AWJOAW :: Volume #26

#2528 Part 1: The life and death leaves

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This war continued the evening. 这场大战持续到了傍晚。 Under northern and both sides converging attack of southern reinforcements, half beast person army was eliminated most probably, only then extremely few parts fight the shape presents the time while Hallard, flees to the south. 在北方与南方援军的两面夹击下,半兽人军队大半被消灭,只有极少部分趁着哈拉德战象出现的时候,逃往南方。 In the air filled the smell of scene of fire, the skeleton and attacking a city instrument of burn scatters on the broad plain, originally the farm and barn on plain were also burnt down in the war, only leaves behind the burned black remnant eave cliff. Minas Tiris's pure white city wall burnt attacking a city tower blackens by smoke, between many corpses of Human and half beast person, is lying down more horses corpses, the mammoth fights the alike corpse. Dusk , the extinguished fire point only has continuously the black smoke, is slanting is fluttering to the sky. 空气中充满了火场的气味,烧焦的尸骸与攻城器械散落在宽广的平原上,原本平原上的农场与谷仓也在大战中被烧毁,只留下焦黑的残檐断壁。米那斯提力斯洁白的城墙被燃烧的攻城塔熏黑,在诸多人类和半兽人的尸体间,躺着更多的马匹尸体,还有猛犸战象的尸体。黄昏下,已经熄灭的火点只剩下缕缕黑烟,斜着飘向天空。 min somewhat distressed walking in the battlefield of field littered with corpses, her helmet wiped out in the fight, on the forehead also breaking silt azure, after by the hair hanging loose brain that the cigarette ash and blood stain black. When charges because of the riverside to secure, her warhorse was killed, she also fell, has to fight with the enemy on foot. Her side shield damaged in the fight, then found another shield on nearby corpse. Was one just the iron shield of bell soldier. Fortunately, Sally bestows to her treasured sword is still sharp, the cold light sparkles: Sally, where are you at?!” 伊欧玟有些狼狈的走在尸横遍野的战场上,她的头盔在战斗中被打掉了,额头上还有一处摔伤的淤青,被烟灰和血污染黑的头发披散脑后。在向安度因河边冲锋的时候,她的战马被杀死,她也摔了下来,只好和敌人徒步战斗。她的一面盾牌在战斗中损坏了,然后又在附近的尸体上找到了另一个盾牌。是一名刚铎士兵的铁盾。所幸,希莎莉赠送给她的宝剑依然锋利,寒光闪闪:“希莎莉,你在哪?!” The soldier who in the battlefield hears the survival once for a while shouts the name of family member friend. 战场上时不时听到幸存的士兵呼喊亲人朋友的名字。 The sky of distant place is dusky, the sea breeze used the neat cold air/Qi, in the cloud layer was fermenting rainstorm. 远处的天空灰蒙蒙的,海风吹来了清爽的冷气,云层中酝酿着一场暴雨。 Sally!” “希莎莉!” min exhausted walking in corpses, everywhere was the skeletons of dying in battle. After Hallard person appears, they separated in the confusion. Until the fight ended, min has not seen this friendly Elf trail. Everywhere is the corpses , compared with half beast person, the fight of Hallard person is more tenacious, made more casualties to the general regiment. She cannot help but to this understanding shortly, but relates very good friend to be worried. Some time ago, she saw with one's own eyes to hope the superior king and black ink also to have Greek superior Prince, three people led some generals to escort the wounded person to enter Baicheng together. May in the wounded person, she not see Elf. 伊欧玟疲惫的走在尸体间,到处都是阵亡者的尸骸。在哈拉德人出现后,她们就在混乱中分开了。直到战斗结束,伊欧玟都没有看到这位友好精灵的踪迹。到处都是尸体,和半兽人比起来,哈拉德人的战斗更为顽强,也给骠骑军团制造了更多的伤亡。她不由得对这位认识没多久,但关系很好的朋友感到担心。不久前,她亲眼看到希优顿王、伊欧墨还有希优德王子,三人一起率领部分骠骑护送伤员进入白城。可在伤员中,她没有看到精灵 Has been walking to the East, min is waiting and seeing, in the so broad battlefield, determined that each corpse the status is difficult. 一直向东方走着,伊欧玟四下观望着,在如此宽广的战场上,确定每一个尸体的身份非常困难。 Suddenly, in many corpses, she sees a hair snow white gray wolf, lies to lie, in a mammoth fights by the alike corpse. 忽然,在诸多尸体间,她看到一只毛发雪白的灰狼,趴卧在一头猛犸战象的尸体旁。 min pulls out the sword, she looks at that physique giant gray wolf cautiously, its build is close to a warhorse, but the sharp claws and mouth turned the reveal on the canine still to remain the bloodstain. 伊欧玟抽出剑,她小心翼翼的看着那头体格巨大的灰狼,它的体型接近一头战马,而利爪和嘴边翻露的尖牙上仍然残留着血迹。 Gust has blown, raises the sand dust on plain. min covered the tip of the nose to cough layer on layer/heavily two. The sandstorm tunnelled the vision, after waits for the sandstorm to flutter, min cannot help but opened the eyes. 一阵风吹过,扬起平原上的沙尘。伊欧玟捂着鼻尖重重的咳嗽了两声。风沙挡住了视线,等风沙飘过后,伊欧玟不由得睁大了双眼。 The gray wolf disappears, Sally sits on the ground, the right calf swelling turns purple. 灰狼不见了,希莎莉坐在地上,右小腿肿胀发紫。 Sally?” “希莎莉?” min?” Sally raised the head, at present one bright: „! On, saw all your is well is really good. Separates after you I am worried about you very much, but, but my leg was injured, cannot look for you. I can process the ordinary wound and hematischesis, but such injury is these is expert in Druid for treating aspect to be able to achieve.” “伊欧玟?”希莎莉抬起头,眼前一亮:“哦!艾露恩在上,看到你平安无事真是太好了。和你分开后我很担心你,但,但我的腿受伤了,一直不能去找你。我能处理普通的伤口和止血,但这样的伤害是那些专精治疗方面的德鲁伊才能做得到的。” „Did I see a wolf a moment ago probably ........?” min relaxes, patted the chest: „Are you good?” “我刚才好像看到一头狼........?”伊欧玟松了口气,拍了拍胸膛:“你还好吗?” I am very certainly good, here has no wolf, but my leg ......., the Queen of night blesses, several months ago, my leg was scratched by the sword of Hachez, I think that the wound has healed, finally when I jump down from the mammoth shape, broke the leg.” Sally somewhat puzzle flexure back of the head: Here does not have the beast person to notice me fortunately, the knights went round the mammoth alike corpse in the charge, perhaps otherwise wanted some people responsible for my wreckage digging from the soil.” “我当然很好,这里没有什么狼,但我的腿.......哦,月神保佑,几个月前,我的腿被黑骑士的剑划伤了,我本以为伤口早就愈合,结果在我从猛犸象上跳下来的时候,把腿摔断了。”希莎莉有些困扰的挠了挠后脑勺:“还好这里没有兽人注意到我,骑士们在冲锋的时候绕开了猛犸象的尸体,否则恐怕就要有人负责把我的残骸从泥土中挖出来了。”
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