WORIOA :: Volume #6

#225: Apostle Zhang Deng

In the middle of the nighttime sky, the stars are crowded, just like a wave light, formed a radiant Milky Way and bright cloud cluster, their deep places, is covering the deep blue and dark green star static revolves around the respective star, huge normal has actually been maintaining environment that suits the Human Clan survival. 夜空当中,星辰密集,宛若点点波光,汇成了条条璀璨银河和灿烂云团,它们的深处,一颗覆盖着蔚蓝与青绿的星球静静绕着所属恒星旋转,庞大过正常却维持着适合人族生存的环境。 At this time, pale gold/metal Jianmang penetrated the numerous space and times to arrive together, probably twisted the distance, but the twinkling, falling was most ancient also top the most palatial construction on the star, brought all over the sky the golden yellow, by far sunset glow, and drank along with dignified low: 这时,一道淡金剑芒穿透重重时空降临,像是扭曲了彼此间的距离,瞬息而至,落于星球上最古老也最巍峨的建筑顶部,带来满天金黄,远胜晚霞,并伴随着一声威严的低喝: Human Sovereign lost clan where!” 人皇遗族何在!” In palaces, closed eyes practice Human Clan opens the eye suddenly, the right hand is grasping the weapon, stands up neatly, wave that probably suddenly surges. 一座座殿堂内,正闭目修行人族忽地睁开眼睛,右手握着兵器,齐刷刷站起,像是突然涌起的波浪。 Their aura is powerful, every action and every movement all can interfere with the celestial phenomenon, together, star where, regardless to shine like the daytime, practices dances in the sky! 他们气息强大,一举一动皆能干涉天象,共同之下,星球无论何方都亮如白昼,彩练当空舞! In the palatial ancient construction, the profound quiet palace pavilion shivers suddenly, front door calm from opening, the aura of vicissitudes fills the air, the sound swings the star: 巍峨古老的建筑内,幽深沉静的殿阁猛然颤抖,大门无风自开,沧桑的气息弥漫而出,声音荡星球: Present age is Human Sovereign summoning?” “当世人皇在召唤?” An own clan results in present age the Human Sovereign direction, to sacrifice to trade the cicada sheds its shell opportunity, finally evaded Demon Buddha Great Tribulation, the inheritance certainly, the accumulation, had not had the legend protection. 自己一族得当世人皇指点,以牺牲换来金蝉脱壳的机会,终于避过了魔佛大劫,传承未绝,积累仍在,始终都有传说守护。 The senior head of the clan perishes after the hand of Demon Buddha is oneself, oneself later also has a younger generation! 老族长亡于魔佛之手后便是自己,自己之后还有一位晚辈! This tyrannical aura concentrates the essence, breaks through Yun Xiao(Cloud Firmament), making this star bright the as if star, therefore, in this huge galaxy each star that endures compared with Great Sun all exploded the solar storm, the flame spurted thinly, like the water, in departed the different shape things scalding hot respectively, their warm support in star deep place. 这股强横气息凝成实质,冲破云霄,让这颗星球灿烂得仿佛恒星,于是,这庞大星系内每一颗堪比大日的恒星皆爆了太阳风暴,火焰喷薄,灼热如水,内中分别飞出了不同形状的事物,它们都温养在恒星深处。 These thing each article gatherings, formed one rapidly compared with the star also huge ancient ship, the color like the jade, covers entirely a mark, ups and downs in illusory and real, probably the line in the sea of bitterness, can aid on the ship the person to arrive in Pāramitā. 这些事物一件件汇聚,迅形成了一艘比星球还庞大的古老之船,色如玉石,布满道痕,沉浮于虚幻与真实之间,像是行在苦海之中,能护佑着船上之人抵达彼岸 When it is the Human Sovereign old age tries to refine Doomsday Boat, was used to aid the life to cross Final Tribulation, what a pity not yet completely entire merit. Helpless Human Sovereign died during meditation, left behind this defective product, is hard to evaluate the equivalent accurately, because certain effects cross the legend. Certain prestige can only be Heavenly Immortal. 它是人皇晚年时试图炼制的“末日之舟”,用来护佑生灵渡过末劫,可惜尚未尽全功。人皇就无奈坐化,留下了这个残次品,难以准确评定等阶,因为某些效果过传说。某些威能又仅是天仙 On the star that Doomsday Boat hovering universe deep place, Human Sovereign lost clan occupies first departs two tyrannical boundless aura, even still has had the terrifying of galaxy in the Reality World starry sky, falls after the Reality World land, fears under does not fall in the Mingyue(bright moon) day. Then, powerful aura follow, almost occupied above the star similar ray half. 末日之舟”悬停宇宙深处,人皇遗族占据的星球上先是飞出两道强横磅礴的气息,即使在真实界的星空里也有过星系的恐怖,落于真实界大地后,怕也不下于明月天降。然后,一道道强大气息跟随,几乎占据了星球之上类似“光芒”的一半。 The say/way mark that Doomsday Boat covers entirely shines slowly, the physique empty is gradually dim, then shivers gently, vanishes towering, jumps the space and time to go to the Reality World land. 末日之舟布满的道痕徐徐亮起,形体逐渐虚化朦胧,接着轻轻颤抖,突兀消失,跳跃着时空前往真实界大地。 The time of merely more than ten breaths, turned into normal large ship size Doomsday Boat to highlight in Changle Palace, by the empty revolutions reality, calmly stood erect. Probably from ancient times, from the future. 仅仅十几息的时光,变成正常楼船大小末日之舟就凸显于了长乐宫殿里,由虚转实,静静屹立。像是来自古代,来自未来。 Sima Shi and other Six Doors constable look that this goes through in sea of bitterness in boat ship, then turned very quiet subconsciously, the mind palpitated inexplicably, met Bodhisattva manifestation like the mortal. 司马石六扇门捕头看着这艘穿行于“苦海”里的舟船,下意识便屏住了呼吸,心灵莫名悸动,如同凡人遇见菩萨显化 In the Doomsday Boat cabin took the lead to go out of two clothing and personal adornments to be plain, situated in Human Clan between antiquity and Medieval, a man and a woman, male white gray, was in high spirits, both eyes as if is producing an inverted image the starry sky. Dense and numerous is radiant, but each radiantly seems together the person's shadow, the female flower is just abundant, mature refined. The pupil is bright, looks about brightly, if examines carefully, similarly can the present galaxy gather in revolving. 末日之舟船舱内率先走出了两位衣饰古朴,介于上古与中古之间的人族,一男一女,男的白苍苍,精神矍铄,双目仿佛倒映着星空。密密麻麻皆是璀璨,而每一点璀璨似乎都是一道人影,女的花开正盛,成熟雅致。眸子晶亮,顾盼有神,若是细看,同样能现一条条星河在旋转汇聚。 Shao Xuan pays a visit your majesty.” 少玄拜见陛下。” Xi'e pays a visit your majesty.” 羲娥拜见陛下。” Both simultaneously salutes, the tone has the respect much, even if aura restraining. Also is disturbing slightly void. 两者齐齐行礼,语气多有敬意,纵然气息收敛。也轻微扰动着虚空。 The Gao Lan chin, proceeds slightly several steps, puts out a hand to support by the arm: Had work two your family.” 高览微微颔,往前几步,伸手搀扶:“有劳两位卿家了。” After following closely Shao Xuan and Xi'e, the Human Sovereign lost clan powerhouses, let see Reality World each generation produces talented people condition constable to be eyes cannot take it all in one after another now, inwardly outstanding tongue. 紧随少玄羲娥之后,一位位人皇遗族的强者鱼贯而出,让见多了真实界如今人才辈出状况的捕头们都目不暇接,暗自翘舌。 You can disseminate this news, half real , half fake then, does not need to show specially.” The Gao Lan vision looks profoundly to numerous position constable, the faint instruction said. “你们可以将这个消息散播出去了,半真半假即可,不用特别去证明。”高览目光幽深地看向众位捕头,淡漠吩咐道。 In True Emptiness Hometown, Night Emperor Huo Lishang leaves from the stage of white lotus, to the deep place, resembles to greet. 真空家乡内,“夜帝霍离殇从白莲之台上离开,面向深处,状似迎接。 There say/way galaxy connection large expanse of aura is getting stronger and stronger, more and more obviously, collects finally suddenly, quiet, went out of a good-looking man, the face is in vain delicate, probably in the southern opera tempts living that lady elopes specially, his corners of the mouth have a smile, in the palm holds Colored Glass Lamp, the wick static combustion, several have to illuminate the feeling of Three Realms Ten Directions. 那里道道星河连接成片般的气息越来越强,越来越明显,最后忽然一敛,平静无波,走出了一位俊俏男子,脸白秀气,像是戏文里专门引诱大家闺秀私奔的生,他嘴角含笑,掌中托着一盏琉璃灯,灯芯静静燃烧,几有照亮三界十方之感。 Has seen Apostle Zhang Deng.” Huo Lishang salutes with ease at will, in the mind is actually transferring other thought: “见过掌灯神使。”霍离殇轻松随意行礼,脑海内却转着别的念头: The All Heavens Myriad Realms it is said three immortal lamps are wonderful, changes to Dīpaṃkara Ancient Buddha, in Jade Void Palace, in the Heavenly Lord of the Way and the Virtue place, Apostle Zhang Deng Litaud which the is? Is promising youth, old mother system? 诸天万界据说有三盏仙灯最是神妙,一盏化作燃灯古佛,一盏在玉虚宫,一盏在道德天尊处,掌灯神使手里托着的这盏是哪一盏?或者是“后起之秀”,老母亲制? Apostle Zhang Deng shows a faint smile is the ritual, the sound light Judo: This toward Kunlun Mountain Jade Void Palace.” 掌灯神使微微一笑算是礼,声音轻柔道:“本座得往昆仑山玉虚宫一趟。” Kunlun Mountain Jade Void Palace? Which Kunlun Mountain Jade Void Palace?” Huo Lishang subconscious question. 昆仑山玉虚宫?哪个昆仑山玉虚宫?”霍离殇下意识反问。 If the person in world, mentioning Kunlun Mountain Jade Void Palace inevitably is the Primordial Sovereign dwelling place, Apostle Zhang Deng just regained consciousness, said very possible is located in God Sealing World Jade Void Palace. 若是世间之人,提及昆仑山玉虚宫必然是元皇居处,掌灯神使刚刚苏醒,说的很可能是位于封神世界玉虚宫 Apostle Zhang Deng said with a smile lightly: Naturally is Primordial Sovereign Su Meng Kunlun Mountain Jade Void Palace, these year of Juan Lian Apostle have searched many places, had not all found the subsequent hand who former generation Holy Maiden leaves behind, but old mother actually throughout unconsciously complete, therefore makes the this/Ben place go to Kunlun Mountain Jade Void Palace to walk, look, searches, looks for the Corporeal and Incorporeal clue.” 掌灯神使轻笑道:“当然是元皇苏孟昆仑山玉虚宫,这些年卷帘神使寻觅过诸多地方,皆未找到上代圣女遗留的后手,可老母却始终不觉圆满,因此让本座前往昆仑山玉虚宫内走一走,看一看,搜一搜,找找有无线索。” Primordial Sovereign involves numerously, the great people each other have scruples, cannot peep at unscrupulously, deduce will also be disturbed, hides the clue in another place is the excellent law.” 元皇牵涉众多,大人物们彼此有所顾忌,不能肆无忌惮窥视,推衍也会受到干扰,将线索藏在他处不失为绝好之法。” The cloud poor business conditions that he said are light, in probably own family/home seeks to lose the thing. 他说的云淡风轻,像是自己的家中寻找遗落事物。 On the Night Emperor face the reappearing smile, hesitated evil ways: Primordial Sovereign several years has not made an appearance, moreover arrived Ānanda from Monster Clan his I the material, is accustomed to make the history of miracle by him, referred to the uncertain already card resulting in the legend in secret, Apostle was careful.” 夜帝脸上浮现笑容,沉吟了一下道:“元皇又有几年未曾露面,而且从妖族手上得到了阿难他我’的资料,以他惯于创造奇迹的历史,指不定已经暗中证得传说了,神使还需小心。” The Apostle Zhang Deng smile does not reduce: Legend where so can prove easily? Does not know that many arrives at last step Heavenly Immortal in dire straits in me for me on, his I who Su Meng collection all assembled the breakthrough needs at present at most project the quantity, the legend, hey, he also on road.” 掌灯神使笑容不减:“传说哪里如此容易能证的?不知多少走到最后一步的天仙困死在‘我之为我’上,苏孟目前顶多集聚齐了突破所需的他我投影数量,传说,嘿,他还在路上。” Then, Apostle Zhang Deng one step took, vanishes in True Emptiness Hometown, appeared before Kunlun Mountain. 说完,掌灯神使一步迈出,消失在了真空家乡,出现于昆仑山前。 He is just about to enter Jade Void Palace, at present presents a azure colored glaze suddenly, the sound of Nā mó swings the ear bank. 他正要进入玉虚宫,眼前忽地出现一层青色琉璃,南无之声荡耳畔。 Lifts to look, he sees Jade Void Palace to be dim, is hoodwinking layer upon layer the buddhist light colored glaze, as if in the horizon, the surroundings has five hundred Arhat, midair blue lotus, sits well many Bodhisattva, high place Zen sound layer upon layer, can see Gautama Buddha not to surpass Gautama Buddha Great Bodhisattva indistinctly. 抬望去,他看见玉虚宫朦朦胧胧,蒙着层层佛光琉璃,似乎远在天边,周围有五百罗汉,半空青莲朵朵,端坐诸多菩萨,高处禅音层层,隐约能见一尊不似佛陀胜似佛陀大菩萨 The pure land various Buddha protects Jade Void! 净土诸“佛”护玉虚 Moonlight Bodhisattva, you cultivate/repair to hold Sambhogakāya is not easy, really wants this turbid water?” Apostle Zhang Deng is not accidental/surprised, said easely, „, moreover this place do not kill Su Meng, just walks, look, searches.” 月光菩萨,你修持报身不易,真要趟这摊浑水吗?”掌灯神使并不意外,悠然说道,“而且本座又不是要杀苏孟,只不过走一走,看一看,搜一搜。” Nā mó Bhaiṣajyaguru, pecking and sipping, karma is doomed.” The upper air moonlight sprinkles, along with dignified sound. 南无尊上药师如来,一饮一啄,因果注定。”高空月光洒落,伴随着庄严之声。 In years past Meng Qi returned to Medieval, helped Blue Emperor awaken Bhaiṣajyaguru, still further, thus blessed Moonlight Bodhisattva to cross chaotic of Demon Buddha, lives arrived now, karma repayment, the say/way of Buddhism. 昔年孟奇中古,助青帝唤醒药师王佛,更进一步,从而庇佑月光菩萨渡过魔佛之乱,活到了如今,因果偿还,佛门之道。 The Apostle Zhang Deng complexion is slightly dignified, the right hand stretches out, holds Colored Glass Lamp suddenly brightly. 掌灯神使脸色略微凝重,右手伸出,托着的琉璃灯盏忽地明亮。 Oneself are not the Moonlight Bodhisattva opponent, but some old mother expectations, let oneself bringing down immortal lamp early directly! 自己不是月光菩萨的对手,但老母早有预料,直接让自己带下这盏仙灯! At this moment, his ear bank resounded the heavy lion roar, the overlap, as if multi-thread simultaneous/uniform Si, vibrates the lights layer upon layer, sways the mind. 就在这时,他耳畔响起了沉重狮吼,层层交叠,仿佛多头齐嘶,震动灯火,摇晃心灵。 Grand Saint of Nine Spirits?” Apostle Zhang Deng looks all around about, inexplicable alarmed and afraid. 九灵元圣?”掌灯神使环顾左右,莫名惊惧。 Was Blue Emperor more sober, sending out Grand Saint of Nine Spirits to repay a debt of gratitude? 青帝愈清醒,派出九灵元圣来报恩了? _ Grand Saint of Nine Spirits fearful, Blue Emperor fearful! 九灵元圣可怕,青帝更加可怕! He stands before Jade Void Palace, the complexion fluctuated, finally heaved a deep sigh, turns around to depart. 他站在玉虚宫前,脸色变幻了一下,终于长叹一声,转身离去。 Blue Emperor already calculates that situated in Pāramitā and Creator (good fortune), the back also has Heavenly Lord of the Way and the Virtue, the old mother does not plan is really normal. 青帝已经算介于彼岸造化之间,背后又有道德天尊,老母算计不到实属正常。 In Jade Void Palace, the peaceful room is dark, the Meng Qi body say/way figure is clear on Monday, is in the homing. 玉虚宫内,静室幽暗,孟奇身周一道道身影清晰,正在归位。 Has monk monk, there is Innate Spiritual God that the appearance varies. 有和尚僧人,也有形貌各异的先天神灵 In Shaolin Temple, Xuan Bei calmly is repairing to Buddha Ancestor, the both sides are holding the fist in the other hand Kasyapa and Shaolin Source of Inheritance Ānanda. 少林寺里,玄悲正对佛祖静修,两侧是抱拳的迦叶少林传承之源阿难 Because Ānanda becomes the relations of Demon Buddha, Xuan Bei reduced together with the abbot slowly to his ritual respect, but to knock the Shaolin monks' heart, this process proceeds in an orderly way, now also remains in Main Hall this. 因为阿难成为魔佛的关系,玄悲连同方丈慢慢减少了对他的礼敬,但为了动摇少林僧众之心,这个过程循序渐进,如今还剩大雄宝殿内这尊。 Suddenly, the Xuan Bei ear bank resounded the Buddha sound Zen to sing, the eye opened suddenly, seeing the Ānanda statue to tremble gently, in the eye flowed out two lines of clear teardrops. 忽然,玄悲耳畔响起了佛音禅唱,眼睛猛然睁开,看见阿难雕像轻轻震颤,眼中流出了两行晶莹泪珠。 Buddha also has the tears, the charitable disposition confession! 佛也有泪,善念忏悔! Witnesses this, the Xuan Bei mind suddenly bright, many years sweep away puzzled, have good have the wickedness, have wickedly have the good, searching the pure ultimate good are Evil Path. 目睹这一幕,玄悲心灵忽地剔透,多年困惑一扫而空,有善也有恶,有恶也有善,寻觅纯粹至善乃是邪道 He closes the eye, within the body emits the colored glaze fire, forges Golden Body, concise Ksitigarbha. 他闭上眼睛,体内冒出朵朵琉璃火,锻造金身,凝练地藏 Profound Entrance has the regret, even the Nirvana, still treads finally this step after difficult and sensibility. 玄关有悔,即使涅槃,也是历经艰辛和感悟才终于踏出这一步。 In many universes, Ānanda and Creation God spirit statue simultaneously in temple in Dao Monastery Buddhist Hall shivers, such as life, making one look askance, phantom of Meng Qi body week integrates one after another, reaches below arrived legend his my limit 999, 70% imitate Ānanda his I, 30% absorb the Primordial Beginning projection. 在不少宇宙内,佛堂中的阿难与神庙道观内的创世神灵雕像齐齐颤动,如生灵性,让人侧目,孟奇身周的虚影接二连三融入,达到了传说以下的他我极限九百九十九个,70%模仿阿难他我,30%吸纳元始投影。 The quantitative change arrived end is the qualitative change, but Meng Qi opened the eye, always almost, oneself understand that I for me am the natural disposition really such as, but how to compare thoroughly this point, a window paper.( To be continued.) 量变到了尽头便是质变,但孟奇睁开了眼睛,始终还是差一点,自己明白“我之为我”是本性真如,但怎么勘透这一点,还有一层窗户纸。(未完待续。)
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