The accident that suddenlypresentsnot onlymade the allied armiesdumbfounded, imposing manner also of halfbeastperson. Before was still howling, halfbeastperson of whole faceangrychargeforwardstunnedlookedis presenting the strangeenemy who suddenly. Butis only a time of god, the dead spiritarmykilledin front ofthem. The forefronthalfbeastpersonholds up the weaponto resistsubconsciously, but the weapon of dead spiritdoes not have the stopworetheirshield and armor, remaininghalfbeastpersonfrightenedturn tails, but the dead spiritarmysuch as the ocean waves of tumbling, have swept across the jet blackbeastperson.
The Griffinglidehas flown the sky, looksdownwardfrom the sky, the emerald greenarmyhas covered the form of halfbeastperson, dashes to the blackgate.狮鹫滑翔飞过天空,从天空中向下望去,翠绿的军队掩过了半兽人的身影,直扑黑门。„Attack, brothers!”Swordbladedirectionfront of Aragon: „Captures the blackgate!”
The allied armies of recoveringgive updefendingimmediately, killsto rushto the blackgate. The defenseformation that the allied armiesmaintainconfuseddemonmanygenerals, makingthemthink that the strength of allied armieswas not enoughto attack the fort, butis wanting the area north of the Great Wallto provoke. DarkdemonMonarchordersthemto rob an treasure in enemyhand, anddelivers to evilblack tower. Finallyno onethinks, in the allied armieswill presentonecrowd of dead spirits.
The foodtransvestite who in the blackgatealsorecoversrotates the turntablefuriously, whipping that does not needto supervise work, blackgateundertheircontrolsslowlyclosed, not cares a whoopsoldier who outsidethesehave not run away.
黑门上同样回过神来的食人妖奋力转动转盘,不需要监工的鞭打,黑门在它们的控制下缓缓闭合,丝毫不在意外面那些还没有逃回来的士兵。Suddenly, a foodtransvestite who promotes the turntablethrows downforwardin the city wall, after the arm, is inserting an arrowarrow, injects the nape of the neckuntil without featherfromslanting.
忽然,一只推动转盘的食人妖向前摔倒在城墙上,胳膊后插着一根箭矢,从斜上方射入脖颈直至没羽。„Shootsbut actuallythem!”
“射倒他们!”Zelinis controllingGriffin, transferred the directiondiveto fly downto the blackgate. ElleTaruierextractstwoarrows, buildson the bowstring. Zelinfelt that the earhears the wind sound/rumor, rushesdesireto continueto promote the foodpersondemon of turntableto be hit, numerouspouringon the ground, anotherpromote the turntableinbehind the foodtransvestite of hand also, an arrowarrowjust righthitforehead.泽林控制着狮鹫,转了个方向俯冲向下飞向黑门。艾尔塔瑞尔又抽出两根箭,搭在弓弦上。泽林感到耳边传来风声,一只冲上去想要继续推动转盘的食人魔被击中,重重的倒在地上,另一名在后面推动转盘把手的食人妖也随之到底,一根箭矢正好命中额头。
The spiritarmyhas swept the blackenemy, crashes in the blackgatefortdirectly. The allied armiesfollowinbehind, killing the demonare many, is high-spirited.
幽灵大军扫过黑门外的敌人,径直冲进黑门要塞。联军跟随在后面,杀进魔多,士气高昂。„Carefultop of the head!”
“小心头顶!”ElleTaruiermakes noise the reminder.艾尔塔瑞尔出声提醒。In the ray of evilblack towerdemoneye, six abstentionspirit that is riding the monsterbeastdivesfrom the sky, dashes to the position that Zelinis atfrom the differentdirections.
“我看到了!”Zelinpulls up the reins, Griffinfliessuddenlyto the sky, evadesoneto abstain fromspiritthrowingto strike. Anotherabstainsspiritfrom one sidewith the instance that Griffinbrushed past, swordbladeevenJurucarbinethorntoZelin.泽林拉起缰绳,狮鹫猛然飞向天空,躲过一只戒灵的扑击。另一名戒灵从侧面与狮鹫擦肩而过的瞬间,把剑刃平举如骑枪般刺向泽林。
The swordbladeinterlocks.
砰-!In the demonmulti-factoriesforges, makesdemonsword that manywarriorsare panic at the news, breaksunder the collision of ebonyblade, breaks the bladeto revolvein the sky, crashes into the land. The arrowarrowshoots towards that is supplementing the golden lightabstains from the spirit, abstains fromspiritwailingone, flies into the sky. Hitmonsterbeastsends outgratingwailing, goes all outto fan the wingto flee to the endvolcano the direction.
The remainingabstentionshave not actually rushed tosideZelinspirit.
剩下的戒灵却没有冲到泽林身边。Under the ray of setting sun, the greateaglewailingis breaking in the battlefield, dashes toabstains from the spirit. WindkingGuanherides the galeto intrude the battlefieldwithitsbrothers. Appearsfrom the skysuddenly, towardabstaining fromspiritdirect impact, giantwingbelt/bringlikehurricanefluctuation, stubbornlybitesthisgroup of enemies. The greateagle and dogfight of flightmonsterbeastin the sky, thesealsodesireattackgroundarmy, protectedabstentionspiritbeing forced of otherhalfbeastpersonarmiesto re-focus on the sky. A monsterbeastmustfacebesieging of twogreateagles, theyretreat fighting, can only removeto the endvolcano.
在夕阳的光芒下,巨鹰尖啸着冲入战场,直扑戒灵。风王关赫与它的兄弟们乘着强风闯入战场。从天空中骤然出现,朝着戒灵直冲,巨大的翅膀带起了如同飓风般的波动,死死的咬住这群敌人。巨鹰与飞行妖兽在天空中缠斗,原本那些还想要袭击地面军队,保护其他半兽人军队的戒灵被迫把注意力转向天空。一只妖兽都要面临着两只巨鹰的围攻,它们且战且退,只能撤向末日火山。Lost the air umbrella, the halfbeastperson in groundwas then getting downwith the rout that the allied armies and dead spiritarmycontactedinstantaneously. The gaze of demoneyeforcesthemto continueto fight bravely. In a while, the allied armieshave killed the place, onlyleaves behind a placecorpse.
失去了空中掩护,地面上的半兽人在与联军和亡灵大军接触的瞬间便溃败下来。魔眼的注视迫使它们继续奋战。没过多久,联军杀过的地方,只留下一地尸体。At this time, has been gazing at the blackgatedemoneye, suddenlyshifted to the endvolcano the direction.
The abstention in skysends out the scream of painspirit, theyignore the attack of greateagle, recklesscharging intoendvolcano.
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