Bilbohas not thought that some daywill also step onto the ratioto submerge the isolated hillbad risk a path.
比尔博从来没有想到过,有一天自己还会走上比潜入孤山更为凶险的一条道路。Theyhave no longer hidden the form, butsteps onto the endvolcanodirectly. The demonare manyallarmiesto be dispatchedblackplain, resists the offensive of allied armies, allabstentionsflyspiritto the blackgate, withgreateagledogfight. Oncemonitoredentiredemonmanyevileyesalsoto look at the northnow, observedthatto makeitfeel that the personsovereignandSorcerer of threat, have not detectedslightly, severaldeterminedHuobitepeople, are bringingitslong-awaitedtreasure, walked intodemonmanycoresstep by step.
他们早已不再隐蔽身影,而是径直走上末日火山。魔多所有的部队都被派往乌顿平原,抵挡联军的攻势,所有的戒灵飞向黑门上空,与巨鹰缠斗。曾经监视整个魔多的邪眼如今也望着北方,观察着那令它感到威胁的人皇与巫师,丝毫没有察觉到,有几个意志坚定的霍比特人,正带着它梦寐以求的宝物,一步步走入魔多的核心。Beforearriving here, arrived in the person of thislandsto describe the appearance of destinationtothem. Thatistoendvolcanointernalcave, in a caveseems like a trestlerockcorridor, tointernallava river, underisdozensmetershighcliff, supremeLord of the Ringsinendforging of rockcorridor.
在来到这里之前,曾经抵达过这片土地的人向他们描述了目的地的模样。那是一座通往末日火山内部的山洞,山洞内像是一条栈桥般的岩石长廊,通往内部的熔岩河,下方是数十米高的悬崖,至尊魔戒就在岩石长廊的尽头锻造而成。With the highrise, the pitch of endvolcanois getting more and more steep. Onthesehillsidescovered entirely the ruggedprecipiceandremains the warmvolcanic ash.
随着高度的上升,末日火山的斜坡越来越陡峭。这些山坡上布满了崎岖的山岩和残留着温热的火山灰。„Therehas a war!”
The mountainthumb the blackplain of distant placeis shouting: „Halfbeastpersonand anyone hit!”
山姆指着远方的乌顿平原喊道:“半兽人和什么人打起来了!”Bilbolooked at a distant place, takes back the vision.
比尔博看了一眼远方,又收回目光。„Regardless ofhalfbeastpersonis fightingwith anyone, wemustcontinueto crawlupwardly, Sam. ZhanJi!”Hepants, on the foreheadstained the perspirationdrop: „So long aswecan the momentdeliver to the endvolcano the ringearly, canearly a momentvictory!”
“无论半兽人在和什么人战斗,我们都要继续向上爬,山姆.詹吉!”他气喘吁吁,额头上沾满了汗滴:“只要我们能早一刻把戒指送到末日火山里,就能早一刻胜利!”Bilboraised the head, narrows the eyeto lookslightlyupwards. The endvolcanoisgianttalltower who is piled upby the ashes, lava and fieryrock, itsformenters the clouds, the darkskyis the smoke cloud that is spoutedbyitcomposes.
比尔博抬起头,微微眯起眼睛看向上方。末日火山是一座由灰烬、熔岩和火热的岩石所堆积成的巨大高塔,它的身影直入云霄,黑暗的天空都是由它所喷出的烟云组成。„......., andmakes a soldierlive, goes backto reunitewith the family member.”
“.......并且多让一名士兵活下来,回去和家人团聚。”„Have wewalkedwere far?”Fraudeaudeep breath, both handsweakhanginginside: „Wehave crawled...... thismountainnot to crawlthatfor a long timeforever the peak.”
“我们已经走了多远了?”佛罗多深呼吸,双手无力的垂在身边:“我们已经爬了那么久......这座山永远爬不到顶峰。”„Butwe must pick up the speed, Fraudeau, Sam!”Bilbolooked atleft the eye, seestoward right the sidenephew: „We, we ring, the ringruinittogether!”
“但我们还要加快速度,佛罗多,山姆!”比尔博看了眼左边,又看向右边的侄子:“我们,我们一起把戒指,戒指毁掉它!”Whydoes not know, the beforehandrelaxedfeelingvanishedthoroughly.
The ringas ifrealizedtheymustmakeanything, thisringis getting more and more heavy, stubbornlyonBilbo'snape of the neck, as ifmustbreakhisnecktaking advantage ofthis. The ringis getting more and more hot, hotfeeling hot, butBilbofeltoneselflooked likeexperiencedtwodays of running, actuallycannotobtainperson of onehour of relaxation timeto be the same. Just likesfills the submersion that the eyelid of leadkept, the probablysoundis tellinghimat heart, lies down the matter that as soon as possible the restisheshouldhandle, tellinghimhas walkedwas so far, heshouldrestslightlygoes forwardagain. Dozensmetersdistance, the restwill not delayanythingsuddenly.
The loudspeech that Bilbonon-stop, inflatestoFraudeauandSam, seems like alerting itself.
The ring that on the road, theyexchange, Bilbotakes the supremeLord of the Rings, butFraudeauis carryingthatKayLebuliPéngforging the abstention of strength. As ifaftercarrying the supremeLord of the Rings, the abstention of strength was unable to causeanythingto affecttoFraudeau.
路上,他们交换的戒指,比尔博拿着至尊魔戒,而佛罗多则携带着那枚凯勒布理鹏锻造的力量之戒。似乎在携带过至尊魔戒后,力量之戒已经无法对佛罗多造成什么影响。When the entrance of endvolcanoappearsin the vision, Bilbofelt that the ownlegmustbreak.
当末日火山的入口出现在视线范围内时,比尔博感觉自己的腿都要断了。ButhisFraudeauandSam are also the appearances that cannot withstandwearily. The person who anyarrives at the endvolcano, under the depressingdark clouds, in the heartemits the desperateandwearyfeelingunavoidably.
而他身边的佛罗多和山姆也是一幅疲倦不堪的模样。任何走到末日火山的人,都难免在压抑的黑云下,心中冒出绝望与疲倦感。„Bilbo.”Fraudeauarrives atsideBilbo, heputs out a handto graspBilbo'sleft hand, on the face the anxiety: „How long do wealsowantto walk?”
“比尔博。”佛罗多走到比尔博身边,他伸出手握着比尔博的左手,脸上愁苦:“我们还要走多久?”„Ihave followedyou, Fraudeau.”Samwalks, onhisfacestained the cigarette ash, the clothesare tattered, butvisionactuallysteadfastis looking atFraudeau: „ Wehave walkedwere so far, many........ourjourneyshas not walkedto the eastdemonfromwesternChagallfar, because a fartherroadmustgo back.
“我会一直跟着你,佛罗多。”山姆走过来,他的脸上沾满了烟灰,衣服破破烂烂,但眼光却坚定不移的望着佛罗多:“我们已经走了那么远,从西边的夏尔到东边的魔多........我们的旅程没走多远,因为还有更远的路要回去。„Ithink that wepossiblycould not go back.”Fraudeausighed.
“我想我们可能回不去了。”佛罗多叹了口气。„Wecan certainlygo back.”Bilbostandingbody, sticks out chest, hepullsFraudeau'sarm, grabshishand, grippedSam'shandwith the sameway, theirtightabreast in rowstands: „Stillrememberedmyoncestory? Arrivesperson who the destinationalsocompletes the task, certainlycanhave the harvest and friendshipreturns to the hometown.”
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