Allahis recommending a capable person to the emperor the Saintwhitetreeflag, just the bellsoldiercheeredtoward the flag.
阿拉贡举着圣白树旗帜,刚铎士兵朝着旗帜欢呼。„What is this?”Weicuriousasking.
“这是什么?”托鲁薇尔好奇的问道。„Iam not clear.”AlTejalooks that under passed throughfromjust the belldefense line, killstoretreating the soldiers of halfbeastperson. Shewas not clear where thesesoldierscome from, does not know why thispiratefleetturned intojust the bellfleet. Inthesesoldierssomepeopleare dressingjust the bellblack and whiteinteractionarmor, somewear the leatherclothes, belowis the palebrownskin, is well-built: „ButIdo not wantto missto harvest the good opportunity of enemy. Wei, makingyourpersonshield the riverside, wemustretreatinghalfbeastpersonhitsagain, thenwith others together, theythoroughlyeliminatesin the plaingeneral!”
“我也不清楚。”阿尔泰娅看着下方从刚铎防线穿过,杀向溃逃的半兽人的战士们。她不清楚这些战士来自什么地方,也不知道为什么这支海盗舰队变成了刚铎的船队。这些战士中有些人穿戴着刚铎的黑白相间盔甲,有些则穿着皮革衣服,下面是淡棕色皮肤,体格健壮:“但我不想错过收割敌人的好机会。托鲁薇尔,让你的人掩护河边,我们要把溃逃回来的半兽人再打回去,然后与其他人一起,在平原上将它们彻底消灭!”East bankhalfbeastpersonsilentanddesperatelooks atanother sidesame clan, is chased downbyHuman that the fleetovershoots, theyare helpless. The sohugefleeton the river course, formed a stablerdefense linehorizontally, the woodenboat that halfbeastpersonmakestemporarilytiltssilentunder the attack of shipscrossbowartillery, halfbeastperson who on the river surfacefalls in the waterbrandishes the armto struggle, was submergedby the brutalice-coldriver water. Somehalfbeastpersondesirehold the shipsedgeto crawl, quickwas stabbedby the lance, orby the archerbybroad sidewas shot dead.
东岸的半兽人沉默而又绝望的看着另一边的同族,被舰队上冲下来的人类追杀,它们却无能为力。如此庞大的舰队横在河道上,形成了一道更加稳固的防线,半兽人临时制造出的木舟在舰船弩炮的攻击下倾覆沉默,河面上落水的半兽人挥舞着手臂挣扎着,被无情冰冷的河水淹没。有些半兽人想要抓住船只边缘爬上去,很快就被长矛刺中,或者被船舷旁的弓箭手射死。In a while, in this period on heavycrossbowthenaimed at the east bankenemy, the woodenshield that halfbeastpersonmanufactures in a rough wayis unable to resistsuchattack. Theyretreatlike the tide, flee the shore, escapes from the east bankcityruins, onlylooked after the line of sightno longerhas the Saintwhitetreeflag and blackship, frightuncertainstops.
The suddenlytime, Osgiliathturned into the encirclementhunting ground of halfbeastperson, the high-spiritedsoldierchases downhalfbeastpersonalong the street, the fleeingcity that manyhalfbeastpeoplecannot choose the exact way because of flurry, justescaped from the city gate, thenbumps intocavalry and swanknight who chased downto come.
The Humancavalrygallopson the plain, the thoroughrout, was surroundedhalfbeastpersononplainto loseallfighting wills. Cavalrykillsfromnorth, Faramir'ssoldierandAen Unit ElfdefendedOsgiliath, shut off the halfbeastpersoneastescape route , the garrison troopskilledfromBaicheng, encircled the enemy, but the fleet that the southcamebecamelaststraw that crashedhalfbeastperson.人类的骑兵在平原上驰骋,彻底溃败,被包围在平原上的半兽人失去了所有的战斗意志。洛汗骑兵从北面杀来,法拉墨的士兵与艾恩精灵守住了奥斯吉力亚斯,切断了半兽人东边的退路,守军从白城中杀出,围剿敌人,而南方来的舰队则成了压垮半兽人的最后一根稻草。Somewhattriesto attacksecureFarossfromdemonmanyreinforcements, desirecapturespeacefulbecause of the sandbar of river, aids the allied force on Perrinplain. Butat this moment, theysurpriseddiscovery, the guardonly hasinseveral hundredpeople of forts, suddenlywere manyanotherbatchto be tall, fully-armedHumansoldier. They the attackto the fortwere repelledquickly, a HumansoldiernamedJaquaysevenmassacred the commander of halfbeastperson.
The flagshipanchorsfinallybyDuanqiao, gold/metalLiandLeggeRussturn over/stand upto jump down the ship.
旗舰最终停靠在断桥旁,金雳和莱戈拉斯翻身跳下船。„ArrivedDwarfandElfcompetitiontime!”gold/metalLiboth handsare grasping the axe, killingintentis spirited: „TheseistimeDwarfwins certainly!”
“又到了矮人和精灵比赛的时候了!”金雳双手握着斧头,杀意昂扬:“这一次一定是矮人赢!”LeggeRussextracts an arrow, shoots at the sky. The arrowarrowhas delimited a curvein the sky, climbs up the hightowerruins, inhalfbeastpersonnape of the neck that triesto run away the arrow, threw downfollowing the pitch.
“一个!”gold/metalLi the surprisedopeningeye, lookstoLeggeRuss: „Youbreak the rules!”
金雳惊讶的睁大眼睛,看向莱戈拉斯:“你这是犯规!”Anotherarrowshot, justescaped the arrowto the halfbeastperson of shore, staggeredforwardtwosteps, planted to the drybasin.
又一箭射了出去,一个刚刚逃向岸边的半兽人中箭,向前踉跄走了两步,栽到在干涸的水池里。LeggeRusshappilylookstogold/metalli: „Two.”
莱戈拉斯得意的看向金雳:“两个。”„Dwarfwill not lose!”
“矮人才不会输!”gold/metalLiju the axe, is followingbehindjust the bellsoldier, killstohalfbeastperson.
金雳举着斧头,跟在刚铎士兵后面,杀向半兽人。Finally, after Sunfallsto the whitemountain rangefinally, dyesfiery red the entiresky, the hill and shorewere dyed the red, flows rapidlyrestlesspeacefulbecause of the riverfloodred, aboveis floatingbyhalfbeastpersoncorpse of being drown to death, the Pelennor Fieldsscarletpiece, the blood that flowsmade the plaintrade the colorthoroughly.
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