„Youare all rightwell.”minhas not paid attention to the Sally'scoldjoke, shearrives atsideSally, is graspingherarm: „Iholdyouto go to the hospital.”
The hospital in bellcitywas just fully occupied, peoplecleaned up a roadin the city gatehalfbeastpersonbodypile, is lifting the people and doctors of stretcheris busy the injuredsoldiershiftingfrom the battlefieldto the hospital. Somepeoplenoticeminand who Sallywalksfrom the battlefield, quick, carried the person of stretcherto arrive in front ofthem, fed in Sally the hospital.
刚铎城内的医院人满为患,人们在城门口的半兽人尸体堆中清理出一条路,抬着担架的民众和医生忙着将受伤的士兵从战场上转移到医院中。有人注意到从战场上走回来的伊欧玟和希莎莉,很快,抬着担架的人来到了她们面前,把希莎莉送进了医院里。MinasTiris'shospitalcan be said as the Sino-TurkeyHumanmedical skillwisestplace. The ancientknowledgehas been lostmostly, butjust the bellmedical skillmadethemfeelproudas beforesufficiently. Just the belldoctorexcelled in treating the wound and ache, alldiseases that as well aseast ofseaHumancaninfect. In the past, besidesprolonginglife span, theycandeal with all kinds ofdoubts or problems, guaranteedas far as possiblehereHumanwill not die of the disease. Butnow, theiris proudis facing the challenge, the most difficultissuealmostperplexedalldoctors.
米那斯提力斯的医院可以说是中土人类医术最高明的地方。古代的知识大都已经失传,但刚铎的医术依旧足以让他们感到自豪。刚铎的医生擅于治疗伤口和疼痛,以及海以东的人类会感染的所有疾病。过去,除了延长寿命之外,他们可以应对各种各样的疑难杂症,尽可能保证这里的人类不会因疾病而去世。但如今,他们的自豪正面临着挑战,一个最为棘手的问题几乎难住了所有医生。„Thisis the shadowsickness, Sorcerer.”
“这是黑影病,巫师。”Taliani'swifeyouin the hospital, sheis one of the heremostdoctorsof noble character and high prestige: „In the pastwhen the blackgate, Ihave seenthissituation. Thiscause of disease came from abstaining from the spirit. The person who hasthissicknesswill fall into the deepsleep, thenwhole bodyice-cold. Abstained fromspiritanditsmonsterbeastmountinjures, withoutmeanstreatment. Manywarriorsinabstaining from the spirithandlived, butactuallydiedinafterwardinfection, finallyturned into the enslaveddead souls.”
塔里昂的妻子攸瑞丝在医院中,她已经是这里最德高望重的医生之一:“过去在黑门的时候,我见到过这种情况。这种病源来自于戒灵。染上这种病的人会陷入深沉的睡梦中,然后全身冰冷。被戒灵和它的妖兽坐骑所伤,没有办法医治。许多勇士在戒灵手中活了下来,但却死在了后来的感染中,最终变成被奴役的死灵。”Viginilies downon the hospital bed, eyefloodred, on the armpackages the bandage, the bandageis downloading the ill-smellingherbal medicinesmell.
维吉妮亚躺在病床上,眼睛泛红,手臂上包裹着绷带,绷带下传来难闻的草药气味。„Damn.......hasto be able the meansdraggingsome time?”Zelin asked that hesatin the bedside: „Onlyrequiresquite a while the timeto be good.”
“该死的.......有能办法拖延一段时间吗?”泽林问道,他坐在床边:“只需要半天时间就好。”„In the pastshould, butsheinjureswas too heavy, Iam not clearwhether to guarantee...... Imake contribution.”youdeeplyinspires: „Iuseallmeanswith every effort, makingherkeepsoberattonight. Herehas the person who abstained frominjuresspirit, hopes that theycaninsist.”
“过去应该可以,但她伤的太重了,我不清楚能否保证......我尽力。”攸瑞丝深吸了口气:“我尽力用所有办法,让她在今晚保持清醒。这里有很多被戒灵所伤的人,希望他们都能坚持过来。”„Thisenough.”Zelinnods. Heremembers that Rivendellhasmeansto cure. If the timewith enough time, hecanleadVigini, an eveningfliesRivendell.
“这就够了。”泽林点点头。他记得瑞文戴尔有一种办法可以治愈。如果时间来得及,他可以带着维吉妮亚,一晚上飞到瑞文戴尔。Viginiis opening the eye, looks at the ceiling. Shecannot seeanything, Zelinhas graspedheralsoto have the right hand of intuition.
维吉妮亚只是睁着眼睛,看着天花板。她看不到任何东西,泽林一直握着她还有直觉的右手。At this time, the hospitalentrancetransmitted a tumult.
这时,医院门口传来一阵骚动。„What's the matter?”youstands up, crosses the doctors in hospital wards, looksto the entrance: „Pleasetell the entranceperson, do not disturb the patient.”
A guardruns: „IssomeElf, Madame.” The soldierslookverypuzzled: „Theirleadersdeclared that brought the method and method of cure.”
一名卫兵跑进来:“是一些精灵,女士。”士兵看起来很困惑:“她们的首领宣称带来了治愈的手段和方法。”Zelingawked.泽林愣了一下。„Makesthemcome ina bit faster!”
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