Li Luo is the complexion is invariable, but is saying with a smile to Li Zhihuo: " You first can I pull out six ten thousand dragon essence leave alone, if I can pull out, this " victoria regia real ichor " you don't give? " 而迎着那些怀疑的目光,李洛却是面色不变,只是对着李知火笑道:「你先别管我能不能掏出六万龙精,如果我能掏出来,这「玉莲真灵液」你是给不给?」 The Li Zhihuo brow slightly wrinkle, Li Luo this attitude made his some doubt actually, but the previous words had said that now the people look, he was not naturally good to renege on a promise . Moreover, he did not think that Li Luo can pull out such big dragon essence. 李知火眉头微皱,李洛这副态度倒是令得他有些狐疑,但先前话已经说了出去,如今众人都看着,他自然也不好反悔,况且,他也并不觉得李洛能够掏出这么大一笔龙精来。 " You can pull out six ten thousand dragon essence, I will certainly hand over victoria regia real ichor as promised " " , but I first reminded you, not buy on credit, handed over dragon essence generally single-handedly, handed over the ichor single-handedly. " Li Zhihuo said. 「你能掏出六万龙精,我当然会如约交出「玉莲真灵液」,不过我先提醒你,概不赊欠,一手交龙精,一手交灵液。」李知火说道。 " That is good. " Li Luo nods. 「那就好。」李洛点点头。 Li Zhihuo is staring at Li Luo, said: " You pull out actually dragon essence. " 李知火盯着李洛,道:「那你倒是把龙精掏出来啊。」 Li Luo shakes the head, said: " Now does not have. " 李洛摇头,道:「现在还没。」 Li Zhihuo complexion slightly cold, said: " Do you play us? " 李知火脸色微冷,道:「你耍我们?」 The 5 guards members of many other surrounding also spread the talking in whispers sound, if Li Luo is really is playing jokes upon the person, that was seems somewhat does not have the pattern. 其他众多围观的五卫成员也是传出窃窃私语声,李洛如果真是在戏耍人,那就是显得有些没格局了。 " No rush, waited to have. " 「别急,等会就有了。」 Li Luo smiles, then he takes a step to move toward crowd one suddenly, there has one to wear the white skirt, the makings are clear, a beautiful pupil as if woof Chunshui attractive female, but do not look at a latter delicate appearance, but she is actually Dragon Scale Guard Guardian Honorable, Li Tingyue. 李洛笑了笑,然后他突然迈步走向人群一处,那里有一名身穿白裙,气质清纯娇媚,美眸仿佛一汪春水的漂亮女子,不过别看后者一副柔弱的模样,可她却是龙鳞卫卫尊,李庭月。 But Li Tingyue was watching the fun, looks at Li Luo directly to walk, is somewhat strange, simultaneously smiles saying: " Li Luo commands, you will not plan that asks me to borrow dragon essence? " 而李庭月本来是在看热闹,瞧得李洛径直走来,也是有些奇怪,同时微笑道:「李洛统领,你不会打算找我借龙精吧?」 Li Tingyue and Li Luo have no friendship, therefore she does not plan to involve conflict between Dragon Tooth Guard and Dragon Blood Guard. 李庭月与李洛并没有什么交情,所以她也并不打算介入龙牙卫龙血卫之间的争端。 " Courtyard moon/month Guardian Honorable, has a business, doesn't know you interested? " Li Luo said with a smile. 「庭月卫尊,有个生意,不知道你有没有兴趣?」李洛笑道。 Everyone hears word are doubts of face, Li Foluo, Li Zhihuo do not know that actually Li Luo wants to make what, what business can he have to discuss with Dragon Scale Guard? 所有人闻言都是一脸的疑惑,李佛罗,李知火也是不知道李洛究竟想要做什么,他能有什么生意跟龙鳞卫去谈? " Also asked Li Luo to command the clear words. " Li Tingyue has doubts to ask. 「还请李洛统领明言。」李庭月疑惑问道。 " Next hele star stage, three days will open, as far as I know, Dragon Scale Guard each time refining star bead on hele star stage, average about 60,000? " Li Luo asked. 「下次的界河落星台,还有三天就会开启,据我所知,龙鳞卫每次在界河落星台上提炼的星珠,平均在六万枚左右吧?」李洛问道。 Li Tingyue nods slightly. 李庭月微微颔首。 Li Luo said with a smile: " Our Dragon Tooth Guard previously refining had/left 260,000 star beads. " 李洛笑道:「我们龙牙卫此前提炼出了二十六万枚星珠。」 Li Tingyue just wants saying that this she knows, but this has what relations with her, but changes mind thinks, Li Luo was also insufficient to speak these idle talk at this time with her, therefore his goal was... to think somewhere, Li Tingyue heart jumped suddenly. 李庭月刚想说这个她知道,不过这跟她有什么关系,但转念一想,李洛也不至于在这个时候与她说这些废话,所以他的目的是…想到某处,李庭月心头突然一跳。 Has not needed she to ask, Li Luo is the driving opens the mouth, said: " My business is, on the next hele star stage, I and sister Qing'e help your Dragon Scale Guard refining star bead time, I ensure can have 160,000 star beads for your refining, naturally, you need to pay the reward, are not many, three ten thousand dragon essence on line. " 还不待她开口询问,李洛便是主动开口,道:「我的生意就是,下一次的界河落星台上,我与青娥姐帮你们龙鳞卫提炼星珠,我保证能够为你们提炼出十六万枚星珠,当然,你们需要付出报酬,不多,三万龙精就行。」 As Li Luo this words spread, all around also some atmosphere of clamoring immediately became peaceful. 随着李洛此话传出,四周原本还有些喧哗的气氛顿时变得安静了许多。 Next flickers, has the tumult sound suddenly crack. 下一瞬,陡然有骚动声炸响。 Especially these are the Dragon Scale Guard member, complexions excited, 160,000 star beads? This is enough about three times of promotion, if really can refining have so many star beads, their cultivation progress can also become quickly. 特别是那些属于龙鳞卫的成员,一个个脸色都激动了起来,十六万枚星珠?这可是足足近三倍的提升,如果真能提炼出这么多的星珠,那他们的修炼进展也能够变得更快。 Present Boundary River Territory, the ghost fog arrives, the boundary river treasure territory will soon open , more fearful Black Rain Ghost Tribulation, can therefore enhance one point of strength at this time, then can many one point live in the future 如今的界河域,鬼雾降临,界河宝域即将开启,还有之后更为可怕的黑雨鬼劫,所以此时能够多提升一分实力,那么未来就能够多一分生 Saved safeguard. 存的保障。 But every month the cultivation on hele star stage, may resist their common time big half a month the self-torture. 而每个月界河落星台上的修炼,可抵挡他们寻常时候大半月的苦修。 The Dragon Scale Guard member has not thought, they were watching the fun, but this matter has some relations with them now suddenly. 龙鳞卫的成员也没想到,原本他们都是在看热闹,可如今突然间这事情就跟他们有了一些关系。 refining has 160,000 star beads, this is the good deed that benefits each Dragon Scale Guard member, therefore these three ten thousand dragon essence, has the justifiable reason to pay by everyone together. 提炼出十六万枚星珠,这是惠及每一个龙鳞卫成员的好事,所以这三万龙精,也有着名正言顺的理由由所有人共同支付。 This shares, was actually equivalent to everyone to pay three dragon essence, can obtain an experience better falling star stage cultivation. 这分摊下来,其实相当于每个人就付出了三枚龙精,就能够获得一次体验更好的落星台修炼。 This is an extremely cost-effective business! 这是一个极其划算的买卖! At this moment, surroundings these Dragon Scale Guard members looked that becomes to the eye of Li Luo bright. 这一刻,周围那些龙鳞卫成员看向李洛的眼睛都变得明亮起来。 This buddy is a talent! 这哥们是个天才啊! But Li Foluo, Li Zhihuo and others were also shocked, but can also play?! Can dragon essence also gain?! 李佛罗,李知火等其他人也是愣住了,还能这么玩?!龙精还能这么赚?! That Dragon Scale Guard Guardian Honorable Li Tingyue was also out of sorts several breaths, then just now sobers in the sound that the Dragon Scale Guard member is in a tumult behind, her pupil light moves slightly, said: " The idea that Li Luo commands has the creativity very much, but I remember for several months ago you after helping Dragon Tooth Guard refining had/left 260,000 star beads, the condition has somewhat felt weak, can this also help our Dragon Scale Guard refining star bead? " 龙鳞卫卫尊李庭月也是失神了数息,然后方才在身后龙鳞卫成员骚动的声音中清醒过来,她眸光微动,道:「李洛统领的想法很有创意,不过我记得几个月前你们在帮龙牙卫提炼出了二十六万枚星珠后,状态已是有些乏力,这样还能帮我们龙鳞卫提炼星珠?」 The Li Luo smile said: " You also know, that is several months ago. " 李洛微笑道:「你也知道,那是几个月前。」 Present he and Jiang Qing'e, several months ago was stronger, especially he, evolves now heavenly dragon resonance, the overall strength obtained the large scale promotion. 如今的他与姜青娥,都比几个月前更强了,特别是他,如今还进化出了天龙相,整体实力都是获得了大幅度的提升。 Li Tingyue hears word, looked that cannot help but became to the Li Luo look bright, simultaneously the smile of her lip angle became beautiful: " Li Luo commands, can't these three ten thousand dragon essence prices cheap? Your this earned were too rather many. " 李庭月闻言,看向李洛的眼神不由得变得明亮了一些,同时她唇角的笑容变得明媚起来:「李洛统领,这三万龙精的价格就不能便宜点?你这赚得未免太多了一些。」 Li Luo sighed: " Sells the coolie, courtyard moon/month Guardian Honorable do not squeeze me. " 李洛叹道:「都是卖苦力的,庭月卫尊就不要压榨我了吧。」 Li Tingyue said with a smile: " Can that promote to 200,000 star beads? From you Dragon Tooth Guard refining quantity, 200,000 pairs of you should not be the difficult matter, but our Dragon Scale Guard cultivation also very difficult, you when helps us. " 李庭月笑吟吟的道:「那能不能提升到二十万星珠呢?从你们在龙牙卫提炼的数量来看,二十万对你们应该不是难事,而我们龙鳞卫修炼也很艰苦的呢,你就当帮帮我们。」 Li Luo shakes the head decisively, said: " Why courtyard moon/month Guardian Honorable is calculating, I first look for you, is mainly because our two health/guard relate, therefore gave your advantage. " 李洛断然摇头,道:「庭月卫尊何必斤斤计较,我先找上你们,主要是因为咱们两卫关系好,所以才给了你们这份好处。」 Li Tingyue saw that this fellow oil salt does not enter, half does not draw back, is some teeth is itchy, this boy earned was also too smooth, three ten thousand dragon essence, she, still wanted such as old ox diligently more than half a year even, can collect. 李庭月见到这家伙油盐不进,半步不退,也是有些牙痒痒,这小子赚得也太顺利了,三万龙精啊,就算是她,也要如老牛般努力大半年,才能够凑齐。 Although this dragon essence she will definitely not come, but directs the person heart not peaceful graduated arm unavoidably. " Courtyard moon/month Guardian Honorable, if hesitates, I first do look for other health/guard to ask? " Li Luo said with a smile. 虽说这份龙精肯定不会她一个人来出,但还是难免引人心头不太平衡。「庭月卫尊如果犹豫,那我就先找其他卫问问?」李洛笑道。 His saying, Li Tingyue has not spoken, it behind Dragon Scale Guard member has been in a tumult, Dragon Scale Guard Leader hears Xuan hurried to draw Li Tingyue, hinted her do not haggle over these small details. 他这话一出,李庭月还没说话,其身后的龙鳞卫成员就已经骚动起来,那龙鳞卫大统领闻萱赶紧拉了拉李庭月,示意她就不要计较这些小细节了。 If really broke off conversation this matter, perhaps Dragon Scale Guard member, heart a little small resentment. 如果真把这事情谈崩了,恐怕龙鳞卫成员,心头都会有点小怨气。 After all this benefits their important matters. 毕竟这是惠及他们所有人的大事。 Li Tingyue sees that knows them radically not with the Li Luo bargaining power, therefore said with a smile hastily: " Okay, depends on you, three ten thousand dragon essence, if Li Luo commands unable to complete when the time comes, perhaps is unable to subside the popular anger. " 李庭月见状,知晓他们根本就没有与李洛的议价权,于是连忙笑道:「好好,就依你,三万龙精,不过如果到时候李洛统领无法完成,恐怕无法平息众怒哦。」 " Does not have the issue. " 「没问题。」 Li Luo should, then say: " First to dragon essence. " 李洛一口应下,然后道:「先给龙精。」 Hesitation that this request, Li Tingyue has no actually, moreover she also understands, Li Luo does this, is urgently needed dragon essence, will go to " victoria regia real ichor " to exchange. 这个要求,李庭月倒是没有任何的犹豫,而且她也明白,李洛搞这一出,就是急需龙精,去将「玉莲真灵液」兑换到手。 Therefore she takes out Guardian Honorable token, transferred three ten thousand dragon essence directly. 于是她取出卫尊令牌,直接是将三万龙精转了过去。 Li Luo smiles receives, then under the gaze of that full house vision, smiling moved toward Dragon Bone Guard Guardian Honorable, Li Jushen. 李洛满脸笑容的接下,然后又是在那满场目光的注视下,笑眯眯的走向了龙骨卫卫尊,李巨神。 This he said time simply. 这一次他就说得简单了。 " Three ten thousand dragon essence, don't 160,000 star beads, do dry/does? " 「三万龙精,十六万枚星珠,干不干?」 Li Jushen is stroking gently the chin, his character compared with Li Tingyue simple, direct nod. 李巨神摩挲着下巴,他的性格就比李庭月更为的干脆,直接点头。 " Does! " 「干!」 Also is three ten thousand dragon essence succeeds in obtaining. 又是三万龙精到手。 Therefore these six ten thousand dragon essence, succeeded in obtaining by Li Luo relaxed doing like this. 于是这六万龙精,就这样被李洛轻轻松松的搞到了手。 That Li Zhihuo complexion directly becomes with the bottom of the pot general black, simultaneously in his eye raised some startled anger, because he fears was not Li Luo earns six ten thousand dragon essence, but was Li Luo, if really can help the harvests of other health/guard promotion star beads, then this boy, will become in Heavenly Dragon's five guards surely the hottest person! 李知火的脸色直接变得跟锅底一般的黑,同时他的眼中升起了一些惊怒,因为他怕的不是李洛赚取到了六万龙精,而是李洛如果真能够帮其他卫提升星珠的收获,那么这小子,必定将会成为天龙五卫中最为炙手可热的人! When the time comes, perhaps in various health/guard member eyes, their these Guardian Honorable, did not even have Li Luo to be important! 到时候,在各卫成员眼中,恐怕连他们这些卫尊,都没李洛重要了! But in the vision of Li Zhihuo startled anger, Li Luo collected in full six ten thousand dragon essence, has not actually stopped, instead moved toward Dragon Horn Guard Guardian Honorable, Li Boyuan. 而在李知火惊怒的目光中,李洛收齐了六万龙精,却并未停止,反而又是走向了龙角卫卫尊,李泊远。 " Perhaps park Yuan Guardian Honorable, this time hele star stage too, how many strengths could not remain to your here exactly, therefore can only safeguard 120,000 star beads for you, collects fees two ten thousand dragon essence, does? " Li Luo said with a smile. 「泊远卫尊,这次的界河落星台活太多了,到你们这里恐怕剩不了多少的力气了,所以只能为你们保障十二万枚星珠,收费两万龙精,做不做?」李洛笑道。 Li Boyuan hears word some are not glad immediately, said: " Why on our 120,000 star beads, shuts out our Dragon Horn Guard unable to give dragon essence? Or we have four ten thousand dragon essence, you first help our Dragon Horn Guard refining. " 李泊远闻言顿时有些不乐意了,道:「为什么就我们十二万星珠,嫌弃我们龙角卫给不起龙精吗?要不我们出四万龙精,你先帮我们龙角卫提炼。」 " Li Boyuan does, you want dead?! " 「李泊远,你想死吗?!」 Such remarks, that makings clear charming Li Tingyue direct willow eyebrows but actually have been vertical, eyeful baleful aura throws, does this bastard, dare the breeding confusion market unexpectedly? This first opens, can that also? 此话一出,那一直气质清纯娇媚的李庭月直接柳眉倒竖,满眼煞气的投来,这个混蛋,竟然敢搞乱市场?这个头一开,那还得了? " Li Boyuan, you do not do the matter! " Dragon Bone Guard Li Ju god Guardian Honorable is also the serious say/way. 「李泊远,你别搞事!」龙骨卫的李巨神卫尊也是严肃的道。 Was threatened by two people, Li Boyuan helpless curling the lip, said: " Good, 120,000 120,000, the next hele star stage, Li Luo commands must first look for our Dragon Horn Guard. " " Thanks for the compliment. " 被两人威胁,李泊远无奈的撇撇嘴,道:「好吧,十二万就十二万,不过下次的界河落星台,李洛统领一定要先找我们龙角卫。」「好说好说。」 Li Luo with a laugh should, accept two ten thousand dragon essence that Li Boyuan transferred simultaneously. 李洛笑呵呵的应下,同时收下了李泊远转来的两万龙精 He then turning around however, has leisurely 80,000 great sums of money, in Jiang Qing'e, Li Hongyou, Li Fengyi under they somewhat dumbfounded gaze, walked. 他这才施施然的转身,怀揣着八万巨款,在姜青娥,李红柚,李凤仪她们有些目瞪口呆的注视下,走了回来。 Moreover vision that the most important thing is, all around these health/guard watched the fun, in this time was to also become extremely blazing, complex. 而且最重要的是,原本四周那些各卫看热闹的目光,在此时也是变得极其炽热,复杂了起来。 At this moment, Li Luo as if becomes in Heavenly Dragon's five guards the most popular man. 这一刻,李洛仿佛成为了天龙五卫中最受欢迎的男人。 Free reading. 免费阅读.
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