WORIOA :: Volume #6

#233: Similar tree

Fusang Ancient Tree in domain as if by the illusory package, was isolated in Cloud Sea Fei Xiang World, just like mirage, unattainable, until has been raised the Luoism Supreme use restraint treasure to break forcefully, let it return Reality World, can see inside vast ocean and Immortal Island God Mountain through the gap indistinctly. 扶桑古树所在界域仿佛被虚幻包裹,隔离于云海非想界,宛若海市蜃楼,可望而不可即,直至被得到提点的罗教大能动用克制宝物强行打破,才让它“重归”了真实界,隐约能通过缺口看到里面的汪洋大海和仙岛神山 But eventually this is related to the boundary of antique sovereign, even if presented the gap, still becomes one as before, keeping aloof, seven seas are considerable, like Jade Void Palace, like 9th Heavenly Layer, spreads out like Sea Calming Bead, therefore, as Shao Xuan and Shao Xuan liangs position legend Supreme marches into, the Eastern Colored Glass Pure Land Eight Treasures Merit Pond flood ripples, fluctuating is suddenly uncertain, sees inside scene again difficultly clearly, the as if signal is interfered with the live broadcast of distortion. 但终究这是涉及太古皇者的地界,即使出现了缺口,也依旧自成一界,高高在上,七海可观,如同玉虚宫,如同九重天,如同定海珠所衍,因此,随着少玄位传说大能步入,东方琉璃净土八宝功德池忽地泛起涟漪,起伏不定,再难清晰看到里面的场景,仿佛信号被干涉扭曲的直播。 Moonlight Bodhisattva holds to execute fearless seal, the four directions innumerable surface, said with a smile slightly: Benefactor please look, comes with not to come, doesn't the view with observe, has what difference?” 月光菩萨执施无畏印,四方无数面,微微笑道:“施主请看,来与不来,观与不观,有何区别?” Sambhogakāya and legend takes the form of everywhere, but solid different, the legend will sublimate to status of higher level, similar Immortal Realm Nine Serenities wait/etc., covered in Reality World and above various side universe heavenly abode, is everywhere to them of slightly low level, but in the same level, does not have the everywhere ability, when like Guerduo and the others planned except Su Wuming initially, to break this characteristics, intentionally tempt him to go to Jade Pond. 报身与传说的无处不在形似而实不同,传说是将自身升华到更高层次的状态,类似仙界九幽等,覆盖于真实界和诸方宇宙洞天之上,对略低层次的它们无处不在,而同一层次内,并不具备无处不在的能力,就像当初古尔多等人计划除去苏无名时,为了破掉这个“特征”,故意引诱他去瑶池 law principle and Grand Dao that Sambhogakāya more and more corresponds close, assimilate little, finally replaces, every has the law principle place that cultivates to hold, all can see Sambhogakāya, therefore is everywhere, so close, yet worlds apart, arrived Amitabha Buddha this complete level, is Grand Dao in me then, if not desirably suppressed similar law principle or Grand Dao, have, formation to evolve to replace by oneself, even Immortal Realm Nine Serenities, Sambhogakāya can also be ubiquitous! 报身则是越来越贴近对应的法理大道,一点点地同化,最终取代,凡有修持的法理处,皆能见报身,于是无处不在,咫尺天涯,到了阿弥陀佛这种圆满层次,更是大道在我便在,若非刻意压制类似法理大道,以自身所具、阵法衍化等代替,即使仙界九幽,报身亦能无处不在! The Fusang Ancient Tree surrounding domain obviously the principle substituted the principle of the world by oneself, is not only Sambhogakāya, is not also able to meet the interior for Moonlight Bodhisattva of legend clearly, therefore comes with not to come, the view with does not observe , there is nothing the difference. 扶桑古树周围的界域明显以自身之理替代了天地之理,既是报身,也为传说的月光菩萨亦无法清晰照见内部,故而来与不来,观与不观,无有区别。 Regains consciousness the Legendary Level ability by Extreme Blade, Meng Qi is in the large ship. Same can lend Shao Xuan! 绝刀苏醒到传说层次的能力,孟奇身在楼船。一样能借给少玄 Meng Qi smiles, without the speech, the intermittent ripples that in Eight Treasures Merit Pond exuded subsided suddenly, the purple emerged. Zizi sound, the electric light scurries about, then appears rapidly a clear scene, the distant place old tree is towering, vicinity Xiandao displays. The under foot water spray color gold/metal, all around god mountain forest stands, really somewhat tall Miao of antiquity True Immortal residence. 孟奇笑了笑,没有说话,八宝功德池内泛起的阵阵涟漪突然平息了,紫色涌现。兹兹声响,电光乱窜,迅便浮现出一副清晰的场景,远处古树参天,近处仙岛罗列。脚下水浪色金,四周神山林立,真有几分上古仙真居所的高渺。 This came from the Extreme Blade angle of view! 这是来自绝刀的视角! This is it with the aid of the Meng Qi's special ties with the experience that transmit! 这是它借助与孟奇的特殊联系传递来的所见所闻! Pure land is pure, the colored glaze warning heart, the onlooking has the Buddha pond, the conversation has Bodhisattva, why doesn't come?” Meng Qi smiles saying that idles to sit in meditation to read yellow court the natural Daoist appearance, does not seem to be worried that the matter of Fusang Ancient Tree, is not anxious, agitated, anxious and other mood. “净土清净,琉璃鉴心,旁观有佛池,交谈有菩萨,为何不来?”孟奇笑眯眯说道,一副闲来静坐读黄庭的潇洒道人模样,似乎一点也不担心扶桑古树之事,毫无焦虑、烦躁、急切等情绪。 Has. Meng Qi can feel clearly their existence, even in ice-cold examines them, the tracing head, which memories analyzes from, which experience, palpitation that which customs, which are unable to describe 不是没有。孟奇能够清晰地感觉到它们的存在,甚至在冰冷地审查它们,溯源头,分析来自哪些记忆,哪些经验,哪些习惯,哪些无法描述的悸动 This is an unusual experience, without the thinking pattern change that giving up the Martial Dao strength brings about, he is unable on own initiative isolation certain memories, experiences and instinct, constructs the new cognition and new viewpoint again. Carefully examines itself from other angle, by the phenomenon, sees really me different surface. 这是一种奇特的体验,没有放弃武道实力带来的思维模式变化,他就无法主动地“隔绝”某些记忆、经验和本能,再次构建新的认知、新的观点。从另外的角度审视自身,透过现象,看到“真我”不同之面。 Just entered Fusang Ancient Tree in the domain, Shao Xuan and Xi'e seemed like the blister to be stave suddenly. Traceless, if not Extreme Blade provides to see, Meng Qi could not detect their sound. 刚入扶桑古树所在界域,少玄羲娥突然像是水泡般破碎了。了无痕迹,若非绝刀提供所见,孟奇察觉不了他们的动静。 The vanguard is robs the thing of former generation Great Luo Holy Maiden carry-over, the concealment approaches, sticks out suddenly take action, is the quite good choice. Can little fall into the intense legend war, itself has nothing the friendship Shao Xuan and Xi'e naturally to want little with Meng Qi to fall into. 前行是来抢夺上代大罗圣女遗留之物的,隐匿靠近,暴起出手,是相当不错的选择。能够少陷入激烈的传说大战,本身与孟奇无有交情的少玄羲娥当然想少陷入。 The legend escaping light is extremely quick, to let Meng Qi sees clearly, the picture that Extreme Blade passes on presented the delay, with the vanguard, that Immortal Island God Mountain completely exposes in the middle of the pool of water, above covered entirely pavilions, or plain or elegant, let among the grand occasion person imagination antiquity years sufficiently, however, these dwelling places of celestial beings constructed to cover entirely the dust, had the nature to fall down decayed, probably lost all honors, arrived was ordinary, was invaded by the time. 传说遁光极快,以至于为了让孟奇看清楚,绝刀传的画面都出现了延迟,随着前行,那一座座仙岛神山彻底暴露于池水当中,上面布满了亭台楼阁,或古朴或飘逸,足以让人想象上古年间的盛况,然而,这些仙家建筑布满了灰尘,多有自然腐朽倾塌,像是失去了所有荣光,到了普通,被时光侵染。 In addition, here peaceful to not slightly sound, cannot see the bird, cannot see the sea-monster, does not have the vitality. 除此之外,这里安静到没有丝毫声音,看不到飞鸟,见不到游鱼,毫无生机。 Dwelling place of celestial beings cave mansion, even if experiences eternally, the strength passes, the banned deterioration, should not be so decayed, accumulates so many dust the Meng Qi doubts to say. “仙家洞府即使经历万古,力量流逝,禁制衰败,也不该如此腐朽,积满这么多尘埃”孟奇疑惑说道。 Moonlight Bodhisattva sound as if transmits from the different universes, forms together: „When Monster Chaotic Land, the Fusang Ancient Tree surrounding several legends move to leave suddenly, is not willing to reveal the reason, later shortly, this place immortal territory isolates with outside again, does not have any life can come out again, in the legend is not also able to enter, now view it, at that time had the mutation.” 月光菩萨声音仿佛从不同宇宙传来,汇成一道:“妖乱大地时,扶桑古树周围几位传说突然迁徙离开,不肯吐露缘由,再之后没多久,该处仙域与外隔绝,再没有任何生灵可以出来,传说亦无法入内,如今观之,彼时当有异变。” Actually to live what mutation?” Meng Qi knits the brows slightly, always fills strangely related to the The Grand One Eastern Sovereign matter, lets the alerts and taboos of some oneself instinct. “究竟生了什么异变?”孟奇微微皱眉,涉及东皇太一的事情总是充满诡异,让自己有些本能的戒备和忌讳。 The monster that under nine Immortal Venerated graves suppresses is shouting Tai Yi(grand one), Yellow Turban Path can borrow this to fall from the sky it is said era great person the strength of blessing, when Fusang Ancient Tree is falls from the sky by It blood breeding 九座仙尊坟墓下镇压的怪物在呼喊着“太一”,黄巾道能借来这位据说陨落了一个纪元的大人物的庇佑之力,扶桑古树则是由祂陨落时的鲜血孕育而出 By the Xiaosang then realm strength, not possible to enter the Fusang Ancient Tree domain by oneself, then she looks for carry-over of legend Supreme arrived moved to leave initially? Meng Qi is thinking calmly, at the same time is also examining own thought that gets to the bottom, understands the reason. 小桑当时的境界实力,不可能凭借自身进入扶桑古树界域,那么她是找到了当初迁徙离开的传说大能的遗留?孟奇冷静想着,同时也在审查着自身的念头,追根溯源,了解来由。 The dust stack of Immortal Island God Mountain also lets Shao Xuan and Xi'e obviously has alerted, the escaping light slowed down slightly, circled a circle, for fear that came across what unknown fearful matter. 仙岛神山的尘埃堆积显然也让少玄羲娥有所戒备,遁光稍微放缓,绕了个圈子,生怕碰到什么未知可怕之事。 At this time, Moonlight Bodhisattva as if answered the Meng Qi question saying: Gold Sovereign dispatches the person to enter the Fusang Ancient Tree domain, not only perhaps seeks for former generation Holy Maiden to leave behind, but also wants to clarify here mutation, found certain things or the clues.” 这时,月光菩萨仿佛孟奇疑问般道:“金皇遣人进入扶桑古树界域,恐怕不只是寻找上代圣女遗留,还想弄清楚这里的异变,找到某些事物或者线索。” Meng Qi hesitated, mind many ideas and memories tumbles, strips mood invasion serious those, shakes the head to say with a smile: Sometimes, I suspected that Gold Sovereign is hitting intentionally the pretence that removes the Xiaosang hidden danger, the protection does other important matters.” 孟奇沉吟了一下,脑海诸多想法和记忆翻滚,剥离掉情绪侵染甚重的那些,摇头笑道:“有的时候,我都怀疑金皇是不是故意打着除掉小桑隐患的幌子,防备做其他重要之事。” Has the possibility very much, but more possible is both are prepared.” Moonlight Bodhisattva is moderate, in matter similar being indifferent the appearance to Fusang Ancient Tree domain, then said, Benefactor Su, actually, wants various non-, to see Tathagata clearly, why can go round the sun to meet the moon? You have Eight-Nine Mysterious Art, is good at changing, every changes only has True Spirit has not changed, so the senses of experience different life, experience them to the different feeling of same thing, for example really I “很有可能,但更可能是两者齐备。”月光菩萨语气平和,对扶桑古树界域内的事情同样一副漠不关心的样子,转而说道,“苏施主,其实,要明诸相非相,以见如来,为何要舍近求远?你身怀**玄功,擅长变化,每一变都是只剩下真灵未变,如此体验不同生灵的感官,体验它们对同一件事物的不同感受,比如‘真我’” Meng Qi is shocked suddenly, Eight-Nine Mysterious Art to change the different things compare various non path, oneself had also emphasized that at that time actually the least bit has not thought toward this aspect! 孟奇忽地愣住,**玄功以变化不同事物勘诸相非相的道路,自己还曾经强调过,当时竟然半点没有往这方面想! Relied on Primordial Beginning Nine Seals recently, was hoodwinked by it?” If he admitted like the inquiry. “是最近更依赖元始九印,被它所蒙蔽了?”他如自言如询问。 Moonlight Bodhisattva said with a smile: No, was the mood of your achievement legend hoodwinked you eagerly. A very simple idea, thing that if has presently can help the quick card result in the legend, that should already begin to materialize, without the feature, explained that asked outside, since asked outside, that will neglect had thing without a doubt.” 月光菩萨笑道:“非也,是你急于成就传说的情绪蒙蔽了你。很简单的一个想法,如果当前所拥有的东西能帮助自身很快证得传说,那应该已经有眉目,既然没有眉目,说明所求在外,既然所求在外,那毫无疑问会忽视所拥有的东西。” So that's how it is.” Meng Qi gawked staring, seems the sensibility, then smiled suddenly, „, but is not late now, but also asked Bodhisattva to arouse my memory fragment.” “原来如此。”孟奇愣了愣,似有感悟,然后忽地笑了起来,“但如今也不晚,还请菩萨唤起我的记忆碎片。” The Martial Dao strength loses, the memory ability drops, but did not express that the memory lost, but cannot think that they hide in the inner world deep place as before, with the pattern of fragment. 武道实力失去,记忆能力下降,但不表示记忆丢失了,只是自身想不起来而已,它们依旧藏在心海深处,以碎片的模式。 Even a previous existence round memory can deeply hide the inner world, let alone this life? 连宿世轮的记忆都能深藏心海,何况今生? But is this does not rely on **, does not rely on the three spirits consistently invariable? 而这算不算不依赖于**、不依赖于三魂一致的“不变”? At this time, Shao Xuan and Xi'e already comes nearby arrived Fusang Ancient Tree, turned from the far view nearly looked. 此时,少玄羲娥已经到了扶桑古树附近,从远观变成了近望。 This old tree is towering and vertical, the root to bind vastness deep place, the responsibility formed the great island, changed to the mountain valley, it is divided into two, to high supreme, has the heaviness, to quiet to depth, actually seems indistinct, the mutual dependence, climbs up upward, grew many trunk and branches, each trunk and branches gives people nearly the feeling of Reality World, above the trunk and branches, pulls out steadily the mulberry leaf, is bathing the day glow, like burning down, scalding hot apparent, inside dim dense, a as if side side universe. 这株古树参天而立,根扎汪洋深处,干系形成了巨岛,化作了山谷,它分成两株,一株至高至上,却多有沉重,一株至幽至深,却显得飘渺,互相依靠,攀援往上,长出了诸多枝干,每一根枝干都给人近乎真实界之感,枝干之上,抽长着桑叶,沐浴着日芒,如同火烧,灼热外显,内里朦胧氤氲,仿佛一方方宇宙。 The similar thing, Meng Qi had seen, that is own Tree of Grand Dao! 相似的事物,孟奇曾经见过,那就是自身的大道之树 Some can this people deliberately replace the Tree of Grand Dao thing by blood of training Tai Yi(grand one)? The Meng Qi thought just got up, Moonlight Bodhisattva directs, awakened him once got made the mouse, got makes the memory of goshawk. 这是有人刻意以太一之血培养可以取代大道之树的事物?孟奇念头刚起,月光菩萨一指点来,唤醒了他曾经变做老鼠,变做苍鹰的记忆。 But Fusang Ancient Tree before mountain valley, sits cross-legged figure, the hand holds colored glaze together, is Luoism Apostle Zhang Deng, he does not have other actions, probably is waiting for anything, above old tree, Sha Wujing little climb.( To be continued.) 扶桑古树所在“山谷”前,盘坐着一道身影,手托琉璃盏,正是罗教掌灯神使,他没有其余举动,像是在等待着什么,古树之上,沙悟净一点点攀登。(未完待续。) One clouds. Come. The pavilion then obtains to watch 地一下云.来.阁即可获得观看】
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