AWJOAW :: Volume #26

#2540 Part 2: Ring of destruction

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Their vision looking at each other, Bilbo saw the anxiety in Fraudeau eyes to disappear. Perhaps believes perhaps Bilbo's words, believe that if can complete the task, finally with the family member friend died together, is a good result. In Sam's eyes never confused, he follows Fraudeau to come here, he continues, drops down till oneself. 他们目光对视,比尔博看到佛罗多眼中的愁苦消失了。或许是相信了比尔博的话,或许是认为,如果能完成任务,最终与亲人朋友死在一起,也是一个不错的结局。山姆的眼中从来没有迷茫,他一路跟随佛罗多走到这里,他继续走下去,直到自己倒下为止。 They raised the head together, look to erupting the volcano of billowing thick smoke, together starting to walk step, stride and firm trend volcano core. 他们一同抬起头,看向喷发着滚滚浓烟的火山,一同迈开步伐,大步而又坚决的走向火山核心。 Finally, they arrived at tunnel in the volcanic cone, has many crevasses in the front not far place. Dazzling red light sometimes greatly hold, sometimes dim returning darkness. The cavern transmits low and deep rumble the sound that the giant machine revolves once for a while, the dazzling red light made everyone has to narrow the eye, to adapt in this darkness only ray. 最终,他们来到了火山锥中的隧道,在前方不远之处有许多裂隙。刺眼的红光有时大盛,有时又黯淡的退回黑暗。洞穴时不时传来巨大机器运转的低沉隆隆声响,刺眼的红光令所有人不得不眯起眼睛,以适应这黑暗中唯一的光芒。 Fraudeau.” Bilbo deeply inspires: Gives me the ring.” “佛罗多。”比尔博深吸了口气:“把戒指给我。” Fraudeau has nothing hesitant, he takes out places the silver-white ring in pocket. Bilbo takes down the necklace on nape of the neck simultaneously, he looks to hang down the golden ring under necklace, the vision concentrated on, crossed for several seconds, he put out a hand, received the abstention of second strength. 佛罗多没有任何犹豫,他取出放在口袋中的银白色戒指。比尔博同时取下脖颈上的项链,他看着垂挂在项链下的金色戒指,目光专注,过了几秒,他伸出手,接过第二枚力量之戒。 Made all these finish.” He muttered, gradually, moved toward the volcano deep place along the tunnel. “让这一切都结束吧。”他喃喃自语,一步步,沿着隧道走向火山深处。 Fraudeau and Sam looked at each other one mutually, they go out forward two steps, then by scalding hot heat wave- drives back. The tunnel both sides flame writings, the lava tumbling is whipping the cliff. 佛罗多和山姆互相对视了一眼,他们向前走出两步,接着被灼热的热浪-逼退。隧道两侧火光大作,熔岩翻滚拍打着峭壁。 Bilbo seems like anything not to feel, he goes out forward one step, takes the second step, the mechanical advance, his before as if life is only having arrives at the cliff, this matter to do. 比尔博像是什么都没有感觉到,他向前走出一步,又迈出第二步,机械般的前进着,仿佛他的人生只剩下走到断崖前这一件事要做。 Finally, Huobite person stops the footsteps before the cliff. Bilbo takes out two rings, the left hand and right hand is pinching the necklace on ring respectively, he straightens the arm, the ring hangs in the front, is orthogonal with the line of sight. 最终,霍比特人在断崖前停下脚步。比尔博取出两枚戒指,左手和右手分别捏着戒指上的项链,他伸直胳膊,戒指垂在面前,与视线平齐。 The air as if solidifies. 空气仿佛为之凝固。 Bilbo has no movement, he looks at the ring, in the vision as if not abandon, fondly remembers, probably is recalling anything, certain made he lifelong unforgetable story. 比尔博没有任何动作,他只是看着戒指,目光中仿佛不舍,又有怀念,像是在回忆什么事情,某些令他终身难以忘怀的故事。 Fraudeau and Sam stand in the entrance, opens the eye, looks at Bilbo's back anxiously. Bilbo whole body stiff, moves motionless, seems also changed into the statue, 佛罗多和山姆站在入口,睁大眼睛,紧张的看着比尔博的背影。比尔博浑身僵硬、动也不动,彷佛已经被化为石像, Crossed for more than 20 seconds, but regarding everyone on the scene, had passed one year of probably. 过了二十多秒,但对于在场的所有人而言,像是已经度过了一年之久。 Finally, Bilbo sighed deeply suddenly the tone, shakes the head, probably in thinking aloud of complaint. 最终,比尔博忽然长叹了口气,摇了摇头,像是在抱怨似的自言自语。 I am only an ordinary Huobite person.” “我只是一个平凡的霍比特人。” Then, he loosens both hands. 说罢,他松开双手。 The ring under the function of gravity, crashes into the lava. 戒指在重力的作用下,坠入熔岩。 The ring bumps into the lava the instance, first floats above the lava, under the ring as if formed a surface of solidification, supported it, preventing it to integrate in the lava. How long but this cannot continue, the black coagulum is split up under the high temperature, those who first fall into the lava is the abstention of silver-white strength, it had no resistance then to vanish in the lava. The golden supreme Lord of the Rings sends out the dazzling ray, above appears with the engraved inscription that the unusual writing carves gradually. 戒指碰到熔岩的瞬间,首先漂浮在熔岩上方,戒指下仿佛形成了一处凝固的表面,托住了它,阻止它融入熔岩之中。但这没能持续多久,黑色的凝块在高温下四分五裂,首先落入熔岩的是银白色的力量之戒,它没有任何抵抗便消失在了熔浆内。金色的至尊魔戒散发出耀眼的光芒,一段用奇特文字雕刻出的铭文在上面渐渐浮现。 The supreme Lord of the Rings vanishes in the lava slowly, it seems like it is unwilling vanishes like this, integrated is very slow, but after several seconds, the dazzling golden light also vanished in a sea of fire. 至尊魔戒缓缓消失在熔岩内,它像是不甘心就这样消失,融入的很慢,但在几秒过后,刺眼的金光也消失在了一片火海之中。 The abstention that in the sky flies cannot rescue the lava it spirit with enough time. 天空中飞来的戒灵也没能来得及将它救出熔浆。 Bilbo Station in the edge of the cliff, looks is vanishing below supreme Lord of the Rings, probably is gazing after it to leave. 比尔博站在悬崖边缘,望着消失在下方的至尊魔戒,像是在目送它离开。 The next quarter, the hot crow of eruption awakened Bilbo suddenly. The red light is shining the entire cavern, all around was all dyed one piece blood red, to be hot. Angrily roars, with extremely chaotic numerous sound mixed in the same place, flame lasing, licks to eat the hole top, the original fluctuation the astonishing greatness shook, the entire volcano keeps swaying, the rock and gravel from the cavern crown lightly crash, along with depressed thundering, the crack on dike spread at the visible speed. 下一刻,骤然喷发的火鸦惊醒了比尔博。红光照耀着整个洞穴,四周全都被染得一片血红、酷热难耐。一阵怒吼,和极为混乱的众多声响交杂在一起,火焰激射而出,舔食着洞顶,原先的波动成了惊人的巨震,整座火山不停地摇晃,岩石与砂砾从洞穴顶部淅淅沥沥的坠落,伴随着沉闷的轰鸣,岩壁上的龟裂以肉眼可见的速度蔓延。 Run, Bilbo!” Fraudeau shouted: Run!” “快跑,比尔博!”佛罗多大喊:“快跑!” Bilbo turns around, running staggering to them. Fraudeau and Sam hesitate, they charge into Bilbo quickly, supports his arm, charges into the cave exit|to speak together. 比尔博转身,踉踉跄跄的跑向他们。佛罗多和山姆犹豫,他们快步冲向比尔博,扶住他的胳膊,一起冲向山洞出口。 The rock corridor disrupts in them behind, crashes into the lava. 岩石走廊在他们身后碎裂,坠入熔岩。
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