WORIOA :: Volume #6

#227: Cuts me to see me

What matter closes your? What matter closes my? Right, own his I either am the mark of simulation, either does not have the projection of spirit wisdom, oneself unique, does not need to consider issue that numerous his I memory emotion impact loses. 关你何事?关我何事?对啊,自己的“他我”要么是模拟的印记,要么是没有灵智的投影,自身独一无二,根本不需要考虑众多“他我”记忆情感冲击而迷失的问题。 Such being the case, another I, completely same „do I, what relations have with? He is he, I am I! 既然如此,另外一个“我”,完全一样的“我”,与自身有什么关系?他是他,我是我! Received this calling out, Meng Qi as if revealed mystery, is called the knowledge to see the barrier the dense fog, at present suddenly open, the thought continuously, not obstructed again, felt the arrived natural disposition indistinctly really such as, the body and mind was lively, wonderful. 受到这声暴喝,孟奇仿佛揭开了一层迷雾,叫做知见障的迷雾,眼前霍然开朗,念头此起彼伏,再无滞碍,隐约感受到了本性真如,身心活泼,妙不可言。 However this swept clean the dense fog merely, appeared the path, as for how nearness, how nearness, but also filled the dangers and difficulties, various wrong roads. 不过这仅仅只是扫清了迷雾,显现了道路,至于怎么“靠近”,如何“靠近”,还充满了艰难险阻,各种歧途。 He ponders the moment, unfolds the face to smile, set out slowly, arched cupping one hand in the other across the chest: 他沉思片刻,展颜一笑,徐徐起身,拱了拱手: Many thanks the senior directs.” “多谢前辈指点。” Third asked is, all sorts that if the senior experienced in the past all were the dreamlands, the wife was the dream, Huamei Villa is the dream, in the hand the sword is the dream, how should also face?” “第三问是,若前辈过去经历的种种皆是梦境,夫人是梦,画眉山庄是梦,手中之剑是梦,又该如何面对?” Common illusion technique is not definitely able to affect the senior, but if places in the Amitabha Buddha dream the world? You see, smells, touches, feels, is the dreamland feeds back, is seemingly real, the essence is illusory, the Zhuang Sheng dawn dream confuses the butterfly, is actually the Zhuang Sheng dream butterfly, does the butterfly dream of itself to become Zhuang Sheng?” “常见幻术肯定无法影响前辈,但如果身处阿弥陀佛的梦中天地呢?你所看到的,闻到的,触摸到的,感受到的,皆是梦境反馈,看似真实,本质虚幻,庄生晓梦迷蝴蝶,究竟是庄生梦蝶,还是蝴蝶梦见自己成为了庄生?” Meng Qi Brian in a vat the question changed external appearances only saying that said, he has turned around, is treading the mountain road, gradually downward, without waiting for the reply of Mister Lu Da. 孟奇将“缸中之脑”的疑问改头换面讲了出来,说完,他转过身,踏着山路,缓步往下,没有等待陆大先生的回答。 By the say/way breeze blow, the flowers and plants delicate fragrance enters the nose, grips figure of wooden hairpin to be increasingly estranged. 道旁微风吹拂,花草清香入鼻,扎着木簪的身影渐行渐远。 Side the Mister Lu Da long sword puts , the look twinkle, the lip opening and closing, actually cannot say own answer, looks that like this Meng Qi left the back side of the mountain step by step. 陆大先生长剑置于身旁,眼神闪烁,嘴唇翕动,却始终未能说出自身的答案,就这样看着孟奇一步步离开了后山。 ............ ………… Had/Left Huamei Villa, Meng Qi raised eyes to look in all directions the heart to be vacant, does not know that should toward where, the thought that the subconsciousness toward southwest march forward numerous, when got back one's composure, before is a arrived as if towering long sword mountain peak . 出了画眉山庄,孟奇举目四顾心茫然,不知该往何处去,念头纷呈间,下意识往着西南行进,等到回神,已是到了一座仿佛参天长剑般的山峰前。 The Cleansing Sword Pavilion entrance is at! 洗剑阁的山门所在! Meng Qi stands before the mountain, cannot help laughing suddenly, really somewhat cannot put down that matter at heart. 孟奇怔怔立在山前,忽地哑然失笑,心里果然还是有些放不下那件事情。 Those words made the extremely profound impression on oneself: 那句话给自己留下了极其深刻的印象: Always only loves seven chi (0.33 m) sword, cuts me to see me I.” “平生唯爱七尺剑,斩吾见我我非我。” He has not concealed the aura, Jiang Zhiwei has appeared in mountain foot, the wild flower puts, fragrantly like picture. 他没有掩饰气息,江芷微已然出现于山脚,身后山花盛放,芳菲如画。 That person light yellow women's clothing, the black hair pulls lightly, dangles several wisps, bright-colored eye-catching, as if never changes, said with a smile: How not saying that did come?” 伊人鹅黄衣裙,黑发轻挽,垂下几缕,明艳夺目,似乎从未改变,笑吟吟道:“怎么不说一声就过来了?” While the whim lasts, as one desires however comes.” A Meng Qi azure robe, the Zamu hairpin, natural warm accumulated, is hitting with a smile wisely. “兴之所至,随心而来。”孟奇一袭青袍,头扎木簪,潇洒温蕴,含笑打着机锋。 Jiang Zhiwei chuckle: You always I hadn't had business I wouldn't have come, said that what matter has?” 江芷微轻笑一声:“你向来无事不登三宝殿,说吧,有什么事情?” Glances to have a smile, I have not understood your appearance. 眼波含笑,一副我还不了解你的模样。 Un.” Meng Qi hesitated evil ways, you recited have cut me to see me I, what cut is which I, what seen is which I?” “嗯。”孟奇沉吟了一下道,“你曾经吟过‘斩吾见我我非我’,斩的是哪个‘吾’,见的是哪个‘我’?” Jiang Zhiwei said with a smile suddenly: Originally you in ponder my for me.” 江芷微恍然笑道:“原来你是在思考‘我之为我’。” Then, her facial expression were many several points of serious, sincere say/way: I refer to external me, including mortal body, experience, Martial Dao, emotion and other aspects, I is the natural disposition really such as.” 然后,她神情多了几分严肃,正色道:“‘吾’指外在之‘我’,包括肉身、经验、武道、情感等方面,‘我’则是本性真如。” Really such as leaves Grand Dao from that natural disposition, was contaminated by Houtian(acquired), the eye confused by the five colors, the ear was puzzled by five sounds, the nose dyes for the five senses, the heart was experienced and emotion hoodwinks, is difficult to see original feature.” “自那一点本性真如离开大道,便受到后天沾染,目被五色所迷,耳被五音所惑,鼻为五味所染,心被经验与情感蒙蔽,难见本来面目。” Cutting is not cuts, does not abandon, but compares thoroughly their limit, understands the places of their illusory, thus meets really me.” “斩掉不是斩去,不是抛弃,而是勘透它们的局限,明白它们的虚幻之处,从而照见真我。” Meng Qi has clearly to become aware, knits the brows slightly the thinking. 孟奇有所明悟,微微皱眉思索。 Jiang Zhiwei sees that thinks, is saying own attainment with simple words: Although I sat the dying pass/test, but cuts me to see me also to begin to materialize initially, after this should be passes through Exterior Scenery , the Martial Dao difficulty, simply speaking is the thing that the eye sees limited to the eye, does not arrive at the Buddha Ancestor mental perception, the photo breaks all illusory, sees all things, always has the place of omission, sees is not real, entirely believes that sees with own eyes, is very easy to make mistakes, is me to lose me, external was confused, does not see thing original feature.” 江芷微见状,想了想,用更浅显的话语说着自己的心得:“虽然我坐了死关,但‘斩吾见我’也不过是初有眉目,这应该是贯穿外景以后武道的疑难,简单来说便是眼睛看到的事物受限于眼睛本身,不到佛祖慧眼,照破一切虚幻,见万事万物,总有遗漏之处,所见也并非全都真实,完全相信‘眼见’,很容易犯错,属于‘吾丧我’,被外在迷惑,不见事物本来面目。” Similarly, does not arrive finally, the ear has the limit, Nose Aperture has the limit, we experience the experience and Martial Dao that various things must come have the limit, total dependence experience, will then be experienced surrounds, goes wrong to the cognition of thing, completely relies on Martial Dao, was fettered by Martial Dao, is getting more and more extreme and extreme.” “同样的,不到最终,耳朵有局限,鼻窍有局限,我们经历各种事情得来的经验与武道同样有局限,完全依赖经验,则会被经验困住,对事物的认知出现偏差,完全依赖于武道,则被武道束缚,越来越偏激和极端。” Clearly recognizes them , compared to break them, cuts illusory place that they bring, can turn on the shackles, sees really me.” “认清它们,勘破它们,斩掉它们带来的虚幻之处,才能打开牢笼,见到‘真我’。” Meng Qi nods saying: Said is easy, really must do exceptionally is definitely difficult, since the birth, we had made each matter that more or less receives me the influence, relies on it to become the custom and instinct, did not think that has what issue, naturally also compares does not break this.” 孟奇点了点头道:“说是容易,真要去做肯定异常艰难,自出生以来,我们所做的每一件事情都或多或少受到‘吾’的影响,依赖它早就成为习惯和本能,根本不觉得有什么问题,自然也就勘不破这点。” He understood the meaning of Jiang Zhiwei, knows what oneself needs to do is cuts me to see me, sees really me, immediately can from proving the legend! 他明白了江芷微的意思,也知道自己需要做的是“斩吾见我”,一见真我,立刻就能自证传说! On the mountain spends brightly, mountain foot two figure relative and vertical, one light yellow, an element is blue, exchanges is cutting me to see my experience, is friendly, poetic and beautiful, several have the feeling of God and Immortal family companion. 山上花开灿烂,山脚两道身影相对而立,一鹅黄,一素青,交流着斩吾见我的经验,气氛融洽,如诗如画,几有神仙眷侣的感觉。 Meng Qi looked up Jiang Zhiwei, looked at that familiar the unfamiliar mountain road, suddenly said with a smile: „Before Mister Lu Da proposed error in thought, I am thinking, if had not listened to the big brother to instigate at that time, came Cleansing Sword Pavilion to urge you, expressed the view vaguely, will the result be different?” 孟奇抬头看了看江芷微,看了看那条熟悉又陌生的山路,忽然笑道:“之前陆大先生提‘一念之差’时,我就在想,如果当时没听大哥怂恿,前来洗剑阁劝你,隐晦表达心意,结局是不是就会不一样?” The times have changed, he has been able confidently facing this issue. 事过境迁,他早就能坦然面对这个问题。 Jiang Zhiwei purses the lips, stroked a round of silk, holds the smile, said earnestly: Without Gao Lan instigates, after you hesitate , should still definitely come, but is not necessarily able to catch up, when regardless of you come, my reply will not change.” 江芷微抿了抿嘴,捋了捋发丝,噙着笑容,认真说道:“即使没有高览怂恿,你犹豫之后也肯定会前来,只是未必能赶得上,而无论你什么时候前来,我的回答都不会改变。” Her vision is radiant, just like the nighttime sky planetesimal, low and drawn out and said firmly: 她目光璀璨,宛若夜空星子,低缓又坚定道: This is you, this is I.” “这就是你,这就是我。” Meng Qi long sighed, the smile said: Really so, this is you, this is I.” 孟奇长长叹了口气,微笑道:“果然如此,这就是你,这就是我。” Catches the eye to see on the mountain the scenery like the song, the assorted fresh flower drags, his as if looked at arrived initially Jiang Zhiwei increasingly estranged figure, crossed the hands behind the back with a smile, takes a step to proceed, mounted this mountain road. 抬眼看到山上风景如歌,各色鲜花摇曳,他仿佛到了当初江芷微渐行渐远的身影,含笑负手,举步往前,登上了这条山路。 Jiang Zhiwei has the smile, follows in side, leisurely strolls hand in hand. 江芷微带着笑容,跟在旁边,联袂信步。 Two people have not spoken, all perform during did not say, light yellow elegant, the element was blue, this walked the arrived summit slowly, as if Cleansing Sword Pavilion was unmanned place. 两人没有说话,一切尽在不言之中,鹅黄飘逸,素青潇洒,就这样慢慢走到了山巅,仿佛洗剑阁是无人之地。 Looks to focus on the white clouds like the sea, is receiving the sunlight, magnificent splendid, Meng Qi smiled one, sprinkles however escapes. 看着眼中白云如海,承着阳光,壮观宏丽,孟奇笑了一声,洒然远遁。 Jiang Zhiwei calmly looks at Cloud Sea, after a little while, chuckle, the front piece is also floating, takes a step to return home. 江芷微静静看着云海,少顷,同样轻笑一声,衣襟飘飘,举步回府。 Since eternal, Cloud Sea has not changed. 万古以来,云海未变。 ............ ………… Treadons the cloud layer, the body by the astral wind, Meng Qi, and line and thinks, blows off other thoughts, at will however is good. 脚踏云层,身被罡风,孟奇且行且思,放空其他念头,随意而行。 In unconsciously, he discovered that oneself comes arrived Southern Desolate, looks at a arrived prosperity, looks at a growth of arrived Martial Dao Holy Land, but the Southern Desolate deep place seems to be hiding the ancient and tyrannical aura. 不知不觉中,他发现自己来到了南荒,看到了一片欣欣向荣,看到了一个武道圣地的成长,而南荒深处似乎隐藏着一股股古老而强横的气息。 „Does demon return to world, the saint again along with?” These words that before Meng Qi remembers was very long, hears suddenly. “魔回世间,圣者再随?”孟奇忽然想起了很久以前听到的这句话。 Was Demon Saint reincarnations returns? 是一位位魔圣转世归来了? During thought fluctuating, Qi Zhengyan appears in him at present, the ordinary long gown ordinary appearance, except for the forehead two stars, left hand strange Demon Sovereign's Claw, really did not have other peculiarity, but the graces as if Yun Han(contain) vast situation, the day line was healthy, the gentleman to strive constantly for self-improvement. 念头起伏间,齐正言出现在了他的眼前,普通的长袍普通的容颜,除了眉心两枚星辰,左手奇诡魔皇爪,委实没有别的特异,但举手投足仿佛蕴含泱泱大势,天行健,君子以自强不息。 „Does heart have the difficulty?” Qi Zhengyan straightforward opens the mouth. “心有疑难?”齐正言直截了当开口。 Meng Qi nods slightly, said Mister Lu Da and Jiang Zhiwei repeated, end say/way: How should cut me to see me?” 孟奇微微颔首,将陆大先生江芷微所言复述了一遍,末了道:“该如何‘斩吾见我’呢?” Senior Brother Qi has the Demon Lord experience, should be able to reply 12. 齐师兄魔主见识,应该能回答一二。 Qi Zhengyan thinks saying: Since wants to cut me to see me, that tries really to go to cut, presently you biggest taking advantage biggest dependence is anything, cuts it, experiences.” 齐正言想了想道:“既然要‘斩吾见我’,那就试着真的去‘斩一斩’,当前你最大的依仗最大的依赖是什么,‘斩掉’它,体验一下。” What is I biggest taking advantage biggest dependence?” Meng Qi knits the brows to talk to oneself. “我最大的依仗最大的依赖是什么?”孟奇皱眉自语。 Heavenly Lord of the Primordial Beginning? It is not, oneself have guarded to It, how possibly completely to rely on It? 元始天尊?不是,自己对祂有所提防,怎么可能完全依赖祂? Overlord's Extreme Blade? It had not previously regained consciousness Legendary Level time, oneself have the life...... 霸王绝刀?祂先前未苏醒到传说层次的时候,自己也不是没有人生…… During the train of thought rotations, he hears Qi Zhengyan not to have the wave channel lightly: 思绪转动间,他听见齐正言平淡无波道: You biggest taking advantage biggest dependence is your Martial Dao, without Martial Dao , there would be no Primordial Sovereign, without Martial Dao , there would be no your current all sorts.” “你最大的依仗最大的依赖是你的武道,没有武道就没有元皇,没有武道就没有你当前种种。” Meng Qi deeply inspires, the thought fluctuates, wants to refute, is actually speechless. 孟奇深深吸了口气,念头起伏,想要反驳,却无话可说。 Yes, arrived this powerhouse is floating about like clouds, strength to revere after the world, oneself biggest taking advantage and dependence are Martial Dao, Primordial Beginning may not depend on, Daode(way of virtue) cannot depend on, only has the strength to be real not empty! 是的,到了这个强者如云,实力为尊的天地后,自己最大的依仗和依赖就是武道,元始不可凭,道德不可依,唯有自身实力才真实不虚! Initially facing Demon Buddha, the situation despaired, oneself have not sought divine help Buddha, practice Martial Dao, is wheting in the heart step by step the blade, finally cut to break the fetter. 当初面对魔佛,处境何等绝望,自己没有求神告佛,一步步修炼武道,磨砺着心中之刀,最终斩破了束缚。 Qi Zhengyan both eyes is staring at Meng Qi, the sinking sound said: 齐正言双眼盯着孟奇,沉声道: Therefore, you can cut this biggest taking advantage and dependence?” “所以,你能斩掉这最大的依仗和依赖吗?” Moreover even gives up, is not necessarily able successfully, when the time comes, you do not have the average person of strength, wants to restore is also difficult again difficultly.” “而且即使放弃,未必能够成功,到时候,你就是没有实力的普通人,再想恢复难之又难。” At that time, were you Primordial Sovereign? Su Meng? Also can maintain the current temper and attitude? Without Martial Dao , there would be no you?” “那时候,你还是元皇吗?还是苏孟吗?还能维持目前的性子与作风吗?是不是没有了武道就没有了你?” „Do you dare to give up it?” “你敢放弃它吗?”
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