AWJOAW :: Volume #26

#2536 Part 1: Thinking quickly in emergencies

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Bilbo's line of sight by the slit of helmet, looks at half beast person soldier who the nearby comes and goes. 比尔博的视线透过头盔的缝隙,看着附近来来往往的半兽人士兵。 When he takes down is hanging the iron chain of supreme Lord of the Rings, heavy burden that his clear feeling Fraudeau withstood, is heavy. That weight almost presses him not to be on the rise, he is not even able to place in the pocket the ring, because the ring will press out a hole in the pocket, falls the ground. 当他取下悬挂着至尊魔戒的铁链时,他清晰的感受到了佛罗多所承受的重担,到底有多么沉重。那重量几乎压得他抬不起头,他甚至无法把戒指放在口袋里,因为戒指会在口袋中压出一个窟窿,掉到地上。 This ring is trying to flee him always. 这枚戒指无时无刻不在试图逃离他。 „The right had a patrol leader to walk.” Voice appears near Bilbo ear: Turns left, the left has a tent, goes, inside half beast person had been cleaned up by me.” “右边有一支巡逻队走过来了。”芙莉德的声音出现在比尔博耳边:“往左走,左边有一个帐篷,进去,里面的半兽人已经被我清理了。” Bilbo moves toward near the left hand, the left has many tents, many half beast people stand before the tent, is talking with other half beast people, or several people are eating a corrupted great wolf corpse, they are short and thin, perhaps many half beast person armor even only then the helmet or the glove, in demon multi- army, this equip most disappointing one. These fully-armed half beast people mostly died in battle in Perrin plain. 比尔博走向左手边,左边有很多个帐篷,许多半兽人站在帐篷前,和其他半兽人交谈着,或者好几个人分食着一块已经腐烂的巨狼尸体,它们又矮又瘦,许多半兽人盔甲甚至只有头盔或者手套,在魔多大军里,这也许是装备最差劲的一支。那些全副武装的半兽人大多战死在了佩兰诺平原。 Is this?” Bilbo's eyes take a fast look around back and forth, simultaneously pretends the relaxed appearance, walks in half beast world. He felt that in the past when goes to the isolated hill to take risk hot blooded appeared in within the body. “是这个?”比尔博的眼睛来回扫视,同时装作轻松的模样,走在半兽人间。他感觉当年去孤山冒险时的热血又出现在了体内。 No, again toward right side.” “不,再往右边。” Bilbo line of sight looks toward right side. A curtain of tent dangles, inside does not have any sound: This?” 比尔博视线看向右边。一个帐篷的帘幕垂下,里面没有任何动静:“这个?” No.” “不。” Suddenly, the curtain was lifted, a nose broke half beast person walked from inside, happen to and Bilbo hit one to put in an appearance. Half beast person puzzled is staring at Bilbo, the latter feigns the appearance of safe/without matter, walked from the opposite party, before arriving tent that said that lifted the curtain naturally. 忽然,帘幕被掀开,一个鼻子断了的半兽人从里面走了出来,正好和比尔博打了一个照面。半兽人困惑的盯着比尔博,后者佯装无事的样子,从对方身边走了过去,走到芙莉德所说的帐篷前,自然而然的掀开了帘幕。 Inside is very chaotic, even if with half beast person's symbol, let alone regarding Huobite person. A dirty wool blanket wrapped some type of thing, the blood infiltrated from inside. 里面很混乱,哪怕是以半兽人的标志来看,更别说对于霍比特人而言。一个肮脏的毛毯包裹住了某种东西,血液从里面渗透了出来。 Puts down the curtain, keeps off the vision that behind suspects outside. Bilbo's long exhalation tone. 放下帘幕,将后面怀疑的目光挡在外面。比尔博长长的呼出口气。 He closes the eye, the breath to set level the mood slowly, he almost can hear the own heartbeat. 他闭上眼睛,缓缓呼吸以放平心情,他几乎可以听到自己的心跳。 Bilbo decided finally makes Fraudeau stay there, is looked after by Sam. He really does not want to make this young people continue to suffer hardships. In the past, Fraudeau's parents because of accident/surprise and dying, became the orphan, but he is a good child, therefore Bilbo will choose him to become the own successor. He hopes the wealth that oneself stay behind can take to Fraudeau one to be good to live, making him from losing parents' shadow walks. These wealth should give the good good person, and in their hands displays the true value. 比尔博最终决定让佛罗多留在那里,由山姆照看。他实在不想让这个年轻人继续受苦。当年,佛罗多的父母因为意外而死,成了孤儿,但他是个好孩子,因此比尔博才会选择他成为自己的继承人。他希望自己留下的财富能带给佛罗多一个好生活,让他从失去父母的阴影中走出来。那些财富应该交给善良的好人,并且在他们手中发挥真正的价值。 If he knows at that time, such decision will bring the so heavy disaster and pain to the own successor, he will not choose anybody to inherit the own property absolutely. 如果当时他知道,这样的决定会给自己的继承人带来如此沉重的灾难和痛苦,他绝对不会选择任何人来继承自己的财产。 Fraudeau had been in a state of half stupor at that time, perhaps the nun said right, he may be unable to insist. 佛罗多当时已经陷入了半昏迷的状态,也许修女说得对,他可能已经无法坚持下去。 If they had not separated with Sorling at that time, without abyss that falling into rumble hides, what appearance now will all turn into? 如果当时自己没有和索林他们分开,没有掉入咕噜藏身的深渊,如今一切又会变成什么模样呢? At this time, the ear transmitted the sound of cotton material tearing. 这时,耳边传来布料撕裂的声响。 Bilbo opens the eye fiercely, the rear area of opposite tent was separated an opening. 比尔博猛地睁开眼睛,对面营帐的后方被割裂出一个口子。 Leaves a bit faster. Outside does not have the patrol leader.” The sound that urged passed on the hearing bank: I saw that a transmitting orders officer arrived in the camp.” “快点离开。外面没有巡逻队。”芙莉德催促的声音传入耳畔:“我看到有一个传令官来到营地内。” Okay, my walks.” Bilbo not hesitant, he leaned the body to cut in the fissure to squeeze out the tent for him from. Front was the low wood/blockhead besieged a city the guard rail. Half beast person has strong territory ceremony, even if pitches camp, will set aside the own range with the thing. Is dressing the armor affected Bilbo's movement, he somewhat funny crawled from the wooden shelf, rolled another side directly. Fortunately, at this time in the camp presented a tumult suddenly, all half beast people were attracted, no one notices here sound. “好好,我这就走。”比尔博没有犹豫,他侧着身子从芙莉德为他划开了裂痕中挤出营帐。前面就是低矮木头围城了护栏。半兽人有很强的领地仪式,哪怕是扎营,也会用东西划分出自己的范围。穿戴着的盔甲影响了比尔博的动作,他有些滑稽的从木栏上爬了过去,直接滚到了另一边。所幸,此时营地中忽然出现了一阵骚动,所有的半兽人都被吸引过去,没有人注意到这边的声响。
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