A Sword Through the Nine Heavens 剑御九重天

I think the world is vast, so let me wander.

But this sky, it was just a cage.

I use a sword to break through the nine heavens, just to live unfettered.

My favorite activity precisely is: people look at me upset, but they can’t do anything to me!

Unique Element: a xianxia with a rather unique setting, strong character development and side characters

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2 Negative
2 Neutral
7 Positive


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Novel Informations
Lanfeng Muyu
Current status
Machine Translation Statistics
Retranslations count
1 times
Latest retranslation at
2020-12-09 05:36:57
Glossary changes till next retranslation
87 / 117
Favorites 22
Ratings 11
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