WORIOA :: Volume #6

#226: What matter closes your

The universe is vast, even light/only, must spend on for trillion years can complete a travel, compared with this, the life of human is so shortly so tiny, but was such short tiny life actually depends on the exploration that passing from generation to generation of civilization and will never stop to understand slowly the universe secret, listened to the arrived universe the sound.?? 宇宙浩瀚,即使是光,也要花上亿万年的时间才能完成一段旅行,与此相比,人类的生命是如此短暂如此渺小,可就是这样短暂渺小的生命却靠着文明的世代相传和永不停止的探索慢慢了解了宇宙秘密,听到了宇宙的声音。?? On star that in their in which deep blue and dark green interweaves, in some tightly guarded research institute, Photonic Brain is operating fast, a union, the ray twinkle, is full of the luster of science fiction. 在他们所处的其中一颗蔚蓝与青绿交织的星球上,在某个戒备森严的研究所内,级光脑正飞快运算,台台联合,光芒闪烁,充满着科幻的色泽。 The researchers look at this anxiously, breathes puts subconsciously lightly, for fear that alarmed Photonic Brain. 研究人员们紧张地看着这一幕,呼吸下意识放轻,生怕惊扰了级光脑 This is an operation of extremely important, related to human toward top-level life, toward the effort of farewell short and tiny show/unfolds. 这是一项至关重要的运算,涉及人类向着高层次生命,向着告别短暂与渺小展的努力。 They are the group's 1596 th river are on the laevo-rotatory arm's ninth galaxy wild star dig arrived in the Big Dipper some strange thing of its civilization understanding, the suspicion is trillion years ago the alien civilization of high antiquity remained. 他们于第七星系团第一千五百九十六河系左旋臂第九恒星系一颗荒蛮星球上掘到了一些过本身文明理解的诡异事物,怀疑是亿万年前远古时代的外星人文明残留。 These things are kind of person statues, complements each other with the wild environment, each other appearance varies, but also as if there is complicated relation, the probably same existing different face, interwove all sorts of unthinkable frightened peculiarity, almost caused to be suspected by the search party members who the civilization gradually influenced was really gazing at with the ghost or by Spiritual God. 这些事物是一座座类人石像,与蛮荒环境相得益彰,彼此形貌不一,但又似乎有着千丝万缕的联系,像是同一个存在的不同面孔,交织出了种种匪夷所思让人惊悚的特异,几乎使饱受文明熏陶的探索队成员怀疑真的遇鬼或者被神灵注视着。 After some time research, they pleasantly surprised presently all special came from top-level life status, is the current many scientist diligent explorations domains: The trillion years ago ancient alien civilizations do not know why contacts the arrived top level life, presenting is Spiritual God, but that kind of person statues are the top-level life in the manifestation images of different situation different place, contains Its essential characteristics, has the immeasurable function to the current research. 经过一段时间的研究,他们惊喜地现所有的特异都来自于高层次生命状态,属于当前诸多科学家孜孜不倦探索的领域:亿万年前的古老外星人文明不知为什么接触到了高层次生命,奉之为神灵,而那一座座类人石像就是高层次生命在不同场合不同地点的显化形象,蕴藏着祂的本质特点,对当前研究有着无可估量的作用。 This like human to the top-level life status preliminary understanding, had the fuzzy formula, but the kind of person statue is the each and every one equation, unties their unknowns, can the return to original state formula, the description clear top level life. Therefore, the operation started, increase that as the statue digs, operates the result possibly greatly promotes. After the long time, seems like the already arrived successful edge now. 这就像人类对高层次生命状态原本只有初步的理解,有模糊的公式,而类人石像便是一个个方程,解开它们的未知数,就能还原公式,描述清楚高层次生命。于是,运算开始了,随着石像掘的增多,运算出结果的可能大大提升。在漫长时光之后,如今似乎已经到了成功边缘。 The anxious revolution, the ray twinkle, the face of researchers goes forth to battle the bright darkness, the extraordinary splendor change. Wants? In the eye full is the anticipation. 急运转,光芒闪烁,研究人员的脸孔之上阵明阵暗,异彩变迁。要?眼睛里满是期待。 , Photonic Brain had/left Zizi voice gradually, the display monitor shines to flaming white. 渐渐的,级光脑出兹兹兹的声音,显示屏亮起了炽白。 Can have the result?” Researchers turned very quiet, is waiting for the emergence of history of civilization epoch-making symbol. “要出结果了?”一位位研究人员屏住了呼吸,等待着文明史划时代标志的出现。 But at this moment, bang the sound resounds one after another, Photonic Brain trembles fiercely, loudly collapsing. 可就在这时,轰隆之声接连响起,级光脑剧烈震颤,轰然坍塌了。 The researchers look at this dumbfoundedly, look lifeless, the shape with the stone carving, they have thought cannot reach the conclusion. But has not expected Photonic Brain completely unexpectedly because of the limit but self-destruction! 研究人员们目瞪口呆看着这一幕,眼神呆滞,形同石雕,他们想过得不到结论。可完全没料到级光脑竟然因为过极限而自毁! All operations waste all previous efforts. 一切的运算前功尽弃。 Most advanced isn't Photonic Brain able to undertake this operation?” Researchers stunned and sigh. “最先进的级光脑也无法承担这个运算?”研究人员们又愕然又叹息。 Possibly is the condition is not full, lacks the key point.” Some people knit the brows the thinking. “可能是条件还不充分,缺少关键点。”有人皱眉思索。 This research looked like can only come to the end. 这项研究看来只能告一段落了。 But in Kunlun Mountain Jade Void Palace, Meng Qi also heaved a deep sigh, had regrettable, opened the attempt of Gate of Legend to announce through the scientific path failed, oneself compared I for me honestly broken. 昆仑山玉虚宫内,孟奇也长叹一声,多有遗憾,通过科学道路打开传说之门的尝试宣告失败了,自己还是得老老实实勘破“我之为我”。 When patrolling ten thousand, universe that he present this civilization quite reached, their already to top-level life status, was the legend had the fuzzy cognition, therefore fabricated the vestige. Leaves behind itself differently his my image the stone carving of characteristics correspondence, helping this civilization study, as sets up his my image and swallows „the Primordial Beginning projection increase, the stone carving that then unearths also increases. Until 999. 在神游万界时,他现了这个文明相当达的宇宙,他们已经对高层次生命状态,也就是传说有了模糊的认知,于是伪造了遗迹。留下自身不同“他我形象”特征对应的石雕,便于这个文明研究,随着树立的“他我形象”和吞噬“元始投影”的增多,则出土的石雕随之增多。直到九百九十九个。 Meng Qi hopes that this article Ming Tong association has set up his my equation, unifies the theory of studying, unties the secret of legend, was known the detailed condition after its legend by oneself directly, takes this to bypass me for me this mountain pass , to promote the legend directly. 孟奇希望这个文明通过“联立他我方程”,结合所研究的理论,解开传说之秘,让自己直接掌握到本身传说后的详细状况,以此绕过“我之为我”这个关隘,直接晋升传说。 What a pity. Perhaps is this universe civilization also insufficiently reaches, suffered the failure diligently. 可惜。也许是这个宇宙的文明还不够达,努力遭遇了失败。 If the legend essence is so good to grasp, that the mass production Meng Qi had shaken the head to whisper, shot the front piece, sets out from cloud bed, a azure Daoist robe, Zamu hairpin. “如果传说本质这么好掌握,那早就量产了”孟奇摇头低语,弹了弹衣襟,从云床上起身,一袭青色道袍,头扎木簪。 He planned that draws support from the Clear Sky Mirror fragment to seek for the higher level the research civilization, while goes out out traveling, seeks compares I for me broken turning point. 他打算一边借助昊天镜碎片寻找更加高级的研究型文明,一边外出游历,寻找勘破“我之为我”的契机。 The Extreme Blade aura fills the air, changes to the purple electricity snake to integrate the Meng Qi palm, is covering up his aura and Heaven's Mystery. 绝刀气息弥漫,化作道道紫色电蛇融入孟奇手掌,遮掩着他的气息与天机 One step takes, Meng Qi left Kunlun Mountain Jade Void Palace quietly, comes arrived Huamei Villa. 一步迈出,孟奇悄然离开了昆仑山玉虚宫,来到了画眉山庄 This is the out traveling first step, with 6 big mister face-to-face exchanges my for me issue! 这是游历的第一步,和六大先生面对面交流“我之为我”的问题! Meng Qi had considered proclaims the memory and strength, thorough mortal world, undergoes again lifetime, takes this found me for me reason, is similar to Night Emperor Thousand Faces Ten Thousand Lives Undergone Calamity Technique, but is more extreme, did not ask others for me, only found me through experiences for me. 孟奇考虑过自封记忆和力量,深入红尘,再历一生,以此找到“我之为我”的缘由,类似于夜帝的“千面万世历劫法”,但更加极端,不求他人为我,只通过一段段经历找到“我之为我”。 Who I am, who is I, after this is Blue Emperor forgot itself, continuously in the difficulty of inquiry , after can be proclaims the memory and strength, hopes issue obtained clearly becomes aware. 我是谁,谁是我,这是青帝遗忘了自身后一直在询问的疑难,也会是自封记忆和力量后自己希望得到明悟的问题。 Referring to erratically All Heavens Myriad Realms will be many in the future acting like a madman Daoist Priest, asking whoever happens to come who me is, who is I. 指不定日后诸天万界就多了一个疯疯癫癫的道士,逢人就问“我是谁,谁是我”。 This means danger layer on layer/heavily and lasted many, to who hoping for several years break through is the last option, therefore first asks the 6 big gentlemen of purest path to exchange difficultly. 这个办法危险重重且历时甚多,对希望几年内突破的自己而言是最后的选择,因此先找走最艰难最纯粹道路的六大先生交流交流。 arrived this level, cannot only cover all meanings by the dialogue of Myriad Worlds Communication Talisman sometimes, Grand Dao is inenarrable, the word has but completely intent endless, Buddha Ancestor picks flowers, Kasyapa smiles, how could to have the dialogue? 到了自身这个层次,光靠万界通识符的对话有的时候并不能涵盖所有意思,大道难以描述,言有尽而意无尽,佛祖拈花,迦叶一笑,何曾有对话? The feeling that involving of inner qi, the flavor of every action and every movement, various factors lay out, came from conversation face-to-face. 气机的牵扯,一举一动的韵味,各种因素铺陈出的感觉,都来自于面对面的交谈。 Huamei Villa, the back side of the mountain thatched house, the injured 6 big gentlemen wears the grey robe because of the legend aura attack, is watering the strange flower and grass meticulously, side not Cold Ice Fairy Maiden Ye Yuqi, because the opposite party seeks the arrived turning point in the wheel, entered the dreamland universe, is repeating the life, by the complete mind, the card said Dharma Body. 画眉山庄,后山草庐,因传说气息侵袭而受伤的六大先生穿着灰袍,一丝不苟地浇灌着奇花异草,身边没有“寒冰仙子叶玉琦,因为对方在轮里寻到了契机,进入了梦境宇宙,正重演一生,以圆满心灵,证道法身 The aura of 6 big gentlemen are unstable, the prestige of legend indicates a spot, after detecting the Meng Qi arrival, still persisted in completing a irrigation movement in hand, then raised the head, the chin said slightly: 六大先生的气息还不稳定,传说之威足见一斑,察觉孟奇到来后,仍然坚持将手中的一个浇灌动作做完,接着才抬起头,微微颔道: You must ask me for me matter?” “你要问‘我之为我’的事情?” Senior Ming Jian.” Meng Qi arched cupping one hand in the other across the chest with a laugh, pulls up the azure robe, sits at will, said self-possessedly: Younger generation has three to ask.” “前辈明鉴。”孟奇笑呵呵拱了拱手,一撩青袍,随意席地而坐,坦然自若道:“晚辈有三问。” First asked is Universe Fragment, on the same day presented the fission in time, because of the future different possible, but became one respectively, did not arrive at legend also to split up, appeared newly his me inevitably ‚’, then, where without understanding was Reality World where lacks legend, because there is a past, the character, experience, hobby and sentiment were completely consistent, how to distinguish whom is I?” “第一问是宙光碎片,当天地出现时光上的分裂,因未来不同可能而各成一界,不到传说者必然随之分化,出现新的‘他我’,那么,在不了解哪边是真实界哪边缺少传说的前提下,因为共有过去,性格、经历、爱好、感情都完全一致,怎么分辨‘谁是我’?” In Universe Fragment his I am equal to the replica, is hard to distinguish, making the unique cognition be vacillated, I can for me, he also be able for me. 宙光碎片内的“他我”等于复制品,难以分辨,让自身独一无二的认知受到动摇,我能为“我”,他也能为“我”。 6 big gentlemen put down to water item, sits cross-legged to sit in the thatched house, the vision looks to nearby wife tomb, hesitated evil ways: His I not your I, like your cognition self- is not Demon Buddha self-.” 六大先生放下浇灌物品,盘腿坐于草庐内,目光看向旁边的妻子坟茔,沉吟了一下道:“他之‘我’非你之‘我’,就像你认知的自我不是魔佛的自我一样。” In the event of the fission, because of Universe Fragment reduction essentially, the contact with Grand Dao can have the change, appears his I natural disposition really such as really such as naturally have slightly differently with your natural disposition, and waits to look, five years later, ten years later, your will then appear respectively slowly.” “一旦出现分裂,因为宙光碎片本质上的降低,与大道的联系会有变化,所出现的‘他我’本性真如与你的本性真如自然有着些微不同,且等一等看一看,五年之后,十年之后,你们的分别便会慢慢出现的。” In the past was unique, was you for your important factor, but was not the sole factor, it like the rhizome trunk and branches, can grow two different leaves likely.” “过去独一无二,是你之所以为你的重要因素,但不是唯一因素,它就像根茎像枝干,可以长出两片不同的叶子。” Meng Qi nods looking pensive, since Universe Fragment and Reality World will have the difference, does not raise itself, because involves above the legend, will not split his me, even if splits, because environment essentially different, but has distinguished, does not vacillate the unique cognition. 孟奇若有所思点头,既然宙光碎片真实界会有区别,不提自己因为牵涉传说以上,不会分裂“他我”,哪怕分裂,也会因为环境本质上的不同而有所区别,不动摇独一无二的认知。 His right hand is tapping the left hand back of the hand, opens the mouth to say again: Second asked that if there is a great person to duplicate your True Spirit, creates the world that one and your environment treats everyone equally completely consistently, gives him the completely same experience, will not compare you to be many, will not compare you to be few, how does that insist own uniqueness?” 他右手轻敲着左手手背,再次开口道:“第二问,如果有大人物复制你的真灵,创造一个与你所处环境完全一致不分高下的世界,给予他完全一样的经历,不会比你多,也不会比你少,那如何坚持自己的独一无二?” Must achieve the condition of this matter to be very harsh, approaches to fantasy story in imagination, but in the world has Pāramitā Being this type almost to violate powerful existence of logic, can definitely accomplish the matter of being similar, on Meng Xiaoqi like Earth. 要做到这种事情的条件很苛刻,更接近于假想中的天方夜谭,但世上有着彼岸者这种可以几乎违背逻辑的强大存在,完全能办到类似之事,就像地球上的孟小奇 Compares not broken this point, when becomes the legend loses inevitably, suffers the failure. 勘不破这一点,成为传说时必然迷失自我,遭遇失败。 Because 6 big gentlemen must take is not fake his I the unique path, to similar issue many ponders, without the stop, has not hesitated, shows a faint smile, said gently: 六大先生因为是要走“不假他我”的独一无二道路,对类似问题不乏思考,没有停顿,没有沉吟,微微一笑,和缓说道: This is error in thought.” “这就是‘一念之差’。” Buddhism said really such as, the Taoism word natural disposition, was saying that same thing, was not contaminated by Houtian(acquired), was not experienced to affect, was not arrested the vulgar Xiantian(innate) soul by cultivation technique, It stemming from Grand Dao, draws close to Grand Dao, unique, is the great person is not possible to duplicate the natural disposition truly really such as, otherwise does not have legend I for me mountain pass.” 佛门说真如,道家言本性,都在说同一个事物,不受后天沾染,不受经历影响,不受功法拘俗的先天性灵,祂出于大道,贴近大道,独一无二,再是大人物也不可能真正地复制本性真如,否则也就没有传说‘我之为我’的关隘了。” Even if were the same in the past, even if True Spirit is consistent, even before all sorts, because of tallies completely, will handle at something in the future, because still natural disposition really such as the slight difference will present the error in thought that will thus have the difference.” “即使过去相同,即使真灵一致,即使种种前因完全吻合,在未来处置某一件事情上,也会因为本性真如的些微区别而出现一念之差,从而产生区别。” This is the old man opinion, varies to make to order, yourself consider.” “这是老夫愚见,不一定做得准,你自己斟酌吧。” At this point, 6 big gentlemen said: Actually, you already was unique, cuts off to involve, without his me, without next life, this is not unique, what was unique?” 说到这里,六大先生顿了顿道:“其实,你自身已经独一无二,斩断了过去牵扯,没有‘他我’,也没有来世,这不独一无二,什么是独一无二?” Even if presents another you again, completely same you, what relations do have with you? What matter closes your? Is you his I? Is you passes? Is you next life?” “即使再出现另外一个你,完全一样的你,与你有什么关系?关你何事?是你‘他我’吗?是你过去吗?是你来世吗?” Meng Qi is startled fiercely, taps the right hand of left hand back of the hand to stop suddenly, probably by arrived severe warning.( To be continued.) 孟奇猛地一怔,轻敲着左手手背的右手戛然停止,像是受到了当头棒喝。(未完待续。)
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