WORIOA :: Volume #6

#224: Brand-new „battlefield”

Legend, has arranged Heaven List not to have the significance again, should we be converted to Luoism?” “传说已出,再排天榜毫无意义,我们是不是该改信罗教了?” Issues this post person nickname Anonymous Insider, he uses a deep remorse also to question that the tone said: Recently a half year, Monster Clan attacked the western boundary again and again, initially the fashion has Heaven Beyond Divine Sword and Mister Lu Da take action stops, but was all separated the spatial contamination attack by the inexplicable aura, is injured the retreat, arrived this time, does not have Righteous Path Dharma Body to act, regardless of now the emperor or Kunlun Mountain Jade Void Palace that has not appeared.” 发出这张帖子的人昵称“不具姓名的知情者”,他用一种沉痛又质疑地语气说道:“最近半年,妖族三番五次侵袭西境,初时尚有天外神剑陆大先生出手阻拦,可皆被莫名气息隔空沾染袭击,受伤退去,到了这一次,更是没有一位正道法身出面,无论当今天子还是昆仑山玉虚宫那位都未曾出现。” These situations, we have known, when Monster Clan threatens the border is not difficult to guess, the enemy of this facing perhaps is Monster Clan Great Saint, possibly was the antiquity remains, possibly was the current breakthrough, in brief, the origin was unimportant, more importantly we must facing legend Great Saint, what especially was fearful, at first, this legend Great Saint perhaps also had the hidden danger, without direct take action, merely was the aura invasion, but expert that now, Heaven List is the top position does not dare to stop, this fully explained that Its regression was complete, hid in the Monster Clan army, therefore west a boundary deathly stillness, had nothing Dharma Body to appear., Arrives until Luoism Apostle.” “这些情况,我们早已知晓,在妖族压境时不难有所猜测,这次面对的敌人恐怕是妖族大圣,可能是上古残留,也可能是当前突破,总之,来历并不重要,重要的是我们需面对传说大圣了,尤其可怕的是,最初之时,这位传说大圣或许还身有隐患,没有直接出手,仅仅是气息侵染,而现在,天榜排名前列的高人都不敢阻拦,这足以说明祂复归圆满,就潜藏在刚才的妖族大军里,于是西境一片死寂,无有法身出现,直到罗教神使降临。” „The disparity of Heavenly Immortal and legend big, believes that everyone from spreading some until now ancient times ancient books had understood, various are only, the essence transforms, did not chat, the Heavenly Immortal population were many, without corresponding Peerless Divine Armament and formation, cannot shake the legend slightest.” 天仙与传说的差距有多大,相信各位从流传至今的部分古代典籍里有所了解,诸界唯一,本质蜕变,绝非说笑,天仙人数再多,没有对应绝世神兵大阵,根本撼动不了传说分毫。” In this case, arranges Heaven List not to have the significance again, in front of legend Great Saint, expert in those our eye are the ants moths, being divided first is second also useful?” “这种情况下,再排天榜毫无意义,传说大圣面前,那些我们眼中的高人不过是蝼蚁飞蛾,分个第一第二又有什么用?” However can resist Monster Clan Great Saint, believes that everyone already sees, is Luoism Apostle, is the same legend Supreme!” “而能够抵御妖族大圣的,相信各位都已经看到,是罗教神使,是同样的传说大能!” Luoism uses Human Clan as the foundation, gives the life finally the peaceful home to return, in the deliberation hall is the archenemy, and others also had what fault in me? Once believes in Neverborn Matriarch, not only can obtain blessing of legend Apostle, avoids the Monster Clan unexpected calamity, moreover after dying exists forever, must be glad to True Emptiness Hometown extremely, needs to pay believes merely, does not affect the family relationship, does not affect the wife and children to be harmonious, does not affect the Jiang Hu friendship, like believing in Sovereign of Heaven Queen of the Earth.” 罗教人族为根基,给予生灵最终安宁的归宿,于朝堂是大敌,于我等又有何坏处?一旦信奉无生老母,不只能得到传说神使的庇佑,免遭妖族横祸,而且死后长存,得极乐于真空家乡,需要付出的仅仅是信仰,不影响家族关系,不影响妻儿和睦,不影响江湖交情,就像信奉皇天后土。” This post reply few, said either building master eats to drink, Six Doors already set off arrests the Evil Cult sorcerer, either pretend laughs, word post will be deleted quickly, is seemingly laughing, fills with the cheerful atmosphere, may relate the matter of west boundary, actually particularly unusual and satire. 这个帖子回复者寥寥,要么说楼主吃好喝好,六扇门已经出发缉拿邪教妖人,要么故作大笑,言这个帖子很快就会被删除,看起来嘻嘻哈哈,充满欢快的气氛,可联系到西境之事,却分外的反常和讽刺。 With this contrast, browsing of post really numerous, is silent is fermenting certain changes. 与此对比,帖子的浏览者甚众,沉默里酝酿着某些变化。 Less than the quarter of an hour, the forecast of message was verified, this post deletion, traceless, but silent for a long time Myriad Worlds Communication World major forums suddenly again active, flooded to fill similarly experienced the Monster Clan invasion I one day that is unable to go to sleep in the west boundary and other posts, is describing then status, is quarrelling various details, where almost arrived at to see this matter. 不到一刻钟,留言的预测被印证了,这个帖子惨遭删除,了无痕迹,但沉默了许久的万界通识天地各大论坛忽地重新活跃,充斥满了类似“亲历妖族入侵”“我在西境无法入眠的一日”等帖子,描述着当时的状态,争吵着各种细节,几乎走到哪里都能看到这件事情。 Some people have a lingering fear to recall: At that time Monster Clan had not approached, the entire city everyone is inexplicable the fear, the weak one in the place, the powerhouse is weak trembling, Half-Step Dharma Body keeps silent it is said that is hard to revolve True Essence, can only wait for death.” 有人心有余悸回忆着:“当时妖族尚未来临,整个城池所有人却莫名恐惧,弱者瘫软在地,强者战战兢兢,就连半步法身据说都噤若寒蝉,难以运转自身真元,只能等死。” Where has this matter? Hasn't Monster Clan appeared frightens you to be scared shitless? Own courage short separation depends on Monster Clan!” Some people refuted. “哪有这种事情?妖族尚未出现就吓得你们屁滚尿流了?自己胆子小别赖妖族!”有人反驳道。 Some people argued strongly based on reason: Being surprised due to ignorance, this is the terrifying of legend! Even if they have not arrived, merely is to the goal rotation not good thought and not covering up, creates similar effect sufficiently, when like the serious disaster will soon approach, sense keen will often have well did not respond, for example palpitation heavy, this is a premonition of instinct, the evil intention that the legend Supreme not good thought to bring can enlarge hundred times of thousand times this!” 有人则据理力争:“少见多怪,这是传说的恐怖!祂们哪怕没有降临,仅仅是对目标转动不好念头并不加掩饰,就足以造成类似效果,就像重大灾难即将来临时,感官敏锐者往往会有不好反应,比如心悸沉重等,这是一种本能的预感,传说大能不好念头带来的恶意能将此放大百倍千倍!” Did not argue good, once argued, the legend Supreme tyrannical terrifying more said was mysterious, dreaded completely, in entire Myriad Worlds Communication World is filling the atmosphere of blowing up for rain. 不争论还好,一旦争论,传说大能的强横恐怖就越说越是玄乎,让人满是畏惧,整个万界通识天地内弥漫着山雨欲来风满楼的气氛。 Great Zhou, Changle, Six Doors headquarters. 大周,长乐,六扇门总部。 divine constable and corresponding responsible Golden Badge Constable gather in front of chief constable Sima Shi, looks dignified, a silence. 诸位神捕和相应负责的金章捕头聚集在总捕头司马石面前,神情凝重,一片沉默。 „The Luoism sorcerer seizing the chance disaster will of the people, do you have what means handling?” Sima Shi rubbed the frontal eminence, after the card results in Dharma Body, he has been high-spirited, but recently a half year, a person's appearance reflects what is in their heart, as if old several years old, badly battered. 罗教妖人趁机祸乱人心,你们有何办法处置?”司马石揉了揉额角,证得法身后,他一直颇为意气风发,但最近半年,相由心生,似乎老了好几岁,焦头烂额。 A Golden Badge Constable sinking sound said: ** The title, does not permit to discuss again the matter of western boundary, does not permit to reconsider to discuss the energy of legend, does not permit to mention Luoism and Monster Clan again!” 一位金章捕头沉声道:“**封号,不准再讨论西境之事,不准再议论传说之能,不准再提及罗教妖族!” Right, presses most in a short time this matter, does not create the scared spread.” Veteran Flying Dragon Divine Constable Zhao Mingche approves Fellow Daoist. “对,最短时间内将这件事情压下去,不造成恐慌的蔓延。”老资格的飞龙神捕赵明澈赞同道 Flustered, truth will out, matter already erupts, is only thinking presses to fear does not have the use, only if can block the mouth of long all living things, can seal Myriad Worlds Communication Talisman all users, otherwise they can use the code name greatly with the code exchange, when like speaking your majesty malicious remarks, no one direct word today's emperor, will be alive Human Sovereign, but replaces with old 12, Great Sun, keeps pace with the times, frequently changes, can you seal?” divine constable of new promotion spoke immediately the rebuttal, he was quite young, seems like along with one generation that Myriad Worlds Communication World grew. “人心惶惶,纸包不住火,事情已经爆发,光想着压下去怕是没有用处,除非能堵得住悠悠众生之口,能封得掉万界通识符所有用户,否则他们大可以用代号用密语交流,就像说陛下坏话时,谁也不会直接言当今天子、在世人皇,而是用老十二、大日来代替,与时俱进,常常变化,你们封得过来吗?”一位新晋升的神捕当即出言反驳,他颇为年轻,似乎是伴随着万界通识天地成长起来的一代。 Ten years of time, makes natural talent good from enter Exterior Scenery to becoming Grandmaster sufficiently initially. 十年时光,足以让天资不错者从初入外景到成为宗师 Old 12? Great Sun?” divine constable tall respectful has doubts to ask, his age is large, is extremely high in the Changle's Gao Clan rank, is only restricted in the telephone conversation contact to the application of Myriad Worlds Communication Talisman, too does not understand the forum terminology. “老十二?大日?”神捕高恭疑惑问道,他年纪颇大,在长乐高氏辈分极高,对万界通识符的应用仅限于通话联络,不太理解论坛用语。 Sima Shi is pressing the frontal eminence, said with a smile slightly: Your majesty is Great Zhou 12 th generation of emperors, therefore is called 12 old, Great Sun came from some strange books that Myriad Worlds Trade City sells, inside has to mention binary star that Great Sun and blackhole compose, therefore there are your majesty of Shining World Two Stars title to be called Great Sun, the correspondence, Devil Master Han Guang was blackhole.” 司马石按着额角,微微笑道:“陛下是大周第十二代天子,故而被称作老十二,大日则来自于万界商城售卖的某本奇怪书籍,里面有提到大日混洞组成的双星系统,于是有耀世双星称号的陛下又被叫做大日了,对应的,魔师韩广则是混洞。” As Six Doors chief constable, the responsibility is, his condition not unfamiliar to Myriad Worlds Communication World. 身为六扇门总捕头,职责所在,他对万界通识天地的状况并不陌生 This.” tall respectful has not talked too much, knits the brows to nod the head said, such being the case, truly cannot seal up easily, but this matter, once completes the fermentation, then the Great Zhou foundation vacillates!” “这样啊。”高恭没有多言,皱眉颔首道,“既然如此,确实不容易封得住,但这件事情一旦完成发酵,则大周根基动摇啊!” The will of the people completely loses! 人心尽失! One had only known, Monster Clan intruded on the western boundary initially, after the wound to Mister Lu Da and Heaven Beyond Divine Sword, should interrupt the Myriad Worlds Communication Bead service of western boundary, will not in a terrified way fill entire Myriad Worlds Communication World!” At first proposed ** Golden Badge Constable of title sighs with regret. “早知如此,当初妖族进犯西境,伤到陆大先生天外神剑后,就应该中断西境的万界通识球服务,不将惶恐弥漫整个万界通识天地!”最初提议**封号的金章捕头扼腕叹息。 Sima Shi lets loose the frontal eminence, wielded the right hand: Myriad Worlds Communication World is the novel thing, everyone is inexperienced, makes mistakes to be unavoidable, at that time the old man has not thought scared will spread at such a rate, what is more important, must seal the Myriad Worlds Communication Bead service of entire west boundary, is not our Six Doors can take responsibility, even if your majesty cannot, only be able the old man to go to Kunlun Mountain Jade Void Palace to pay a visit Primordial Sovereign personally.” 司马石放开额角,挥了挥右手:“万界通识天地是新奇事物,大家经验不足,犯错在所难免,当时老夫也没想到恐慌会以这样的速度蔓延,更为重要的是,要封掉整个西境的万界通识球服务,不是我们六扇门可以做主的,哪怕陛下也不能,只能老夫亲自前往昆仑山玉虚宫拜见元皇。” Then, he stands up, shoulders both hands, paces back and forth, thinking said: Things have gotten to this point, can only make up as far as possible, sends people to contact with Luoism, clarifies their intentions, looked whether can form an alliance, even if eats the point to owe also indifferently, so long as can maintain, wins more time for your majesty, two control the opinion in Myriad Worlds Communication World, only need delete to anxious to stir up trouble with too some posts of create alarm atmosphere, making our people post to argue, also has legend Supreme surviving toward Human Clan the center of gravity, will soon return assists above Human Sovereign to guide......” 然后,他站起身,背负双手,来回踱步,边思索边说道:“事已至此,只能尽量弥补了,一则派人与罗教接触,弄清楚他们的意图,看是否可以结盟,哪怕吃点亏也无所谓,只要能维持下去,为陛下争取到更多的时间,二则控制万界通识天地内的言论,只需删除掉太唯恐天下不乱和太制造恐慌气氛的部分帖子,让我们的人多发帖多争论,将重心往人族也有传说大能残存,即将归来襄助人皇之上引导……” Sima Shi with knowing extremely well Myriad Worlds Communication World a small number of divine constable golds section Men discussed that in similar case plan, now tells, confident, alleviated the Six Doors terrified enormously. 司马石早就与熟稔万界通识天地的少数神捕章们商议出类似情况下的预案,如今娓娓道来,胸有成竹,极大缓解了六扇门内部的惶恐。 After completing the arrangement, there is divine constable unable to bear open the mouth to ask: „Does chief constable, your majesty matter to the west boundary have what response? Kunlun Mountain that?” 做好布置后,有位神捕忍不住开口问道:“总捕头,陛下对西境之事有何反应?昆仑山那位呢?” Human Sovereign and Primordial Sovereign have made an appearance young, the matter of this Monster Clan has not alarmed them, no one does not want to know their recent situations their idea. 人皇元皇已多年少有露面,此次妖族之事都未曾惊动他们,没有人不想知道他们的近况他们的想法。 Sima Shi hesitated evil ways: Your majesty colludes ten thousand to be smooth, had attracted his me much ‚’, developed many Human Dao paradises, therefore the western boundary vibrates, does not see the strength of all living things to reduce, instead constantly increases, but legend Supreme, even antiquity Mythological Era, has several, when your majesty can break through is very difficult to say.” 司马石沉吟了一下道:“陛下勾连万界顺利,已是吸纳了不少‘他我’,开拓了诸多人道乐土,故而西境震动,也不见众生之力减少,反而日益增多,但传说大能,即使上古神话时代,亦是有数,陛下什么时候能够突破很难讲。” As for Jade Void Palace that several years ago has the praise of all previous most Heavenly Immortal, now more than three years in the past, further possibly big, but the legend difficult is not so easy to overcome, looking from Monster Clan attack take action, perhaps he also missed final key one step.” “至于玉虚宫那位,几年前就有历代最天仙的赞誉,如今三年多过去,再进一步的可能不小,但传说之艰难绝非那么容易克服,从妖族来袭也未出手看,他或许还差了最后的关键一步。” Unclear my for me, absorbed his I again many, is unable to complete the qualitative change truly. 不明“我之为我”,吸纳的“他我”再多,也无法真正完成质变。 Listened to the Sima Shi words, divine constable golds section Men to fall into silent, Heaven Beyond Divine Sword Su Wuming also missed it is said the last step, was Human Clan new a legend so to be how difficult? 听着司马石的话语,神捕章们陷入了沉默,“天外神剑苏无名据说也是差了最后一步,人族新出一位传说怎么就如此艰难? At this moment, they feel the palace deep place , if there is vibration, then at present a flower, sees Gao Lan that wore the profound Yellow Emperor robe, the thin lips were callous, delicate and pretty matchless. 就在这时,他们感觉宫殿深处如有震动,然后眼前一花,看见了身穿玄黄帝袍的高览,薄唇冷酷,俊美无俦。 See your majesty!” Sima Shi and the others first are one startled, at once salutes, does the heart have the inexplicable anticipation, don't tell me your majesty breaks through the legend mountain pass? “参见陛下!”司马石等人先是一惊,旋即行礼,心头有着莫名期待,难道陛下突破传说关隘了? Gao Lan slightly nod, shoulders both hands saying: Human affairs is difficult to predict, if gives Us again ten years of time, returns to legend Supreme one after another, the node of change of the seasons, the breakthrough is not in the mirror in the flowered water the moon/month, matter that but We can want to obtain, how the great people cannot think, therefore Neverborn Matriarch executes the skilled artist continually, first is to make Juan Lian Apostle return ahead of time, now also has awakens of other Apostle, Monster Clan is also unwilling to fall behind, ahead of time emitted remaining Great Saint.” 高览微微点头,背负双手道:“世事难料,若再给朕十年时光,到传说大能纷纷回归,斗转星移的节点,突破并不是镜中花水中月,但朕能想得到的事情,大人物们又如何想不到,于是无生老母连施妙手,先是让卷帘神使提前回归,如今又有其余神使的苏醒,妖族同样不甘落后,提前放出了残余的大圣。” He and Meng Qi communicates ceaselessly, there is Human Sovereign Sword to enemy induction, has the clear understanding of the current situation. 他与孟奇沟通不辍,又有人皇剑对“敌人”的感应,对当前局势有着清晰的认识。 Sima Shi and the others heard look at each other in dismay, never expected that Monster Clan and Luoism legend Supreme incessantly! 司马石等人听得面面相觑,没想到妖族罗教的传说大能不止一位! Gao Lan said quietly: World where has the problem-free matter? Where has always carves with the development of intention? We am prepared early, therefore goes out ahead of time.” 高览沉静说道:“世间哪有一帆风顺之事?哪有总是锲和自身心意的发展?朕对此早有准备,故而提前出关。” His both hands extend the arrived front, were many pale gold/metal long swords as well as several pages dazzles hidden Golden Book, holds up the head to shout proudly: 他双手伸到了前方,多了一口淡金长剑以及几页眩光暗藏的金书,昂首傲然喝道: Human Sovereign lost clan where!” 人皇遗族何在!” The long sword bursts out gold/metal, shoots at the upper air, penetrates Yun Xiao(Cloud Firmament), enters the universe deep place, arrived in a huge star. 长剑迸发金芒,射向高空,穿透云霄,直入宇宙深处,抵达了一颗庞大的星球。 Human Sovereign lost clan destroyed in chaotic of Demon Buddha, but there is a prompt of Gao Lan, cicada sheds its shell, moves the Reality World universe deep place, for tens of thousands years inherit unceasingly, the powerhouse pours forth, protects the secret that Human Sovereign is leaving behind, had not interfered with Reality World, now accumulates deeply, limits to let loose after the world, is more fearful. 人皇遗族本来毁于魔佛之乱,但有了高览的提示,金蝉脱壳,远迁真实界宇宙深处,几万年来传承不绝,强者辈出,守护着人皇遗留的秘密,一直未曾干涉真实界,如今积累深厚,在天地限制放开后,更加可怕。
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