Halfbeastpersonlooks at the blacksail in river courseto approachDuanqiaogradually, the yawpcontinuously.
半兽人望着河道中的黑帆渐渐逼近断桥,叫喊声此起彼伏。„Disembarksa bit faster, the smellypirate, youcomewas too late!”
“快点下船,臭海盗,你们来的太迟了!”„Nowlacks the manpower, killedthesejust the bellperson, otherwiseyourspoils of wardid not have!”
“现在缺少人手,杀了这些刚铎人,否则你们连战利品都没有了!”„Aback, aback! Yourthisgroup of blind people, justbellpersonin front ofDuanqiao!”
The blacksail on fleetlowersgradually, fourbattleshipslower the sail, anchorscovers entirely the cobblestoneinsecurebecause of the riverside the beach head.
舰队上的黑帆渐渐降下,四艘战舰降下风帆,停靠在安度因河边布满鹅卵石的滩头。Faramirleads100soldiersto rush to the shore, is facing the battleship of docking. Standslooksto the shipin the shore, cannot see anyone 's shadow, the broad sideboth sidesis fixing the shield that resists the arrowvector sumjavelin, blocked the line of sight of looking atto the deck. Among the shields the slitrevealsto fix the heavycrossbowindeck, heavycrossbowunmannedoperation, butjust the bellsoldiersstillheld up the shieldsubconsciously, preparesto resist the attackfromshipat any time.
法拉墨带领一百名士兵冲到岸边,面对着停靠的战舰。站在岸边向船上望去,看不到任何人影,船舷两侧固定着抵挡箭矢和标枪的盾牌,挡住了看向甲板的视线。盾牌间缝隙露出固定在甲板上的重弩,重弩无人操纵,但刚铎士兵们仍然下意识举起盾牌,随时准备抵挡来自船上的攻击。Halfbeastpersontreatsbeyond the AenElffiring distance, is eager to try, preparesto waitto attackin the pirateat any time, rushesto profit from another's strife. HereElfandHumanmustbe defeatedimmediately, canwait tillrobs the spoils of warfinally, whyto rushto bring deathnow. Falls down, insertsfullJianshi the bodyto look like the caution board, butby the path, after on a fightended, someAenElfreduced the heads of somebeastpeople, pierces, in the lancetheninsertsin the slit between roadsiderocks. Justexperienced a halfbeastperson of routto loseinPerrinplain the courage of braving the dangerousattack.
半兽人待在艾恩精灵的射程外,跃跃欲试,随时准备等着在海盗进攻,冲上去坐收渔利。这里的精灵和人类马上就要被击败了,能等到最后抢夺战利品,何必现在冲上去送死。倒在地上,插满箭矢的尸体就像是警告牌,而在道路两旁,上一场战斗结束后,一些艾恩精灵砍掉了部分兽人的脑袋,刺穿在长矛然后插在路边岩石间的缝隙中。刚刚在佩兰诺平原经历了一次溃败的半兽人已经失去了冒着危险进攻的勇气。„Wei.”AlTejarunsalong the circular stairshalf step: „Can yourpersonshield the riverside?”
“那些船只?”„Right, if the enemy on shipattacksfrom the river bank, youcandelaythem, ourhorsesin, so long asdid not tie down, wecanbeforebeing surroundedretreats.”AlTejaholds the shattertalltoweredgesingle-handed, lookstooutside: „Thisfleetcouldhold1000soldiers, wecannot blockthem, bestfirstretreat. Weblocked the reinforcements of enemy, the cavalries on plainwon, wedo not needto cling to tenaciouslythiscityruins.” North AlTejaaims: „Cannotwalktowardsouthagain, the pirate came from the south, perhapstherehad been seized, before severalhours, weandChinese come here together, breaks throughin the familiardirection.”
The opposite shorepresentedmostly the beastperson, the army that killsfrom the Minasdevil's lairarranges the neatsquare formation, standsin another end of shoreandDuanqiao, the foodtransvestitein groupscarries the woodenboatto rush to the riverside, probablywas being urgedbysomenot being able to seestrength. The woodenboatjustput down, manyhalfbeastpeoplethenpush the shipto break in the river water, grabs the broad sideto turn over/to stand upto crawl, delimiting of rushing to be firsttoopposite shore. MorehalfbeastpeoplegathernearDuanqiao, the AenElfscatteredarrowarrowshootsin the bridge approach, after severalrecklesshalfbeastpeople the arrowfalls to the ground, remainingimmediatelyholds up the shield. In the slit between shields, halfbeastpeopletransport the plankto runto the bridge floor.
对岸出现了更多半兽人,许多从米纳斯魔窟中杀出来的军队排列成整齐的方阵,站在岸边和断桥的另一端,成群结队的食人妖扛着木舟冲到河边,像是被某种看不到的力量催赶着。木舟刚刚放下,许多半兽人便推着船冲入河水,抓着船舷翻身爬上去,争先恐后的划向对岸。更多的半兽人则聚集在断桥边,艾恩精灵零零散散的箭矢射在桥边,几名冒进的半兽人中箭倒地后,剩下的立刻举起盾牌。在盾牌间的缝隙中,有半兽人搬运着木板跑向桥面。„Iknew.”Weinods: „But.....Iam not clear, onpirate ship why the bellpersonwas just afraid, will havetheirdustersymbol?”
“我知道了。”托鲁薇尔点点头:“但.....我不明白,为什么刚铎人所害怕的海盗船上,会有他们罩袍标志?”„Un?”AlTeja'scuriouspoking head.
“嗯?”阿尔泰娅好奇的探出头。Shipsnot, becausehowling of halfbeastpersonstops, except forthatfourapproaching shoreships, the giantflagshipstillalong the rivers, swam against the stream. The fleetis silent, until nownocrewappearsin the deck, has not displayedanyhostilityto the justbellperson of shore. The howling of halfbeastpersonwas gradually low and deep, theirpuzzledlooks atthisfleet, the justbellperson of shorealsoholds the samedoubts, manysoldiershelplesslooks atmore and morenearships, does not know whether this/shouldattacksahead of time.
船只没有因为半兽人的吼叫而停下,除了那四艘靠岸的船只,巨大的旗舰仍然沿着河流,逆流而上。舰队沉默无言,至今没有一名船员出现在甲板上,也没有对岸边的刚铎人表现出任何敌意。半兽人的吼叫声逐渐低沉了下来,它们困惑的看着这支船队,岸边的刚铎人同样抱有相同的疑惑,许多士兵不知所措的看着越来越近的船只,不知道是否该提前攻击。Butthisdoubtshave not continued is too long.
A manrushes to the bow, raised a flag, the flagis blownby the gale, the Saintwhitetreeflutteredagainst the wind.
一名男人冲到船头,扬起了一面旗帜,旗帜被强风吹开,圣白树迎风飘扬。Justin the bellsoldiererupteddeafeningcheeringinstantaneously.
刚铎士兵中瞬间爆发出震耳欲聋的欢呼。Hides the soldiersinapproaching shoreshipsto cross the broad sidein abundance, jumps the shore, waved the weaponto killto the suddenlygotten upaccidenthit a being caught off guardhalfbeastperson. Squatsalsostands upin the shieldfollowingsoldiersimmediately, operates the crossbow boltto fire at the east bankhalfbeastperson. Hitclose totenmetershighflagshipto the wall, bownumerouscollisionswas just building the longplank and wooden stakeonwalllikely, but also is restoringfoodtransvestitefrightenedrunning away of Duanqiao, along with the gratingbreaksound, the bridgewas hitagainaround the middle. Halfbeastperson who runs awaywithout enough timewas screamingjumps in the river, was submergedby the turbulentriver water.
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