WORIOA :: Volume #6

#230: All over the sky Gods and Buddhas

Uncle smiles strange...... little miss and young boys some appearances of fear well, regresses again and again, is grasped by the purple skirt young married woman who always calmly looks on, a face alert returned to the cabin, surroundings passenger some looked, the vision is stunned, how probably not too clear person in good condition was insane suddenly insanely. “叔叔笑得好奇怪……”小姑娘与小男孩都有些畏惧的样子,连连退步,然后被一位始终静静旁观的紫裙少妇抱住,一脸戒备地返回了船舱,周围乘客有的望了过来,目光错愕,像是不太明白好端端的人怎么就突然失心疯了。 Smiled one, Meng Qi returned to normal gradually, the world did not see really law, by appearance view person, was experienced and taken advantage by oneself with the experience limit or hoodwinking, when this/should letter/believes did not believe that when should not the letter/believes deeply fell into, what oneself said was the true story, Xuan Xin by boasting to hide the essence of Monster Clan spy, although both had the difference, but showed certain something that gives one away respectively, the story that for example told if were sent to at the Myriad Worlds Communication World forum, referred to erratically is recognized Gentleman Sword by the Three Mountains and Four Rivers old friend initially Meng Qi, for example the Xuan Xin common subtle flaw, was felt he was not that simple., If will soon attach great importance , is dark observes, what to come initially the matter of Shaolin? 笑了一阵,孟奇渐渐平复,世人不见真法,以“貌”观人,是被自身经验、依仗和见识局限或者蒙蔽,该信时不信,不该信时则深深陷入,自己讲的是真实故事,玄心则是以吹牛皮掩盖自身妖族奸细的实质,两者虽有不同,但都各自露出一定马脚,比如自己讲述的故事若是被发到万界通识天地的论坛上,指不定会被当初三山四水的故人认出“君子剑孟奇,比如玄心常有微妙破绽,让人感觉他不是那么简单,如果早日重视,暗里观察,何来当初少林之事? What a pity, takes the person by appearance, the child of feather losing. 可惜,以“貌”取人,失之子羽。 The world so, Dharma Body do not see Grand Dao, does not see Tathagata, what also there is to keep off in the middle? External I? 世人如此,法身不见大道,不见如来,又有什么挡在中间?外在的“吾”? Heaves a deep sigh, Meng Qi is disregarding the vision, enters the cabin, because does not know that many years, oneself understood the belly hungry feeling again. 摇头叹息,孟奇无视着目光,进入船舱,因为不知多少年了,自己再次体会到肚子饥饿的感觉。 Many cognition and concept one after another that so many year of Martial Dao strengths bring are stave, constructs. 这么多年武道实力带来的诸多认知和观念纷纷破碎,重新构建。 The shipping agency sea , there is nothing the important matter, Meng Qi always has the skill that becomes friends with the friend, became integrated with Huang Chang and the others quickly, boasts to drink, is very merry, at leisure gives the twin to tell the story, is all sorts that beside Crazy Blade Primordial Sovereign the status experiences and bitter experience in Reincarnation World. 船行海上,无有大事,孟奇向来有结交朋友的本事,很快与黄昌等人打成一片,吹牛喝酒,好不快活,闲暇时则给双胞胎讲讲故事,都是狂刀元皇之外身份所经历的种种以及轮回世界里的遭遇。 Although the twin has mumbled mother to say the uncle to boast, but the Meng Qi's story is really splendid, cancels them inevitably to register every day on time, is being supine the small face, hears to concentrate on. 双胞胎虽然一直嘟囔着娘亲说叔叔吹牛,但孟奇的故事着实精彩,勾得他们每天必然准时报到,仰着小脸,听得全神贯注。 Said that I revisit this/should Capital City, met Demon Empress in the temple, she offers a sacrifice to Golden Saint Garment, Incarnation Queen of Blade......” says is saying, the Meng Qi custom teased to like the temper outbreak of spoof, the mouthful runs the train, the person of surroundings heard towering, knit the brows again and again, the little miss and young boy with great interest, deeply felt interesting actually, «Fought Transformers compared with that Primordial Sovereign» also has the fun! “却说我重临该国京城,于寺庙中遇见了魔后,她祭出一件黄金圣衣,化身刀锋女王……”讲着讲着,孟奇习惯调侃喜欢恶搞的性子发作,满嘴跑起了火车,周围之人听得突兀,连连皱眉,小姑娘与小男孩倒是津津有味,深感有趣,比那本《元皇大战变形金刚》还有好玩! They often asked the issue, for example anything was Golden Saint Garment, anything was Queen of Blade, the harmony happiness that both sides interacted, making the purple skirt young married woman who side did not feel relieved day by day lax. 她们不时提出问题,比如什么是黄金圣衣,什么是刀锋女王,双方互动的其乐融融,让旁边不放心的紫裙少妇日益松懈。 This day, the moon/month line is emptying, clear splendor such as the gauze is covering the mechanism large ship, Meng Qi is not the body of inexhaustibility, rests on the narrow bed, with fluctuation of the wave. 这日,月行正空,清辉如纱笼罩着机关楼船,孟奇已非不知疲倦之身,睡在狭窄的床上,随着波浪起起伏伏。 But in some cabin, the black robe man who has closed one's eyes opened the double pupil suddenly, the jet black place is exuding the color of bright silver, several points of sacred several points indifferently, like the clearest mirror, tip map in which the surroundings all, are difficult to see illusory that including the naked eye, the gloom that for example the dense fog winds around, for example the inserting wall plate, only reveals a ghost of face. 而在某间舱房,一直闭着眼睛的黑袍男子突地睁开了双眸,漆黑处泛着亮银之色,几分神圣几分漠然,如同最清晰的镜子,将周围点点滴滴尽数映入其中,包括肉眼难见的虚幻,比如迷雾般缭绕的阴气,比如嵌入墙板,只露一张面孔的幽魂。 Eye of Rashless finally small accomplishment.” The black robe man talked to oneself joyfully, sets out slowly. 无妄之瞳总算小成。”黑袍男子欣喜自语,缓缓起身。 He is the Unorthodox Path strong person, for practice this divine ability, for several years is constraining all sorts **, merit line of complete, must vent now, celebrates. 他乃左道强人,为了修炼这门神通,几年来压抑着种种**,如今功行圆满,得发泄发泄,庆祝庆祝。 But according to the induction observation, whom this large ship does not have to be able to block itself to strike! 而据感应观察,这艘楼船没谁能挡得住自己一击! Shoves open the cabin door, the black robe man looks at the lights and lonesome and quiet channel of both sides slightly twinkle, before recalling, knows all sorts, gradually forwards, is filled with satisfied, the control of as if this large ship all lives. 推开舱门,黑袍男子看着两侧略微闪烁的灯火与幽静的通道,回忆着之前所知种种,缓步向前,满心惬意,仿佛这艘楼船所有生命的主宰。 Myriad Worlds Communication Talisman is hard to shield, cannot be negligent, so as to avoid some people request reinforcements.” He is pondering over the detail, thinks, crosses two cabins that purple skirt young married woman occupied, moves toward the front. 万界通识符难以屏蔽,不能大意,免得有人求援。”他思忖着细节,想了想,越过了紫裙少妇一家所居的两间舱房,走向前方。 The fellow who that love boasted although did not have martial arts when the body, but oneself induced always some feeling of being unable to put things clearly, in order to be serious, first since he started! 那个爱吹牛皮的家伙虽然没有武功在身,但自己感应时总有些说不清道不明的感受,郑重起见,先从他开始! Stops before the cabin, he opened the front door slowly, silent, the vision sweeps to the bed, was full of the bloodthirsty and cruel color, integrates the eyeground Meng Qi figure that on the bed sleeps soundly, the right palm lifts, will soon begin. 停在舱前,他缓缓推开了大门,无声无息,目光扫向床铺,充满了嗜血和残忍的色彩,将床铺上酣睡的孟奇身影纳入眼底,右掌抬起,即将动手。 But at this moment, in his Eye of Rashless actually shone the picture that was different from the naked eye, around sleeping soundly figure is crowding around Golden Body Arhat and mercy Bodhisattva, layer by layer, overlapped, or tied lion seal, either tied the Bao Ping(treasure vase) seal, either held the exorcize demons pestle, either held the pure lotus, the colored glaze net light was intermittent, the smallpox shook down unceasingly, the highest place as if had one moonlight Gautama Buddha! 可就在这时,他无妄之瞳内却映照出了不同于肉眼的画面,酣睡的身影周围簇拥着一位位金身罗汉、慈悲菩萨,一层又一层,重重叠叠,或结狮子印,或结宝瓶印,或持降魔杵,或托清净莲,琉璃净光阵阵,天花不断摇落,最高处似乎有一位月光般的“佛陀”! The sweat falls, the instinct retrocedes, the black robe man thump hits in the arrived gate, the startled speechless said: 汗水滑落,本能后退,黑袍男子咚得一声撞到了门上,惊慌失语道: „Does Gods and Buddhas bless all over the sky?” “满天神佛庇佑?” Did the fellow who this love boasted really have All Heavens Arhat and Bodhisattva protection from all walks of life? 这个爱吹牛的家伙竟然有诸天罗汉和各界菩萨守护? Is he what origin? 他到底是何来历? Gautama Buddha is reincarnated, is the lord of salvation? 佛陀转世,还是救世之主? Hit a sound to awaken Meng Qi, for many years custom has made him turn over/stand up to sit up rapidly, adopts the stance of most suitable action, the eye narrows the eyes slightly, takes a look at the present black robe man, the ear bank is reverberating Gods and Buddhas is blessing all over the sky the sound. 撞门之声惊醒了孟奇,多年来的习惯让他迅速翻身坐起,摆出最适合行动的姿态,眼睛微微眯起,打量着眼前的黑袍男子,耳畔则回荡着“满天神佛庇佑”的声音。 Short instantaneous, he has outlined account general, facing the panic black robe man, shows a faint smile saying: Did not ask from entering, can it be that for the say/way of guest?” 短短瞬间,他已然勾勒出了事情的大概经过,面对惊慌失措的黑袍男子,微微一笑道:“不问自入,岂是为客之道?” The black robe man facial expression is frightened, the instinct shakes the head: 黑袍男子神情惊悚,本能摇头: You, your martial arts does not have, how can all over the sky the Gods and Buddhas protection?” “你,你一点武功都没有,怎么会得满天神佛守护?” He has also to die greatly a clear feeling. 他大有死也要死个明白的感觉。 Meng Qi turned into the sitting posture, including saying with a smile: Said that you do not believe that some before was also one generation of expert, because of faced with the mountain pass, was hard to break through, therefore consulted the friend, finally cut in a big way to take advantage clearly, was a strength is to meet really my shortcut method, as for all over the sky the Gods and Buddhas protection, was because before some, had some graciousness in Gautama Buddha Great Bodhisattva.” 孟奇变成了坐姿,含笑道:“说起来你不信,某以前也是一代高人,因为面临关隘,难以突破,于是请教友人,终于明白斩去最大依仗,也就是一身实力是照见真我的捷径法门,至于满天神佛守护,则是因为某以前有恩于某位佛陀某位大菩萨。” The black robe man gawked staring, at once smiles, out-of-control laughs, awakens several people, good long while is breathing heavily the gas channel/angrily said: You, when I am silly? Where had is said how many from the waste martial arts fool? Haha, this joke was too funny.” 黑袍男子愣了愣,旋即笑了起来,失控大笑,惊醒数人,好半天才喘着气道:“你当我傻吗?哪有被人说几句就自废武功的笨蛋?哈哈,这个笑话太好笑了。” I was such fool...... Meng Qi said one silently. 我就是这样的笨蛋……孟奇默默道了一句。 Can meet really me from waste martial arts? Haha, can only bring about own destruction......” black robe man to continue to laugh from waste martial arts, „the person of learn martial arts will understand, world is most real not empty basing on is the strength that little practice gets up, where has needs to give up it being able to meet really I?” “自废武功才能照见真我?哈哈,自废武功只能自寻死路……”黑袍男子继续大笑,“学武之人都会明白一点,世间最真实不虚的凭依便是一点点修炼起来的实力,哪有需要放弃它才能照见的真我?” Meng Qi thinks saying: Dao Sect once was divided into many kinds Fated Tribulation, some different Thunder Tribulation, have Yin Wind Earth Fire Tribulation, has the person who karma involves tribulation, has the relations in the past future Three Lives Tribulation, there is True Void Tribulation that divine ability Dharma Power suddenly all loses, arrived at that time, can Martial Dao also base on? Is once encounters True Void Tribulation, you wait for death simply, I not for me?” 孟奇想了想道:“道门曾经将劫数分成多类,有不同雷劫,有阴风地火劫,有因果牵扯的人劫,有关系过去未来的三生劫,也有忽然之间神通法力全失的真空劫,到了那时候,武道还能凭依吗?是不是一旦遭遇真空劫,你就干脆等死,我不为我?” That different, if Fated Tribulation, when can prepare the treasure to keep off the disaster, the invitation good friend protects, completes plans completely safe, so long as endured that period of time, naturally can restore, with, since waste martial arts looks for compared with illusory really me, is no comparison between them simply.” The black robe man shakes the head to laugh, still thought that this was being opened own joke by expert of Gods and Buddhas protection all over the sky. “那不同,若是劫数,当能准备宝物挡灾,邀请好友守护,做好万全谋划,只要熬过那段时日,自然就能恢复,与自废武功寻找虚无缥缈的真我相比,简直不可同日而语。”黑袍男子摇头嗤笑,依然觉得这被满天神佛守护的高人在开自己的玩笑。 immense divine ability, can by oneself not can be detected he has Martial Dao expert definitely to have, but where has expert to do from the waste foundation so stupid matter? 神通广大,能让自己丝毫察觉不出他身怀武道高人肯定有,可哪有高人做自废根基如此愚蠢的事情? Meng Qi sincere say/way: If True Void Tribulation continues for a year, five years, and even ten years?” 孟奇正色道:“若真空劫持续一年,五年,乃至十年呢?” Where has so long-time Fated Tribulation?” The black robe man does not believe. “哪有如此长久的劫数?”黑袍男子根本不信。 Meng Qi did not argue, showed a smile: „Do I say with you now am not same? Can please Gods and Buddhas bless all over the sky, having the treasure can protect the lord automatically, if handles matters, big of the world, is willing to help me, completely does not lose to abandon me because of my strength, not many, but definitely are also many, but needs to know itself, knows the world, adjusts because of the custom that Martial Dao comes, what does this with crossing True Void Tribulation have to distinguish?” 孟奇也不争辩,露出一丝笑容道:“我如今和你所言不也是一样?能请满天神佛庇佑,有宝物可以自动护主,若要办事,天下之大,愿意助我者,不因我实力尽失而弃我者,不多但也肯定不少,只是需要重新认识自己,认识天地,调整因武道而来的习惯,这与渡真空劫有什么区别?” But others Fated Tribulation crosses, can restore, hopes uncertainly from waste martial arts, is more like deliberately bad.” The black robe man is unable to accept this choice. “但别人劫数一过,就能恢复,自废武功则希望渺茫,更像是自暴自弃。”黑袍男子还是无法接受这种选择。 To Martial Dao cultivator, the strength is the life, the strength is all! 武道修士来说,实力就是生命,实力就是一切! Meng Qi had not directly replied, but looks to out of the window, points at that to turn Mingyue(bright moon) saying: „When has Martial Dao, I can enter initially azure deep, skill|effort of ascended to broad cold graces, wants to go now, either asked others to help, either through Mo Palace, roamed through with their mysterious mechanism.” 孟奇没有正面回答,而是看向窗外,指着那轮明月道:“有武道时,我能初入青冥,登临广寒不过举手投足的功夫,如今想要前往,要么请别人帮忙,要么通过墨宫,用他们的神奇机关遨游。” Then, he is pointing at the dark island shadow: 然后,他又指着黑沉沉的岛影: You looked when that side islands mountain peak is steep, has Martial Dao, is only a strength, if now thinks ascended to, must is ready, climbs mountains and crosses rivers, crosses numerous dangers and difficulties, can arrive.” “你看那边岛屿山峰陡峭,有武道时,只是一步之力,如今若想登临,须得做好准备,跋山涉水,越过众多艰难险阻,才能抵达。” In the past handled a matter, I take action was then good, even if outside , can separate makes an effort spatially, must beat around the bush, consumes the favor.” “过去做一件事情,我自身出手便行,哪怕远在界外,也能隔空使力,如今必须绕弯子,耗人情。” In the past many experiences, customs and cognition, as losing of Martial Dao crashes in like this my at present, I must restructure the match now condition they, therefore understands that what is the pattern, what for external, depends upon them but not to rely on them, was limited by them, camouflages both eyes......” “以往诸多经验、习惯和认知,随着武道的失去就这样崩塌于我的眼前,我必须重构起匹配现在状况的它们,于是明白何为模式,何为外在,依靠它们但不依赖于它们,被它们限制,遮蔽住‘双眼’……” The sound is low and deep, the tone is ordinary, was recounting all sorts seemingly natural change, the black robe man is a face did not believe that but stalemate thinking gradually, as if probably possibly probably somewhat truth. 声音低沉,语气平常,述说着种种看似理所当然的变化,黑袍男子本是一脸不信,可渐渐的陷入思索,似乎大概可能好像有几分道理。 He often deals with several, Meng Qi takes advantage of opportunity and tells, unconsciously, East slightly white, a sea day space like burning down. 他不时应对几句,孟奇顺势又讲述下去,不知不觉,东方微白,海天一线间如同火烧。 The black robe man knits the brows suddenly: You said so many, does don't tell me want to urge me from waste martial arts?” 黑袍男子忽然皱眉道:“你说了这么多,难道是想劝我自废武功?” „It is not, I am only am comforting myself.” Meng Qi self-ridicules smiles, then waves saying that does not have absurdly the eye is Dao Sect divine ability, a tasteful body and mind body, non- quilt ** hoodwinks, even if realizes, if indulges, should still back up, puts best into it.” “不是,我只是在宽慰自己。”孟奇自嘲一笑,然后挥了挥手道,“无妄之眼是道门神通,讲究身心一体,不被**蒙蔽,即使练成,若是放纵,也会倒退,好自为之。” The black robe man does not dare to violate, is backing up the cabin, heart all sorts ** has vanished with listening that night of cloud Liwu circled. 黑袍男子不敢违背,倒退着出了舱房,心头种种**早就随着一夜云里雾绕的听讲消失殆尽。 At present the person of getting up early are many, happily chats peaceful/late peaceful/late, the black robe man as if one awakens, stunned talked to oneself: 眼前早起之人不少,言笑晏晏,黑袍男子似乎才一下惊醒,愕然自语: What I did, I where?” “我干了什么,我在哪里?” „Did I listen to that lunatic to speak a evening's idle talk like this?” “我就这样听那个疯子说了一晚上废话?” Moreover thought that he said some truth......” “而且还觉得他说得有些道理……”
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