WORIOA :: Volume #6

#223: practice is always lonely

„After Great Saint Who Pacifies the Heaven Bull Demon King, in large cave/hole that Golden Cudgel leaves behind departed a length and thick shadow, circles upward, almost withstands this pure lands the heaven, all around fills moist water intent instantaneously, as if changes to the vast deep place, forms world of the water. Wants? 平天大圣牛魔王之后,金箍棒留下的大洞内又飞出了一道长而粗的黑影,盘旋往上,几乎顶住这片净土的苍天,四周瞬间弥漫潮湿水意,似乎化作汪洋深处,形成一处水之世界。要? Great Saint Who Overturns the Sea!” The small fox Qing Qiu(azure mound) body trembles slightly, turns over to be excited along with Great Saint one by one that own childhood grows for the legend. 覆海大圣!”小狐狸青丘身体微微颤栗,为神话传说伴随着自己幼年成长的大圣一一归而激动。 The hero in story appeared before oneself one after another! 故事里的英雄一个接一个出现在自己面前了! Hui Guang(glowing light) Fei Xiang and other Monster God the expressions are also similar, were many respect, was short proudly, vision Yun Han(contain) anticipated, is hoping the place of seal can go out of many Great Saint. 辉光非想妖神的表情亦是相仿,多了崇敬,少了自傲,目光蕴含期待,希望着封印之地能走出更多的大圣 Feels the water spray infiltration that the actual situation is interweaving, Meng Qi actually rotates other thought that Sea King Fu of Journey to the West world Eastern Sea deep place must reach, will soon step onto the flood dragon fresh peak, dominates various sea to be a cinch, the old Dragon King situation is worrying! 感受着虚实交织的水浪浸润,孟奇却转动着别的念头,西游世界东海深处的覆海王要达了,即将走上蛟生的巅峰,称霸诸海不在话下,老龙王的处境堪忧啊! However this boy excels in making the dragon, is adaptable to the situation, pours is also insufficient to mix too miserably, some loss properties, will be at most idle in the future, can only try hard to make the dragon and leads a befuddled life as if drunk or dreaming in Myriad Worlds Communication World, this anchor hits to enjoy tens of thousands Primordial Sovereign Coins, that type of market cargo buys piles in heaps. 不过这厮擅于做龙,能屈能伸,倒也不至于混得太惨,顶多损失些财物,日后无所事事,只能努力造龙和在万界通识天地里醉生梦死,这个主播打赏几万元皇币,那种商场货物买到成堆。 Circles to support the day the flood dragon body not to restrain, the great shadow howls to depart together, shoulders the heaven, skyrockets, almost crowded the Spirit Mountain peak sufficiently. 盘旋撑天的蛟龙身躯还未收敛,一道巨影呼啸飞出,背负苍天,扶摇直上,几乎充塞满了灵山峰顶。 Great Saint Who Confuses the Heaven!” In talking to oneself of several Monster God, a wing reduces in the eastern wing western Péng shadow instantaneously, changes to a bird person, is throwing over gold/metal robe the man, his mouth beak slightly check, state-of-art dark red near black, disperses ominous severe aura that several twentieth day of the fourth or fifth lunar month snakes are being, does not know that many this kind of life enters the Péng stomach miserably. 混天大圣!”几位妖神的自语里,一翼在东一翼西的鹏影瞬间缩小,化作鸟头人身,披着金袍的男子,他嘴喙微勾,尖端暗红近黑,散着几分龙蛇之属的凶厉气息,不知多少此类生灵惨入鹏肚。 Great Saint Who Confuses the Heaven the line of sight of Peng Demon King projects on arrived Tai Li directly, sinking sound opens the mouth: You are Five Elements Peacock.” 混天大圣鹏魔王的视线直接投射到了太离身上,沉声开口:“你是五行孔雀。” Yes.” Like Tai Li, facing deigning to inquire of Great Saint , is a little proudly trembling. “是。”骄傲如太离,面对一位大圣的垂询,亦有点战战兢兢。 The Peng Demon King right hand finds out in the sleeve, the expression becomes dignified, seemed strenuous pulled off something, this was five dim feathers, was divided into the scarlet azure yellowish white black five colors, each color radiance pasted, as if Yun Han(contain) nearly 9th Heavenly Layer uppermost layer world. Is the base of All Heavens, is ten thousand foundations, heavily to being inconceivable, even if Peng Demon King can shoulder the single layer true universe to hover. It is not able to wield it with ease. 鹏魔王右手探出袖中,表情变得凝重,似乎非常吃力才拖出了某件事物,这是五根朦朦胧胧的羽毛,分成赤青黄白黑五色,每一色都光华流转,仿佛蕴含着近乎九重天最上层的世界。是诸天之基,是万界之本,沉重到难以想象,即使鹏魔王能背负一重真正宇宙翱翔。也无法轻松挥动它。 Five Elements Divine Feather!” The Tai Li expression is suddenly excited, blurted out. 五行神羽!”太离表情忽然激动,脱口而出。 In years past Mahamayuri Kong Xuan running amuck antiquity, taken advantage is Five Elements Divine Feather of talent, was the era inaugurates five lines just immediately symbol, contains the Grand Dao mystery. The genuine nothing does not brush, cannot think that at this time appears in the Peng Demon King hand unexpectedly. 昔年“孔雀大明王孔宣横行上古,依仗的便是自身天赋的五行神羽,乃纪元初开五行刚立时的象征,蕴藏着大道奥秘。真正的无物不刷,想不到此时竟出现于鹏魔王手中。 The Meng Qi thought just transferred, hears Peng Demon King saying: „Before peacock Vidyārāja died during meditation, slips off these five tail feathers, lets first Five Elements Peacock that this/Ben Great Saint gives to meet.” 孟奇念头刚转,就听闻鹏魔王说道:“孔雀明王坐化前褪下这五根尾羽,让本大圣交给遇见的第一只五行孔雀。” Kong Xuan died during meditation? 孔宣坐化了? How many Kong Xuan under Pāramitā could be called forefront fall from the sky in Spirit Mountain? 彼岸之下堪称最前面几位的孔宣陨落于灵山了? Tai Li this received the bloodlines inheritance of Kong Xuan thoroughly? 太离这算是彻底接过了孔宣的血脉传承? He the future will be limitless in the future 他日后前途不可限量 The shock sighed to sigh, the Meng Qi aura slightly lost control, experiences the obvious fluctuation, immediately brought in detection of Bull Demon King, Flood Dragon Demon King and Peng Demon King. 震惊喟叹中,孟奇气息略失控,出现明显波动,顿时引来了牛魔王蛟魔王鹏魔王的察觉。 Human Clan?” The Bull Demon King jar sound jar air/Qi looked. “一个人族?”牛魔王瓮声瓮气望了过来。 Dynasty break free, he is happy, smug, determined after has not induced to the danger . Simply has not paid attention to the surrounding special details, Meng Qi's exists until this time presently. 一朝脱困,他正心情舒畅,踌躇满志,确定没感应到危险后。根本没注意周围的具体情况,直到此时才现孟奇的存在。 Can with the vision projection that the essence described, just like a side world, several Great Saint eyes put the god heavily light/only, is gazing at small Human Clan, was far from evil intent or the good intention, because Heavenly Immortal Human Clan does not need to pay attention to and match the corresponding mood. 一道道能用实质来描述的目光投射,沉重宛若一方世界,几位大圣眼放神光,注视着小小的人族,谈不上歹意还是好意,因为才天仙人族无需重视和匹配对应情绪。 Feeling that some Meng Qi surrounding void coagulations oppress, as if in all directions is the mountain peak, must clamp the muddy flesh oneself. 孟奇顿有周围虚空凝固又压迫的感觉,似乎四面八方皆是山峰,要将自己夹成肉泥。 Zheng! 铮! His long blade receives suddenly, before slanting direction . The verve overbearing aura gushes out, serving as contrast figure as if suddenly is big, the faint trace electric light is defeating darkly, is destroying mountain peak. 他长刀忽地收,斜指向前。刚猛霸道的气息喷薄而出,衬托得身影仿佛陡然高大,丝丝电光击破着幽暗,打碎着“山峰”。 Bang! 砰! The blade read the line of sight collisions with several Great Saint. Blasts out thunder that contains universe heavenly abode, lives to extinguish, can see inside nebula to become Zhi, Milky Way is radiant. 刀念与几位大圣的视线碰撞。炸开一道道蕴藏着宇宙洞天的雷霆,生灭之间,能见里面星云成织,银河璀璨。 Facing the inner qi probes of several Great Saint, Meng Qi holds Extreme Blade, can half-step not draw back unexpectedly! 面对几位大圣气机试探,孟奇手执绝刀,竟能半步不退! This is Great Saint in legend story! 这可是传说故事里的大圣 Well?” Flood Dragon Demon King makes noise lowly. The imposing manner condenses, as if wanted to be earnest. “咦?”蛟魔王低低出声。气势凝聚,似乎要认真起来了。 At this moment, small fox Qing Qiu(azure mound) selects Monster Saint Spear, the invisible flame changes to the barrier, kept off in Meng Qi before several Great Saint, the sound swung all around: Headmaster Su is helps, several Great Saint must impulse not.” 就在这时,小狐狸青丘一挑妖圣枪,无形火焰化作屏障,挡在了孟奇与几位大圣之前,声音荡四周:“苏掌教是来助拳的,几位大圣莫要冲动。” Sees that Phoenix Wing Black Golden Spear, felt that familiar aura, several Great Saint immediately shifted the attention, simultaneously made noise: 一看到那柄凤翅黑金枪,感觉到熟悉的气息,几位大圣顿时转移了注意,齐齐出声: Monster Saint?” 妖圣?” Did Monster Saint pass away? Changed to this god spear/gun? 妖圣亡故了?化作了这柄神枪? Rumble! 轰隆隆! At this time, because Meng Qi drew a sword to resist Great Saint inner qi, the pure land that divided was shattered to rout by the earth-shattering rapidly, cuns (2.5 cm) disintegrated, the livelihood no longer, several Great Saint respective take action, reduced and solved the following numerous complementary waves luckily with ease. 这时,因为孟奇抽刀来抵御大圣们的气机,劈出的净土迅被天崩地裂般的破灭击溃了,寸寸瓦解,日月不复,幸好几位大圣各自出手,轻松化解了后续重重余波。 Suddenly, upper air luminous, illuminated thoroughly the nihility, probably the meteor fireball whip, has delimited Spirit Mountain, banged into the land. 忽然,高空一点光亮,照透了虚无,像是流星火球急坠而下,划过灵山,撞入大地。 Bang! 砰! Spirit Mountain sways fiercely, many rocks come down, was the deep fissure, outside the mountain above the land presents one unable to see the bottom pothole everywhere, bloomed is most not accommodating the otherness most purely the light. 灵山剧烈摇晃,诸多岩石崩落,处处是深深裂痕,山外大地之上出现了一个看不到底部的坑洞,绽放着最纯粹最不容他物的光。 Thick like supporting the gold/metal band iron rod of day of great mountain follows, infiltrated the pothole, brings the end terrifying earthquake again. 一根粗大如同撑天巨山的金箍铁棒跟随而下,打入了坑洞,再次带来末日般的恐怖地震。 Then, both as if punctured anything, the sound vanishes suddenly, where did not know. 然后,两者仿佛打穿了什么,动静忽地消失,不知去了何方。 Being disillusioned of Spirit Mountain also ceases, if there is a life to start to recover, to Buddha Ancestor occupy the pure land worthily in years past, in ten thousand Buddha with war of falling, in the Pāramitā Being very possible take action situation, as before surviving, where that collapses easily thoroughly? 灵山的破灭随之停息,如有自己生命般开始复原,不愧为昔年佛祖所居净土,在万佛同坠的大战里,在彼岸者很可能出手的情况下,依旧残存至今,哪里那么容易彻底崩溃的? Witnessed this condition, Meng Qi had at heart probably some assuredly, oneself expected really right, cannot swallow Kasyapa remains Supreme True Buddha was not the Great Sage Equal of Heaven opponent, but Great Sage Equal of Heaven must hold It or strikes to kill It is not the easy matter, did not raise his strangeness, the light can swallow Gautama Buddha this, exists will be glad to see It free and unfettered. 目睹这种状况,孟奇心里大概有了些笃定,自己所料果然没错,未能吞噬迦叶遗蜕的“无上真佛”不是齐天大圣的对手,但齐天大圣要抓住祂或者击杀祂绝不是容易的事情,不提祂本身的诡异,光是能吞噬佛陀这点,很多存在都会乐意看到祂“逍遥”。 When several Great Saint shock in Monster Saint died during meditation and diverts attention the fight of Great Sage Equal of Heaven and Supreme True Buddha, Qing Qiu(azure mound) hurries to Meng Qi saying: „The trip depends on Headmaster Su to assist, this complies with the good reward, but also please kindly accept.” 在几位大圣震惊于妖圣坐化并分心齐天大圣无上真佛的战斗时,青丘赶紧对孟奇道:“此行多赖苏掌教相助,这是答应好的酬劳,还请笑纳。” „The following matter did not trouble Headmaster Su, please depart as soon as possible.” “后续之事就不麻烦苏掌教了,请尽快离去。” She was urging Meng Qi leaves, because does not know that several Great Saint were sealed after Spirit Mountain is eternal, actually to Human Clan was what attitude, was friendly, was the blood food, was a foe. Therefore, in can shake in their situation temporarily, making Meng Qi be far away, so as to avoid appears does not change well. If several Great Saint get up comes, even if oneself grasp Monster Saint Spear, stop. 她催促着孟奇离开,因为不知道几位大圣被封于灵山万古后,对人族究竟是什么态度了,是友善,是血食,还是仇敌。所以,在暂时能震住他们的情况下,让孟奇远离,免得出现不好变化。要是几位大圣起蛮来,自己哪怕手持妖圣枪,也阻拦不住。 Her right hand five fingers disperse, a ray such as the rain departs, falls into the Meng Qi palm. In each ray in some different universes „the Ānanda projection the substantive characteristics of all previous reincarnation, making Meng Qi help imitate. 她右手五指撒开,点点光芒如雨飞出,落入孟奇掌心。每一点光芒内都有不同宇宙内“阿难投影”历次转世的实质特征,让孟奇便于仿照。 The wanted material succeeds in obtaining, Meng Qi not yearns for again, regrets in cannot face-to-face dialogue Great Sage Equal of Heaven merely. 想要的资料到手,孟奇再无留恋,仅仅惋惜于未能面对面对话齐天大圣 Swept several Great Saint, cave entrance that presently Golden Cudgel makes fills monster qi again, there is some Great Saint soon break free, but Luo Jia Fei Xiang wait/etc. were full of joyful and expectation, Meng Qi on sigh one, finally will look at Bodhi Wonder Tree is suppressing Five Fingers Mountain, will receive Netherworld's Skeleton. In the future one step, will withdraw from the summit, departs along the ruined mountain road fast. 扫了一眼几位大圣,现金箍棒打出的大洞口再次弥漫出妖气,又有某位大圣即将脱困,而落伽非想等充满了喜悦和期望,孟奇就叹息一声,最后望了望菩提妙树镇压着的五指山,收起黄泉骸骨。往后一步,退出山巅,沿着破败的山路飞快离去。 Here seal may not only be several Great Saint, sweeps away their Demon Buddha sufficiently, what a pity quiet in side, unmanned attention, does not dare to pay attention. 这里封印的可不仅仅是数位大圣,还有足以横扫他们的魔佛,可惜静悄悄在旁,无人关注,也不敢关注。 As for Kasyapa remains, he gives up sanely, if Supreme True Buddha got rid of the pursuit of Great Sage Equal of Heaven, oneself do have this thing is not to bring about own destruction? 至于迦叶遗蜕,他理智放弃,若“无上真佛”摆脱了齐天大圣的追击,自己身怀此物不是自寻死路吗? It only wait/etc. was interested in Gautama Buddha Bodhisattva and Arhat. Own Zhen Ding Tathagata is only divine ability manifestation, non- is real, without the Kasyapa remains situation, where It will look own half eyes? 祂只对佛陀菩萨罗汉等感兴趣。自己的“真定如来”则只是神通显化,非是真实,没有迦叶遗蜕的情况下,祂哪会多看自己半眼? Moreover. break free Great Saint by seal many years, although the injury recovers early, but will isolate with All Heavens Myriad Realms will fall into obviously the weak, short 35 years, the long ten years, can thoroughly restore. Un, Monster Emperor and Monster Saint Spear, although is helping itself as soon as possible the legend, but the premise is Monster Clan strength Daxing, suppresses the thought to fluctuate sufficiently, Meng Qi has not delayed, certain places hit 12 void slits directly, the rapidness have arrived at mountain foot, the leap already by towering cloud crossing that the complementary waves ruin, leaves Spirit Mountain, returns to Reality World Jade Void Palace. 另外。脱困大圣们被封印多年,虽然伤势早愈,但与诸天万界隔绝会明显陷入虚弱,短则三五年,长则十来年,才能彻底恢复。恩,妖皇妖圣枪虽然在帮助自己尽快传说,但前提是妖族力量大兴,足以压制住自己念头起伏间,孟奇没有耽搁,某些地方直接撞过一两道虚空缝隙,迅就到山脚,飞跃已然被余波毁掉的凌云渡,离开灵山,返真实界玉虚宫 Walks into the peaceful room, he sits cross-legged to sit down, a hand show/unfolds, a ray departs, the encirclement body, manifestation has the different Ānanda projection image, in the Clear Sky Mirror fragment with palm complements each other. 步入静室,他盘腿坐下,将手一展,点点光芒飞出,环绕身躯,显化出不同的阿难投影形象,与掌中的昊天镜碎片相得益彰。 Then, Meng Qi both eyes closes, ajar half whole. 然后,孟奇双眼闭上,半开半阖。 Also is full Shi is lonesome and quiet, practice is always lonely. 又是满室幽静,修行从来寂寞。 After more than three years, in True Emptiness Hometown, the Night Emperor Huo Lishang face fluctuated again and again, as if linked up the different region different status, had been through repeatedly the different lives, experienced the different pleasure. 三年多后,真空家乡之中,夜帝霍离殇面孔变幻连连,似乎贯通了不同地域不同身份,历经了不同人生,体验了不同乐趣。 Finally, all faces overlap, belong to Huo Lishang original. 最终,所有面孔重叠,归于霍离殇本来。 He opens the eye slowly, sighed: Thousand Faces Ten Thousand Lives Undergone Calamity Technique really can help the person obtain Legendary Characteristic ahead of time, but the danger is also unusual, loses incautiously insanely, forgot itself.” 他缓缓张开眼睛,叹息了一声:“千面万世历劫法果然能让人提前获得传说特征,但也危险异常,一不小心就迷失疯,忘了自己。” Had True Emptiness Hometown protecting and sustaining, oneself have passed through this pass/test reluctantly, goes a step further after ten years of time finally, became thought in the past needed dozens years to prove to result in Heavenly Immortal that. 有了“真空家乡”的护持,自己才勉强闯过这一关,历经十年时光总算更进一步,成为以往觉得要几十年才能证得的天仙 At this moment, the Night Emperor heart moves, looks to the True Emptiness Hometown deep place, there has boundless boundless stretches just like the universe aura little! 就在这时,夜帝心头一动,看向真空家乡深处,那里有磅礴无垠宛若宇宙的气息一点点舒展! Huo Lishang shows the joyful happy expression, cannot bear set out to look into the distance: 霍离殇露出欣喜笑意,忍不住起身眺望: Apostle started 6 to continue regains consciousness!” 神使们开始六续苏醒了!” In years past followed Neverborn Matriarch true Apostle soon returns, in 30 years all arrived! 昔年追随无生老母的真正神使即将一位位归来,三十年内全部降临! Western Region, the death desert, the black gravel covered entirely the land. 西域,死亡瀚海,黑色砂砾布满大地。 Suddenly, the beautiful scenery appears, overlaps with the black gravel, probably mirage, interlocks like two world, Monster Clan run out from paradise, under the monster cloud fills the air rushes to west Great Zhou the boundary. 忽然,青山绿水浮现,与黑色砂砾重叠,像是海市蜃楼,又如同两个世界交错,一位位妖族从“世外桃源”冲出,在妖云弥漫下涌向大周西境。 Great Saint already returns, does Human Clan have what fears it? 大圣已经归来,人族有何惧之? Now already had 2-3 Great Saint to restore 70-80% strengths, swept away this sufficiently! 如今已经有2-3位大圣恢复七八成实力了,足以横扫此界! Monster Clan sweeps across, the human in city rustlings to shake, Myriad Worlds Communication World various forum and a live broadcast dreariness, not seem to be able to believe in own eyes is most prosperous the happiest time is so frail. 妖族席卷,城池内的人类瑟瑟抖,万界通识天地的各处论坛和直播一片沉寂,似乎不敢相信自身眼中最鼎盛最美好的时代如此脆弱。 At this moment, the city front door opened, went out of big figure, is throwing over the grey robe, both eyes was pale and colorless, the aura did not unfold lets the person palpitation. 就在这时,城池大门打开,走出了一道高大的身影,披着灰袍,双眼淡而无色,气息不展却让人心悸。 He shouted loudly: I am Luoism Juan Lian Apostle, Monster Clan retreat.” 他高声喝道:“我乃罗教卷帘神使,妖族退去。” During the speeches, the aura suddenly, the probably innumerable galaxy rewind fiercely, press the desert not to see disturbance, will sweep across Monster Clan that comes to push the paradise directly completely. 说话间,气息猛地勃,像是无数星河倒卷,压得瀚海不见一丝风波,直接将席卷而来的妖族全部推了世外桃源。 Is the Human Clan legend!” That Monster God stunned of lead talked to oneself, hundred read thousand at heart, finally waved to withdraw troops, needs further consideration. “是人族传说!”领头的那位妖神愕然自语,心里百念千,终于挥手收兵,从长计议。 Sha Wujing behind, many human read aloud with one voice reads: 沙悟净身后,不少人类齐声诵念: Neverborn Matriarch, True Emptiness Hometown!” 无生老母,真空家乡!” After a little while, Myriad Worlds Communication World Jianghu Tea House presented a post, the topic is: 少顷,万界通识天地江湖茶楼出现了一张帖子,题目为: Legend, has arranged Heaven List not to have the significance again, should we be converted to Luoism?”( To be continued.) “传说已出,再排天榜毫无意义,我们是不是该改信罗教了?”(未完待续。)
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