KOMI :: Volume #13

#1300: Victoria regia real ichor

Sudden arrival of Li Zhihuo, makes Jiang Qing'e, Li Hongyou they stopped the footsteps, slightly what lets person accident is, this Li Zhihuo, planned seduces Li Hongyou unexpectedly by victoria regia real ichor. 李知火的突然到来,也是令得姜青娥,李红柚她们停下了脚步,只不过让得人稍微意外的是,这李知火,竟然是打算以“玉莲真灵液”来诱惑李红柚 Before this is, hard is not good, starts softly? 这是之前硬的不行,就开始来软的了? Li Zhihuo Guardian Honorable, you are really have not lost heart.” Li Fengyi ill-humoredly said. 李知火卫尊,你们真是还不死心呢。”李凤仪没好气的道 Although Li Fengyi in Dragon Tooth Guard is only small hundred health/guard, but really must discuss the status background, actually does not know that is higher than many Li Zhihuo, therefore during spoken languages also no hospitable air/Qi. Li Zhihuo faces the taunt of Li Fengyi to be light smiles, said: Hongyou, world all compare their future, had thisvictoria regia real ichor, you break through to Duke Realm can cast nine column duke platform, such talent 虽然李凤仪龙牙卫中只是一个小小的百卫,但真要论起身份背景,却不知道比李知火高多少,所以言语间也没什么好客气的。李知火面对着李凤仪的嘲讽只是淡淡一笑,道:“红柚,世间一切都比不过自身的前途,有了这“玉莲真灵液”,你突破到封侯境就能够铸就九柱封侯台,此等天赋 , Even in our Dragon Blood Guard is still top, I know that you have deep grievances with the linnet, in the future will have the opportunity, I will even make the fair showdown to you, making you finish this grievances. ” ,即便是在我们龙血卫中也算是顶尖,我知道你与红雀有很深的恩怨,往后有机会了,我甚至会给你制造公平的对决,让你们了却这份恩怨。” Side Li Zhihuo, the Li Hongque complexion is gloomy, vision bitterly is staring at Li Hongyou, but she has not said anything after all, obviously Li Zhihuo had previously given to level her. 李知火身旁,李红雀脸色阴沉,目光恨恨的盯着李红柚,但她终归是没开口说什么,显然李知火此前已经将她这边给摆平了。 Li Hongyou is going to break through to the Duke Realm matter, has spread over in 5 guards, once really breaks through the success, then function of Li Hongyou in Dragon Tooth Guard will become extremely important. 李红柚将要突破到封侯境的事情,早已在五卫传遍,而一旦真的突破成功,那么李红柚龙牙卫中的作用将会变得极为重要。 Promotion of Duke Realm, no small matter. This matter even also passed to the ear of Li Jiluo in Heavenly Dragon City guards, this is position of dragon blood lineage in Heavenly Dragon City is highest, strength strongest person, moreover he has been regarded as next generation dragon blood lineage lineage chief, its prestige in entire 封侯境的提升,非同小可。这件事甚至还传到了在天龙城内驻守的李极罗的耳中,这一位是龙血脉天龙城内地位最高,实力最强的人,而且他已被视为下一代龙血脉脉首,其威名在整 Heavenly Origin Divine Province is extremely resounding. 天元神州都是极为响亮。 Therefore Li Jiluo hints, the dragon blood lineage Heaven's Chosen, best probably draw. 所以李极罗示意,龙血脉的天骄,最好还是要收拢回来。 Had this hint, the bonus is in the Li Hongque heart discontented, but does not dare to say anything, can only coordinate. 有了这位的示意,饶是李红雀心中不满,但也不敢说什么,只能配合。 But is facing tempting between Li Zhihuo spoken languages, the Li Hongyou look is actually and does not have any fluctuation, she besides just started to look in a Li Zhihuo hand victoria regia real ichor, did not throw more than half point attention again. 而面对着李知火言语间的引诱,李红柚神色却是并没有任何的变幻,她除了刚开始看了一眼李知火手中的“玉莲真灵液”外,就再未曾投去过半点关注。 Li Zhihuo, you must dig the person extremely is also petty, either you give in vain, can your also compensate dragon essence finally is what's the matter?” As here sound is too big, together the sneering sound is also sudden resounding. 李知火,你要挖人也太过小家子气了,要么你就白送,你这最后还要补偿龙精又是个怎么回事?”随着这边动静太大,一道冷笑声也是突然的响起。 The people separate, see only Li Foluo to lead the person to walk, vision bad is staring at Li Zhihuo. 众人分开,只见得李佛罗带着人走来,目光不善的盯着李知火 He has not thought actually, this Li Zhihuo meets under big crowd of people unexpectedly, directly in order to help seducing their people. 他倒是没想到,这李知火竟然会大庭广众下,直接以利诱惑他们的人。 Li Zhihuo looked at Li Foluo one, said: „It is not I am petty, is only the custom so, moreover I had not said that will make the Hongyou full rate make up, at the appointed time only needs a flow is.” 李知火看了李佛罗一眼,道:“不是我小家子气,只是规矩如此,而且我也没说会让红柚全价补上,到时只需要走个流程便是。” Li Foluo cold sound said: I, no matter your wishful thinkings, but you tempt our Dragon Tooth Guard person, but somewhat violated the 5 guards custom, did you believe me to consider Li Jingzhe lineage chief there directly?” The Li Zhihuo look is actually invariable, said: „ Li Foluo, had words you to speak incorrectly, the Li Hongyou strict sense, is not considered as that your Dragon Tooth Guard person, her body is flowing the blood of dragon blood lineage, this matter, made to lineage chief that side even 李佛罗冷声道:“我不管你这些小心思,不过你这么引诱我们龙牙卫的人,可是有些违反五卫的规矩了,你信不信我直接告到李惊蛰脉首那里去?”李知火神色却是不变,道:“李佛罗,有句话你说错了,李红柚严格意义来说,并不算是你们龙牙卫的人,她身上流淌着龙血脉的血,这事,就算是闹到脉首那边 Goes, we have not been in the wrong. ” 去,我们也没有理亏。” Other people of health/guard are also watching the fun in the surroundings, they discovered , since Li Luo brings Li Hongyou is arriving at Dragon Tooth Guard, as if even the pleasure becomes more. Li Zhihuo does not pay attention to Li Foluo, looks again to Li Hongyou, warm sound said: „ Hongyou, you after all are our dragon blood lineage person, you should also think for your future, how? You are young, does not need for some passing grievances 其他各卫的人也是在周围看着热闹,他们发现自从李洛带着李红柚来到龙牙卫后,似乎连乐子都变得更多了。李知火也不理会李佛罗,再次看向李红柚,温声道:“红柚,你终归是我们龙血脉的人,你也应该为你的未来想想,如何?你还年轻,没必要为了一些过往的恩怨 Oneself will ruin. ” 将自己葬送。” Li Hongyou indifferently said: My future, looks for the Li Hongque father and daughter's trouble.” 李红柚淡淡的道:“我的未来,就是找李红雀父女的麻烦。” Li Hongque saw that Li Hongyou dares to direct on her the fire, immediately cannot endure patiently, sneers saying: Dares is so impolite to the father and eldest sister, seriously is the unfilial thing.” 李红雀见到李红柚敢把火引到她身上,顿时忍耐不住,冷笑道:“敢对父亲与长姐如此无礼,当真是不孝的东西。” Li Hongyou said: I in Dragon Tooth Guard, which will not go, I like looking that your regards me for eye-sore, is actually the appearance that has no alternative.” 李红柚道:“我就在龙牙卫,哪都不会去,我就喜欢看你这副视我为眼中钉,却是无可奈何的模样。” Li Hongque hears word, ten fingers grips tightly, the back of the hand skin grips turns white, obviously heart violent anger. 李红雀闻言,十指紧握,手背皮肤都攥得发白,显然心头暴怒。 Ok, Li Zhihuo, you can walk, do not waste the time here.” Li. ” The Li Foluo opens the mouth, wanted to end this farce. “好了,李知火,你可以走了,不要在这里白费功夫了。”李了。”李佛罗开口,想要结束这场闹剧。 Li Zhihuo is unemotional, he actually also knows is this result, but Li Jiluo has spoken, he naturally must be potential achievement, at present tempts the failure, had the reason of reporting on accomplishments. Since you hold to read such depth, that did not have the means that thisvictoria regia real ichor agreed with you extremely, if lost today's opportunity, perhaps you will unable to obtain it in the future. ” The Li Zhihuo sound also slit 李知火面无表情,他其实也知道是这个结果,但李极罗说过话,他自然也是要有所作为,眼下引诱失败,也算是有了交差的理由。“既然你执念如此之深,那就没办法了,这“玉莲真灵液”原本与你极为契合,若是失去了今日的机会,或许你往后再也得不到它了。”李知火声音也是冷淡了下来 . Simply put, contains a threat, obviously Li Zhihuo will not make this thing fall to the hand of Li Hongyou. 言下之意,蕴含着一丝威胁,显然李知火并不会让此物落到李红柚的手中。 On their Dragon Blood Guard hands over foundation building Spirit Treasure of treasure house, has three months of first exchange power, therefore wants in this deadline, they trade by three ten thousand dragon essence prices, then Li Hongyou do not want to go well. 他们龙血卫上交到宝库的筑基灵宝,拥有着三个月的优先兑换权,所以只要在这个期限内,他们以三万龙精的价格换走,那么李红柚就别想得手。 The Li Foluo look sinks, said: Li Zhihuo, thisvictoria regia real ichor is agreeing with auxiliary resonance's nature foundation building Spirit Treasure, you resulted in the use is not big! ” Nearby Jiang Qing'e is also the pupil light slightly cold, she also planned after and other Dragon Blood Guard first periods pass by, then find the way to collect a number of dragon essence are Li Hongyou receive in exchange for this thing, recently the 5 guards high-level duty were many, although bad risk, but reward 李佛罗眼神一沉,道:“李知火,这“玉莲真灵液”是契合辅助型相性筑基灵宝,你们得了也用处不大!”一旁的姜青娥也是眸光微冷,她原本还打算等龙血卫的优先期过去后,再想办法凑一批龙精李红柚换取此物,最近五卫的高级任务不少,虽说凶险,但报酬也 Is extremely high. 是极高。 Even, could king bead take out she lays aside in Li Jingzhe there, looks whether to exchange dragon essence, received exchange for this victoria regia real ichor. 甚至,或许可以将她放置在李惊蛰那里的“王珠”取出,看能否兑换龙精,换取这“玉莲真灵液”。 But, Li Zhihuo does not plan to give them at present this opportunity. 可眼下来看,李知火并不打算给他们这个机会。 „That not work you took the trouble.” “那就不劳你费心了。” Li Zhihuo not salty not pale say/way: Moreover under you care, then on the present natural pulls out six ten thousand dragon essence to come out, buys gift Li Hongyou this thing ahead of time, didn't that satisfy both sides?” Li Foluo stagnates, his one year of salary carries out the task in addition, finally attains is also several tens of thousands of dragon essence, moreover he will purchase foundation building Spirit Treasure as well as other cultivation materials and equipment every year, therefore he is a time clan, suddenly no 李知火不咸不淡的道:“而且你这么关心属下,那就现在大方的掏六万龙精出来,将此物提前买下赠予李红柚,那不就是两全其美了?”李佛罗一滞,他一年俸禄加上执行任务,最终所获也就是数万龙精,而且他自身每年都会购置筑基灵宝以及其他的修炼资材,所以他就是一个年光族,一时间不 Possibly pulls out six ten thousand dragon essence. Guardian Honorable does not need to be prodded by him, thisvictoria regia real ichor, although good, but between nine column duke platform and eight column duke platform do not have the too big disparity, I also do not have the ambition of that pursue limit, therefore only needs to seek middle grade to build the base spirit together 可能掏出六万龙精来。“卫尊不必受他激将,这“玉莲真灵液”虽好,但九柱封侯台和八柱封侯台间也没有太大的差距,我又没有那种追求极限的野心,所以只需要谋求一道中品筑基灵 The treasure, is well satisfied. ” Li Hongyou the opens the mouth, comforts Li Foluo at this time. 宝,就已心满意足。”李红柚此时开口,安抚李佛罗 Li Foluo gets angry, the Li Hongyou natural talent is also uncommon, lower ninth grade Scarlet Heart Vermilion Fruit resonance, was stronger than initially a head him, when if in breaking through leaves behind the flaw to Duke Realm, that will also affect the foundation. 李佛罗黑着脸,李红柚自身天资也是不凡,下九品赤心朱果相,比他当初都强一头,所以如果在突破到封侯境时留下缺陷,那也会影响自身根基。 This was true is a pity. 这就属实太可惜了。 It seems like Li Foluo Guardian Honorable cannot pull out this dragon essence, such being the case, that has not given you on me no wonder the opportunity.” Li Zhihuo sees that the corners of the mouth appear wipe the ridicule, then must the hand in victoria regia real ichor receiving. “看来李佛罗卫尊掏不出这份龙精,既然如此,那也就怪不得我没给你机会了。”李知火见状,嘴角浮现一抹嘲弄,然后就要将手中的“玉莲真灵液”给收起。 However, in this time, the sound, is actually suddenly in the crowd resounds together. 不过,也就是在此时,一道声音,却是陡然的在人群中响起。 Wait, six ten thousand dragon essence?” “等等,六万龙精是吗?” Gives me to wrap, I wanted.” “给我包起来,我要了。” The surroundings many 5 guards members is a face are all astonished, the direction projection that the sound that the vision follows conveys goes, then sees the Li Luo leisurely cutting crowd however, walks into the field. 周围众多五卫成员皆是一脸惊愕,目光顺着的声音传来的方向投射而去,然后就见到李洛施施然的划开人群,走入场内。 Li Luo? Did you go out?” 李洛?你出关了?” Jiang Qing'e, Li Hongyou they see Li Luo to come, is somewhat cannot help but pleasantly surprised, after all the latter two months has not made an appearance. 姜青娥,李红柚他们见到李洛现身,则是不由得有些惊喜,毕竟后者已经两个月没露面了。 Li Luo is smiling nodding the head, then looks to that Li Zhihuo, said: Six ten thousand dragon essence, Li Zhihuo won't Guardian Honorable mean what he says?” 李洛微笑着颔首,然后看向那李知火,道:“六万龙精,李知火卫尊不会说话不算话吧?” Li Zhihuo looked at Li Luo, the brow was wrinkling, at once indifferently said: Li Luo, I have no interest in wasting the time with you, as far as I know, you owe dragon essence now, six ten thousand dragon essence where comes?” 李知火望着李洛,眉头微皱了一下,旋即淡淡的道:“李洛,我没兴趣与你白费功夫,据我所知,你如今欠了一屁股龙精,哪来的六万龙精?” Is it possible that do you also want the buy on credit our Dragon Blood Guard?” “莫非,你还想在我们龙血卫这边赊欠吗?” Hears this words, some surroundings people laugh to make noise. 听得此话,周围有人哄笑出声。 Li Foluo they are also some doubts, because they were also clear, perhaps in Li Luo this time pocket, must the light be whiter than his face. 李佛罗他们也是有些疑惑,因为他们也都清楚,李洛此时的兜里,恐怕比他的脸还要更光更白。 Six ten thousand dragon essence, where does he pull out?( Li Jiluo is dragon blood lineage Golden Blood Courtyard great courtyard master, Li Foluo is Dragon Tooth Guard Guardian Honorable, name is a little similar, everyone do not do confusion.) 六万龙精,他从哪里掏?(李极罗龙血脉金血院大院主,李佛罗龙牙卫卫尊,名字有点相似,大家不要搞混淆了。)
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