WORIOA :: Volume #6

#229: The matter in story

Changes the clothing rapidly, Meng Qi is concealing awkwardly, arched said submissively: 飞速换好衣物,孟奇掩饰着尴尬,拱了拱手道: Many thanks the fairy maiden, coming to day must have the generous reward.” “多谢仙子,来日必有厚报。” Then, does not wait for Bi Jingxuan to speak, he turns head then to walk, just took several steps, suddenly in same place, flexure scratched the head, has turned round, stacks the awkward smile: This, that the fairy maiden, does not know whether to borrow a money again, my net worth locked, without Dao Power does not have the spirit unable to take......” 说完,不等碧景璇说话,他扭头便走,刚迈出几步,忽然又顿在了原地,挠了挠头,回过身,堆起尴尬的笑容:“这个,那个,仙子,不知能否再借点银子,我身家都被锁住,没有道力没有精神根本取不出来……” Can't return to the Central Plain from the overseas Xiandao roaming? 总不能从海外仙岛游回中原吧? Without the Martial Dao strength, all as if became were not quite convenient, Myriad Worlds Communication Talisman same is unable to take out, oneself are in losing contact status temporarily! 没有了武道实力,一切都似乎变得不太方便了,就连万界通识符都一样无法取出,自己暂时处于失联状态 Bi Jingxuan is silent, silent moment, finally threw one bag of gold-foils to come out, bulging, in the slits the twinkle was bright, obviously value not poor. 碧景璇沉默着,沉默了片刻,终于又扔了一袋金叶子出来,鼓鼓囊囊,缝隙间闪烁灿烂,显然价值不菲。 Meng Qi received this bag of gold-foils, hollow laugh two, expressed gratitude again: Waits for Su returned to Jade Void Palace, returns immediately.” 孟奇接过这袋金叶子,干笑两声,再次道谢:“等苏某回归玉虚宫,就立刻归还。” The tour of this Three Firmaments Island, lost face simply was too awkward, oneself facial skin always was extremely fortunately thick, but can also pretend calmly. 这次三霄岛之行,简直太丢脸太尴尬了,亏得自己脸皮向来极厚,还能装作若无其事。 Bi Jingxuan is silent, is still silent. 碧景璇沉默着,依旧沉默。 Meng Qi holds the good that bag of gold-foils, turns around to leave, front huge waves pound agaist the shore, the back and both sides cliffs stand erect, not wanted just, then in brief was, oneself trod the wave to come, has not deliberately disembarked from the harbor, at present at Three Firmaments Island no one no ship region, moreover looked except for the swimming, as if could not circle. 孟奇揣好那袋金叶子,转身离开,前面惊涛拍岸,背后与两侧悬崖竖立,无欲则刚,简而言之则是,自己踏浪前来,没有刻意从港口登岸,目前处在三霄岛无人无船地带,而且看起来除了游泳,似乎绕不出去。 Haha, he turns away from the fog, the hollow laugh makes noise, has turned head, flexure back of the head: Fairy maiden, or do you deliver to the harbor me conveniently? The great kindness, will remember for the rest of one's life.” 哈哈,他背对云雾,干笑出声,扭过头,挠了挠后脑勺:“仙子,要不你顺手将我送到港口?大恩大德,没齿难忘。” If oneself martial arts in the body, the foot steps on auspicious clouds then to solve this question with ease, even if only remains the Dawning Enlightenment strength, going over hill and dale is still the simple matter. 若是自己武功在身,脚踩祥云便能轻松解决这个疑问,即使只剩开窍实力,翻山越岭也是简单之事。 What a pity, in Yellow River, under the beginning of the universe, Dao Power does not save, True Essence difficult insurance, not only Dharma Body belongs to mortal flesh, acupoint that opens seals up completely, the dantian is empty, can only be counted the body strong average person. 可惜,黄河阵内,混元之下,道力不存,真元难保,不仅法身归于凡胎,就连打开的窍穴都全部封闭,丹田空空荡荡,仅能算作身体强健的普通人。 Bi Jingxuan is silent, is silent, has the strong winds to come suddenly, white clouds accompanying, one volume, makes the Meng Qi body soar gently. 碧景璇沉默着,还是沉默,忽有狂风呼啸而来,白云相伴,轻轻一卷,就让孟奇身体腾空。 He a flower, has appeared in the Three Firmaments Island harbor that the large ship stands in great numbers at present, the greeting sound, the street vendors'cries, the bargaining sound and conversation chatting sound, the difficult minute/share each other to drill into the ear, a noise, but lost the past to be systematic, feeling that may reflect slightly. 他眼前一花,已是出现于楼船林立的三霄岛港口,招呼声、叫卖声、讨价还价声、交谈闲聊声,难分彼此钻入耳朵,一阵喧嚣,但失去了以往条理分明,细微可鉴的感觉。 Ear Aperture shuts, is difficult to distinguish so many sounds. 耳窍一闭,再难分辨如此多声音。 The Meng Qi unable to deal with feeling, the vision four rotate, seeks for the passenger steamer that can travel by, wants to leave Three Firmaments Island urgently, the awkward memory will throw various behind the head. 孟奇顾不得感慨,目光四下转动,寻找着能够搭乘的客船,迫切想要离开三霄岛,将刚才的尴尬记忆抛诸脑后 mother, how forgot to ask Bi Jingxuan to deliver to nearby long-distance Transmission Formation me a moment ago, this bag of gold-foils should enough return to nearby Eastern Sea Sword Villa...... at this time, he criticizes oneself one, loses Martial Dao, faced with awkward, oneself did not have the moderation, the conduct seems flurried, cannot make is best to choose, but which currently also has the appearance to look for the Bi Jingxuan help again? 尼玛,刚才怎么忘了请碧景璇将我送到远程传送阵附近,这袋金叶子应该够回到东海剑庄附近……这时,他暗骂自己一声,失去武道,面临尴尬,自己就没了平常心,行事显得慌乱,没能做出最好选择,而现在哪还有面目再找碧景璇帮忙? don't tell me pass through the complete state of mind and pure spiritual platform that dangers and difficulties polish times, really so illusory, completely establishes above the Martial Dao strength? 难道自己经过一次次艰难险阻打磨出的圆满心境、清净灵台,真的如此虚幻,完全建立在武道实力之上? Realizing from experience between life and death? Grasping the nettle generous? Isn't hot-tempered the motionless patience? 生死之间的体悟呢?迎难而上的慷慨呢?不躁不动的耐心呢? As this thought appears, the Meng Qi mind returned to gradually normal, no longer such losing presence of mind. 随着这番念头浮现,孟奇心灵渐渐恢复了平静,不再那样的失措。 Does not have Martial Dao again, do so many years experience so many time disciplining give for nothing can it be that? 再是没有武道,这么多年的经历这么多次的磨练又岂是白给? The years precipitate, without Martial Dao become startled newly emerged who is difficult to stop, that was an age lives simply on the dog! 岁月沉淀,若没有武道就成为惊慌难遏的初出茅庐者,那简直是一把年纪活到狗身上了! The heart lake calmly fluctuates, the ripples, Meng Qi shoulders both hands, looks into the distance as far as the eye can see, even if places among the pedestrian who comes and goes, there is comfortable of being content with honorable poverty. 心湖静静起伏,涟漪浅浅,孟奇背负起双手,极目眺望,纵然身处来来往往的行人当中,也有了安步当车的闲适。 Ok, works as informed and experienced, looks for really me the travel. 算了,就当历练,寻找真我之旅。 When without many, resumed he of the cool-headed observation and analysis looks for the large ship that arrived will soon go to sea, becomes the last guest, how long waits for uselessly, a steam whistle long cry, the ocean waves both sides dispel, the ships set sail slowly. 没多时,恢复了冷静观察与分析的他找到了即将出海的楼船,成为最后一名客人,没用等待多久,汽笛一声长鸣,碧波两侧排开,船只徐徐起航。 Stands in the deck, looks that the sea gull is startled the scene that flies, the Meng Qi thinking has the following plan. 立在甲板上,看着海鸥惊飞的场景,孟奇思索起接下来的打算。 At this time, his ear bank transmitted a sigh: „The Mo Palace mechanism ship is seriously fierce, not only speed fast, but also firm incomparable, this several years of time, already started to replace the original sailing ship.” 这时,他耳畔传来一声感叹:“墨宫机关船当真厉害,不仅速度飞快,而且坚固无比,这才几年的工夫,已经开始取代原本的帆船了。” Looks askance to look, the Meng Qi discovery is a 30 over man, the appearance is ordinary, full of energy, cannot see the strength outstanding appearance. 侧目看去,孟奇发现是一位三十出头的男子,打扮普通,精神抖擞,举手投足间看不出实力高强的样子。 Yes, more than ten years ago who can think that this time can be so the appearance.” Meng Qi shows a faint smile, speaks thoughtlessly the reply, has above the rich train the person with the experience that chatted. “是啊,十几年前谁能想到今时今日会是这般模样。”孟奇微微一笑,随口回答,有着丰富的火车之上与人闲扯的经验。 That man makes an effort to nod: „Is, more than ten years ago, I have a dream cannot think that can contact beyond ten thousand li (0.5 km) item of unfamiliar person, has a dream cannot think that is confined at home Jiang Hu actually to perform in the heart, having a dream cannot think that world is so splendid, Bai Xiaosheng is anything, everyone is Bai Xiaosheng!” 那名男子用力点头:“就是就是,十几年前,我做梦都想不到能有联络万里之外陌生人的物品,做梦都想不到足不出户江湖却尽在心中,做梦都想不到世间如此精彩,百晓生算什么,人人都是百晓生!” Side many people also joined the discussion, was recounting these years felt the change that is brought about by Mo Palace less than half, caused because of Myriad Worlds Communication Talisman most probably, hearing Meng Qi inwardly to be self-satisfied, cannot bear change a posture, who knew the under foot to slide suddenly, must tumble shortly, luckily was supported by side that man. 旁边不少人也加入了讨论,述说着自身这些年来感觉到的变化,小半由墨宫带来,大半因万界通识符引起,听得孟奇暗自得意,忍不住换了个姿势,谁知脚下忽地一滑,眼看就要跌倒,幸亏被旁边那位男子扶住。 Deck has cleaned shortly, is certainly careful.” That man urged one with a smile. “甲板才清洗过没多久,一定要小心。”那名男子笑着叮嘱了一句。 The Meng Qi lip wriggles, wants to smile and unable to smile, been filled with sigh, oneself have detected slippery of deck obviously, but for these years, how could to have cared about this minor matter, this degree of closes one's eyes slippery can also stand firm the center of gravity, the skill gets one vigorously, what a pity now compared with initially, except for the experience, was really not skill|effort does not have, the minor matter that in the past did not care about must enhance vigilance. 孟奇嘴唇蠕动,想笑又笑不出来,满心的叹息,自己明明早就察觉甲板的湿滑,但这么多年以来,何曾在意过这点小事,这种程度的湿滑闭着眼睛也能稳住重心,身手矫健地打上一架,可惜现在不比当初,除了见识,真是一点功夫也无,以往不在意的小事也必须提高警惕了。 Therefore, not only Martial Dao cannot rely on, the past experience cannot copy completely. 所以,不仅武道不能依赖了,过去的经验也不能完全照搬了。 Many thanks, hears Enthralled, for a while has not paid attention to the under foot.” Meng Qi expressed best wishes submissively, may I ask your Gao given name.” “多谢,听得入神,一时没注意脚下。”孟奇拱手致意,“敢问兄台高姓大名。” The minor matter that almost slips no one excessively will care, that man said with a smile: I called Huang Chang, the Three Firmaments Island native, learn martial arts was inadequate, does not do business good, unsuccessful more than ten years......” 差点滑倒的小事没人会过多在意,那名男子笑道:“我叫黄昌,三霄岛本地人,学武不成,经商不行,碌碌无为的十几年……” Listened to him saying that others know must have the later word, one after another turns the head, is waiting for the real story. 听他这么说,其他人都知道必有后文,纷纷转头过来,等待着真实的故事。 Huang Chang continues saying: I think this for a lifetime, who knows world also to have Primordial Sovereign, Myriad Worlds Communication Talisman, making me broaden one's outlook, peeps arrived a lot of opportunities.” 黄昌继续说道:“原本我以为就这样一辈子了,谁知世间还有元皇,还有万界通识符,让我开阔了眼界,窥到了很多机会。” Mentioning is also lucky, has read the private school thanks to before, recognizes the writing, even if otherwise takes Myriad Worlds Communication Talisman, still treats as to contact item, without the means displays its true use, like most people, recently, I in the forum discovered that Mo Palace has the idea of opening the South Sea desert island, suffers from the deficient manpower, is thinking this is an opportunity, therefore sells out the ancestor room, the preparation goes to there, wrestles riches and honor.” “说来也是幸运,多亏以前读过私塾,认得文字,否则就算拿着万界通识符,也只是当做联络物品,没办法发挥它真正的用处,就像绝大多数人一样,最近,我在论坛里发现墨宫有开辟南海荒岛的想法,苦于缺乏人手,想着这是一个机会,于是卖掉祖屋,准备前往那里,搏一份富贵。” Person of one after another surroundings nods, expressed the support one after another, some people are the sympathize said: Before the communication islands, traded the cargo, the experiencing suffering checkpoint, rent the breath and boatman exploit, now the Myriad Worlds Trade City convenience bears rare, buyer really numerous, one year of institute gained exceeds in the past for ten years, but express somewhat ate money, too did not use hold/container mail luckily.” 周围之人纷纷点头,接连表示了赞同,有人更是感同身受道:“以前来往诸岛,贩卖货物,受尽关卡、租息和船工盘剥,现在万界商城便利又少有负担,购买者甚众,一年所赚胜过往昔十年,只是快递有些吃银子,幸好太远不用包邮。” At this point, he presses the chest to say wholeheartedly: Praised Primordial Sovereign.” 说到这里,他真心诚意按着胸膛道:“赞美元皇。” I gave Primordial Sovereign to set up the temple dedicated to a living person at home, but Primordial Sovereign was in real God and Immortal the person, the powerhouse who present age ranks among the best, once penetrated Nine Serenities, struck to kill Evil God, the power and prestige cannot look straight ahead......” “我都在家里给元皇立了生祠,不过元皇乃货真价实的神仙中人,当世数一数二的强者,曾经深入九幽,击杀邪神,威风不可直视……” They start to discuss the matter of Primordial Sovereign, Meng Qi hear the feeling to be very complex in side, as if is listening to others' story, in story are awe-inspiring, kind, serious, leniency, the experiencing suffering world respects, but real are in front of them almost slips the average person in deck. 他们开始讲起元皇之事,孟奇在旁边听得感觉很是复杂,仿佛在听着别人的故事,故事里的自己威风八面,宅心仁厚,一本正经,慈悲为怀,受尽世人敬仰,而真实的自己不过是他们面前差点滑倒在甲板上的普通人。 Even if acknowledged oneself are Primordial Sovereign, they do not believe inevitably. 就算承认自己是元皇,他们也必然不会相信。 The striking contrast, the inexplicable feelings, Meng Qi cannot bear sigh, gives a pretext fatigued, goes toward the cabin line, the instinct takes a look at all around ship guest, classifies. 强烈的对比,莫名的感触,孟奇忍不住叹了口气,借口劳顿,向着船舱行去,本能地打量四周船客,分门别类。 Partially is the businessman, partially is the person of strength in Jiang Hu of body, has the black robe man to need to pay attention, his both eyes shuts tightly, resembles the blind person, but walks without the hindrance, as if in heart has eyes, in by practice similar Zen of Silence some method practice pupil technique. 部分是商贾,部分是实力在身的江湖中人,有个黑袍男子需要注意一下,他双眼紧闭,状似瞎子,但走路毫无阻碍,似乎心中有眼,在以修行类似闭口禅的方法修炼某种瞳术。 Scrapes past, Meng Qi leaps up at present suddenly two small figure, because the deck is too slippery, tumbles by oneself. 擦身而过,孟奇眼前忽地蹿出两道小小的身影,因为甲板太滑,刺啦一声跌倒在自己旁边。 This is a twin, male and female dragon and phoenix, 6 or 7-year-old appearance, white and tender lovable, mouth simultaneous/uniform flat, must cry aloud shortly. 这是一对双胞胎,男女龙凤,六七岁的样子,白嫩可爱,嘴巴齐扁,眼看就要哭出声来。 The squatting lower part of the body, Meng Qi held them, patted clapped on the dust, urged: Do not run all over the place, slides carefully, your family Sir?” 蹲下身,孟奇将他们扶了起来,拍了拍手上灰尘,叮嘱道:“不要乱跑,小心地滑,你们家大人呢?” Mother did not tell the story to us, therefore we ran.” The small boy grievance said. “娘亲不给我们讲故事,所以我们就跑出来了。”小男孩委屈说道。 The little misses have handed over books, blinks the big eye saying: Uncle, told the story to us.” 小姑娘则递过了一本书册,眨巴着大眼睛道:“叔叔,给我们讲故事吧。” Thinks that in childhood begged the parents to speak of story, Meng Qi heart one happy, received the books, planned that good people and good deeds, congealed the eye to look, actually saw the book title is: 想到小时候央求着父母讲故事的自己,孟奇心底一乐,接过书册,打算好人好事一番,凝目看去,却见书名是: «Primordial Sovereign Fights Transformers» 元皇大战变形金刚 What book my grass...... is this? I do not know that also has this type of story book? The Meng Qi corners of the mouth twitched, because although lost relations of Myriad Worlds Communication Talisman to Transformers universe, in Myriad Worlds Communication World many people more or less know this mysterious lifeform, but can write «Primordial Sovereign To fight Transformers», has the unusual brain hole absolutely...... 我艹……这是什么书?我怎么不知道还有这种故事书?孟奇嘴角抽搐了一下,虽然因为丢了一个万界通识符变形金刚宇宙的关系,万界通识天地内不少人或多或少知道这种神奇的生物,但能写出《元皇大战变形金刚》的,绝对有着非同一般的脑洞…… Crossed one, Meng Qi put down the books, smiled saying: 过了一阵,孟奇放下书册,笑眯眯道: Behind this story the part said.” “这个故事后面部分讲完了。” Uncle, Uncle, but can also speak another?” The twin begged with one voice. “叔叔,叔叔,还能讲再一个吗?”双胞胎齐声央求。 Meng Qi thinks saying that said seriously: 孟奇想了想道,一本正经道: I told a real story, that was my personal experience.” “那我讲一个真实的故事,那是我的亲身经历。” In a place named Three Mountains and Four Rivers, had presented a meteorite that crashes from Beyond the Heaven......” “在一个叫做三山四水的地方,曾经出现过一枚从天外坠落的陨石……” ...... …… „My sword punctures, the point pestle body somewhere, by 42 pulls out thousand jin (0.5 kg) skillful strength to make that monk stagger along to proceed, is sideways, takes advantage of opportunity a sword, mediated his life, that fellow even there's not enough time that shoulders makes noise to propose......” “我一剑刺去,点中杵身某处,以四两拔千斤的巧力让那和尚跌跌撞撞往前,然后侧身而过,顺势一剑,了断了他的生命,身后背负的那家伙甚至来不及出声提点……” The twin applauds saying: Uncle is really fierce!” 啪啪啪,双胞胎鼓掌赞道:“叔叔真厉害!” At this moment, the little girl was startled being startled, is flat the mouth saying: Uncle is not good, mother said that the uncle is deceiving people, said that your where has this grade of strength, definitely reorganizes with others' deeds own boasted.” 就在这时,小女孩怔了怔,接着扁起嘴巴道:“叔叔不好,娘亲说叔叔在骗人,说你哪有这等实力,肯定是拿别人的事迹改编成自己的来吹牛。” This also is really my own experience...... Meng Qi cannot help laughing, remembered suddenly initially, when Xuan Xin boasted oneself prevented Cold Ice Fairy Maiden and Flying Yaksha fight, is revealed that suffered itself to ridicule, seriously Heavenly Dao good, human affairs samsara. 这还真是我自己的经历……孟奇哑然失笑,忽地想起当初,玄心吹牛自身阻止寒冰仙子飞天夜叉战斗时,也被人揭穿,惨遭自己嘲笑,当真天道好还,世事轮回。 Recalls this matter, he could not bear and smiles to make noise, smiles the tears quickly to flow. 记起此事,他忍不住又笑出了声,笑得眼泪都快流出来了。
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