WORIOA :: Volume #6

#234: Ashes

Colored glaze bright bright, does not see the least bit slight defect, the carrying/sustaining such as the dark liquid of rubber oil, inside extends a five colors wick numerous, the static combustion, the blooming ray, huge towering Fusang Ancient Tree will illuminate completely, such as can illuminate thoroughly Three Realms Ten Directions and All Heavens Myriad Realms. 琉璃盏剔透明净,不见半点瑕疵,承载着如胶似油的幽暗液体,内里延伸出一根五色纷呈的灯芯,静静燃烧,绽放光芒,将庞大参天的扶桑古树完完全全照亮,如能照透三界十方诸天万界 Shao Xuan and Xi'e approach around the circle, executed divine ability respectively, as if vanishes in the world, tried to hide the truth from scholar Apostle Zhang Deng, climbed the old tree from another direction, pursued Sha Wujing, snatched attains former generation Great Luo Holy Maiden the thing of carry-over in his front. 少玄羲娥绕着圈子靠近,各施神通,仿佛消失在了世上,试图瞒过书生般的掌灯神使,从另外一个方向攀登古树,追赶沙悟净,抢在他的前方拿到上代大罗圣女的遗留之物。 At this time, they heard completely silent here sent out the fierce combustion the sound suddenly, seeing around Apostle Zhang Deng the light such as the fire to jump, the little combustion black salt dust completely appeared towering, from void fell gently voluminous. 就在这个时候,他们忽然听到鸦雀无声的这里发出剧烈燃烧的噼里啪啦之声,看见掌灯神使周围灯光如火跳跃,一点点燃烧殆尽的黑灰尘埃突兀浮现,从虚空洋洋洒洒飘落。 What his „did Wandering Lamp light? 他的“游子灯”点燃了什么? His such stance is not the leisurely and carefree waiting, but concentrates on to alert? 他这样的姿态不是悠闲等待,而是专注戒备? Is what thing makes Apostle Zhang Deng so prudent, used Neverborn Matriarch directly Wandering Lamp? 是什么东西掌灯神使如此慎重,直接动用了无生老母的“游子灯”? Human Sovereign lost clan inherits unceasingly, Shao Xuan and Xi'e naturally recognize Apostle Zhang Deng, recognizes Wandering Lamp, it is said the opposite party was among the antiquity years legendary Immortal Being, afterward threw passing, did not leave the name, served Neverborn Matriarch devotionally, but Wandering Lamp it is said at that time also had the name, was extremely tyrannical, after all the peerless thing was impossible to jump suddenly, even if refined most newly successfully, should still have all sorts of phenomenon to appear. 人皇遗族传承不绝,少玄羲娥自然认得掌灯神使,认得“游子灯”,据说对方是上古年间一位赫赫有名仙人,后来抛去过往,不留姓名,虔诚侍奉无生老母,而“游子灯”据说彼时也另有名称,极其强横,毕竟绝世之物不可能突然就蹦出来,即使最新才炼制成功,也会有种种异象出现。 The thought just emerged, the long blade that in the Shao Xuan hand that as if purple electricity condenses shines suddenly, brilliant bright. 念头刚刚浮出,少玄手中那口仿佛紫电凝聚的长刀忽地亮起,绚烂明净。 The intention rotation, Shao Xuan has not tried to prevent, the subtle induction that but transmits following Extreme Blade, the slanting stroke, urges to send it on own initiative. 心意转动,少玄没有试图阻止,而是顺着绝刀传来的微妙感应,斜斜一划,主动将它催发。 All around the electric light writings, the full arrange/cloth is void, lets just like the daytime, causes Fusang Ancient Tree and Wandering Lamp fire is overshadowed, Shao Xuan only thinks that the right hand sinks, then sees the black salt dust to appear strangely, is with the wind faded and fallen. 噼里啪啦,电光大作,满布虚空,让四周宛若白昼,使扶桑古树游子灯火都黯然失色,少玄只觉右手微沉,然后便看见点点黑灰尘埃诡异出现,随风飘零。 Has the enemy to attack, was discovered by Extreme Blade, struck the ashes by divine thunder directly, lit them like Wandering Lamp thoroughly generally? Shao Xuan suddenly realize, but the heart were also many new doubts. 有敌人来袭,被绝刀发现,直接以神雷击成了灰烬,就像游子灯将它们彻底点燃了一般?少玄恍然大悟,但心头又多了新的疑惑。 By own realm and strength, enters reality to detect to fantasy photo why hasn't felt the trail of enemy slightly? 以自己的境界和实力,对“幻想照进现实”都能有所察觉,为何丝毫没有感受到敌人的踪迹? Because this side domain the principle did replace the principle of the world by oneself? But are also in becomes one, all can change surrounding law principle, even if in 9th Heavenly Layer, can slightly make the adjustment, is insufficient completely the abnormal...... 因为这方界域以自身之理代替了天地之理?可自身也是内成一界,举手投足间皆能改变周围法理,哪怕是九重天内,也可以略作调整,不至于完全感觉不到异常…… Associating is decayed to this place Immortal Island God Mountain deterioration, covers entirely the dust the appearance, thinks that Fusang Ancient Tree involves The Grand One Eastern Sovereign this Emperor Great Desolation, few Xuan Xin even more alert, had the guess indistinctly, at the same time appeared figure on own initiative, the vision shifts to Apostle Zhang Deng. 联想到此地仙岛神山衰败腐朽,布满尘埃的样子,想到扶桑古树牵涉东皇太一洪荒帝者,少玄心头愈发戒备,隐约有了些猜测,同时主动现出了身形,目光转向掌灯神使 The electric light greatly was a moment ago bright, the ashes sprinkled, big did the so sound possibly hide the truth from legend Supreme? 刚才电光大亮,灰烬洒落,如此大的动静怎么可能瞒得过一位传说大能 Own two people ambushes close to planning to end in failure. 自己两人的潜伏靠近谋划宣告失败。 Nearby Xi'e already Doomsday Boat will offer a sacrifice, changes to one as if to cross the numerous universes the great ships, floats above the illusory sea of bitterness, oneself standing erect bow, the storm does not invade, along with wave fluctuates, as if plans to hit directly to Apostle Zhang Deng, hits to Fusang Ancient Tree. 旁边的羲娥已经将“末日之舟”祭了出来,化作一艘似乎能横渡重重宇宙的巨舰,漂浮在虚幻般的苦海之上,自身屹立船头,风浪不侵,随波起伏,似乎打算直接撞向掌灯神使,撞向扶桑古树 However, distance between they and Apostle Zhang Deng therefore has not actually pulled closer, had on the contrary the strange feeling of being away from ten million/countless the stars. 然而,他们与掌灯神使之间的距离却没有因此拉近,反倒有了隔着千万星辰的诡异感受。 Apostle Zhang Deng and Shao Xuan eye contact, such as empty as is imaginary, inner qi is hard to involve, shows a faint smile saying: 掌灯神使少玄目光接触,如虚似幻,气机难以牵扯,微微一笑道: Originally is the Human Sovereign lost clan two fellow daoist.” “原来是人皇遗族的两位道友。” He throws over is sprinkling warm Runming the yellow lights, as if outside, ease onlooking. 他披洒着温润明黄的灯火,仿佛远在界外,悠然旁观。 Shao Xuan and Xi'e look at each other one, understands that the experience receives the influence and restricting surely, or came from the outside world or came from itself, therefore cannot see the true feature. 少玄羲娥对视一眼,明白所见所闻必定受到影响和拘束,或来自外界或来自本身,故而未能看到真正面目。 The vast nebula that in their eyes a Milky Way gathers revolves slowly, some old cognitive styles remove, constructed to tally new pattern that agreed with the beforehand feeling. 他们眼中条条银河汇聚的浩瀚星云缓缓旋转,旧有的认知模式褪去,重新构建符合了契合之前感受的新模式。 Of bang, sees again also differently, where also has the world, where also has Immortal Island God Mountain, this is a vast boundless dark world, sees obtained institute hears Jie is Fusang Ancient Tree, it passes through boundlessly, breaks open the limit, is hard to describe huge with the language, can only say that each piece of mulberry leaf nearly true universe, limitless, but the old tree branch pulls out grows the innumerable trunk and branches, is hanging the innumerable mulberry leaves, as if All Heavens Myriad Realms one completely presents in two legend Supreme at present. 轰的一声,所见再也不同,哪里还有天地,哪里还有仙岛神山,这是一片浩瀚无垠的幽暗世界,所见所得所闻皆是扶桑古树,它贯穿无垠,撑破极限,难以用语言来描述庞大,只能说每一片桑叶就近乎真正的宇宙,无边无际,而古树主干抽长出数不清枝干,挂着无数桑叶,仿佛诸天万界一下完整地呈现在了两位传说大能眼前。 But Sha Wujing where is the little climb upward, flies to escape in the branch in the posture of dust obviously rapidly! 沙悟净哪里是一点点攀登往上,明明是以灰尘之姿在主干急速飞遁! Before Apostle Zhang Deng sitting cross-legged tree, truly has the distance of stars ten million/countless with Shao Xuan and Xi'e. 掌灯神使盘坐树前,与少玄羲娥确实有着千万星辰的距离。 Doomsday Boat crosses, penetrated instantaneously darkly, arrived in the lights boundary, is hard range that enters Wandering Lamp to illuminate. 末日之舟横渡,瞬间就穿透了幽暗,抵达了灯火边界,难以进入游子灯照亮的范围。 Sees Shao Xuan and Xi'e has not spoken, Apostle Zhang Deng continues saying: 少玄羲娥没有说话,掌灯神使继续说道: „Can two fellow daoist really mix this matter? You and Primordial Sovereign do not have the friendship, because of ordering, to prevent the old mother complete matter, has with my Luoism does not die the continuous enmity?” “两位道友真要掺合此事?你们与元皇毫无交情,因为命令,就要阻止老母圆满之事,与我罗教结下不死不休之仇?” Xi'e sneers: Antiquity last years, Medieval first year, how many did Neverborn Matriarch time harm Human Sovereign? You thought that we will worry becomes enemies Luoism?” 羲娥冷笑一声:“上古末年,中古初年,无生老母多少次危害人皇?你觉得我们会担忧结仇罗教?” Moreover perhaps you have the goal.” Shao Xuan looked behind to fly to escape toward old tree most above Sha Wujing rapidly. “而且你们恐怕另有目的。”少玄看了看后面急速飞遁往古树最上方的沙悟净 Apostle Zhang Deng smiles saying: Fusang Ancient Tree breeds by blood of The Grand One Eastern Sovereign and Exalted Emperor Haotian together, deep concealed secret, since enters, how can also not explore?” 掌灯神使哂笑道:“扶桑古树东皇太一昊天上帝之血共同孕育,深藏隐秘,既然进入,又怎能不探索一下?” At this point, he turns serious, proud Yiwei: 说到这里,他神色一正,傲意微露: Although you have two, although you have Doomsday Boat and Overlord's Extreme Blade, but Wandering Lamp in the body, this place must have a look at you to pass through my pass/test but actually.” “虽然你们有两位,虽然你们有末日之舟霸王绝刀,但游子灯在身,本座倒要看看你们闯不闯得过我这关。” The lights drag, as if one inflated. 灯火摇曳,似乎一下膨胀了起来。 Shao Xuan and Xi'e each one with rapt attention, the great ship departs banned layer upon layer, the long blade brings in the All Heavens thunder. 少玄羲娥各自凝神,巨舰飞出层层禁制,长刀引来诸天雷霆。 at the same time, their heart is quite astonished: 同时,他们心头颇为讶异: Fusang Ancient Tree is not only bred by the blood of The Grand One Eastern Sovereign, Exalted Emperor Haotian? 扶桑古树不仅仅是由东皇太一之血孕育而出,还有昊天上帝的? Is who does? 是谁做的? ............ ………… The moonlight finger point forehead, the innumerable memory fragments departed , without Divine Consciousness not to have mind telepathy Meng Qi as if one to leave Eastern Colored Glass World, returned clearly initially, is realizing from experience the experience. 月光般的手指点中眉心,无数记忆碎片飞出,没有了神识没有了精神感应的孟奇似乎一下离开东方琉璃世界,真真切切地回到当初,体悟着经历。 The train of thought becomes fuzzy, the memory little appears, at present what sees is the soil, what visible is dark, what visible is covers entirely various types of trash things the cavern, but actually sees to have differently with Human Clan, seems like their another appearance. 思绪变得模糊,记忆少许浮现,眼前看见的是泥土,看见的是黑暗,看见的是布满各种垃圾事物的洞穴,但却与人族所见别有不同,似乎是它们另外一番面貌。 Staggers along, following wipes the self- cognition and intelligence that has not disappeared, Meng Qi dashes outward, the four limbs are coordinated, quick comes by arrived woof Chishui, saw a black disgusting mouse. 跌跌撞撞,循着一抹没有泯灭的自我认知与灵性,孟奇往外飞奔,四肢协调,很快就来到了一汪池水旁边,看见了一只黑色恶心的老鼠。 When the mouse angle of view sees with Human Clan has different, this time figure to Meng Qi like coming from the monster in nightmare. 老鼠视角所见与人族时自有不同,此时的身影孟奇而言就像来自噩梦里的怪物。 Is this oneself? 这就是自己? Is this present I? 这就是如今的我? Before changed, he had Divine Consciousness or the spirit sleep/felt spirit in the body, does not need to depend upon the mouse the body of sense mouse, now did not have all these, the memory degenerated again significantly, sees truly differently. 以前变化时,他有神识或灵觉精神在身,无需依靠老鼠的感官老鼠的身体,如今没有了这一切,记忆再次大幅度退化,所见真正不同。 Absent-minded within, Meng Qi has to plant is the feeling of mouse, as if experienced distortion. 恍恍惚惚间,孟奇有种自己就是老鼠的感觉,似乎经历了一场变形记。 The basin cracks, figure dissipates, Meng Qi launches the both wings, hovers in the blue sky. 水池崩裂,身影消散,孟奇展开双翅,翱翔于蓝天。 Goshawk, stone and other changes remembered the one by one experience, was trapped without Divine Consciousness does not have the spirit sleep/felt, Meng Qi to turn into them completely, with their sense cognition world cognition, dreamlike, some do not know that was the Zhuang Sheng dream butterfly, was dream while dozing Zhuang Sheng. 苍鹰、石头等变化记忆一一经历,受困于没有神识没有灵觉,孟奇是完全变成了它们,用它们的感官认知世界认知自己,如梦似幻,有些不知是庄生梦蝶,还是蝶梦庄生了。 Is this I? 这是我? Is this also I? 这也是我? Does not have in the situation of Martial Dao strength, these change these experiences to be able most sane to lose absolutely quietly thoroughly, but Meng Qi the self- cognition have not actually obliterated, perseveres in the experience of Zhuang Sheng dream butterfly in losing the edge. 没有武道实力的情况下,这些变化这些经验绝对能让最沉静最理智的人彻底迷失,但孟奇却始终有一丝自我认知没有磨灭,在庄生梦蝶的经历里坚守于迷失边缘。 Is this my temperament cultivation base? 这是我的心性修为 Without the Martial Dao strength, but does the mind cultivate/repair to hold the degree to remain? 没有了武道实力,但心灵修持程度依旧存在? It came from tempering the experience, came from realizes from experience all sorts, without Martial Dao, there is my heart! 它来自于磨砺经验,来自于种种体悟,没有武道,也有我心! But if again peeling experience of correspondence, realizing from experience of correspondence? 可是如果再“剥离”对应的经验,对应的体悟呢? The little thoughts rotate, Meng Qi is undergoing the different changes, closely is defending that self- cognition, experiences under the different body different sense different experiences to see self-. 少许念头转动间,孟奇经历着不同变化,紧紧守着那一丝自我认知,体验着不同身躯不同感官不同经验下看到的“自我”。 With the differences, the miraculous glow appears gradually. 同与不同之间,灵光渐渐浮现。
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