AWJOAW :: Volume #26

#2527 Part 2: Aragon's reinforcements

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Allah is recommending a capable person to the emperor the Saint white tree flag, just the bell soldier cheered toward the flag. 阿拉贡举着圣白树旗帜,刚铎士兵朝着旗帜欢呼。 What is this?” Wei curious asking. “这是什么?”托鲁薇尔好奇的问道。 I am not clear.” Al Teja looks that under passed through from just the bell defense line, kills to retreating the soldiers of half beast person. She was not clear where these soldiers come from, does not know why this pirate fleet turned into just the bell fleet. In these soldiers some people are dressing just the bell black and white interaction armor, some wear the leather clothes, below is the pale brown skin, is well-built: But I do not want to miss to harvest the good opportunity of enemy. Wei, making your person shield the riverside, we must retreating half beast person hits again, then with others together, they thoroughly eliminates in the plain general!” “我也不清楚。”阿尔泰娅看着下方从刚铎防线穿过,杀向溃逃的半兽人的战士们。她不清楚这些战士来自什么地方,也不知道为什么这支海盗舰队变成了刚铎的船队。这些战士中有些人穿戴着刚铎的黑白相间盔甲,有些则穿着皮革衣服,下面是淡棕色皮肤,体格健壮:“但我不想错过收割敌人的好机会。托鲁薇尔,让你的人掩护河边,我们要把溃逃回来的半兽人再打回去,然后与其他人一起,在平原上将它们彻底消灭!” East bank half beast person silent and desperate looks at another side same clan, is chased down by Human that the fleet overshoots, they are helpless. The so huge fleet on the river course, formed a stabler defense line horizontally, the wooden boat that half beast person makes temporarily tilts silent under the attack of ships crossbow artillery, half beast person who on the river surface falls in the water brandishes the arm to struggle, was submerged by the brutal ice-cold river water. Some half beast person desire hold the ships edge to crawl, quick was stabbed by the lance, or by the archer by broad side was shot dead. 东岸的半兽人沉默而又绝望的看着另一边的同族,被舰队上冲下来的人类追杀,它们却无能为力。如此庞大的舰队横在河道上,形成了一道更加稳固的防线,半兽人临时制造出的木舟在舰船弩炮的攻击下倾覆沉默,河面上落水的半兽人挥舞着手臂挣扎着,被无情冰冷的河水淹没。有些半兽人想要抓住船只边缘爬上去,很快就被长矛刺中,或者被船舷旁的弓箭手射死。 In a while, in this period on heavy crossbow then aimed at the east bank enemy, the wooden shield that half beast person manufactures in a rough way is unable to resist such attack. They retreat like the tide, flee the shore, escapes from the east bank city ruins, only looked after the line of sight no longer has the Saint white tree flag and black ship, fright uncertain stops. 没过多久,期间上的重弩转而瞄准东岸的敌人,半兽人粗制滥造的木盾根本无法抵挡这样的攻击。它们像潮水一样退去,逃离岸边,逃出东岸的城市废墟,只看视线内不再有圣白树旗帜和黑船后才惊魂不定的停下来。 The suddenly time, Osgiliath turned into the encirclement hunting ground of half beast person, the high-spirited soldier chases down half beast person along the street, the fleeing city that many half beast people cannot choose the exact way because of flurry, just escaped from the city gate, then bumps into cavalry and swan knight who chased down to come. 眨眼间的功夫,奥斯吉力亚斯变成了半兽人的围猎场,士气高昂的士兵沿着街道追杀半兽人,许多半兽人慌不择路的逃离城市,刚刚逃出城门,便迎面撞上了追杀而来的洛汗骑兵与天鹅骑士。 The Human cavalry gallops on the plain, the thorough rout, was surrounded half beast person on plain to lose all fighting wills. Cavalry kills from north, Faramir's soldier and Aen Unit Elf defended Osgiliath, shut off the half beast person east escape route , the garrison troops killed from Baicheng, encircled the enemy, but the fleet that the south came became last straw that crashed half beast person. 人类的骑兵在平原上驰骋,彻底溃败,被包围在平原上的半兽人失去了所有的战斗意志。洛汗骑兵从北面杀来,法拉墨的士兵与艾恩精灵守住了奥斯吉力亚斯,切断了半兽人东边的退路,守军从白城中杀出,围剿敌人,而南方来的舰队则成了压垮半兽人的最后一根稻草。 Somewhat tries to attack secure Faross from demon many reinforcements, desire captures peaceful because of the sandbar of river, aids the allied force on Perrin plain. But at this moment, they surprised discovery, the guard only has in several hundred people of forts, suddenly were many another batch to be tall, fully-armed Human soldier. They the attack to the fort were repelled quickly, a Human soldier named Jaquays even massacred the commander of half beast person. 有些来自魔多的援军试图攻击安法洛斯,想要夺取安度因河的沙洲,援助佩兰诺平原上的友军。但此刻,它们却惊讶的发现,守卫只有几百人的要塞中,忽然多了另一批身材高大,全副武装的人类战士。它们对要塞的攻击很快就被击退,一名叫贾奎斯的人类战士甚至杀掉了半兽人的指挥官。 The flagship anchors finally by Duanqiao, gold/metal Li and Legge Russ turn over/stand up to jump down the ship. 旗舰最终停靠在断桥旁,金雳和莱戈拉斯翻身跳下船。 Arrived Dwarf and Elf competition time!” gold/metal Li both hands are grasping the axe, killing intent is spirited: These is time Dwarf wins certainly!” “又到了矮人精灵比赛的时候了!”金雳双手握着斧头,杀意昂扬:“这一次一定是矮人赢!” Legge Russ extracts an arrow, shoots at the sky. The arrow arrow has delimited a curve in the sky, climbs up the high tower ruins, in half beast person nape of the neck that tries to run away the arrow, threw down following the pitch. 莱戈拉斯抽出一根箭,射向天空。箭矢在天空划过一个弧度,一名爬上高塔废墟,试图逃走的半兽人脖颈中箭,顺着斜坡摔倒了下来。 „!” “一个!” gold/metal Li the surprised opening eye, looks to Legge Russ: You break the rules!” 金雳惊讶的睁大眼睛,看向莱戈拉斯:“你这是犯规!” Another arrow shot, just escaped the arrow to the half beast person of shore, staggered forward two steps, planted to the dry basin. 又一箭射了出去,一个刚刚逃向岸边的半兽人中箭,向前踉跄走了两步,栽到在干涸的水池里。 Legge Russ happily looks to gold/metal li: Two.” 莱戈拉斯得意的看向金雳:“两个。” Dwarf will not lose!” 矮人才不会输!” gold/metal Liju the axe, is following behind just the bell soldier, kills to half beast person. 金雳举着斧头,跟在刚铎士兵后面,杀向半兽人。 Finally, after Sun falls to the white mountain range finally, dyes fiery red the entire sky, the hill and shore were dyed the red, flows rapidly restless peaceful because of the river flood red, above is floating by half beast person corpse of being drown to death, the Pelennor Fields scarlet piece, the blood that flows made the plain trade the color thoroughly. 最后,太阳终于落到白色山脉之后,把整个天空染成火红,丘陵与岸边被染成了红色,奔流不息的安度因河泛红,上面漂浮着被淹死的半兽人尸体,帕兰诺平原赤红一片,流淌出的鲜血令平原彻底换了颜色。
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