Thiswarcontinued the evening.
这场大战持续到了傍晚。Undernorthern and both sidesconverging attack of southernreinforcements, halfbeastpersonarmywas eliminatedmost probably, only thenextremelyfewpartsfight the shapepresents the timewhileHallard, flees to the south.
在北方与南方援军的两面夹击下,半兽人军队大半被消灭,只有极少部分趁着哈拉德战象出现的时候,逃往南方。In the airfilled the smell of scene of fire, the skeleton and attacking a cityinstrument of burnscatterson the broadplain, originally the farm and barn on plainwere also burnt downin the war, onlyleaves behind the burned blackremnanteavecliff. MinasTiris'spure whitecity wallburntattacking a citytowerblackens by smoke, between many corpses of Humanandhalfbeastperson, is lying downmorehorsescorpses, the mammothfights the alikecorpse. Dusk , the extinguishedfire pointonlyhascontinuously the black smoke, is slantingis flutteringto the sky.
空气中充满了火场的气味,烧焦的尸骸与攻城器械散落在宽广的平原上,原本平原上的农场与谷仓也在大战中被烧毁,只留下焦黑的残檐断壁。米那斯提力斯洁白的城墙被燃烧的攻城塔熏黑,在诸多人类和半兽人的尸体间,躺着更多的马匹尸体,还有猛犸战象的尸体。黄昏下,已经熄灭的火点只剩下缕缕黑烟,斜着飘向天空。minsomewhatdistressedwalkingin the battlefield of field littered with corpses, herhelmetwiped outin the fight, on the foreheadalsobreakingsiltazure, after by the hairhanging loosebrain that the cigarette ash and blood stainblack. Whenchargesbecause of the riversidetosecure, herwarhorsewas killed, shealsofell, hasto fightwith the enemyon foot. Hersideshielddamagedin the fight, thenfoundanothershieldonnearbycorpse. Wasonejust the ironshield of bellsoldier. Fortunately, Sallybestowstohertreasured swordis still sharp, the cold lightsparkles: „Sally, where are youat?!”
The soldier who in the battlefieldhears the survivalonce for a whileshouts the name of family memberfriend.
The sky of distant placeis dusky, the sea breezeused the neatcold air/Qi, in the cloud layerwas fermentingrainstorm.
“希莎莉!”minexhaustedwalkingincorpses, everywherewas the skeletons of dying in battle. AfterHallardpersonappears, theyseparatedin the confusion. Until the fightended, minhas not seenthisfriendlyElftrail. Everywhereis the corpses , compared with halfbeastperson, the fight of Hallardpersonis more tenacious, mademorecasualtiesto the generalregiment. Shecannot help buttothisunderstandingshortly, butrelates very goodfriendto be worried. Some time ago, shesaw with one's own eyesto hope the superiorkingandblack inkalsoto haveGreeksuperiorPrince, threepeopleledsomegeneralsto escort the wounded personto enterBaichengtogether. Mayin the wounded person, shenot seeElf.
伊欧玟疲惫的走在尸体间,到处都是阵亡者的尸骸。在哈拉德人出现后,她们就在混乱中分开了。直到战斗结束,伊欧玟都没有看到这位友好精灵的踪迹。到处都是尸体,和半兽人比起来,哈拉德人的战斗更为顽强,也给骠骑军团制造了更多的伤亡。她不由得对这位认识没多久,但关系很好的朋友感到担心。不久前,她亲眼看到希优顿王、伊欧墨还有希优德王子,三人一起率领部分骠骑护送伤员进入白城。可在伤员中,她没有看到精灵。Has been walkingto the East, minis waiting and seeing, in the sobroadbattlefield, determined that eachcorpse the statusis difficult.
一直向东方走着,伊欧玟四下观望着,在如此宽广的战场上,确定每一个尸体的身份非常困难。Suddenly, inmanycorpses, shesees a hairsnow whitegray wolf, liesto lie, in a mammothfightsby the alikecorpse.
忽然,在诸多尸体间,她看到一只毛发雪白的灰狼,趴卧在一头猛犸战象的尸体旁。minpulls out the sword, shelooks atthatphysiquegiantgray wolfcautiously, itsbuildis close to a warhorse, but the sharp claws and mouthturned the revealon the caninestillto remain the bloodstain.
伊欧玟抽出剑,她小心翼翼的看着那头体格巨大的灰狼,它的体型接近一头战马,而利爪和嘴边翻露的尖牙上仍然残留着血迹。Gusthas blown, raises the sand dust on plain. mincovered the tip of the noseto coughlayer on layer/heavilytwo. The sandstormtunnelled the vision, after waits for the sandstormto flutter, mincannot help butopened the eyes.
The gray wolfdisappears, Sallysitson the ground, the rightcalfswellingturns purple.
“希莎莉?”„min?”Sallyraised the head, at presentonebright: „! On, saw all your is well is really good. SeparatesafteryouIam worried aboutyouvery much, but, butmylegwas injured, cannotlook foryou. Icanprocess the ordinarywound and hematischesis, butsuchinjuryistheseis expert inDruidfor treatingaspect to be able to achieve.”
“伊欧玟?”希莎莉抬起头,眼前一亮:“哦!艾露恩在上,看到你平安无事真是太好了。和你分开后我很担心你,但,但我的腿受伤了,一直不能去找你。我能处理普通的伤口和止血,但这样的伤害是那些专精治疗方面的德鲁伊才能做得到的。”„Did Isee a wolfa moment agoprobably........?”minrelaxes, patted the chest: „Are yougood?”
“我刚才好像看到一头狼........?”伊欧玟松了口气,拍了拍胸膛:“你还好吗?”„I am very certainly good, herehas no wolf, butmyleg......., the Queen of nightblesses, severalmonths ago, mylegwas scratchedby the sword of Hachez, Ithink that the woundhas healed, finallywhenIjump downfrom the mammothshape, broke the leg.”Sallysomewhatpuzzleflexureback of the head: „Heredoes not have the beastpersonto noticemefortunately, the knightswent round the mammothalikecorpsein the charge, perhapsotherwisewantedsome people responsible formywreckagediggingfrom the soil.”
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