WORIOA :: Volume #6

#231: Old tree phantom

After waving lets the black robe man leaves, the Meng Qi vision shifts to out of the window, looks at newborn Great Sun, the brilliant rosy-colored clouds at dawn, resemble the sensibility, crossing several breaths was excessive, is looking at the empty gate, inclines the head and listens attentively bustling early morning, after detecting is serene, aspirates quietly, imitated Buddhist Scripture to undergo a fierce fight. 挥手让黑袍男子离开后,孟奇目光转向窗外,看着初生的大日,绚烂的朝霞,状似感悟,过了几息才过头来,望着空空荡荡的门边,侧耳倾听熙熙攘攘的清晨,等察觉一切安详后才悄然吐了口气,仿佛经历了一场激烈的战斗。 „It is not really easy his inwardly to sigh to sigh. “真是不容易啊”他暗自喟叹道。 Bhaiṣajyaguru lineage/vein take original wishes Merit Virtue after as the root, majors in Sambhogakāya, Moonlight Bodhisattva is no exception, the words and deeds must carve with great wish, to draw close to corresponding Grand Dao law principle, more and more with, until complete, displaces, in this process, in the event of violating, loses report to drop immediately. 药师王佛一脉以本愿功德经为根,主修报身,月光菩萨也不例外,言行举止必须锲和自身所大愿,以贴近对应的大道法理,越来越同,直至圆满,取而代之,这个过程里,一旦出现违背,当即失“报”跌落。 Therefore, protects itself, repays karma, can do to Moonlight Bodhisattva, without the issue, may be Grand Dao law principle part, directly interferes with the mediocre routine matter, vicissitudes of life, helping oneself cope with the black robe man obviously is not not possible. 故而,保护自己,偿还因果,对月光菩萨来讲可以做,没有问题,可作为大道法理的一部分,直接干涉凡俗常事,悲欢离合,帮自己对付黑袍男子则明显不可能。 Therefore, the Meng Qi self-preservation has to be actually worried that the black robe man is difficult to control **, copes with on the ship other passengers, and was not clear of without massively slaughtering, can Moonlight Bodhisattva take action prevent, has to wield energy of the flickering, unifies the passing experience and loses some sensibility after Martial Dao strength, towed one black robe man forcefully in the evening, extinguished his all sorts **, at the same time really requested half partly to bluff that by Eye of Rashless great accomplishment fettered the opposite party. 所以,孟奇自保有余却担心黑袍男子难控**,对付船上其他乘客,并且不清楚在没有大规模杀戮的情况下,月光菩萨会不会出手阻止,只好挥自己忽悠之能,结合过往见识与失去武道实力后的些许感悟,硬生生将黑袍男子拖了一晚上,消弭掉了他内心的种种**,同时无妄之瞳大成要求半真实半诈唬地束缚住对方。 This half the night, he seems like extra mundane expert, by saying what for external what Weizhen I, is free and easy and deep, the mental effort consumption, worried actually step by step, not only feared to say the content unable to attract the black robe man, and was worried to trick extremely, brought in the rebound. 这半宿,他看似世外高人,论道着何为外在何为真我,洒脱又深沉,实则心力消耗,步步担忧,既怕所言内容吸引不了黑袍男子,又担心忽悠太过,引来反弹。 Does not see the fists and feet, does not see the sword, this late chat is not a as if fierce fight, but truly so, although the opposite party not necessarily could feel. 不见拳脚,不见刀剑,这一晚的闲谈不是仿佛一场激烈的战斗,而是确实如此,虽然对方未必感觉得到。 I also one open mouth Meng Qi to trace the temple luckily, self-ridiculed that is a little also contented. “幸好我还有一张嘴”孟奇摸了摸鬓角,自嘲中又有点自得。 Initially in the university bedroom, wallowed of knight-errant profound imaginary novel is still in the roommate most excels, chatting one that the Eight Trigrams (gossip) and spoof flickered in the active atmosphere, had a bad effect on. Was jokingly called whole body only to remain by them opens mouth, quite told itself sincerely, had Kong Qiu to become Saint, revered Confucius. Now has the mouth artillery to be the king, when for mouthpiece. 当初大学寝室里,沉迷于武侠玄幻小说的自己依然是舍友里最擅于活跃气氛、闲谈八卦和恶搞忽悠的一位,带坏了一片又一片。被他们戏称全身上下只剩一张嘴,相当诚恳地告诉自己,古有孔丘成圣,被尊孔子。今有嘴炮做王,当为“嘴子”。 Really, without the Martial Dao strength, dealt with the matter to trade an attitude to trade a thought to trade a method. 果然,没有了武道实力,应对事情就得换一种态度换一种思维换一种方法。 Experienced this evening, Meng Qi also had some deeper realizing from experience to the external pattern. 经历了这晚,孟奇对外在模式又有了些更深的体悟。 Was not the Martial Dao strength camouflaged own both eyes.?? The experience custom, the inherent cognition and instinct that but after is rely on Martial Dao strength, forms to analyze that were disturbing own mind, in their certain circumstances is correct, but if entirely believes them, follows them, sticks to old ways inevitably, incorrigibly obstinate, sooner or later meets the threshold not to know, since then sinks. 并不是武道实力遮蔽了自己的双眼。??而是自己依赖武道实力后形成的经验习惯、固有认知、本能判断等在干扰自己的心灵,它们某些情况下非常正确,但若完全相信它们,遵循它们,必然因循守旧,“顽固不化”,迟早遇到门槛而不自知,从此沉顿。 Because of this, cuts me to see me not to give up me, does not give up the Martial Dao strength. But compares to break this limit, the comparing broken law cannot depend on. 正因为如此,“斩吾见我”不是放弃“吾”,更不是放弃武道实力。而是勘破这种局限,勘破法不可依。 Once breaks through, meets really me, can completely grasp the Martial Dao strength, controls it rather than the system in it, like constructing ships( Martial Dao) crosses the sea( sea of bitterness), arrived Pāramitā, actually holds the ship( Martial Dao) not to drop, that puts the cart before the horse, method and goal confusion. 一旦突破,照见真我,就能完完全全地掌握武道实力,控制它而不是制于它,就像修建一艘船只(武道)渡海(苦海),到了彼岸,却抱着船(武道)不放手,那就本末倒置,手段和目的混淆了。 This matter did not say that compares broken can compare broken. Almost internalizes into the experience, cognition and the custom instinct is always wielding the function in unconsciously, sleek/moist thin silent, oneself are very difficult to detect differently, even if there is idea of correspondence at heart. Also identification, after all too close to the problem, needs the long time to carefully examine little, may compare broken, is called a big difficulty on Martial Dao road sufficiently. 这种事情不是说勘破就能勘破的。几乎内化入本能的经验、认知和习惯总在不知不觉中挥着作用,润物细无声,自身很难察觉不同,哪怕心里有对应的想法。也辨识不出,毕竟“当局者迷”,需要漫长时光来一点点审视,才有可能勘破,足以称为武道路上的一大疑难。 In this case, Meng Qi accepted the suggestion of Qi Zhengyan. Through gives up the Martial Dao strength, let the contradiction of these experience, cognitive, custom and reality surfaced directly, turned over to intensely intensely, but truly demonstrated quite clearly, after letting many years of practice, fatuous a mind had the experience at times. 这种情况下,孟奇才接受了齐正言的建议。通过“放弃武道实力”,让这些经验、认知、习惯与现实的矛盾直接浮出了水面,激烈归激烈,但确实表现得相当明显,让多年修炼后“冥顽不化”的一颗心灵时时都有体会。 Pondered one, the Meng Qi belly cluck makes noise, shakes the head to laugh in spite of trying not, had/left the cabin, went to the large ship hall, on the road saw that many passengers all take Myriad Worlds Communication Talisman, or chatted with the family member, consoled the pain of missing, either the finger skidded, in the eye the light shadow fluctuated, is glancing over the news and post of being interested. 沉思一阵,孟奇肚子咕咕作响,摇头失笑,出了舱房,前往楼船大厅,路上看到诸多乘客皆拿着万界通识符,或与家人闲聊,慰藉思念之苦,或手指滑动,眼中光影变幻,浏览着感兴趣的消息与帖子。 Same sleek/moist thin silent, Myriad Worlds Communication Talisman changed the Reality World mode of life. 同样的润物细无声,万界通识符改变了真实界的生活模式。 Little Meng, your Myriad Worlds Communication Talisman? For serveral days hadn't seen you to use?” After is together long time, planned that goes to Mo Palace Huang Chang and Meng Qi mixes extremely ripe, is greeting, before while asked that wants to ask the question that and forgot ask. 小孟,你万界通识符呢?这些天都没有看到你用过?”经过多日相处,打算投奔墨宫黄昌孟奇混得极熟,一边打着招呼,一边问出了之前想问又忘了问的问题。 Without Myriad Worlds Communication Talisman, how does the mutual exchange number, become the communication good friend? 没有万界通识符,怎么互相交换号码,成为通讯好友? Meng Qi yeah: Was stolen in Three Firmaments Island, goes to sea present.” 孟奇哎了一声:“在三霄岛被偷了,出了海才现。” Huang Chang had not suspected, pulled out another Myriad Worlds Communication Talisman to hand over from the bosom: „Before this is me, uses, the function are quite few, you are first assembling with, quickly contacts with the family member, so as to avoid they worried.” 黄昌没有怀疑,从怀里掏出了另外一张万界通识符递了过去:“这是我以前用的,功能比较少,你先凑合着用用吧,赶快和家人联系,免得他们担忧。” Good!” In the Meng Qi eye none flashes, accepted the Huang Chang good intention without hesitation. “好!”孟奇眼中精光一闪,毫不犹豫接受了黄昌的好意。 Had Myriad Worlds Communication Talisman, oneself can contact 6 big gentlemen, Zhiwei, big green root they, can turn over to Jade Void Palace directly, does not need to make a long and wearisome journey again, Fatigue of travel. 有了万界通识符,自己就可以联络六大先生、芷微大青根他们了,就可以直接归玉虚宫,不用再长途跋涉,舟车劳顿。 However, was short of informed and experienced and sensibility to Jade Void Palace directly? 不过,直接到玉虚宫是不是又少了历练和感悟? Ok, contacts, chatted the Eight Trigrams (gossip), grasping the current situation show/unfolds was also good. 算了,联络一下,闲谈八卦,掌握当前局势展也好。 The thought is rotating, Meng Qi opened this Myriad Worlds Communication Talisman, then plans to input the corresponding number, contacts Jiang Zhiwei they. 念头转动着,孟奇开启了这张万界通识符,然后打算输入对应号码,联络江芷微他们。 At this time, his movement stopped suddenly, because he cannot remember the Jiang Zhiwei number presently! 就在这个时候,他的动作忽然停顿了,因为他现自己记不得江芷微的号码了! After Dharma Body, Primordial Spirit with ** the fusion, True Spirit appears, the photographic memory and intravenous drip all are not lies, as realm enhances, in the future can also withstand universe all numerous and disorderly information, is no comparison between them with the mortal, therefore Meng Qi simply had not taken a lot of care in the past the Teacher good friend's Myriad Worlds Communication code, because looked that carves on seal firmly in the heart, now the Martial Dao strength loses, belongs to ordinary, the ability of this withstanding information, this memory, where will have? 法身之后,元神与**融合,真灵浮现,过目不忘和点滴皆在绝不是虚言,随着境界提高,日后还能承受一个宇宙所有的庞杂信息,与凡人不可同日而语,故而以往孟奇根本没费心思去记师长好友的万界通识编码,因为看一眼就牢牢印刻在心头里,如今武道实力失去,归于平凡,这种承受信息的能力,这种记忆,哪里还会具备? Some fuzzy impressions, in inner world deep place, but is hard to meet clearly, Meng Qi thinks with hardship, the brow wrinkles, probably amnesia victim, many experiences, many experience accumulations, sank to the seabed in the past probably, indistinct, looks not distinctly, but can also remember floats in very small part of water surface. 模模糊糊有些印象,在心海深处,但又难以清晰照见,孟奇苦苦思索,眉头皱起,像是健忘症患者,过去不少经历,诸多见识积累,都像是沉入了海底,隐隐绰绰,看不分明,还能记住的只是浮在水面的很小部分。 Originally even remembers and experience some relies on the Martial Dao strength 原来连记忆和见识都部分依赖于武道实力 If not oneself have taken Prolonging Life Medicine Pill, perhaps now is early senile and inept, died in bed of old age/be exhausted. 若非自己服食过延寿丹药,恐怕现在早老迈不堪,寿终正寝了。 Internalizes into the instinct Martial Dao to affect to reappear, Meng Qi has a streaming with sweat feeling, even gave up the strength. Also is not that easily can detect the issue. 内化入本能的武道影响浮现,孟奇有种汗流浃背的感觉,即使放弃了实力。也不是那么轻易就能察觉问题的。 If not give up, that must have the dependence time. 如果不放弃,那就少不了依靠时光了。 Has to be startled to fear, has obtained has attained, Meng Qi receives Myriad Worlds Communication Talisman that Huang Chang gives. The smile said: Temporarily no one meets, first with breakfast.” 有所惊有所惧,有所得有所获,孟奇收起黄昌给予的万界通识符。微笑道:“暂时没人接,先用早饭吧。” Huang Chang does not doubt him, both walks into the large ship hall, looked for the position to sit down. 黄昌不疑有他,双双步入楼船大厅,找了位置坐下。 Chatted various Jiang Hu anecdotes, Meng Qi while continued to ponder the question. 一边闲聊各种江湖轶事,孟奇一边继续思考着刚才的疑问。 Even remembers and experience some relies on the Martial Dao strength. My current attitude, thought and did the method totally break out of its influence? 连记忆和见识都部分依赖于武道实力。我当前的态度、思维和方法是不是就完全摆脱了它的影响? The cognition and experience that the Martial Dao strength brings restrict, the cognition and did the experience that the Earth knowledge and past memory trained also restrict? Does the thinking pattern essence that thinking pattern and Martial Dao that strength I construct at present brings what difference have? 武道实力带来的认知和经验是拘束,地球知识、以往记忆培养出的认知和经验是不是也是拘束?我目前重新构建的思维模式武道实力带来的思维模式本质又有什么不同? After being shortly silent, Meng Qi answered itself in the innermost feelings: 短暂沉默后,孟奇在内心答了自己: Restricts! Has not distinguished! 是拘束!没区别! Giving up the Martial Dao strength is because it for the biggest dependence, can thus see clearly thing, rather than other are not external! 放弃武道实力是因为它为最大依赖,从而可以看清楚更多东西,而非其他也不是外在! The experience experience and ponder method from Martial Dao strength will have the limit, is hard to be complete looks at clear really me, will have the limit from the Earth knowledge and experience experience and ponder method from past memory, similarly is hard to be complete looks at clear really me, accurate, is in the middle of Houtian(acquired) limited to itself. Cut to be equal to dying, is unable to ponder, is unable to sense, regardless of which method which experience had the limit, is unable to be complete looks at clear really me, can only meet one side, had to be the same and different respectively, like the draw conclusion from incomplete data, had obtained respectively, covered respectively. But non- true feature. 来自武道实力的经验见识和思考方法会有局限,难以完整“看”清楚真我,来自地球知识、来自以往记忆的经验见识和思考方法同样会有局限,同样难以完整“看”清楚真我,准确来说,受限于本身还处在后天当中。斩掉所有则等于死亡,无法思考,无法感悟,所以无论哪一种法门哪一种经验都有局限,都无法完整“看”清楚真我,只能照见其中一面,各有相同和不同,就像盲人摸象,各有所得,各有涵盖。但又非真正面目。 The bright penetrating these is the same and different, apparent various non-, then sees Tathagata. 明彻这些相同和不同,便知诸相非相,则见如来 what Weiji Tathagata! 何为既如来 arrived this step. Then calculates that meets really me, can from proving the legend! 到了这一步。便算照见真我,可以自证传说了! Also because of this, is having Tathagata respectively suffix Gautama Buddha least legends! 也正因为这样,各有“如来”后缀的佛陀最少传说! This instant cognition makes the Meng Qi body and mind joyful, is not the sudden enlightenment, but looks at the road of arrived legend truly, after giving up the Martial Dao strength, should realize from experience anything. How should do, he somewhat has been confused before, can only attempt unceasingly, now knows clearly how to go how to examine itself diligently. 这个刹那的认知让孟奇身心喜悦,不是顿悟,而是真正看到了传说之路,放弃武道实力后该体悟什么。该怎么做,他之前一直有些迷茫,只能不断尝试,如今则真切知道了如何去努力如何去审查自身。 This heart same place, Meng Qi cannot bear is all smiles, little miss immediately of side table mumbled was saying: Uncle one shone probably.” 此心一起,孟奇忍不住就笑容满面,旁边桌子的小姑娘顿时嘟囔着说道:“叔叔好像一下放光了。” „Is, probably night lit the candle.” The young boy echoes to say. “就是就是,好像夜里点燃了蜡烛。”小男孩附和道。 Is short is contaminated by Houtian(acquired), although was short of the experience, was short of the wisdom, but can actually see some adults the thing that is difficult to see. 少受后天沾染,虽然少了见识,少了智慧,但却能看见一些成年人难见的事物。 Meng Qi looked at their one eyes, smiles saying: Uncle, but the body like the colored glaze, the inside and outside is bright.” 孟奇看了他们一眼,笑眯眯道:“叔叔可是身如琉璃,内外明澈。” Uncle is really fierce!” The twin had not suspected. “叔叔真厉害!”双胞胎一点也没有怀疑。 At this moment, near the window some people well, blurted out: 就在这时,窗边有人咦了一声,脱口而出: Fusang Ancient Tree?” 扶桑古树?” The sea area that this sea route and Fusang Ancient Tree are at defeats the purpose, has remote of long distance, how to see Fusang Ancient Tree? The Meng Qi restraining mind, looks to out of the window, seeing only the sea day first-tier place has the tree to be towering, leaf Sisang, such as the bath fire, has the scalding hot bloody and ancient illusory feeling. 这条海路与扶桑古树所在的海域南辕北辙,有着十万八千里之遥,怎么会看见扶桑古树孟奇收敛心神,望向窗外,只见海天一线处有树参天,叶似桑,如浴火,有种灼热血腥又古老虚幻的感觉。 Really Fusang Ancient Tree? 真是扶桑古树 Has martial artist to put out the astrolabe, speculated the moment, the doubts said: Sea route right, how did Fusang Ancient Tree come to here?” 武者拿出星盘,推测了片刻,疑惑道:“海路没错,扶桑古树怎么来了这里?” Meng Qi when goes to the Myriad Worlds Communication World placard to seek help, the ear bank remembers the Moonlight Bodhisattva sound suddenly: Seven seas all can see Fusang Ancient Tree phantom, has the person of Luoism to appear and disappear nearby it.” 孟奇正待去万界通识天地帖求助,耳畔忽然想起月光菩萨的声音:“七海皆能见扶桑古树虚影,有罗教之人出没于它附近。” Luoism?” Meng Qi knits the brows, Fusang Ancient Tree is related with The Grand One Eastern Sovereign, what does Luoism want to make? 罗教?”孟奇皱了皱眉,扶桑古树东皇太一有关,罗教想做什么? Then he pleaded: Also asked Bodhisattva to pay attention to 12.” 然后他恳求道:“还请菩萨关注一二。” In the large ship hall discussed one after another, some people photographed, some people of placards, some people of live broadcasts, Huang Chang looked at half sound, satisfied the head, presently friend Little Meng of new friend is thinking with hardship, the complexion was dignified. 楼船大厅内议论纷纷,有人拍照,有人帖,有人直播,黄昌看了半响,满足头,现新交的朋友小孟正苦苦思索,脸色凝重。 What are you thinking?” He spoke thoughtlessly to ask. “你在想什么?”他随口问道。 Meng Qi said seriously: 孟奇一本正经道: I was pondering that Luoism has what scheme, is anxious they and Monster Clan colludes with the arrived anything degree, in the consideration world situation, how deduce my Human Clan should from place “我在思考罗教有何图谋,在忧虑他们和妖族勾结到了什么程度,在考虑天下大势,推衍人族该如何自处” Huang Chang visits him at a loss, does not know how should go, the side people all is a face ignorant shape. 黄昌茫然看着他,不知该如何接下去了,旁边众人皆是一脸懵状。 This, this is needs you to consider you considers usefully 这,这是需要你考虑的吗你考虑有用吗 don't tell me is in Myriad Worlds Communication World famous virtual politics hall member? Places ordinary, being concerned about country and people, during the conversations is completely the army country important matter. 难道万界通识天地内有名的“虚拟政事堂”成员?身处平凡,忧国忧民,言谈之间尽是军国大事。 Suddenly, the Moonlight Bodhisattva sound spreads to the Meng Qi ear again: 忽然,月光菩萨的声音再次传入孟奇耳朵: Fusang Ancient Tree has the Luoism legend aura, seems like according to the direction of Gold Sovereign, according to the traces that previous Holy Maiden leaves behind looks for arrived there.” 扶桑古树罗教传说气息,似乎是根据金皇的指点,根据上一任圣女遗留的蛛丝马迹找到了那里。” Xiaosang? Meng Qi stands up suddenly.( To be continued.) 小桑孟奇陡然站起。(未完待续。) One clouds. Come. The pavilion then obtains to watch 地一下云.来.阁即可获得观看】
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