WORIOA :: Volume #6

#228: Unforgetable

How possibly to give up?” “怎么可能放弃?” My hard laborious painstaking cultivation refining up the strength that comes, truly own basing on, can the biggest safeguard of achievement legend, how treat as gives up illusory?” “我辛辛苦苦修炼而来的实力,真正属于自身的凭依,成就传说的最大保障,怎么能当做虚幻放弃?” Hears Qi Zhengyan a chain of issues, in the Meng Qi mind appears spontaneously such thought. 听到齐正言一连串的问题,孟奇脑海内油然浮现这样的念头。 Without the Martial Dao strength, what oneself takes to cope with the aspect that legend Supreme one after another turns over to? 如果没有武道实力,自己拿什么来应付传说大能纷纷归的局面? Without the Martial Dao strength, facing malicious of similar gold and silver crafty pupil, oneself not to have the strength of resistance? 如果没有武道实力,面对类似金银诡瞳的不怀好意者,自己岂不是连反抗之力都没有了? Without the Martial Dao strength, don't tell me everything is thinking takes advantage of the back Pāramitā great person? 如果没有武道实力,难道事事想着依仗背后的彼岸大人物? Without the Martial Dao strength, how also to look for the clue, resurrecting Xiaosang? 如果没有武道实力,又怎么寻找线索,复活小桑 Without the Martial Dao strength, the Teacher good friend encounters the danger, oneself can only look helplessly, even if burning with impatience, worries to want insanely, doesn't have the means? 如果没有武道实力,师长好友遇到危险,自己岂不是只能眼睁睁看着,纵然心急如焚,担忧欲疯,也毫无办法? Arrives at the present realm present position step by step, a lot are based on Martial Dao strength, without it, oneself is no root duckweed, wants to do unable to achieve, the light supposes, can feel anything to be called clearly helplessly! 一步步走到自己如今的境界如今的地位,很多事情都建立在武道实力这个基础上,没有了它,自己就是无根浮萍,想做做不到,光是假设一下,都能真切地感受到什么叫做无能为力! Sees Meng Qi to reveal rarely complexion outside fluctuates, the Qi Zhengyan facial expression is more serious, tone obviously light: 孟奇难得表露在外的脸色变幻,齐正言神情愈严肃,语气则更显平淡: If not we each other trust, trades to be others to propose that this suggestion, you can think that this is a plot, few words deceives present age Heavenly Immortal most from waste Martial Dao, cuts to kill him with ease?” “若非我们彼此信任,换做其他人提出这个建议,你是不是会想这是一个阴谋,只言片语就骗得当世最天仙自废武道,轻松将他斩杀?” „Does you resist and struggles intensely is not proving you dependency on Martial Dao?” “你内心激烈的抗拒和挣扎不都是在证明你对武道的依赖吗?” „Didn't once you have Martial Dao not to live so many years?” “曾经的你没有武道不也活了那么多年?” Without Martial Dao, you isn't you?” “没有了武道,你就不是你了?” The words sentence sentence hears, the Meng Qi inner world thought fluctuates, each other resistance, refuted mutually, faltered, but how under unable to decide to be determined: 话语句句入耳,孟奇心海念头起伏,彼此对抗,互相反驳,出现了动摇,但又怎么都下定不了决心: Yes, to this time, oneself truly too relied on Martial Dao, how was inconceivable does not have the life of Martial Dao to be. If cannot open out this to cover the dense fog above True Spirit, how can also see true? 是啊,到今时今日,自己确实太依赖武道了,难以想象没有武道的生活会是怎样。若不能拨开这层笼罩在真灵之上的迷雾,又如何得见“真正的自己”? Cracks a joke? The strength that practice comes out bit by bit is real not empty, for how could the illusory hope does give up it? Without Martial Dao, how did oneself face all sorts of incidents of future? 开什么玩笑?一点一滴修炼出来的实力最是真实不虚,岂能为了虚无缥缈的希望放弃它?没有了武道,自己如何面对未来的种种事端? If does not cut me to see me as soon as possible. Wants? Understands me for me, in legend Supreme under the condition that starts to turn over to ahead of time, Heavenly Immortal and do the mortal as if also do not have much difference, why do not take risk to try? 如果不尽快“斩吾见我”。要?明白“我之为我”,在传说大能开始提前归的状况下,天仙与凡人似乎也没太大区别,为何不冒险尝试一下呢? Even but if, does not give up Martial Dao. Depends on the years to whet, could not say that can find the turning point to break through in the next several years? Has aid of Moonlight Bodhisattva, has the Blue Emperor good intentions, how many years supports should not to have the issue, why to try this danger and does not have the means of guarantee? 可是,即使不放弃武道。靠着岁月磨砺,说不得未来几年内就能找到契机突破呢?有月光菩萨的护佑,有青帝的善意,撑个几年应该没有问题,何必尝试这种又危险又没保证的办法? Explained so many, is not because cannot put down Martial Dao, did already become the Martial Dao slave? 解释了这么多,不就是因为放不下武道,已经成为武道的奴隶了吗? Without Martial Dao, already is others' slave! 没有武道,已经是别人的奴隶! In the short time, must makes the answer on this related to oneself the issue of future and life, even if always excels in the resolution. Dares to fight tooth and nail, Meng Qi also falls into the position that struggled hesitant, the lip speaks haltingly, want to open the mouth several times, cannot the definite agreement. 短短时间内,要就这个涉及自己前途和性命的问题作出答案,即使一贯擅于决断。敢于搏命,孟奇也陷入了犹豫挣扎的境地,嘴唇嗫嚅,几次欲要开口,都未能成言。 Cuts external I, can see truly I? 斩掉外在的“吾”,才能见到真正的“我”? The Qi Zhengyan facial expression returned to normal, said slowly: 齐正言的神情恢复了正常,缓缓道: Yourself considered that this matter, only then yourself can make the resolution.” “你自己考虑吧,这种事情,也只有你自己才能做出决断。” Then, his does not depart. Thorough Southern Desolate, selects point Spark of Stars to gather step by step, as if formed a red mighty current. 说完,他头也不离去。步步深入南荒,点点星星之火汇聚,仿佛形成了一条赤色洪流。 Meng Qi looks at his back, suddenly heaved a deep sigh. Consideration of having mind filled with, if this means can like cutting to break clearly will be clear in the future, so long as according to planning to act, has not small accomplishment merit possibility, oneself have attempted, but Senior Brother Qi already said explicitly. Even if gives up Martial Dao, is still not necessarily able to cut me to see me completely, is equal to wasting skill|effort, but also lost biggest taking advantage, since then becomes disabled person one, the indistinctness of path, is simply evasive, is full of variables, how to be decided by oneself? 孟奇怔怔看着他的背影,忽然长叹一声。满腹的思虑,如果这个办法能像斩过去断未来一样清晰明确,只要按照计划行动,就有不小成功可能,自己已然尝试,但齐师兄已经明确说了。即使放弃武道,也未必能完全斩吾见我,等于白费功夫,还失去了最大的依仗,从此成为废人一个,道路之飘渺,简直不可捉摸,充满变数,让自己如何下得了决心? From the legend, by law approaching Dao, did not say, journey naturally also indistinct evasive. 从传说开始,由法近道,道不可言,路途自然也飘渺不可捉摸。 In the middle of the having mind filled with thoughts, he believes takes a step by the reins, unconsciously walks outside arrived Guangling City unexpectedly, great river tide racing wells up, the twilight is serious, ten million years do not seem to changed. 满腹心思当中,他信马由缰般迈步,不知不觉竟走到了广陵城外,大江浪潮奔涌,暮色沉重,千万年似乎都未曾变过。 This is sees the Xiaosang place for the last time. 这是自己最后一次见到小桑的地方。 She has struggled, she lost Meng Qi to shut the eye clearly, the past events such as carved, comes clearly into view, the Gu Xiaosang facial expression tone was so real, probably just fresh. 她挣扎过,她输了孟奇闭了闭眼睛,往事清晰如刻,历历在目,顾小桑的神情语气如此真实,像是刚刚才生。 both eyes opens, the pupil is profound, Meng Qi by the twilight mist, saw that the waterfront harbor has anchoring large ships, lights, for the first time like the stars. 双眼睁开,眸子幽深,孟奇透过暮色薄雾,看到江边港口有着一艘艘停泊的楼船,灯火点点,乍如星辰。 Every year spends similarly, every year the person is different. 年年岁岁花相似,岁岁年年人不同。 Crash-bang, the river water flows, the past and present not leave, Meng Qi strolls to approach, in the mind is swinging the initial scenes. 哗啦啦,江水流淌,古今无别,孟奇漫步靠近,脑海里荡着当初的一幕幕场景。 All clues that looking from currently obtains, Xiaosang never gives up, even if were compelled the choice dead of my hand, left behind the escape route, is waiting for the opportunity of staging a comeback. 从目前得到的所有线索看,小桑从未放弃,哪怕被逼得选择死于我手,也留下了后路,等待着卷土重来的机会。 She is such a person, the strategy is profound, the conduct measures not, will not easily speak to give up. 她就是这样的一个人,智谋深远,行事莫测,绝不会轻言放弃。 demoness on this/should demoness, is that you thinks that her already died, does not have resurrecting to be possible again, actually waning under sees her white Qiusu skirt leisurely return in the lights demoness. 妖女就该妖女,是那种你以为她已经死了,再无复活可能,却在灯火阑珊之下看见她白裘素裙款款归来的妖女 Xiaosang left behind the subsequent hand, the hope that as if will resurrect pinned on my body, why she believes that I can accomplish?” 小桑留下了后手,似乎将复活的希望寄托在了我的身上,那她为什么会相信我能办到呢?” Does not have the means in means that is mixing the anticipation of subtle sentiment?” “是没有办法中的办法,还是混合着微妙感情的期待?” Is the assured my future, trusts the strength and deal with changes that I can achieve?” “是笃定我的未来,还是信任我能达到的实力和应变?” The Meng Qi train of thought flies fast to fly, arrived „the Martial Dao strength above this matter, is finally lost for a very long time. 孟奇思绪翩飞,最终还是到了武道实力”这件事情之上,久久出神。 Mingyue(bright moon) rises gradually, during clear splendor sprinkles, silence reigns, his azure robe flutters, back dreary, takes a step to cross the river, leisurely strolls toward the north. 明月渐升,清辉洒落,万籁寂静当中,他青袍飘荡,背影萧瑟,迈步过江,往北信步。 Also is a night of wrong path, when Great Sun Dongsheng, Meng Qi places oneself in bank of the woof Yanbo vast lake presently, similarly is the familiar place, similarly inscribes recalling in memory. 又是一夜迷途,大日东升时,孟奇现自己置身于一汪烟波浩渺的湖泊之畔,同样是熟悉的地方,同样是铭刻于记忆中的忆。 Once Bayan Valley, present Bayan lake. 曾经的巴彦谷,如今的巴彦湖。 Sits alone in boredom for several months, the patient hunting, cuts to kill the place of Wolf King finally. 枯坐几月,耐心狩猎,终于斩杀狼王之地。 In the lake sits facing each other, your white lotus, my oil lamp, who would imagine language to become prophecy/omen is. 湖上对坐,你白莲,我青灯,岂料一语成谶的所在。 Sparkling lake, bathes early morning the splendor, the shore has fishing boats, has the decoration magnificent large ship. 波光粼粼,沐浴晨辉,岸边有着一艘艘的渔船,也有着装饰华丽的楼船。 Meng Qi is breathing in the lake the cool breeze, was recalling all sorts of passing, the nearby has the little tourists to shuttle back and forth. 孟奇呼吸着湖上清风,忆着种种过往,附近有着少许游人穿梭。 „Is here Bayan Valley?” “这里就是巴彦谷?” Right, Crazy Blade cuts Wolf King in Bayan Valley of Bayan, here witnessed his primary ascended to Human List first, witnessed him to become Primordial Sovereign by Crazy Blade.” “对,狂刀狼王于巴彦的巴彦谷,这里见证了他初次登临人榜第一,见证了他由狂刀成为元皇。” Afterward Primordial Sovereign had also conducted a war here, making Bayan Valley get made the Bayan lake?” “后来元皇还在这里进行过一场大战,让巴彦谷变做了巴彦湖?” Yes. At that time his Incarnation extremely wicked Heavenly Demon, thorough enemy lair, with several Great Grandmaster fierce battles in this, moreover encountered the ambush. How can there be but under Touch of Karma to escape by luck, finally wins total victories.” “是。彼时他化身极恶天魔,深入敌穴,与几大宗师酣战于此,而且还遭遇了埋伏。但沾因果之下岂有幸免,最终大获全胜。” Really filled the place of predecessor magnificent feat, you help me photograph, I must keep commemorating.” “真是充满了前人壮举的地方,你帮我拍张照,我要留做纪念。” You before were not continuously uneasy, how suddenly was relaxed?” “你之前不是一直惴惴不安吗,怎么忽然又心情放松了?” hēi hēi. Human Sovereign has lost clan to assist, it is said legend Supreme are many, does not fear Monster Clan and Luoism, why do we have groundless fears? In a big hurry quickly, gives me and Bayan Valley group photo, first has Crazy Blade to be invincible, now the famous sword opens and closes!” 嘿嘿人皇遗族相助,据说传说大能不少,根本不惧妖族罗教,我们何必杞人忧天呢?快快快,给我和巴彦谷合照,前有狂刀无敌,今有名剑捭阖!” Listens to their spoken language, Meng Qi unable to bear show a faint smile, this is in others eyes „”? 听着他们的言语,孟奇忍不住微微一笑,这就是别人眼中的“自己”? Oneself recalled that Bayan Valley, key said with them complete different. 自己忆中的巴彦谷,重点与他们所说的完全不一样。 They only care about oneself strength. Own score, but also oneself besides these, has the morbid state white clothing young girl of that cheeks bright red and ancient spirit demon appears at present 他们只在意自己的实力。自己的战绩,而自己除了这些,眼前浮现的还有那个脸颊飞红、古灵精怪的病态白衣少女 Because this is my experience. 因为这是我的经历。 Because is unable to dismiss from mind. 因为始终无法忘怀。 Suddenly is relaxed, the Meng Qi corners of the mouth held the smile, gradually left Bayan Valley, the probably idle tourist, went all over across the country, in the arrived each and every one memory was, is tracking down. 心情陡然放松,孟奇嘴角噙住了笑容,缓步离开了巴彦谷,像是无所事事的游人,走遍了大江南北,到了一个个记忆里的所在,追寻着自我。 Ten thousand li (0.5 km) act alone, notify Shaolin. What taken advantage is the strength, what stir is the score, but what is unforgettable is unafraid of death, generous hot blooded mood. 万里独行,报信少林。依仗的是实力,轰动的是战绩,而难忘的是视死如归,慷慨热血的情绪。 The moonlit night hurries along. Shoulders the injured, a sword person, what taken advantage is the strength, what acquired is the advantage, implements the heart is the happiness of pleased love and hate. 月夜赶路。背负伤者,一剑一人,依仗的是实力,获得的是好处,贯彻心头的则是快意恩仇的痛快。 In Shaolin Temple, the strength is mean. The one who is unforgettable is the master, is Little Junior Brother 少林寺中,实力低微。难忘的是师父,是小师弟 Tip, rips external, meets the innermost feelings, Meng Qi gradually becomes tranquil, like Mingyue(bright moon) that in the nighttime sky calmly hangs. 点点滴滴,剥去外在,照见内心,孟奇逐渐变得宁静,就像夜空中静静高悬的明月 Without Martial Dao, what kind of I can I be? 没有了武道,我又会是怎样的我? Stops near the cliff, looks at the sea water to be deep blue, is patting the mountain wall, arouses the foam, Meng Qi aspirates suddenly, in the heart had the resolution. 停在崖边,看着海水蔚蓝,拍着山壁,激起白沫,孟奇忽地吐了口气,心中有了决断。 Only then, he as if understands often listens to putting down that” master Xuan Bei said that so-called broken law I. 直到此时,他似乎才明白了经常听师父玄悲所言的“放下”,所谓的“破法我”。 That is tries! 那就是试试吧! Without Martial Dao, don't tell me amn't I I? 没有了武道,难道我就不是我了? One step takes, steps the vastness, is stepping on the spray, leads the way step by step, dawn, he arrives in Xiandao that fog wound around, bright sound said: Jade Void Su Meng, seeks an interview Primordial Chaos Fairy.” 一步迈出,踏上汪洋,踩着浪花,步步前行,天亮之时,他抵达了一座云雾缭绕的仙岛,朗声道:“玉虚苏孟,求见混元仙子。” After short stop, the fog deep place broadcasts the Primordial Chaos Fairy Bi Jingxuan sound: 短暂停顿后,云雾深处传来混元仙子碧景璇的声音: Headmaster Su what matter?” 苏掌教所来何事?” Meng Qi arched said submissively: Su has the incident to ask the fairy maiden to help, if in the future must save by luck, must have the generous reward.” 孟奇拱了拱手道:“苏某有一事请仙子帮忙,日后若是侥幸得存,必有厚报。” What matter?” Bi Jingxuan has not complied not to comply. “何事?”碧景璇没有答应也没有不答应。 Also asked the fairy maiden to pare Su cultivation base with Primordial Chaos Gold Battle.” Meng Qi sincere say/way. “还请仙子用混元金斗削去苏某一身修为。”孟奇正色道。 „Were you insane?” Bi Jingxuan blurted out, at once is silent, what as if guesses arrived, long time later said, you really do want to do that?” “你疯了?”碧景璇脱口而出,旋即沉默,似乎猜到了什么,良久之后才道,“你真的要这么做?” The Meng Qi smile said: Does not go to me, what sees me?” 孟奇微笑道:“不去吾,何见我?” On the road of Martial Dao always has this and that danger, does not face this, must face other finally.” 武道之路上总有这样那样的危险,不面对这个,终要面对其他。” Bi Jingxuan has not said a word again, departed Primordial Chaos Gold Battle from the fog deep place, the golden light fell, Yellow River became, a revolution of spin, wave welled up, anchorage Meng Qi Niwan. 碧景璇没再言语,从云雾深处飞出了混元金斗,金光落下,黄河阵成,一转一旋,一浪一涌,定住了孟奇泥丸 Meng Qi does not have the revolution Supreme Limitless Primordial Beginning Cloud resistance, feels Dao Power to be pared rapidly, feels Dharma Body that thousand hard ten thousand painstaking cultivation is building up to come gradually to remove the rule of fusion, becomes ** mortal flesh, familiar, takes advantage, as if becomes the Martial Dao strength of hands and feet to vanish entirely, only leaves behind Cause of All Fruits and oneself in, but without strength, how also to revolve it? 孟奇没有运转太上无极元始庆云抵御,感受着自己道力被迅削去,感受着千辛万苦修炼而来的法身逐渐褪去融合的规则,重新成为**凡胎,熟悉的,依仗的,似乎成为了自己手脚的武道实力统统消失,只留下诸果之因与己同在,但没有实力,又如何运转得了它? What kind of experience without Martial Dao can be? 没有了武道会是怎样的体验? Empty, inexplicable alarmed and afraid, no security sense. 空空荡荡,莫名惊惧,没有一点安全感。 Primordial Chaos Gold Battle flies, the Meng Qi corners of the mouth twitched suddenly, did not have Martial Dao, but also really not good experience. 混元金斗飞,孟奇嘴角忽然抽搐,没有了武道,还真是不好的体验。 Simply is the awkwardness of capital letter! 简直是大写的尴尬! Own clothes robe by Dao Power, other things has in Extreme Blade, now did not have the strength, cannot take out the clothing, could not maintain the body. 自己衣袍是由道力所化,其余事物存在绝刀之中,如今没有了实力,取不出衣物,也维持不了身上。 Therefore, before Three Firmaments Island, presented an exhibitionism 于是,三霄岛前出现了一个暴露狂 Bi Jingxuan had not as if expected that this condition, stayed half sound, throws clothing of one set of ordinary male disciple.( To be continued.) 碧景璇似乎也没预料到这种状况,呆了半响,才扔出来一套普通男性弟子的衣物。(未完待续。) One clouds. Come. The pavilion then obtains to watch 地一下云.来.阁即可获得观看】
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