STNH :: Volume #1 寒门仙师

#58: Slave Pill

Mu Yu also shocks at heart very much! The pine Daoist of noble character and high prestige kneels in this young people unexpectedly at present, if this passed on, will cause the panic of Cultivation World absolutely! Person who the pine Daoists cannot stand off, then who can resist this young people? 木羽心里也是很震撼!德高望重的青松道人竟然就这么跪在了这个青年人眼前,这若是传出去,绝对会引起修真界的恐慌!青松道人都敌不过的人,那么谁能对抗这个青年人? This young people obviously are that mysterious person who said unperturbed, his method may really be decisive, first step then most has the pine Daoist of right to speak to receive Cultivation World for the servant, then he then can make the pine Daoist trace the Sword Shadow Chen Feng whereabouts. By the Pin Faction influence, finds out Sword Shadow Chen Feng then to omit many strengths, this compared with unperturbed asked everywhere the person came really many. 这青年人显然就是恬然所说的那个神秘人,他的手段可真是果断,第一步便是把修真界最有话语权的青松道人收为仆人,那么接下来他便可以让青松道人去追查剑影尘风的下落。以青松派的势力,查出剑影尘风便可以省去许多力气,这比恬然到处一个个问人来得实在多了。 Eats up this Slave Pill, you are not then able to revolt against my order again.” The red clothes young people point at a ball, bright red compounded drug floats in the pine Daoist at present. “吃下这颗奴丹,你便再也无法反抗我的命令。”红衣青年人手指一弹,一颗鲜红的丹药浮在青松道人眼前。 Slave Pill! Unexpectedly is Slave Pill! 奴丹!竟然是奴丹 Mu Yu once listened to the master saying that this type of compounded drug is the Cultivation World very strange one compounded drug, it by the essence and blood refinement of Pill Refining, then takes to others, so long as person of cultivation base taking has not surpassed the person of Pill Refining, then his life is not then able to defy the person's of Pill Refining orders. 木羽曾听师父说过,这种丹药是修真界很诡异的一种丹药,它以炼丹者的精血炼制而成,然后给其他人服用,只要服用之人修为没有超过炼丹之人,那么他便一生都无法违抗炼丹之人的命令。 This compounded drug refinement difficulty is too high, after all must control a person is far from that easy matter, moreover was listed as the forbidden articles by Cultivation World, now is very rare. Mo Yun Mountain Range has no Pill Refining master, is more impossible to present this type of compounded drug, where are this red clothes young people sacred? 这种丹药炼制难度太高,毕竟要控制一个人远非那么容易的事,而且被修真界列为禁品,如今已经很少见了。漠允山脉没有任何一个炼丹师,更不可能出现这种丹药,这红衣青年人到底是何方神圣? The pine Daoist shiver puts out a hand, his scenery time how could to have thought also do have such a day? He stamps the feet, entire Cultivation World must tremble, no one dares to violate his order, at the present he actually must obey others' order! 青松道人颤抖地伸出手,他风光的时候何曾想过自己也有这么一天?他一跺脚,整个修真界都要发抖,没人敢违背他的命令,而今他却要听从别人的命令! In the face of daughter's life, he has no choice, he only then submits. His eyes swallowed that Slave Pill desperately, long time, he glares angrily, the entire body shakes fiercely, strange aura runs out from him, submerges red clothes youth within the body. 在女儿的性命面前,他没有任何选择,他只有屈服。他双眼绝望地咽下了那颗奴丹,半晌,他怒目圆睁,整个身子猛地一震,一股诡异的气息从他身上冲出,没入红衣青年体内。 Crawls, licks cleanly my shoes!” The red clothes young people wield the sleeves. “爬过来,把我的鞋子舔干净!”红衣青年人一挥衣袖。 The pine Daoist eyes dodge the shame with being unwilling as before, will he do this matter? He wants to reject, but he actually discovered that oneself body is uncontrolled, he cannot help but crawls unexpectedly toward the red clothes youth, crawls in red clothes youth, then stretches out the tongue, the under foot of face gathering red clothes youth. 青松道人眼睛依旧闪着耻辱与不甘,他怎么会做这种事呢?他想拒绝,但是他却发现自己的身子已经不受控制,他竟不由自主地朝红衣青年爬过去,匍伏在红衣青年脚下,然后伸出舌头,把脸凑到红衣青年的脚下。 The pine Daoist is panic-stricken extremely, he felt that oneself is common like an outsider, in side looks the own laughable behavior actually cannot prevent. He became flushed the face, wishes one could dead immediately, this lowly matter will actually happen on him, he had collapsed completely, this fearful shame makes him mental somewhat be blurry, but he could not revolt, his body seemed like by an invisible strength is controlled, he made in the life most shame matter...... 青松道人惊恐万分,他感觉自己就像一个局外人一般,在旁边看着自己可笑的行为却不能阻止。他涨红了脸,恨不得马上就去死,这种卑贱之事竟然会发生在他身上,他已经完全崩溃了,这种可怕的羞辱让他心智都有些迷糊,但是他反抗不了,他的身体像是被一股无形的力量操控着,他做出了一生中最耻辱的事情…… Ok, got up!” In the tongue of pine Daoist will soon bump into the shoes of red clothes youth, the red clothes youth actually will draw back in the future one step, has not made the pine Daoist bump into his foot. “行了,起来吧!”就在青松道人的舌头即将碰到红衣青年的鞋子时,红衣青年却往后退了一步,没有让青松道人碰到他的脚。 The pine Daoist body stood again uncontrolled, his chest continuously to fluctuate, obviously almost makes that matter to make the spirit of his whole person almost chaotic, if he really licks, he is unable to face up to itself again. However the red clothes young people took back the order suddenly, making him not make by the matter that oneself are unable to endure. 青松道人身子再次不受控制地站了起来,他胸口不住起伏着,显然差点做出那种事让他整个人的精神都几近混乱,若是他真舔下去,他就再也无法正视自己。但是红衣青年人忽然又收回了命令,让他没有做出让自己都无法忍受的事情。 If he releases to carry a heavy load, looked that is flooding a fear to the vision of red clothes young people, he does not know why the red clothes young people changed the order, does not know oneself will then also make any embarrassed matter, he only knows own life ended, lost the freedom, even he breaks through to the Nascent Soul period, he still ended! 他如释负重,看向红衣青年人的目光充斥着一丝恐惧,他不知道红衣青年人为何改了命令,不知道自己接下来还会做出什么难堪的事情,他只知道自己一生完了,失去了自由,即便他突破到元婴期,他也完了! „The Slave Pill drug efficacy it seems like does not have the issue.” 奴丹的药效看来没问题。” The red clothes young people corners of the mouth rise slightly, felt relieved, you after all are the Mo Yun Mountain Range local despot, I will not make you make this matter. In fact I will not force you to do anything, but I must control you, I will direct you to become Nascent Soul period cultivating.” 红衣青年人嘴角微微上扬,“放心,你毕竟是漠允山脉的土皇帝,我不会让你做出这种事。实际上我不会胁迫你做任何事,只是我必须控制住你,我会指点你成为元婴期修者。” The pine Daoist does not know that the red clothes young people why like this, he can insult itself obviously, crushes own dignity, but he does not have, moreover must help itself become Nascent Soul period cultivating, why is this? What goal does he have? 青松道人不知道红衣青年人为何会这样,他明明可以侮辱自己,粉碎自己的尊严,但是他没有,而且还要帮助自己成为一个元婴期修者,这是为何?他到底有什么目的? Perhaps the pine Daoist does not know the goal of red clothes young people, 青松道人也许不知道红衣青年人的目的, Mu Yu that out of the window peeps actually knows! Because the red clothes young people true goal of is to find out Sword Shadow Chen Feng using the pine Daoist, is the whereabout of Master Mu Yu! You remember, I have not made you die, you do not permit! This is the order, you do not permit to make I undesired anything, after you make any decision you must ponder that this is the result that I am willing to see, if you realized that this is not the result that I am willing to see, then this matter then does not permit to do! The Slave Pill strength will help you judge.” 窗外偷窥的木羽却是知道!因为红衣青年人真正的目的便是利用青松道人查出剑影尘风,也就是木羽师父的下落!“你记住,我没让你死,你不准死!这是命令,你不准做出我不希望看到的任何事情,所以在你以后做任何决定的时候你都要思考一下这是不是我愿意看到的结果,如果你意识到这不是我愿意看到的结果,那么这件事便不准做!奴丹的力量会帮你判断的。” The words of red clothes young people are equal to crushing the pine Daoist directly any want to work loose the thought of control, he cannot die, cannot have the idea of escaping, cannot seek to get rid of the Slave Pill method, cannot begin to the red clothes young people, because these are the red clothes young people undesired matters, he does, only then obeys, the thought of continually letting loose does not have. 红衣青年人的话等于是直接粉碎了青松道人的任何想要挣脱控制的念头,他不能死,不能有逃脱的想法,不能去寻找摆脱奴丹的方法,不能对红衣青年人动手,因为这些都是红衣青年人不希望看到的事,他所做的只有服从,连放开的念头都没有。 I want to see my daughter.” “我想见见我女儿。” The pine Daoist principle emptied a train of thought that he has any will disappear to the thought that the red clothes young people disrespect bewilderedly, he discovered, so long as do not go to think the red clothes young people, he will not come under any influence. He is unable to expel the mind the red clothes young people thoroughly, he is forced to accept! 青松道人理空了一下思绪,他有任何对红衣青年人不敬的念头都会莫名其妙消失,他发现只要自己不去想红衣青年人,他就不会受到任何影响。只是他根本无法把红衣青年人彻底赶出脑海,他只有被迫接受! The red clothes young people made a strange expression, the corners of the mouth have a happy expression: I think that do not disturb her, she currently has oneself matter to be busy.” 红衣青年人做出了一个奇怪的表情,嘴角带着一丝笑意:“我想你还是不要去打扰她了,她现在有自己的事情要忙。” But-” pine Daoist worried own daughter, his tonight's submitting because of daughter's life, does not see one side own daughter, how can he feel at ease? “可是-”青松道人还是担心自己的女儿,他今晚的屈服都是因为自己女儿的性命,不见到自己女儿一面,他如何能安心? Here except for me, no one will work to her. Also will some people cause trouble inadequately in your domain? You need to do now, then breaks through to the Nascent Soul period, in Immortal Imprisoning Cage wants to break through the Nascent Soul period is impossible, only if there is my help.” “这里除了我,没人会对她做什么事。难道还会有人在你的地盘生事不成?你现在所需要做的,便是突破到元婴期,困仙牢之中想要突破元婴期是不可能的,除非有我的帮助。” The red clothes young people big hand wields, then the window closed, he had not discovered that with Mu Yu that the peach tree fuses together, he does not hope others detect anything from out of the window. 红衣青年人大手一挥,而后窗户都关上了,他没有发现与桃树融为一体的木羽,他只是不希望别人从窗外察觉到什么。 What is Immortal Imprisoning Cage?” “什么是困仙牢?” Some Mu Yu doubts, he has not gone into seriously. He knows that the pine Daoist has submitted, necessity that he has not looked at again. This news is to him serious, the red clothes young people are really Nascent Soul period cultivating, this had been confirmed. He comes Mo Yun Mountain Range is seeks for Sword Shadow Chen Feng, at this moment he controlled the Mo Yun Mountain Range Cultivation World pine Daoist of noble character and high prestige, he then took the lead. 木羽有些疑惑,他也没深究。他知道青松道人已经屈服,他也没再看下去的必要了。这个消息对他来说非常沉重,红衣青年人真是元婴期修者,这已经被证实了。他来漠允山脉便是来寻找剑影尘风的,此刻他控制住了漠允山脉修真界德高望重的青松道人,他便占据了主动。 The red clothes young people have not come before the people then do not hope that makes Cultivation World know he is looking for anything, then makes the pine Daoist a puppet to handle matters for him, but he happen to can trace the Sword Shadow Chen Feng whereabouts secretly. 红衣青年人没有在众人面前现身便是不希望让修真界知道他在找什么,转而让青松道人成为一个傀儡替他办事,而他正好可以在暗地里追查剑影尘风的下落。 The red clothes young people have not known now, at this moment true Sword Shadow Chen Feng is a guest in Pin Faction. Mu Yu understands oneself must tell the master this matter in any event, reminded to the master. The master once let Sword Shadow Chen Feng that the person praised, perhaps he had the means to deal with all these. 红衣青年人现在还不知道,此刻真正的剑影尘风就在青松派做客。木羽明白自己无论如何都要把这件事告诉师父,给师父提个醒。师父曾经是让人称颂的剑影尘风,也许他有办法应对这一切。 But Mu Yu cannot say Pin Faction here, he feared the red clothes young people can listen secretly all-resourceful, actually his not clear Nascent Soul period has what method, he cannot take risk. 木羽不能在青松派这里说,他怕红衣青年人神通广大能够偷听到,他并不清楚元婴期究竟有什么手段,他不能冒险。 But Mu Yu anything could not do, he cannot make the master leave Pin Faction suddenly, that will bring to the attention of red clothes young people. He also can only continue to attend the competition, and his following competition cannot win again, because if too outstanding, captured the attention of red clothes young people, the possibility that the master exposes will be bigger. 木羽什么也做不了,他不能让师父突然离开青松派,那会引起红衣青年人的注意。他也只能继续参加比试,并且他接下来的比试也不能再胜利了,若是因为太出众,吸引了红衣青年人的目光,师父暴露的可能性会更大。 If I were powerful good.” “要是我实力强大的话就好了。” Mu Yu complained suddenly oneself are useless, had known the enemy obviously at present, but he can only do any matter of escape, he does not have the ability to change all these, without the ability protects the master, he thought that oneself is too small and weak, in the face of the Nascent Soul period, he small Foundation Establishment Stage how, even if the talent different did report again? 木羽突然埋怨自己没用,明明已经知道了敌人就在眼前,但是他只能做任何逃避的事,他没有能力去改变这一切,没有能力去保护师父,他觉得自己太弱小,在元婴期面前,他一个小小的筑基期就算再天赋异禀又如何? The master only has Golden Core Stage cultivation base now, is not the opponent of red clothes young people, here no one is the opponent of red clothes young people. The pine Daoist had been controlled by the red clothes young people, unsurprisingly, the pine Daoist may soon after break through to the Nascent Soul period, Cultivation World will obey the command of pine Daoist. 师父如今只有金丹期修为,不是红衣青年人的对手,这里没人是红衣青年人的对手。青松道人已经被红衣青年人所控制,不出意外,青松道人可能不久之后就会突破到元婴期,修真界都会听从青松道人的号令。 If the red clothes young people want to subvert entire Cultivation World, is almost the easy matter! Mu Yu knows that the inside story cannot say, he was very uncomfortable! 若是红衣青年人想要颠覆整个修真界,几乎是手到擒来的事!木羽知道内情又不能说出,他心里别提有多难受了! Unperturbed, where did you run?” “恬然,你跑哪里去了?” Mu Yu left this courtyard using the tree root of peach tree, integrated outside thick patch of grass, he does not dare to come here, he must leave by far. He wants to look tries to find the solution unperturbed, at this moment but where that far-fetched girl does not know the Daoist canon, she on conceals in nearby? What to do if she were discovered by the red clothes young people? 木羽利用桃树的树根离开了这个院子,融入了外面的草丛中,他不敢在这里现身,他必须得离得远远的。他想去找恬然想办法,可是那个不靠谱的丫头此刻不知道藏在哪里,她是否就藏在附近?万一她被红衣青年人发现了怎么办? The Mu Yu week revolved, without detecting the unperturbed trail, can help unperturbed of master not know where only ran went, Mu Yu felt oneself were isolated and cut off from help. 木羽周围绕了一圈,没有察觉到恬然的踪迹,唯一能够帮助自己师父的恬然又不知道跑哪去了,木羽觉得自己孤立无援。 Mu Yu thinks oneself left the other institute of pine Daoist to be very far, he just wants to drill, actually under the discovery moonlight shone, in the woods a man and a woman are holding the hand mutually, sat on the branch, is blowing the night wind, loving, was satisfied. 木羽以为自己离青松道人的别院很远了,他刚想钻出来,却发现月光照耀下,树林间一男一女相互挽着手,坐在树枝上,吹着夜风,含情脉脉,那么惬意。 If Mu Yu thought that all these he can also withstand, during that then following he sees made him fall into simply went wild! 如果木羽觉得这一切他都还能承受的话,那么接下来的他看到的那一幕简直让他陷入了抓狂之中! Mu Yu understands finally a moment ago that red clothes young people speaking of pine Daoist daughter time has feeling that plants to smile, what because that female is the beloved daughter of pine Daoist, Qing Mei. The red clothes young people have long known the beloved daughter who pine Daoist is hiding the truth from his father and person tryst at this moment, his good intention to has not gone to divulge unexpectedly. 木羽总算明白刚才那个红衣青年人说到青松道人女儿的时候有种想笑的感觉,因为那女的正是青松道人的掌上明珠,青玫。红衣青年人早就知道青松道人的掌上明珠此刻瞒着他父亲和人私会,他居然好心到没去说破。 But the object of Qing Mei tryst makes Mu Yu have a fit of bad temper simply, that is not others, is his dear big Senior Brother, Cheng Yan! 青玫私会的对象简直让木羽炸毛,那不是别人,正是他亲爱的大师兄,承言 Two years ago, Mu Yu had once seen Qing Mei in the school, at that time she and Bai Lang together, Qing Mei that outstanding aura made the Mu Yu impression very profound. Two years later, Qing Mei does not have the change to be big, but seems maturer, Mu Yu can recognize. 两年前,木羽曾在学府见过青玫,当时她与白浪一起,青玫那出众的气息让木羽印象很深刻。两年后,青玫没有变化多大,只是显得更加成熟,木羽一眼就能认出来。 Dust fall Faction big disciple of daughter and poor and pedantic decline that who has not thought of the famous pine Daoist at the night grove tryst! No wonder before oneself come out, the big Senior Brother disappears, Mu Yu also thinks that he goes out to ventilate, has not thought that came to here to look to be intimate! 谁没想到大名鼎鼎的青松道人的女儿和穷酸没落的落尘派大弟子在深夜的小树林里私会!难怪在自己出来之前,大师兄就不见了,木羽还以为他只是出去透透风,没想到来这里找相好了! I scratch, because your father you were forced to sign the indenture of sale of person into servitude, were you also here with the man tryst, the object my lovable big Senior Brother? Sister-in-law, can you make your father province be free from worry? Can not add the worry to the brother-in-law?” “我擦,你爹因为你都被迫签了卖身契,你还在这里和男人私会,那对象还是我可爱的大师兄?嫂子,你能不能让你爹省省心?能不能别给小叔子添烦恼啊?” Mu Yu wants to cry but have no tears, he has to plant to want simply to jump to break up this to the impulsion of affectionate couple. Own master already situation danger, but did oneself that lovable Senior Brother have a leg with the daughter of enemy? 木羽欲哭无泪,他简直有种想蹦出来拆散这对鸳鸯的冲动。自己师父已经处境危险,而自己那可爱的师兄还和敌人的女儿有了一腿?
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