STNH :: Volume #1 寒门仙师

#57: Mysterious person

The Qiantian Faction leader blossoms happily, this year because of Gu Yitian this variable, making their school not set the base again, this also means that the Qiantian Faction future rise had the hope. 乾天派的掌门乐开了花,今年因为孤逸天这个变数,让他们门派不会再垫底,这也意味着乾天派将来的崛起有了希望。 Bo Yang Daoist has not thought that Dust fall Faction also had/left a dark horse, moreover beats Pin Faction, this is an unknown variable. From the beginning Bo Yang Daoist also thinks that Mu Yu is grows in experience, has not thought that grows in experience to others. 只是伯阳道人没想到落尘派也出了一匹黑马,而且还将青松派斩于马下,这可是一个未知的变数。一开始伯阳道人还以为木羽是来长见识的,没想到是给别人长见识的。 Mu Yu is looking at Gu Yitian on stage, this is Gu Yitian today the seventh competition, what met head-on is Juetian Faction ranked the 16 th. The Juetian Faction strength relatively is who weak, the disciple sends out also builds the base Second Heaven young people, to Qiantian Faction the dark horse. 木羽望着台上的孤逸天,这是孤逸天今天第七场比试,迎战的是排名第16的绝天派绝天派实力相对较弱,派出的弟子也只是筑基二重天的青年人,对上了乾天派的这匹黑马。 Juetian Faction, Yang Tianhe.” 绝天派,仰天河。” Qiantian Faction, Gu Yitian.” 乾天派,孤逸天。” The Gu Yitian facial expression is very indifferent, his extravagant sword grasps in the hand. Then the extravagant sword more than 500 jin (0.5 kg), actually such as the ordinary sword, writes with a free pen in his hands. Yang Tianhe is also knows that Gu Yitian this dark horse, he has not despised this person, although on this person spirit strength fluctuates almost cannot feel, but how winning streak five dark horses he not to know. 孤逸天神情很冷漠,他的阔剑握在手中。那把阔剑五百余斤,在他手中却如普通的剑,挥洒自如。仰天河也是知道孤逸天这匹黑马,他没有小看这个人,尽管这个人身上的灵力波动几乎感受不到,但是连胜五场的黑马他如何不知。 Yang Tianhe grasps a long stick, is the fine iron builds, is a magic weapon. He waves the long stick, a tip of the toe point, toward the Gu Yitian detachment. Gu Yitian has nothing gaudily, he wields the extravagant sword, strikes with the long stick in the same place, gold/metal iron hits. Yang Tianhe only felt an own both hands fingers/tiger mouth hemp, nearly grasps not the steady long stick. 仰天河手持一根长棍,乃是精铁打造,为一件法宝。他舞动长棍,脚尖一点,朝孤逸天劈去。孤逸天没有任何花哨,他挥起阔剑,与长棍击在一起,金铁撞击。仰天河只觉得自己双手虎口一麻,险些握不稳长棍。 This person of big physical strength! 这人好大的气力! Yang Tianhe is panic-stricken, flies the midair, the long stick to the hand, from the sky is circling, the stick shadow blots out the sky to wield to Gu Yitian. He knows, if near body spars, does not have any odds of success, this person of brute force is fearful, can only the long-distance spirit strength to the war. 仰天河惊骇,飞上半空,长棍离手,在空中打着旋,道道棍影铺天盖地挥向孤逸天。他知道如果近身斗法,根本没有任何胜算,这人一身蛮力过于可怕,只能远程灵力对战。 On the Gu Yitian face does not have any change, he is operating the extravagant sword same place, strikes to disperse everywhere the stick shadow, then the whole person disappears suddenly on the spot. Yang Tianhe one startled, he turns around hastily, but the chest has withstood a palm, that palm makes him have no leeway of resistance, drops to the arena under directly. 孤逸天脸上没有任何变化,他只是在原地操纵阔剑,击散漫天的棍影,而后整个人忽然消失在原地。仰天河一惊,他连忙转身,但是胸口已经承受一掌,那一掌让他没有任何反抗的余地,直接跌落到擂台下。 Gu Yitian stands up from failure, fell, this is his eighth victory. 孤逸天翻了个身,落了下来,这是他第八场胜利。 Qiantian Faction all competition had ended today, Mu Yu also won eight victories, his today's competition also ended. 乾天派今日所有比试已经结束,木羽也赢得了八场胜利,他今日的比试也结束了。 Dao Brother Feng, is I am mistaken seriously, never expected that the virtuous nephew has such talent unexpectedly.” Bo Yang Daoist said toward Feng Haochen approvingly, the vision actually stays on Mu Yu. 风道兄,当真是我看走了眼,没想到贤侄竟有如此天赋。”伯阳道人风浩尘赞叹地说道,目光却停留在木羽身上。 Boyang said that the brother was polite, the actually expensive/noble faction has the person of such Body Cultivator unexpectedly, making one admire.” Feng Haochen said. “伯阳道兄客气了,倒是贵派竟有如此体修之人,让人佩服。”风浩尘说道。 Mu Yu and Gu Yitian two people are looking at each other mutually, in the eye of Gu Yitian has intense war intent, he as if treated as a greatest enemy Mu Yu. Mu Yu also stares at Gu Yitian, Feng Haochen is making him not feel embarrassed Qiantian Faction as far as possible. After all Qiantian Faction wants to promote the school, but Dust fall Faction does not have this plan, the person of acknowledgment to do then does. 木羽孤逸天两人互相对视着,孤逸天的眼中有着强烈的战意,他似乎将木羽当作了一个莫大的敌人。木羽也盯着孤逸天,风浩尘让他尽量不为难乾天派。毕竟乾天派想要振兴门派,而落尘派没这个打算,承认之人能做便做吧。 However Mu Yu did not plan tomorrow and Qiantian Faction fights forfeits, he also wants to try Body Cultivator fiercely, wins indifferently, the accumulation experience is most important. 但是木羽不打算明日与乾天派交手的时候弃权,他也想试试体修到底有多厉害,赢不赢无所谓,积累经验才是最重要的。 Two dark horses, the person will win finally. 两匹黑马,终将会有一人胜出。 At night, the master is sitting in meditation, Cheng Yan said that must go out for a walk, does not know where ran. Mu Yu also left the room, today happened was too meddlesome, the matter made him be in suspense. 夜晚,师父正在打坐,承言说要出去走走,不知跑哪去了。木羽也离开了房间,今天白天发生了太多事,有一件事让他一直放心不下。 Said unperturbed a mysterious person comes to here to own master to be disadvantageous, he has the possibility first to look for the pine Daoist very much. Now does not know where unperturbed ran went, perhaps in pine Daoist there, he decided that oneself examined the situation of pine Daoist. 恬然说有个神秘人来这里想要对自己师父不利,他很有可能先去找青松道人。现在恬然不知道跑哪去了,也许在青松道人那里,他决定自己去查看青松道人的情况。 By his Foundation Establishment Stage cultivation base, monitors the pine Daoist really to court death, is good has an unknown ability because of him, that then controls the technique of wood, this ability makes him go into action is very convenient. He arrives in woods, looked at around one, determined after no one, integrated the trees, then goes toward the place that the pine Daoist lives. 以他筑基期修为,监视青松道人实在是找死,好在他有一个不为人知的能力,那便是控木之术,这个能力让他行动起来十分便捷。他来到一片树林中,望了一下四周,确定没有人之后才融入了树木,然后朝青松道人所居住的地方而去。 Where must find the pine Daoist to live is a very simple matter, although Pin Faction is big, but the leader residence nature is outstanding, Mu Yu follows several disciple who serves the leader then found the room of pine Daoist with ease. 要找到青松道人住在哪里是很简单的一件事,青松派虽然大,但掌门住所自然不同凡响,木羽只是跟着几名伺候掌门的弟子便轻松地找到青松道人的房间。 Here is a Yayuan, in the institute has a pond, inside also has the goldfish of hovering, side is several peach trees, 这里是一处雅苑,院中有一个池塘,里面还有游动的金鱼,旁边便是几棵桃树, But Mu Yu then hides in the peach tree. The pine Daoist has not come back, he controls the peach tree specially, causing it the branch crookedly to the window, the window is opens, can see clearly inside all. Crossed for a long time, the pine Daoist returned to own room finally, has the disciple to wait in the room, changes clothes for him, a disciple fetches water, the Daoist washes foot to the pine. 木羽便藏在桃树中。青松道人还未回来,他特意控制桃树,使之把树枝歪向窗口,窗户是打开的,可以看清里面的一切。过了许久,青松道人总算回到了自己的房间,已经有弟子在房间里等候,替他更衣,还有一名弟子打水进来,给青松道人洗脚。 You first get down!” The pine Daoist wore the plainclothes, said toward two taking care disciples. “你们先下去吧!”青松道人穿上了便衣,朝两名服侍的弟子说道。 Yes, the disciple asks to be excused!” Two disciples drew back, took the gate conveniently. “是,弟子告退!”两名弟子退了出去,顺手带上了门。 Before the pine Daoist arrives at the window, suddenly looks at window peach tree twig one, has a scare Mu Yu, he also thinks oneself were discovered. However the pine Daoist does not want is too many, quick then put aside the vision, he looked at moon of out of the window, does not know that is thinking deeply about anything. 青松道人走到窗前,忽然看着窗口的桃枝一眼,把木羽吓了一跳,他还以为自己被发现了。不过青松道人没有想太多,很快便把目光移开了,他看了看窗外的月亮,不知在思索什么。 For a long time, the pine Daoist walked, then sits cross-legged on the bed, starts to sit in meditation. Mu Yu is bored to death looks that he aspirates accept breath there, said unperturbed that mysterious person may look for the pine Daoist, if not, oneself may probably waste an evening tonight, he will have the competition tomorrow! 许久,青松道人走了回去,然后盘坐在床上,开始打坐。木羽百无聊赖地看着他在那里吐气纳息,恬然说那个神秘人可能会来找青松道人,若不是今天晚上的话,那自己可要白费一个晚上了,他明天可是还有比试呢! Also does not know whether the unperturbed that girl also in the , Mu Yu remembers that far-fetched girl, at heart is also speechless, this girl is also unauthentic, finds person of whereabouts that swaggering everywhere asked Sword Shadow Chen Feng, it is estimated that brought to the attention of that person. 也不知道恬然那丫头是否也在附近,木羽想起那个不靠谱的丫头,心里也是无语,这丫头也来路不明,大摇大摆地到处找人问剑影尘风的下落,估计都引起那个人的注意了。 Mu Yu has not waited in vain, because the azure Daoist opened the eye suddenly fiercely, but when does not know, the room has stood a person, Mu Yu has shaken at heart, he does not know when completely that person appears there! 木羽没白等,因为青色道人忽然猛地睁开了眼睛,而不知何时,房间已经站了一个人,木羽心里一震,他完全不知道那个人是什么时候出现在那里的! Who are you?” “你是谁?” The pine Daoist big feeling is shocking, he stood, is looking at the present unexpected visitor. The opposite party suddenly appear in this room, does not know that comes from by what way, is towering, even he has not detected. 青松道人大感震惊,他站了起来,望着眼前的这个不速之客。对方突然出现在这个房间,不知道从以何种方式进来的,那么突兀,连他都没察觉到。 This person wears the red clothes, looks very young, the only has 17-18 years old appearance, is long very handsome, the spirit strength that but on him sends out fluctuates makes the pine Daoist feel the incomparable palpitation, that is not Golden Core Stage cultivation base, if the opposite party is not Golden Core Stage, then this means the present young people are Nascent Soul period cultivation base? 这人穿着红色的衣服,看起来很年轻,只有十七八岁的样子,长得很英俊,但是他身上散发的灵力波动却让青松道人感到无比心悸,那绝不是金丹期修为,如果对方不是金丹期,那么这岂不是意味着眼前的这个年轻人是元婴修为 This is how possible! 这怎么可能! Mu Yu does not dare to send out any sound in the tree, he looks at this young people, is so young, is that mysterious person who said unperturbed? If his cultivation base comes to the master seriously, the master will be really more unfortunate than fortunate. 木羽在树里根本不敢发出任何动静,他愣愣地看着这个年轻人,如此年轻,便是恬然所说的那个神秘人吗?他这种修为若当真是冲着师父而来,那师父真的会凶多吉少。 „Are you then here cultivation base highest person? What a pity, no one directed, you want to arrive at the Nascent Soul period is too difficult.” The red clothes young people said lightly. “你便是这里修为最高的人?可惜了,没人指引,你想到达元婴期太难了。”红衣青年人淡淡地说道。 Your excellency so profound does cultivation base, what matter come here so-called?” “阁下如此高深的修为,来这里所谓何事?” The pine Daoist felt oneself were threaten, the appearance of this young people presses like a giant stone in his chest, he in Cultivation World so many years, no one gives his feeling is so fearful. 青松道人觉得自己受到了威胁,这年轻人的出现就像一块巨石压在他的胸口,他在修真界这么多年,没有一个人给他的感觉这么可怕。 The red clothes person smiled: What do I come to here to make?” 红衣人笑了一下:“我来这里做什么?” Terrifying aura covers the entire room suddenly, sweeps across to come just like the violent strong winds, wraps in which the pine Daoist for the first time, the pine Daoist feels own tiny, the opposite party so long as if moves to point, he then meets the body disappearing say/way to perish, that powerless feeling is flooding the whole body of pine Daoist, making him not can be popular any thought of resistance. 一股恐怖的气息忽然笼罩住整个房间,宛若暴烈的狂风席卷而来,将青松道人包裹其中,青松道人第一次感觉到自己的渺小,对方似乎只要动一下手指,他便会身消道亡,那种无力感充斥着青松道人的全身,让他兴不起任何抵抗的念头。 The aura of red clothes young people presented the flash then to vanish does not see, but the whole body of pine Daoist had been soaked by the cold sweat. 红衣青年人的气息只是出现了一瞬间便已消失不见,而青松道人的全身已被冷汗浸湿。 You and are you Nascent Soul period cultivating?” The pine Daoist retroceded unbelievable several steps. “你、你是元婴期修者?”青松道人难以置信地后退了几步。 „Were you stranded in the gold/metal pill Nine Heavens perhaps at least ten years? How do we make to trade?” The red clothes young people said slowly. “你困在金丹九重天恐怕至少十年了吧?我们来做个交易如何?”红衣青年人缓缓地说道。 The pine Daoist deeply inspires, slowly returned to normal innermost feelings, then asked: You cultivation base is exceedingly high, steps into the boundary of Nascent Soul, what can I provide for you?” 青松道人深吸了一口气,慢慢平复了一下内心,然后问道:“你既已修为通天,踏入元婴之境,我又能为你提供什么?” I can help you break through Nascent Soul.” The red clothes young people look at the pine Daoist, the mouth put out these characters slowly. “我能帮你突破到元婴。”红衣青年人看着青松道人,嘴里缓缓地吐出这几个字。 What!” The pine Daoist body is startled fiercely, he thinks that oneself misunderstood, can this person help itself step into the long-awaited Nascent Soul period? Isn't this dream of a fool? “什么!”青松道人身子猛地一怔,他以为自己听错了,这人能够帮自己踏入梦寐以求的元婴期?这不是痴人说梦? The pine Daoist state of mind rushes, he is stranded in gold/metal pill Nine Heavens has ten years, always felt oneself are unable to ascertain the mystery of Nascent Soul boundary, several close up the impact on end in failure. He now is the Cultivation World giant, was respected by ten thousand people, whose trades to make life not to regret. 青松道人心绪澎湃,他困在金丹九重天已经有十年之久,总感觉自己无法窥破元婴境的奥秘,几番闭关冲击都以失败而告终。他如今已为修真界的巨擘,受万人敬仰,换做谁此生都无憾。 Only then he himself understands that type the tentacle has been possible obviously and actually misses a condition, lets his pain. Each Cultivator ultimate objective is to attack a higher boundary, he has felt oneself have touched the barrier, is actually not able to pierce that matter window paper. 只有他自己明白,那种明明已经触手可及却总差一丝的状况,让他痛苦不已。每个修真者的最终目标都是冲击更高的境界,他一直觉得自己已经触摸到壁垒了,却一直无法捅破那层窗户纸。 „The direction that you cultivation has been wrong, no one directs, your whole life can only be stranded in gold/metal pill Nine Heavens.” The red clothes person continues saying that you want, I can help you realize, therefore we need to make a transaction.” “你修炼的方向一直是错的,没人指点,你这辈子都只能困在金丹九重天。”红衣人继续说道,“你想要的,我能帮你实现,所以我们需要做个交易。” In the pine Daoist mind flashes through the innumerable thoughts, becoming the Nascent Soul period is really a very attractive matter, but the idle work by the wealth, is not understood at this time is not simple. He returned to normal slowly a mood, he is not a fool, as the Cultivation World benchmark, his mind is very sober: What do I need to pay?” 青松道人脑海中闪过无数个念头,成为元婴期实在是一件非常诱人的事情,但是无功不受禄,明白此时也不简单。他慢慢平复了一下心情,他不是傻子,作为修真界的标杆,他头脑很清醒:“我需要付出什么?” You, become my servant.” The red clothes youth said slowly. “你,成为我的仆人。”红衣青年缓缓道。 The pine Daoist complexion slightly changes, then snort/hum: Is impossible! My solemn school of lord, how lowly to that degree? Your excellency seeks others in addition!” 青松道人脸色微微一变,接着哼一声:“绝不可能!我堂堂一派之主,如何会卑贱到那种程度?阁下还是另寻他人吧!” Let the pine Daoist be the servant? If makes Cultivation World others know that definitely thinks this red clothes young people fell insanely. What status is pine Daoist that? He is the Mo Yun Mountain Range first person, the entire Cultivation World no one dares to disrespect to him, but do this red clothes young people actually want to receive the pine Daoist are the servants? 让青松道人做仆人?如果让修真界的其他人知道肯定会以为这个红衣青年人疯掉了。青松道人那是什么身份?他可是漠允山脉第一人,整个修真界无人敢对他不敬,而这个红衣青年人却想要收青松道人为仆人? It seems like you have not understood my meaning. We change a view, in Mo Yun Mountain Range the Nine Magnificences honorable person and your cultivation base are almost the same, if I receive the Nine Magnificences Faction leader am a servant, necessity that then your Pin Faction has not then had. Your lifetime base industry, all favorite disciples will die, therefore I give you an opportunity of choice, you did not treasure then arrive at your road.” Red clothes young people cold say/way. “看来你还是没明白我的意思。我们换个说法,漠允山脉之中九华真人和你修为相差无几,若我去收九华派掌门为仆人,那么你们青松派便没有存在的必要。你一生的基业,所有的得意门徒都会死去,所以我给你一个选择的机会,你不珍惜便把自己的路走到头了。”红衣青年人冷然道。 If I submit to you, the base industry of that Pin Faction also does have the significance that what has?” The pine Daoist felt oneself received the insult, can the Pin Faction leader who his solemn ten thousand people respect become others' servant? Rather laughable! “若我屈服于你,那青松派的基业又有什么存在的意义?”青松道人感觉自己受到了侮辱,他堂堂万人敬仰的青松派掌门要成为别人的仆人?未免可笑! You there is a daughter called Qing Mei, at this moment seems not in own room.” A red clothes young people thread of conversation revolution, said at will. “你有个女儿叫青玫,此刻似乎并不在自己房间内。”红衣青年人话锋一转,非常随意地说道。 The pine Daoist shakes fiercely, when the red clothes young people talked about the Qing Mei two characters, making him is not all of a sudden calm. 青松道人猛地一震,在红衣青年人谈到青玫两个字的时候,让他一下子变得不淡定了。 Qing Mei- you my daughter how?” The pine Daoist opened the eye, he started. Qing Mei is his all, any, when father's people will not attend to own daughter. 青玫-你把我女儿怎么样了?”青松道人睁大了眼睛,他开始慌了。青玫是他的一切,任何当父亲的人都不会不顾自己的女儿。 That looked at your choice.” “那就看你的选择了。” Despicable!” The pine Daoist gets angry said. “卑鄙!”青松道人怒道。 cultivation base you are inferior to me, I do not need to coerce with your daughter, your daughter is only another chip. You do not obey me, leaves your, only then the dead end, you do not fear death, are the person but who you in Cultivation World scenery so many years, perhaps offend also many? After you die, will how many people scatter the hate on your daughter? At the appointed time I do not need to handle anything, some people will naturally cope with your daughter for me.” “论修为你不如我,我无需用你女儿来要挟,你女儿只是另外一个筹码罢了。你不服从我,留给你的,只有死路一条,你不怕死,但是你在修真界风光这么多年,恐怕得罪的人也不少吧?你死后,有多少人会把怨恨撒在你女儿身上?到时我不需要做任何事情,自然会有人替我对付你女儿。” The red clothes young people snort/hum, does not need to threaten with the hostage by his strength. He raised Qing Mei, but to tell pine Daoist, once the pine Daoist had the accident/surprise, his daughter situation will be then worrying. 红衣青年人哼了一声,以他的实力也无需拿人质来威胁。他提起青玫,只是为了告诉青松道人一旦青松道人出现意外,他女儿处境便会堪忧。 Pine Daoist pale, the words of red clothes young people such as a dagger, jabbed into his pit of the stomach. His makes in a big way Pin Faction, the person who in this period offended are naturally many, to hold on to the position in a hierarchy of Cultivation World leader, he also did many shameful matters. Although in the surface everyone is respectful to him, but in many will of the people more or less bears a grudge him. 青松道人一阵青白,红衣青年人的话如一把尖刀,刺进了他的心窝。他一手把青松派做大,其间得罪的人自然不少,为了坐稳修真界领袖的交椅,他也做了许多见不得人的事。虽然表面上大家对他都毕恭毕敬,但不少人心里都或多或少记恨他。 For example he founds the custom that the school selected, monopolized all talent outstanding disciples, making other schools unable to obtain the talent outstanding disciple, other schools feel indignant but not daring to speak out concerned about his cultivation base, if he dies, then his daughter's fate will not feel better absolutely! 比如他创建了学府选拔的规矩,垄断了所有天赋出众的弟子,让其他门派根本得不到天赋出众的弟子,其他门派碍于他的修为敢怒不敢言,若是他一死,那么他女儿的下场绝对不会好过! The pine Daoist tight body of broke down all of a sudden, he sits on the chair layer on layer/heavily, he has over 80 years old, the old age resulted in a beloved daughter, extremely loves, that is his one's favorite. Pin Faction did not have, he can reconstruct, but the daughter only has one, he liked his daughter even surpassing oneself life. 青松道人紧绷的身子一下子垮了下去,他重重地坐在椅子上,他已有八十多岁,晚年得了一掌上明珠,万分疼爱,那是他的心头肉。青松派没了,他可以再建,但是女儿只有一个,他爱他的女儿甚至超过了自己的性命。 He sighs, as if all of a sudden was also years old more than ten, the white hair also hung, the innermost feelings struggled extremely. 他叹了一口气,仿佛一下子又苍老了十几岁,白发也垂了下来,内心极其挣扎。 On the one hand is his dignity, he in Cultivation World is always existences above ten thousand people, now actually wants him to become a retinue of red clothes young people, even if he will die will not do such lowly matter! However at the same time is his daughter, as a father, he does not have the choice. 一方面是他的尊严,他在修真界向来是万人之上的存在,如今却要他成为一个红衣青年人的仆从,他就算是死也不会做此等卑贱之事!但是一方面是他的女儿,作为一个父亲,他没有选择的余地。 The red clothes young people are Nascent Soul period cultivating, if he wants to kill a person, how to take off/escape the life by own cultivation base? He can die, that Qing Mei what to do? 红衣青年人是元婴期修者,他若想杀一个人,以自己的修为如何脱得了性命?他可以死,那青玫怎么办? Plop!” “扑通!” The pine Daoist kneels down, his body is shivering, that is unwilling with the humiliation, in the past only then others acted servilely before him, but now he actually because of being not as skillful as others to kneel down in young people at present. 青松道人跪倒在地,他身子颤抖着,那是不甘与屈辱,以往只有别人在他面前卑躬屈膝,而如今他却因为技不如人而跪倒在一个青年人眼前。 Asked you to let off my daughter.” The pine Daoist kowtows layer on layer/heavily. “求您放过我女儿。”青松道人重重地磕了一个头。
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