AWJOAW :: Volume #26

#2539 Part 1: Dead army

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Your master cannot by the land that the blade soldier seizes, then thinks that can obtain by the spoken language? Received in exchange for a servant rather going too far with such rich condition . Moreover, your master was not because its strength was just destroyed, will send for with our peace talks?” Gandalf's line of sight looks all around the black gate, hides half beast person soldiers in black gate both sides rugged precipices to poke head in slightly, is staring allied armies that wants the area north of the Great Wall. “你的主人没能靠刀兵夺下的土地,便以为能靠言语取得吗?用这么丰厚的条件来换取一名仆人未免太过份了,而且,你的主人不是因为它的力量刚刚被摧毁,才会派人出来与我们和谈吗?”甘道夫的视线环顾黑门,躲藏在黑门两侧崎岖山岩中的半兽人士兵稍稍探出头,盯着要塞外的联军。 You do not have the qualifications and master bargain back and forth.” The mouth of Solon grins: „The army of master has been ready and waiting, he can destroy you momentarily! You gained an insignificant victory by luck, thinks that can threaten great dark demon Monarch? How stupid decision! This is your last chances, otherwise faces directly the dark demon Mr.'s anger!” “你们没有资格和主人讨价还价。”索伦之口咧开嘴:“主人的大军早已整装待发,他随时都可以毁灭你们!你们只是侥幸取得了一场微不足道的胜利,就认为能够威胁伟大的黑暗魔君?多么愚蠢的决定!这是你们最后的机会,否则就直面黑暗魔君的怒火吧!” Gandalf and Aragon looked at each other one mutually. 甘道夫和阿拉贡互相对视了一眼。 Goes back to tell your master, our also condition, that is the demon must surrender to the person sovereign, and dissolves all armies, but it must leave this lands forever, cannot come back!” “回去告诉你的主人,我们也有一个条件,那就是魔多必须向人皇投降,并且解散所有军队,而它必须永远的离开这片土地,再也不能回来!” The mouth of Solon calm and self-confident vanished instantaneously, the happy expression on face twisted the appearance of some extreme hatred, probably when was confident suddenly was hit a staggering blow. 索伦之口的从容和自信瞬间消失了,脸上的笑意扭曲成了某种极端痛恨的模样,像是胸有成竹时忽然被打了一个闷棍。 One group of idiots!” “一群蠢货!” The mouth of Solon holds the reins, turning around to return to the demon to be many. Aragon and his party also transfers the direction, returns to the square formation of allied armies. 索伦之口抓住缰绳,掉头逃回魔多。阿拉贡一行人也调转方向,返回联军的方阵。 After black gate, transmits the depressed bugle, reverberates in the both sides rugged foothills. In the city wall, the physique huge food transvestite drags to entrain highly over two meters turntable, with the wheel axle the rotation, the black gate fort such as a leaf of front door, opens to the both sides slowly. 黑门后传来沉闷的号角,回荡在两侧崎岖的山麓间。城墙上,体格庞大的食人妖拖拽着高度超过两米的转盘,随着轮轴吱呀转动,黑门要塞如一扇大门,向两侧缓缓张开。 Fitting out formation!” Aragon is riding a horse to the camp: Fitting out formation!” “整备队列!”阿拉贡骑着马冲回营地:“整备队列!” The Dwarf soldier stood in most front, forms shield wall that steel composed, they are grasping the axe, then surface Human lance built the long spear/gun on the shield wall, aimed at the black gate direction. Elf and river Gucheng archers build the arrow arrow in abundance on the bowstring, will prepare to carry the arrow rain of death to project to the enemy top of the head at any time. The both sides knights look at the black gate slit that is gradually expanding, restrains the reins, pacing that the warhorse non-stop, is attacking the will of everyone from demon many bugles. 矮人战士站在了最前排,形成一道钢铁组成的盾墙,他们握着斧头,而后面的人类长矛手则将长枪搭在盾墙上,瞄准黑门方向。精灵与河谷城弓箭手则纷纷将箭矢搭在弓弦上,随时准备将携带着死亡的箭雨投射到敌军头顶。两侧的骑士们望着逐渐扩张的黑门缝隙,勒住缰绳,战马不停的踱步,来自魔多的号角冲击着每个人的意志。 The front door has not completely opened wide, the army who the angry half beast person and food transvestite compose then welled up from the slit, probably stopped up flood, in bursting a dike instantaneous irresistible to/clashes, must destroy front all lives. By opening wide the front door looks to, on black plain the vast half beast person regiment plunged the allied armies like the tide, on the hill of distant place still had the continuous half beast person and food transvestite runs, joined black Dun the array. Many soldier surprised uncertain glancing right and left, in the allied armies square formation faltered. 大门还没有完全敞开,愤怒的半兽人与食人妖组成的大军便从缝隙中涌了出来,像是被堵塞的洪水,在决堤的瞬间势不可挡的冲下来,要毁灭面前的所有生灵。透过敞开的大门向里望去,乌顿平原上一望无际的半兽人军团如浪潮般扑向联军,远方的丘陵上仍然有源源不断的半兽人和食人妖跑上来,加入乌顿的阵列。许多士兵惊疑不定的左顾右盼,联军方阵中出现了动摇。 The flag of half beast person is covering each corner of black plain, here can see the flag of each demon mostly beast person tribe, big or small, all half beast people were dispatched this battlefield. The distant place, the demon eye on evil black tower is gazing at the black gate, just like float in fiery red Sun of sky. 半兽人的旗帜覆盖着乌顿平原的每一个角落,在这里能看到每一支魔多半兽人部落的旗帜,或大或小,所有的半兽人都被派往这处战场。远方,邪黑塔上的魔眼注视着黑门,宛如悬浮在天空的火红太阳。 Just bell and people and river valley! Elf and Dwarf friend, my good brothers!” Aragon is grasping the flame of West, the sword blade under the sunlight sparkling: I saw the fear in your eyes. I am also same! Someday, will win evilly positively, but this is not the day of! Someday, the person on this lands will lose the courage, to lowers the head evilly, but is not the day of! Someday, the chaotic army will sweep across all that we know very well, ruins all that we treasure, but is not the day of! Today, we will represent the entire central lands, on this lands is not willing the person who submits to Sohren to fight! Today, we must fight to the end!” “刚铎、洛汗与河谷的子民!精灵矮人朋友,我的好兄弟们!”阿拉贡握着西方之炎,剑身在阳光下闪闪发光:“我在你们的眼中看到了恐惧。我也一样!或许有一天,邪将胜正,但这不是这一天!或许有一天,这片土地上的人会失去勇气,向邪恶低头,但不是这一天!或许有一天,混乱的大军将席卷我们所熟知的一切,毁掉我们所珍视的一切,但绝不是这一天!今天,我们将代表整个中土,这片土地上所有不愿意向索伦臣服的人而战!今天,我们要奋战到底!” People lift up high the weapon, cheers to Aragon. 人们纷纷高举武器,向阿拉贡欢呼。 Aragon has turned around, stands forefront the square formation. The demon multi- armies kill the black gate in the heavenshaking battle drum sound. 阿拉贡转过身,站在方阵最前面。魔多大军在震天的战鼓声中杀出黑门。 Was the time.” Saying that Aragon thought aloud: In mountain the people, you pass vowing that violates makes, evades to the duty of final alliance, avoidance attack demon many wars. Isildur therefore cursed you. Now, as the descendant of Isildur, I gives your second opportunity, is the sovereign to fight, you will therefore be redeemed.” “是时候了。”阿拉贡自言自语的说道:“山中之民,你们过去违背立下的誓言,逃避对最后联盟的义务,躲避进攻魔多的大战。埃西铎因此诅咒你们。现在,作为埃西铎的后裔,我给予你们第二次机会,为人皇而战,你们将因此得到救赎。” The allied armies have no movement. 联军没有任何动作。 The spirit army who is exuding the dark green ray kills from the allied armies position, throws over the rags, body is only being left over the dead spirit of hashed meat and skeleton is lifting up high the weapon, was crying out the grating war roar, plunges half beast person army who kills the black gate. 一支泛着青绿光芒的幽灵大军从联军阵地中杀出,披着破布,身上只剩下碎肉和骸骨的亡灵高举着武器,呐喊着刺耳的战吼,扑向杀出黑门的半兽人大军。
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