AWJOAW :: Volume #26

#2538 Part 2: Solon's condition

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No wonder.” Zelin slight nod: „Is this person of sovereign bloodlines?” “怪不得。”泽林微微点头:“这就是人皇血脉?” Elle Taruier: You could understand like this, the story that otherwise I must tell to you made me talk about this war to end sufficiently. After all you are...... about the person who the history knows nothing. It is not all Numannuoer people who resist various God sink to the sea, it is said Solon's body was also destroyed in this disaster, is only left over the soul to return to central lands. We have seen his appearance in evil black tower, but his soul can only treat there, and weak incomparable. Because the essence of soul in the supreme Lord of the Rings. Ruins the Lord of the Rings, his soul will also dissipate.” 艾尔塔瑞尔顿了顿:“你也许可以这样理解,否则我要对你讲述的故事足以让我讲到这场大战结束。毕竟你是......对历史一无所知的人。不是所有对抗诸神的努曼诺尔人都沉入大海,据说索伦的身躯也在这这场灾难中被毁灭,只剩下灵魂逃回中土。我们在邪黑塔上见到过他的模样,但他的灵魂只能待在那里,并且虚弱无比。因为灵魂的精华都在至尊魔戒内。毁掉魔戒,他的灵魂也将消散。” Unfortunately, various did God also leave behind fish slip through very much?” Zelin is surprised about this story. Perhaps central lands really have to walk in the society Spiritual God. “很不幸,诸神也留下了漏网之鱼?”泽林对这个故事感到惊讶。中土或许真的有行走在人世间的神灵。 In the past their king subjugated Solon time landed from Umm Barr harbor, and left behind the forts and some Numannuoer people when retreating manages. They hated just the bell, and ruled Hallard person, remaining Human were the pirates. However, just the bell 15 th king Hallmen Darch I once in a war, routed Numannuoer person and army of Hallard person, from then on, no one has heard the trail and news of any black Numannuoer person. I think that they have exterminated.” “当年他们的国王征讨索伦的时候是从乌姆巴尔港口登陆,并且在撤退时留下了要塞和部分努曼诺尔人管理。他们仇恨刚铎,并且统治哈拉德人,剩下的人类则是海盗。但是,刚铎的第十五任国王哈尔门达奇尔一世曾经在一场大战中,击溃了努曼诺尔人和哈拉德人的军队,从那以后,就再也没有人听到过任何黑努曼诺尔人的踪迹和消息。我以为他们早已灭绝。” Perhaps this is only the last black Numannuoer person.” Zelin deeply inspires: Depends on the strength of his master to live on dishonorably the present. Does he say the mouth of Solon? Once the people of three similar titles, I killed three. If Solon thinks that this person can bring the victory for him, I with the sword will show that he was wrong.” “说不定这只是最后一名黑努曼诺尔人。”泽林深吸了口气:“靠着他的主人的力量苟活到了现在。他自称索伦之口?曾经还有三个类似称号的人,我杀了三个。如果索伦认为这个人能为他带来胜利,我会用剑证明他错了。” Before black gate, the negotiations as if reached the impass. 黑门前,谈判似乎陷入了僵局。 „The dependence Elf broken sword may be unable to become a person of sovereign together.” The mouth of Solon contemptuous is staring at Aragon: Marked the tree trunk unable to save your city on the old rags together, you and your soldier's robbers on Xiangshan Road same went down in the world.” “依靠一块精灵的破剑可成不了人皇。”索伦之口轻蔑的盯着阿拉贡:“在一块烂布上画上树干也拯救不了你的城市,你和你的士兵就像山路的强盗一样落魄。” Aragon has not spoken, he is only silent is staring at the opposite party. The warhorse went out forward several steps, although no one extracts the weapon, the mouth of Solon actually retroceded subconsciously several steps. 阿拉贡没有说话,他只是沉默的盯着对方。战马向前走出了几步,虽然没有人抽出武器,索伦之口却下意识的后退了几步。 You cannot attack the envoy!” “你不能攻击使者!” No envoy like Solon's envoy impolite.” Gandalf tone is quick, is very severe, in the wrinkle on face only then hostility and vigilance: Here no one attacks you, but before your master changes an attitude, his all servants are in danger! Said the verbal message of your master.” “没有一个使者会像索伦的使者这样无礼。”甘道夫语气很快,很严厉,脸上的皱纹中只有敌意和警觉:“这里没人攻击你,但在你的主人回心转意之前,他的所有仆人都处于危险之中!把你主人的口信说出来。” That, you with the person who I negotiated, grey beard father?” The mouth of Solon revealed smiling of taunt: We hear to be concerned probably frequently your news, hears you to rush about, always hides in the hidden place causes trouble? However, Mr. Gandalf, this your courage was too big, and brought so many insects to bring death. Fortunately, our masters are benevolent, after you so offend him, still broadminded is willing to give you a peaceful opportunity.” “那么,你就和我谈判的人,灰胡子老爹?”索伦之口又露出了一幅嘲讽似的笑:“我们好像经常听见有关你的消息,听说你东奔西跑,总是躲在暗处闹事?不过,甘道夫先生,这次你的胆子实在太大了些,并且带来了那么多虫子来送死。所幸,我们的主人是仁慈的,在你们如此冒犯他之后,仍然宽宏大量的愿意给予你们一个和平的机会。” His line of sight has swept others on the scene. 他的视线扫过在场的其他人。 Condition is as follows. Just the motley crew of bell and their ally, should fall back on outside Anduin immediately, pledged forever no longer blatantly or secret attacked Solon. Land of secure east of because of river all belongs to Solon after that west pass until Misty Mountains and land , must present tribute to Sohren fixed time, there people must disarm, but has the autonomy. Moreover, they must assist Eszinger who reconstructs to encounter destroys crudely, there will also belong to Solon. He will also send the great general to enter this place, naturally is not Saruman, but is nobler, a more trustworthy person.” “条件如下。刚铎和他们盟友的乌合之众,应该马上退到安都因河之外,发誓永远不再公然或秘密的攻击索伦。安度因河以东的土地此后全都归索伦所有,以西直到迷雾山脉和洛汗隘口的土地,全都必须定时向索伦纳贡,那里的人们必须解除武装,但拥有自治权。而且,他们也必须协助重建遭到粗暴摧毁的艾辛格,那里也将归索伦所有。他也会派大将进驻该处,当然不是萨鲁曼,而是更高贵、更值得信任的人。” Zelin can hear the sound before black gate. This time, he does not have the choice to hide Griffin, but stands in the team direction near the top. 泽林听得到黑门前的声音。这一次,他没有选择隐藏狮鹫,而是站在队伍靠前的方向。 Heard mouth of Solon condition, the Zelin chuckle, was sideways to say to behind person: Solon even treated as the trash the same as throw away Eszinger once master in the peace treaty, he always does not think that white robe Sorcerer will become his ally. Regarding this how you see, Saruman?” 听到索伦之口的条件,泽林轻笑了一声,侧身对身后的人说道:“索伦在和平条约中甚至都把艾辛格曾经的主人当做垃圾一样扔开,他从来都不认为白袍巫师会成为他的盟友。对此你怎么看,萨鲁曼?”
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