FraudeauandSamare supporting by the armBilbo, probablycatches the military deserter the same as move towardanother sidehalfbeastpersoncamp, untilbypassing a rock, after evading the vision of others, theystop the footsteps.
佛罗多和山姆搀着比尔博,像是抓逃兵一样走向另一边的半兽人营地,直到绕过一块岩石,躲过其他人的目光后,他们才停下脚步。„Youhowwith?”Bilbocast off the helmet, on the foreheadcovered entirely the perspirationdrop: „Thiswas too dangerous!”
“你们怎么跟上来了?”比尔博摘掉头盔,额头上布满了汗滴:“这太危险了!”„Until now, wehave been handling the dangerousmatter.”SamandFraudeaualsocast off the helmet: „Wehave pledged, will not give up halfwayabsolutely. Fraudeaudecides to come, butIwill certainly followinhimbehind, is following close onhim.”
“迄今为止,我们一直在做危险的事情。”山姆和佛罗多也摘掉头盔:“我们承诺过,绝对不会半途而废。佛罗多决定要来,而我一定会跟在他身后,紧跟着他。”„Youelectmyto beyoursuccessor, Bilbo,”Fraudeausaid,hisbigmouthis breathing the air: „Icannotonlyinherityourwealth, duty that Imustmake. Before I...... me, almostmustforgetChagall, Icannot rememberfood the flavor, cannot remember the feeling of drinking water, cannot remember the appearance of wind sound/rumorandflower-and-birdvegetation. Iclose the eyes, the flameeyeappearsbeforeme. NowIthink, butwemustdeliver the ring, wemustbefore the demonmulti-armieswinruinsit.”
“这.......”„Did not have the timeto delay.”Voiceappears after behind, the nunis looking at the camp on rockoutsidehill, is retrocedingtothemsideslowly: „Demonmulti-armiesare transferring. Theyare going forwardtonorthwest, wewalktowardeast. The direction of endvolcanodoes not have the garrison troops.”
“没时间耽误了。”芙莉德的声音出现在身后,修女望着岩石外面丘陵上的营地,缓缓后退着到他们身边:“魔多大军正在调动。他们在向西北方向前进,我们往东走。末日火山的方向没有守军。”Covers entirelyinGorgoroth that the rockpitchcomposes, the stream of people that the jet blackarmorcomposes the slitalonggreatcragsmovesamong the large snake. The mountain range of northern and western Ephel Dúathcomposed a narrowright anglein the GorgorothNorthwest, the right anglepeakis the blackgatefort. The blackgatefort and blackarea between Brother GeRoss, stationed inallpowerfulhalfbeastpeople who being bewitched the multi-presentcancall. The innumerablecampslook likesomeinsectcampto gatherintogether, between the building and tent of distortioncover entirelyhalfbeastperson who was recruited.
布满岩石斜坡组成的葛哥洛斯平原上,漆黑盔甲组成的人流如长蛇般沿着巨岩间的缝隙移动。黯影山脉北方与西方的山脉在葛哥洛斯平原西北方组成了一个狭窄的直角,直角顶端则是黑门要塞。黑门要塞与葛哥洛斯之间的乌顿地区,驻扎着魔多如今能召集到的所有强大的半兽人。无数座营地像某种昆虫营地汇聚在一起,扭曲的建筑与营帐间布满了被征召来的半兽人。Western coalitionaftercrossingsecureFaross , to continue marchesto the north.
西方联军在越过安法洛斯后,继续向北方进军。Remainedfollowinginvestigates the sentry in Minasdevil's lairto report saying that the devil's lairhad been abandoned, could not see any sign of lifeformactivityinthatcursedcity, abstained fromspiritandhalfbeastpersonhas departed. Butno onewas cleartheywere recalled the demonto be many, hiddeninbroadEphel Dúath, preparesrear area the attack. Aragoncommands the soldierto strengthen the alertnearintersection, in order to avoid the allied armiesattack the blackgatetime, the rear areapresents an enemysuddenly.
The firstfightappearsnext morning, an army comprised ofHallardpersonandhalfbeastpersontriesto attackwhileearly morning, desirebeforethishugeregimentarrives the demonare many, beatsitsvanguard, wins the timefor the demon. Buttheywere soon discoveredby the sentry, thousands ofcavalriesrun out of the square formation, from one sidecirclestothisgroup of ambushbehind, beforetheyhave not responded, general and swanknightis then carrying the carbine, rushed to front ofthem.
第一次战斗出现在第二天上午,一支由哈拉德人和半兽人组成的军队试图趁着清晨袭击,想要在这支庞大的军团抵达魔多之前,击败它的前锋,为魔多争取时间。但他们很快就被哨兵发现,数以千计的骑兵冲出方阵,从侧面绕到这群伏击者的身后,在他们还未反应过来之前,洛汗骠骑与天鹅骑士便端着骑枪,冲到了他们面前。Finally, whenblackgatelikemountain rangehorizontallyin the shadow of horizonappearswhen the vision of people, Aragonannouncedorder that finallystands still.
最终,当黑门如山脉般横在天边的阴影出现在人们的视线范围之内时,阿拉贡终于宣布停歇的命令。„Abstainsspirithas been observingusin the sky.”ElleTaruierlooksonce for a whileto the sky: „Theyhave hiddenin the cloud layer. Since wecrosssecureFarossfort, theycirclein the armytop of the head.”
“戒灵一直在天空中观察着我们。”艾尔塔瑞尔时不时看向天空:“他们一直藏在云层里。从我们越过安法洛斯要塞之后,他们就在部队头顶上盘旋。”Zelinnarrows the eye, looks upto the sky. Sunhidesbehind the cloud layer, the cloud layeris very thin, a skypaleness: „Can youseethese?”泽林眯起眼睛,抬头看向天空。太阳躲藏在云层后面,云层很薄,天空一片惨白:“你能看到这些?”„Icansee.”ElleTaruierstretches outdoublerefers, is pointing at the eye, earnestsaying: „HereeachElfcanseethis. The shadowcirclesin the sky, neverdiverges. Theyhave not attacked, butbelievesme, theymiddle-gradewill not be longin the sky. Thisdoes not conform to the attitude of Hachez.”
“我能看见。”艾尔塔瑞尔伸出双指,指着眼睛,认真的说道:“这里的每个精灵都能看到这一幕。黑影在天空中盘旋,从未散去。它们没有进攻,但相信我,它们不会在天空中等太久。这不符合黑骑士的作风。”„Theirleaderswere struckto kill.”Zelintakes back the vision: „Perhapsis cautious about harming evildoers lest the innocent be hurt. DemonmanyHacheznumberaltogetherthese, in the pastwe, whendemonmulti-fighting bravely, theirquantitieshave not increaseduntil now. Under seeming likeSolonchoosesis strict.”
“它们的首领被击杀了。”泽林收回目光:“也许是投鼠忌器。魔多的黑骑士数量一共就这些,当年我们在魔多奋战的时候,它们的数量到现在为止从来没增加过。看起来索伦挑选属下非常严格。”„Perhapswasitfor a long timedoes not have the strengthto choose the subordinatevery much.”ElleTaruiercoldsnort/hum, having some vision of hatredto lookto the blackgate of distant place: „Wecame back.......meto clean uponthislandsthoroughlyallevil, died!”
“也许是它已经很久没有力量挑选下属了。”艾尔塔瑞尔冷哼一声,带着些许仇恨的目光望向远方的黑门:“我们回来了.......我会彻底清理这片土地上的所有邪恶,至死方休!”„Did wearrive?”AlTejais riding a horseto arrive in front oftheir two people: „Isaw the armyto stop.”
“我们到了?”阿尔泰娅骑着马走到他们两人面前:“我看到军队停下了。”„Right, frontis the blackgatefort.”Zelincrookedunder: „It seems like the enemyto be ready in full battle array. Butourknight-errantwomensaid,abstains from the spiritto stare atusin the sky.”
“没错,前面就是黑门要塞。”泽林歪了下头:“看起来敌人已经严阵以待。而我们的游侠女士说,戒灵正在天空中盯着我们。”„Butwedo not have the enoughpowerfulin the aircavalry.”AlTejasomewhatpuzzledraising the head: „Ifin a war, the skyhas not shielded, simplyhas not hit. The air force of enemy may attack any place of ourcamp. Zelin, do youpreparein the airto resistthem?”
“但我们没有足够强大的空中骑兵。”阿尔泰娅有些困惑的抬起头:“如果一场大战中,天空没有掩护,根本没有打下去。敌人的空军可能会袭击我方阵营的任何一个地方。泽林,你准备到空中去对抗它们吗?”InZelinhas experiencedinso manyworld, noworldcanlikeZellars, peopleare so commonin the in the airactivity, in the sky of city the having free timeknightwill go on patrol, the Griffinknight in violentWind City, is the crested eaglebeastknight in DanaSousse. Perhaps the person in Zellarseachpiece of mainlandcanhave the contactquicklymutually, the flightmounthas lasting achievements.
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