WORIOA :: Volume #6

#235: Innate Nature

Before Apostle Zhang Deng proud Lishu, holding the lamp bowl, the ray to spread photo ten side Zhujie, lightened around the Fusang Ancient Tree darkness, when just like the end approaches guides loving mother good god who the traveller far from home goes home, calmly is waiting for the attack of Shao Xuan and Xi'e, every has the hot glow place, all can see the ashes to fall gently voluminous, where does not know from. 掌灯神使傲立树前,托着灯盏,光芒遍照十方诸界,点亮了扶桑古树周围的幽幽暗暗,宛若末日来临时引导游子归家的慈母善神,静静等待着少玄羲娥的进攻,凡有火芒处,皆能见灰烬洋洋洒洒飘落,不知来自何方。 Although he was among the antiquity years on obtaining enlightenment Immortal Being, after serving the old mother, had the profit again, was close from Creator (good fortune), but regained consciousness ahead of time eventually no longer the peak, facing besieging of two legend Supreme, facing Overlord's Extreme Blade and Doomsday Boat, even if on the mouth said is confident, does not dare to neglect actually with laxly, gave up the proactive attack, strictly adhered to under the beforehand arrange/cloth Ten Directions Wandering Colored Glass Realm, was Sha Wujing extinguishes the old mother hidden danger, attained that thing, won enough time. 他虽然是上古年间就得道的仙人,侍奉老母后更是再有进益,距离造化不过咫尺,但提前苏醒终究不复巅峰,面对两位传说大能的围攻,面对霸王绝刀末日之舟,哪怕嘴上说得再自信十足,实际还是不敢怠慢与松懈,放弃了主动进攻,谨守之前布下的“十方游子琉璃界”,为沙悟净消弭老母隐患,拿到那件事物,争取充足的时间。 arrived legend realm, knowledge my for me, bright external may according is not possible to depend, can eliminate many limits to understand clearly the situation, under the so clear condition, how Shao Xuan and can Xi'e not understand the plan of Apostle Zhang Deng? 到了传说这个境界,知“我之为我”,明外在可依不可赖,能摒除诸多局限洞悉局势,如此清楚的状况下,少玄羲娥岂会不明白掌灯神使的打算? Has not delayed with hesitant, Shao Xuan one step enters into Doomsday Boat, existed side by side with Xi'e, urging the great ship to drive into the brilliantly illuminated place slowly. 没有丝毫耽搁与犹豫,少玄一步迈入末日之舟,与羲娥并立,驱使巨舰缓缓驶入了灯火通明处。 The large ship bans to fluctuate layer upon layer, interweaves Dao rune, forms the favor pale liquid gold light, Saint Virtue Merit Virtue all prepares, just with the bright contact that the Wandering Lamp photo had/left, then rubbed the ignition flower, the high and low twinkle, about flowed, as if will soon be lit baseless. 楼船层层禁制浮动,交织成一枚枚道纹,汇成润泽的淡金水光,圣德功德皆备,刚与游子灯照出的光明接触,便摩擦出点点火花,上下闪烁,左右流淌,似乎即将被凭空点燃。 Even but if, the spark as if strong winds monstrous waves, Doomsday Boat gorgeously is also invariable, was not damaged, even makes bright avoid on own initiative, to navigate the stance above sea of bitterness to go through in the place of lights shining. 可是,哪怕火花仿佛狂风巨浪,末日之舟也巍然不变,丝毫不受损伤,甚至让光明主动避开,以航行于苦海之上的姿态穿行于灯火照耀之地。 Although the Doomsday Boat completely entire merit, many abilities are not insufficient, is hard to be called true peerless, but it to refine to cross Final Tribulation, moves to the next era, is the sea of bitterness precious raft, the strength of defense is its basic, this aspect compares favorably with the peerless thing sufficiently, navigates is wielding the manager in Ten Directions Wandering Colored Glass Realm! 虽然末日之舟未尽全功,诸多能力不足,难以称为真正的绝世,但它本身就是为了炼制出来渡过末劫,驶向下个纪元,属于苦海宝筏,防御之力是其根本,这方面足以媲美绝世之物,航行于“十方游子琉璃界”正挥所长! The lights like the water, form the sea. In the shipping agency ocean, the partial wave opens the wave, is approaching Apostle Zhang Deng. 灯火如水,汇成大海。船行洋上,分波开浪,靠近着掌灯神使 But at this moment, Xi'e and Shao Xuan see at present change suddenly. Although as before is Ten Directions Wandering Colored Glass Realm, as before is the lights vastness, but front Apostle Zhang Deng vanishes towering, the wick static combustion of other section of blooming extraordinary splendor, all around were only many such as the dark liquid of rubber oil. 可就在这时,羲娥少玄眼前所见忽地变化。虽然依旧是十方游子琉璃界,依旧是灯火汪洋,但前方的掌灯神使突兀消失,只余下一截绽放异彩的灯芯静静燃烧,四周多了如胶似油的幽暗液体。 Wick? 灯芯? The Xi'e heart moves. Divine Consciousness and Doomsday Boat coincide, the tentacle takes bearing loudly all parties, then saw that the infinite high place presented the Apostle Zhang Deng good-looking face, his occupying the high ground, is overlooking two people. 羲娥心头一动。神识末日之舟相合,触手般轰然探向各方,然后看到无穷高处出现了掌灯神使俊俏的面孔,他正居高临下,俯视着自己两人。 The distant place has the colored glaze boundary, the as if lamp bowl. 远处则有琉璃边界,仿佛灯盏。 This is her heart moves, sees various gathers, grasps the arrived current condition. 这是她心头一动,所见各相汇聚,已是把握到了当前状况。 Why does not know, enters to Ten Directions Wandering Colored Glass Realm Doomsday Boat following the lights, drove into that Colored Glass Immortal Lamp strangely! 不知为什么,进到十方游子琉璃界末日之舟顺着灯火,诡异驶入了那盏琉璃仙灯 at this very moment. Oneself and Shao Xuan not in the outside world, but situated in the lamp, is approaching the wick! 此时此刻。自己与少玄不在外界,而是处于灯内,正靠近着灯芯! Good cleverness! 好一手偷天换日! Bang! 轰隆! Xi'e clearly recognized that the condition at the same time, Shao Xuan also understood the bitter experience, gathers him who the potential treats to use the blade as the ruler, made All Directions Saint Virtue Divine Light. 羲娥认清状况的同时,少玄也明白了遭遇,蓄势待的他以刀为尺,打出了“万方圣德神光”。 Bang! 轰隆! The single layer heavy world highlights, the each and every one civilization appears, the star fire gathering, illuminated the dark ice-cold universe, scarlet azure yellowish white black and other assorted gatherings. Separately is representing the Human Dao different parts, changed to colorful favor water current, integrated Extreme Blade by the potential of man will conquer nature, stirred up All Heavens divine thunder. 一重重世界凸显,一个个文明浮现,星星之“火”汇聚,照亮了幽暗冰冷的宇宙,赤青黄白黑等各色汇聚。分别代表着人道不同部分,化作了异彩纷呈的润泽“水流”,以人定胜天之势融入了绝刀,激出了诸天神雷 Purple. Azure, four color five-colors, the nihility chaos, make threatening gestures, concentrates one group, assorted thunder Guangcheng water. as if turned over to at first, formed a perimeter/thunder pool of woof Gulao vicissitudes, is converging Saint Virtue Water Light that invades sleek/moist myriad things, the following strikes, fights the day, turns the screw, hit enormously and powerful to Apostle Zhang Deng. 紫的。青的,四色五彩的,虚无混沌的,张牙舞爪的,凝成一团的,各色雷光成水。仿佛归了最初,形成了一汪古老沧桑的雷池,汇合着侵润万物的圣德水光,以下击上,以人斗天,扭成螺旋,浩浩荡荡打向了掌灯神使 This blade light place visited, the lights give way to traffic, is not willing to injure, has then arrived in front of Apostle Zhang Deng instantly. 这道刀光所过之处,灯火避让,不肯伤害,刹那便已来到掌灯神使面前。 The Apostle Zhang Deng expression is satisfied, the vision is dignified, has not held a colored glaze another hand to spread out, the five fingers gather, the palm like the jade, the surface is rapid, said that the Dao rune road highlights, changed to one unexpectedly fully is mysterious mirror. 掌灯神使表情惬意,目光凝重,没有托着琉璃盏的另外一只手摊开,五指并拢,掌心如玉,表面迅透明,道道纹路凸显,竟然化作了一面满是玄妙的“镜子”。 When! 当! blade light cuts the mirror, was rebounded directly, stirs up the Doomsday Boat pale gold/metal writings, the Merit Virtue long cry, stands firm reluctantly. 刀光斩中镜子,被直接反弹了来,激得末日之舟淡金大作,功德长鸣,才勉强稳住。 Mirror central, then left behind deep scorch. “镜子”中央,则留下了一道深深的焦痕。 Short twinkling's several fierce struggles between two evenly matched opponents are close. 短短瞬息的几番龙争虎斗难分胜负。 both eyes pale and colorless Sha Wujing flies to escape in seeming like Fusang Ancient Tree of universe distance, the side often has the sound to get up, ashes from shining in the weak lights flutters. 双眼淡而无色的沙悟净飞遁于似乎有一个宇宙距离的扶桑古树,身边不时有噼里啪啦之声响起,点点灰烬从照耀上来的微弱灯火里飘出。 These do not know where strange monster from was hard to kill normally, filled the entire Fusang Ancient Tree domain, even the slightest misstep, legend Supreme might carry a somersault, if because has not corresponded cultivation technique, could not detect that the appearances of these monsters, they do not know where hid, can hide the truth from the sense of legend unexpectedly, but attack also quite strange, as if can draw the legend to drop from top-level life status downward. 这些不知来自何方的诡异怪物正常难以杀死,充满了整个扶桑古树界域,稍有不慎,传说大能都有可能载个跟头,因为若没有对应功法,根本察觉不了这些怪物的出现,它们不知藏在何方,竟能瞒过传说的感官,而攻击也是相当的古怪,似乎能拉着传说从高层次生命状态往下跌落。 Actually are they what? 它们究竟是何物所化? Related with Exalted Emperor Haotian, is related with The Grand One Eastern Sovereign? 是与昊天上帝有关,还是与东皇太一有关? During flies to escape, the Sha Wujing thought fluctuates unavoidably, was pondering strange of Fusang Ancient Tree domain, the old mother bestows luckily Wandering Lamp, makes Zhang Deng lead into Reality World directly, otherwise really did not have the means to restrain the those strange monster, in fortified at every step situation, inevitably suffers interferences and organizations of other influences. 飞遁之中,沙悟净念头难免起伏,思考着扶桑古树界域的奇诡,幸好老母将游子灯赐下,直接让掌灯带入真实界,否则还真没有办法克制那些诡异怪物,步步为营的情况下,必然遭受其余势力的干涉与组织。 However, when is close to the top of the tree quickly, the Wandering Lamp light is unable to illuminate passes, can only look at itself. 不过,快接近树顶时,游子灯的光明无法照透,只能看自己了。 When present I am not Journey to the West realm is not high, frequently helpless Monk Sha the Sha Wujing faint vision flashed through a brilliance, as if wants certificate anything. “但如今的我也非西游境界不高,常常无能为力的沙和尚了”沙悟净淡漠的目光闪过一丝光彩,似乎想要证明些什么。 The escaping light grazes, all around suddenly one dark, but not completely jet black, the mulberry leaf and trunk and branches are bathing the day glow, is glittering the flame, probably night inserted completely the open country of torch. 遁光飞掠,四周忽地一暗,但不是完全的漆黑,桑叶和枝干沐浴着日芒,闪烁着火光,像是夜里插满了火炬的野外。 Sha Wujing touched white bone colored glaze prayer bead that the chest front is hanging, the innermost feelings shines upon the surroundings, slowed down, fortifies at every step, is guarding against the attack of those strange monster. 沙悟净摸了摸胸前悬挂的白骨琉璃念珠,内心映照周围,放缓了度,步步为营,防备着那些诡异怪物的来袭。 Flew, the peaceful safe/without matter, without the least bit is strange, may be this, Sha Wujing is anxious, the matter has must unusual for the monster! 飞了一阵,安宁无事,没有半点诡异,可越是这样,沙悟净越是忧虑,事有反常必为妖! After a little while, Sha Wujing at present one bright, had seen the Fusang Ancient Tree peak. 少顷,沙悟净眼前一亮,已然看见了扶桑古树顶端。 And leaf to become mountain, piled up with the white bloom, during the white bloom crowding around has a azure grave, outside the azure grave sets upright the stele, writes one line of writing, presently writing. 其中一株树叶成山,堆满了白花,白花簇拥之中有一座青坟,青坟之外竖有石碑,写着一行文字,当前文字。 Sha Wujing read character by character: 沙悟净一个字一个字地念了出来: „The grave of husband Meng Qi!” “夫君孟奇之墓!” Bang! 轰隆! Below thunderclap rings out, Fusang Ancient Tree swings, Shao Xuan, Xi'e and Apostle Zhang Deng lived the crashing collision. 下方雷声大作,扶桑古树微摇,少玄羲娥掌灯神使生了激烈碰撞。 The Sha Wujing heart moves, has a feeling suddenly, looks to side, sees only another old tree the top of the tree calmly to stand erect together figure, wears the yellow and black royal robes robe, the crown of head harness even day, crown tassel dangles, blocks the face countenance, the aura vicissitudes are ancient. 沙悟净心头一动,忽有所感,看向旁边,只见另外一株古树的树顶静静屹立着一道身影,穿着玄黄衮袍,头带平天之冠,冕旒垂下,挡住颜面,气息沧桑而古老。 He is looking at himself! 他正看着自己! With the differences, the miraculous glow appears gradually, Meng Qi as if grasps arrived anything, revolved naturally True Spirit. 同与不同之间,灵光渐渐浮现,孟奇似乎把握到了什么,自然而然运转了真灵 His intuition relies on the experience and experience of Martial Dao, relies on the experience and experience of Earth knowledge, relies on all sorts of the experiences and experiences of experience, one after another changes to the colored glaze fragment, since within the body departs, but has not left itself, but circles in the surroundings, has radiant star light connections with. 他直觉依赖于武道的经验、见识,依赖于地球知识的经验、见识,依赖于种种经历的经验、见识,纷纷化作琉璃般的碎片,从体内飞出,但又没有离开自己,而是盘旋于周围,与自身有着一道道璀璨星光般的连线。 At this time, he like opened the umbrella, Houtian(acquired) obtained outside, Innate Nature in within/inner, but has not separated completely, has the connection as before, formed the whole together. 这个时候,他就像一把撑开了的伞,后天所得在外,先天本性于内,但又没有完全分隔,依旧有着连线,共同汇成了整体。 Has is then having instead, has Yin has the positivity, Houtian(acquired) Xiantian(innate) is relative, does not distinguish right from wrong, Xiantian(innate) will be contaminated by Houtian(acquired), Houtian(acquired) will also be affected by Xiantian(innate), therefore, the contamination of Houtian(acquired) can slightly change Xiantian(innate), throws to put down to put down completely on the contrary, like the chart of primal chaos, Yin conceals is positive, Yang by Yin, the strong memory said. 有正便有反,有阴既有阳,后天先天本是相对,并不泾渭分明,先天会受后天沾染,后天也会被先天影响,所以,后天的沾染可以些微改变先天,完全抛去反倒为了放下而放下,就像太极之图,阴中藏阳,阳中由阴,强记曰道。 The each and every one fragment composed different thinking pattern, surrounds around Meng Qi, is the same through the star light connection, but the connection and self- meets everywhere, the slight change, constituted little different. 一个个碎片组成了不同的思维模式,环绕于孟奇周围,通过星光连线相同,而连线与自我接触处,些微改变,构成了少许不同。 thinking pattern circles the encirclement, when without the Martial Dao strength, without the Earth knowledge, gets makes the mouse, Meng Qi maintains a self- cognition not to vanish, visits them, looks at arrived different and same through them. 思维模式盘旋环绕,没有武道实力时的,没有地球知识的,变做老鼠时的,孟奇保持着一丝自我认知不泯,看着它们,通过它们看到了不同又相同的自己。 Cannot see itself directly, but from external various obviously 12, unifies all sorts, Meng Qi as if clearly recognizes itself more and more, but more and more memory fragments therefore depart, follow the encirclement, this I am getting more and more bright, more and more only, as if had the slight resonance with the infinite high place. 不能直接看到自己,但从外在各相可见一二,结合种种,孟奇似乎越来越认清自己,而越来越多的记忆碎片因此飞出,跟随环绕,本我越来越明,越来越净,与无穷高处似乎有了些微共鸣。 The experience and experience of state of mind cultivation base correspondence also departed, Meng Qi sees to think again also differently, all dark, chaos, presents at first condition, but he is unable to ponder, because the different Houtian(acquired) experiences and experiences are still connected, but is unable to hoodwink itself. 心境修为对应的经验和见识也飞出了,孟奇所见所思再也不同,一切幽幽暗暗,混混沌沌,呈现最初之态,但他也不是无法思考,因为不同后天经验与见识依旧相连,只是无法蒙蔽自身了。 Profound dim, Meng Qi eye looks extremely, only thinks front does not have the priority of time, does not have void about, without the outset of myriad things, the fruit is Innate Nature. 幽深昏暗,孟奇极“目”看去,只觉前方没有时光的先后,没有虚空的上下,没有万物的起始,果是本性先天 At this moment, he sleep/felt in the middle of that chaos is sitting well a Daoist, is unable with the Daoist who the language described. 就在这时,他“觉”那片混沌当中端坐着一名道人,无法用语言描述的道人。 You are the Meng Qi heart move, blurting. “你是”孟奇心头一动,“脱口”而出。 That Daoist has the great distant sound, the vicissitudes ancient meaning fills the air: 那名道人出宏大悠远的声音,沧桑古老之意弥漫: This poor Daoist Primordial Beginning.”( To be continued.) “贫道元始。”(未完待续。) One clouds. Come. The pavilion then obtains the view. 】 地一下云.来.阁即可获得观.】
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