AWJOAW :: Volume #26

#2536 Part 2: Thinking quickly in emergencies

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Lay for several seconds on the ground, Bilbo struggles is crawling to set out. 在地上趴了几秒,比尔博才挣扎着爬起身。 Hi, here has the military deserter!” “嗨,这里有逃兵!” Yelling of-and-a-half beast people almost made Bilbo whole body be startled. 一个半兽人的叫喊几乎令比尔博全身一怔。 He raised the head, saw that a strong half beast person has several to accompany, never the distant place stride runs: Is quick, waste! I know that some of your people will run away! Gives me to get up, gets up!” 他抬起头,看到一个强壮的半兽人带着几个随从,从不远处大步跑来:“快起来,废物!我就知道你们会有人逃走!给我起来,起来!” Saying, him is walking, raises the whip to pull out in Bilbo body, remaining several accompany half beast person to encircle. 说着,他走过来,举起鞭子抽在比尔博身上,剩下的几个随从半兽人则围上来。 When works for dark demon Monarch, anyone of you do not want to evade!” “在为黑暗魔君效力的时候,你们谁也别想逃避!” Bilbo lifts the arm, prevents the whip. The whip brushes like the raindrop on his arm and thigh. A beast person bends the waist, both hands held his collar to raise him. 比尔博抬起手臂,阻挡鞭子。鞭子像雨点一样抽打在他的胳膊和大腿上。一名兽人弯下腰,双手抓住他的衣领把他提了起来。 Goes.” It pushed Bilbo fiercely, returns the camp him. “快滚回去。”它猛地推了比尔博一把,把他退回营地。 Bilbo back hits in the railing, he hurries to hold the helmet, in order to avoid the helmet falls down. This helmet is not completely good-fitting, the nape of the neck of half beast person was too thick. 比尔博后背撞在围栏上,他赶紧抓住头盔,以免头盔掉下去。这头盔完全不合身,半兽人的脖颈太粗了。 Rolls! Demon Monarch has ordered, to request to enter the war completely! Goes your army to go!” “滚回去!魔君已经下令,要求全部参战!快滚回你的部队去!” Bilbo somewhat anxious is staring at front half beast person, his standing body slowly, about looked. Here accident attracted many half beast people, they treat in the camp, looks out, directs to Bilbo. 比尔博有些紧张的盯着面前的半兽人,他慢慢的站直身体,左右看了看。这里的变故吸引了很多半兽人,它们待在营地里,向外眺望,对比尔博指指点点。 First holds down doing that he said.” Said in a low voice. “先按住他说的做。”芙莉德低声说道。 Here begins to cause too many troubles, once half beast person discovered that some people sneak their camps, perhaps in distance evil black tower so near place, that so-called dark demon Monarch will discover them. 在这里动手会引起太多的麻烦,一旦半兽人发现有人潜入他们的营地,在距离邪黑塔如此近的地方,或许那个所谓的黑暗魔君会发现他们。 This is not desire sees. 这不是芙莉德想要见到的。 Un ........ Bilbo lowers the head, gradually, moves toward the camp slowly. “嗯........”比尔博低着头,一步步,慢慢的走向营地。 Sees that half beast person supervises work to step forward forward one step, whip pulling out ruthlessly after Bilbo conducts the back: What rubs gently? Walks a bit faster!” 见状,半兽人监工向前跨出一步,鞭子狠狠的抽在比尔博的后背上:“磨蹭什么?走快点!” Bilbo was hit to stagger, he steps out hastily. The Elf sword hides in the armor, although is not good to take, but he instead rejoiced very much, otherwise the long sword of illumination will definitely arouse suspicion. 比尔博被打了个踉跄,他连忙加快脚步。精灵剑藏在盔甲里面,虽然不好拿出来,但他反而很庆幸,否则发光的长剑肯定会引起怀疑。 Suddenly, the surrounded beast person was shoved open, the half beast person of two wear heavy/thick armor pushed. 忽然,围观的兽人被推开,两个穿着厚重盔甲的半兽人挤了过来。 Their vicious to/clashes, holds Bilbo's shoulder one on the left and other on the right, before he responded, a person toward his abdomen ruthlessly came a fist. 它们凶狠的冲过来,一左一右抓住比尔博的肩膀,在他反应过来之前,一个人就朝着他的腹部狠狠的来了一拳。 The armor makes thump a sound. 盔甲发出咚的一声响。 Bilbo bends the waist subconsciously. 比尔博下意识弯下腰。 This! This!” They are roaring, is pushing Bilbo, another slapped toward his helmet on: Walks!” “这!这!”他们吼叫着,推拥着比尔博,另一个又往他的头盔上打了一巴掌:“走!” Bilbo somewhat helpless was gripped by the fellows of two -and-a-half beast person appearances, was pushed to proceed. Moves toward distant place's another camp. 比尔博有些不知所措的被两个半兽人模样的家伙夹住,被推拥着往前走。走向远处的另一座营地。 At this time, the sound that suddenly can lower passed on the hearing bank. 这时,忽然一个可以压低的声音传入耳畔。 Is we, Mr. Bilbo.” Is Sam's voice: Fraudeau said, he will not give up halfway absolutely. Comes with us.” “是我们,比尔博先生。”是山姆的声音:“佛罗多说,他绝对不会半途而废。跟我们来。”
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