AWJOAW :: Volume #26

#2535 Part 2: Nun's suggestion

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Sorry, Fraudeau.” Bilbo rubbing the eyes corner/horn of: Sorry, I involve in you this matter.” “抱歉,佛罗多。”比尔博揉了揉眼角:“对不起,我把你牵扯到这件事里。” In a meeting, appears side them, is dragging out three -and-a-half the bodies of beast people. 没过一会,芙莉德出现在他们身边,身后拖着三具半兽人的尸体。 Takes down their armor.” Saying that she coldly: Perhaps you can put on.” “取下他们的盔甲。”她冷冷的说道:“或许你们可以穿上。” Half beast person wants Huobite person to be slightly higher, but the heights of some half beast people and they are also similar. In Solon almost mobilized the demon to be many all half beast people to join the army, including these diminutive emaciated half beast person slaves. Very easy to find these repelled slave in the camp edge, the army that all half beast person slaves composed pitched camp, half beast person who in most edge advocated the strength is not willing to make them enter in these huge camps, or lived with the equality on land. 半兽人要比霍比特人稍微高一些,但有些半兽人的身高和他们也差不多。索伦几乎动员起了魔多内的所有半兽人加入军队,包括那些矮小瘦弱的半兽人奴隶。芙莉德很容易就在营地边缘找到了这些被排斥的奴隶,所有半兽人奴隶组成的军队都在最边缘扎营,崇尚力量的半兽人不愿意让它们进入那些庞大的营地内,或者和自己平等居住在一块土地上。 These half beast people have not investigated the method.” Looks at them the armor set of half beast person to body: As far as I know, including ring, can make wearing vanish.” “这些半兽人没有侦查手段。”芙莉德看着他们把半兽人的盔甲套到身上:“据我所知,其中有一枚戒指,可以令佩戴者消失。” He cannot take the ring.” Sam picks up a storehouse, the stink of half beast person makes him purse the lips to show the painful look: Fraudeau cannot take the ring, was too heavy to his burden.” “他不能带上戒指。”山姆捡起一个头库,半兽人的臭味让他抿着嘴露出痛苦的神色:“佛罗多不能带上戒指,那对他的负担太重了。” Why wants him to throw into the end volcano the ring?” Said suddenly, Sam and movement of Bilbo dressing armor is startled: We arrive at volcano, only needs a person to walk to go forward, throws into the lava the ring, all finished.” “为什么一定要他将戒指扔入末日火山?”芙莉德忽然说道,山姆和比尔博穿戴盔甲的动作一怔:“我们走到火山脚下,只需要一个人走上前,把戒指扔进熔岩,一切就结束了。” What are you saying?” Sam's surprised opening eye: He does this, naturally is because Fraudeau can resist the supreme Lord of the Rings, haven't you seen Borloo? The Human warriors cannot arrive in the seduction of supreme Lord of the Rings, can like the past years, lose to throw into the volcano the ring again the opportunity? I have listened to that story in Rivendell.” “你在说什么?”山姆惊讶的睁大眼睛:“他这样做,当然是因为佛罗多能抵挡至尊魔戒,你没有看到波罗莫吗?人类的勇士都不能抵达至尊魔戒的诱惑,难道还要再像当年那样,失去把戒指扔入火山的机会吗?我在瑞文戴尔听过那个故事。” But he could not have taken a walk.” Is taking a look at Fraudeau, when Bilbo and Sam put on chest armor, he one boots set to foot on. The cape that they take off, only puts on the shirt and suspenders trousers: This distance is very near...... to me.” “但他已经走不动了。”芙莉德打量着佛罗多,在比尔博和山姆穿上胸甲的时候,他才把一只靴子套到脚上。他们都脱掉的斗篷,只穿着衬衣和吊带长裤:“这段路程很近......对我来说。” What ....... do you want to make?” “.......你想做什么?” Gives me the ring.” Puts out a hand, the sound is very calm, in her eyes, Sam has not seen any greedy and desire of burning hot, but her request made one be afraid: This is the best way, you wear the armor, stays here. Half beast person will not discover you, discovers you also to be able by the armor hidden status. I bring the ring to the volcano, discards it, then comes back to escort you to leave. Considers for your securities, you pass through the beast person camp together, was too dangerous.” “把戒指给我。”芙莉德伸出手,声音很冷静,在她的眼中,山姆没有看到任何贪婪和炙热的欲望,可她的要求却令人不寒而栗:“这是最好的办法,你们穿好盔甲,留在这里。半兽人不会发现你们,发现你们也能靠盔甲隐藏身份。我带着戒指到火山去,扔掉它,然后再回来护送你们离开。为你们的安全着想,你们一同穿过兽人营地,太危险了。” ....... Not.” Fraudeau is incapable of shaking the head: I cannot give you ring.” “.......不。”佛罗多无力摇头:“我不能把戒指给你。” Why?” Narrows the eye slightly: This is the wisest decision. Why do you want to take risk?” “为什么?”芙莉德微微眯起眼睛:“这是最明智的决定。你为什么要冒险?” No, I had said that must send in the end volcano the supreme Lord of the Rings personally, I must this.” Fraudeau deeply inspires, probably exhausts the whole body strength to shout loudly: I rather do not want you to escort, will not give you ring!” “不,我说过要亲自把至尊魔戒送入末日火山,我一定要这样做。”佛罗多深吸了口气,像是用尽全身力气大声喊道:“我宁愿不要你护送,也不会把戒指给你!” Then, Fraudeau stands up seems like must flee from here, but he just went out two steps, backward but actually. 说罢,佛罗多站起身像是要逃离这里,但他刚刚走出两步,就向后倒了下来。 Fraudeau!” Bilbo holds Fraudeau's shoulder hastily, avoids him throwing down on the ground. “佛罗多!”比尔博连忙扶着佛罗多的肩膀,避免他摔倒在地上。 Why do you want to take away the ring?! Some time ago you added that will definitely escort us to arrive in the destination safely!” Sam runs up to front of two people, keeps off between Fraudeau and: „Aren't you clear? When your desire obtains the supreme Lord of the Rings, you have started to by the ring use!” “你为什么一定要拿走戒指?!不久前你还说肯定会护送我们安全抵达目的地!”山姆跑到两人面前,挡在佛罗多和芙莉德之间:“你难道不明白吗?当你想要得到至尊魔戒的时候,你就已经开始要被戒指利用了!” No, this is not my meaning ..... shows the puzzled look: I indeed once by certain strength seductions, and was hard to extricate oneself. But this ring with seducing compared with my strength, the difference is very big. I ....... am only desire provide a safer suggestion. Why isn't he willing to give up the ring? I can deliver the ring for him, if he was unable to withstand, he does not give up the ring, not because by ring use?” “不,这不是我的意思.....”芙莉德露出困惑的神色:“我的确曾被某些力量诱惑,并难以自拔。但这枚戒指与诱惑我的力量相比,差别很大。我.......只是想要提供一个更安全的建议。为什么他不肯放弃戒指呢?我可以替他将戒指送上去,如果他已经无法承受,他不放弃戒指,难道不是因为被戒指利用了吗?” Under being influenced by what one sees and hears of Zelin, gradually learned the ways of many speech. 泽林的耳濡目染下,芙莉德逐渐学会了不少说话的方式。 Although she is willing directly to set requirement, or with the action indicated own desire makes anything, with attitude to something. 虽然她更愿意直接提出要求,或用行动来表明自己想要做什么,和自己对某件事的态度。 This matter because of me.” Bilbo said slowly, he holds half stupor Fraudeau, the right hand is placing Fraudeau's chest front: Also should end by me. Right that Sam, Ms. said. Fraudeau has withstood the heavy burden that so many he should not withstand, he can come here to be very good, remaining, gives me to come.” “这件事因我而起。”比尔博缓缓说道,他扶着半昏迷的佛罗多,右手放在佛罗多的胸前:“也应该由我来终结。山姆,芙莉德女士说的对。佛罗多已经承受了那么多他不应该承受的重担,他能走到这里已经很好了,剩下的,就交给我来走下去吧。” Mr. Bilbo?” Turning the head that Sam has doubts. “比尔博先生?”山姆疑惑的转过头。 I come this last step.” Bilbo's firm saying, he looks to the nun: Ms., please follow in my behind, if in finally, me cannot complete all these...... to help my one time.” “我来走这最后一步。”比尔博坚定的说道,他又看向修女:“芙莉德女士,请你跟在我的身后,如果在最后,我没能完成这一切......帮我一次。”
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