WORIOA :: Volume #6

#215: Follows Primordial Sovereign to take risk

towering cloud crossing enters the water not to float, the wide foot eight li (0.5 km), to the person of physical body and mortal flesh are natural moats in the true sense, so long as arrived Exterior Scenery, can fly to escape, it will not be meaningful, enters Spirit Mountain not to mention now is below the legend the peak powerhouse, to it naturally regards, if the commonplace, then leapt with ease. 凌云渡入水不浮,宽足八里,对肉体凡胎之人是真正意义上的天堑,然而只要到了外景,能够飞遁,它将没有任何意义,更别提如今进入灵山的都是传说以下最顶尖的强者,对它自然视若等闲,轻松便跃了过去。 Meng Qi towed in finally, to push leaf of cloud Guan quietly, then has not shown one's self towering cloud crossing, formally entered Spirit Mountain. 孟奇拖在最后,悄然推了推扇云冠,接着不显山不露水过了凌云渡,正式进入灵山 After the strong winds when their figure by dark void, the proliferated crack and howl cover up, by towering cloud crossing the colored glaze flashes, outlines monk figure that a monk robe fine dust did not dye, Meng Qi by Incarnation that One Qi Becomes Three Purities divine ability branches out Zhen Ding Tathagata. 当他们的身影被幽暗的虚空,遍布的裂缝和呼啸的狂风遮掩之后,凌云渡旁琉璃一闪,勾勒出了一道僧袍纤尘不染的和尚身影,正是孟奇以“一气化三清神通分出的化身真定如来”。 Monk Zhen Ding compared with the past obviously pure, the shoes and socks do not dye the dust, the both eyes hidden colored glaze, even more Gautama Buddha is born probably. 和尚真定比起以往更显清净,鞋袜不染尘埃,双眼暗藏琉璃,愈发像是佛陀降世。 In Old Universe, Meng Qi takes arrived enough three Yun Han(contain) from the Reversed Buddha Cult hand Tathagata Divine Palm inheritance of true intent sariputra, respectively is Third Style picking flowers with a smile, sixth style Pure Land In The Palm and seventh type Salvation to All Living Things, all left behind from Demon Buddha, making this Tathagata Incarnation also complete much, promoted. 旧日宇宙,孟奇逆佛教手中拿到了足足三枚蕴含如来神掌真意传承舍利子,分别是第三式拈花一笑”,第六式掌中净土”和第七式“普度众生”,皆来自魔佛遗留,让这具如来化身又圆满了不少,提升了许多。 As for Tathagata Reverse Palm of correspondence Myriad Demons Chaotic Dance and Heaven and Earth Fall Together and Genocide, Meng Qi only as reference, the meaning of entire knowing oneself and other side, not practice. 至于对应的如来逆掌万魔乱舞”、“天地同坠”和“种族灭绝”,孟奇仅是作为参考,全知己知彼之意,未曾修炼 Zhen Ding Tathagata lives the lotus step by step, parades downward following towering cloud crossing. 真定如来步步生莲,顺着凌云渡往下游行去。 This river is billowing, does not know the outcome. 此河滚滚,不知所终。 ............ ………… The void to split open, Divine Wind sways, the black fog fills the air, the contamination is deep, shouts the sound frigidly or near or the far-transfer, lets Spirit Mountain just like the Nine Serenities hell, average man tiny step hard to pass. 虚空开裂,神风吹拂,黑雾弥漫,污秽深深,惨烈嘶吼声或近或远传来,让灵山宛如九幽地狱,常人寸步难行 But regardless of Meng Qi, Qing Qiu(azure mound) and Tai Li, is Hui Guang(glowing light), Luo Jia and Fei Xiang, is in God and Immortal the person, hits the void crack is also not necessarily able injured directly, goes easily and freely seriously along the road, quick then thorough Spirit Mountain, crossed broken buddhist temples. 但无论孟奇青丘太离,还是辉光落伽非想,都是神仙中人,直接撞到虚空裂缝也未必会受伤,当真沿路如履平地,很快便深入灵山,过了一座座残破佛刹。 Suddenly, a grain exudes colored glaze golden Buddha Bead breaking void to come, to hit to numerous position Monster God, it just like the star of reduction, is twining faint trace black qi, balances with the contamination pure exactly, once were broken by foreign object, will present the intense explosion, as if common Heavenly Immortal level divine armament is urged to send to the pinnacle, nearby the destruction all. 突然,一粒泛着琉璃金色的佛珠破空而来,打向众位妖神,它宛若缩小的恒星,缠绕着丝丝黑气,清净与污秽恰好平衡,一旦被外物打破,将出现激烈爆炸,仿佛常见的天仙神兵被催发到极致,毁灭附近所有。 Drags to watch critically in final Meng Qi, to measure several to the strength of Monster God. 拖在最后的孟奇冷眼旁观,以权衡几位至妖神的实力。 Sees with own eyes Buddha Bead, „Phoenix Monster God Hui Guang(glowing light) low snort/hum, the body week illusory Merit Virtue wing launched, upward, formed 30 tertiary Exquisite Treasured Pagoda piece by piece, it all over the body golden yellow, indestructible, and hangs an evil ways yellow and black, changes coils around True Dragon. 眼见佛珠将至,“妖神辉光低哼了一声,身周虚幻的功德羽翼展开,片片往上,汇成了一尊三十三重玲珑宝塔,其通体金黄,坚不可摧,并垂下道道玄黄,化作盘绕真龙 ! 噗! Buddha Bead hits the pagoda, ripples, motionless slightest, from this however the explosion quilt strip Black and Yellow True Dragon package that comes swallows, cannot cause any destruction. 佛珠打中宝塔,一阵涟漪,不动分毫,由此而来的爆炸则被条条玄黄真龙包裹吞噬,未能造成任何破坏。 Merit Virtue adds the body, ten thousand evil does not invade! 功德加身,万邪不侵! Top of the head Dao of Karmic Virtue manifestation Heaven, Earth, Black and Yellow Exquisite Treasured Pagoda, Hui Guang(glowing light) treads the previous step, comes to arrived nearby declining buddhist temple, there has grayish white death qi and contamination black fog winding Golden Body Bodhisattva, the face that the mercy pities is reappearing fiercely, in the hand one skewer of aura exceeded its main body tyrannicalally Buddha Bead only remaining several. 头顶功德之道显化天地玄黄玲珑宝塔,辉光踏前一步,来到了旁边的破落佛刹,那里有一尊灰白死气与污秽黑雾缠绕的金身菩萨,慈悲怜悯的面孔浮现着狰狞,手中一串气息强横胜过它本尊的佛珠只残余几颗了。 The Hui Guang(glowing light) right hand opens, as if spreads the wings, in five fingers is stuffing the invisible flame, a palm falls, pats above hand imprint that in that Bodhisattva resisted. 辉光右手张开,仿佛展翅,五根指头之间充塞着无形火焰,一掌落下,拍在了那菩萨抵挡的手印之上。 The flame spurts thinly, is hard to extinguish, fired the transparent colored glaze this Bodhisattva zombie rapidly. 火焰喷薄,难以熄灭,迅速将这具菩萨僵尸烧成了透明琉璃。 Colored glaze collapsing, the golden light bursts out, has bright Śarīra. 琉璃坍缩,金光迸发,结出一枚剔透舍利 Hui Guang(glowing light) absorbs baseless, receives Śarīra and remaining Buddha Bead, does not return said: 辉光凭空一摄,将舍利与残余佛珠收起,头也不回道: Walks!” “走!” The entire process, her footsteps have not stopped, as if has led the way, patted a fly conveniently. 整个过程,她脚步未曾停顿,仿佛只是一直前行,顺手拍死了一只苍蝇罢了。 Only misses a phoenix of step legend worthily.” Meng Qi slightly nod, is making the competent soy sauce party, then at heart is rotating the strange idea. “不愧是只差一步传说的凤凰。”孟奇微微点头,做着称职的酱油党,心里则转动着诡异的想法。 At this time, oneself should pull out Myriad Worlds Communication Talisman, completed a grade of direct broadcast program as anchor, the name is: Follows Primordial Sovereign to take risk or I and Monster God rushes to Spirit Mountain, believes that affirms greatly popular. 这个时候,自己应该掏出万界通识符,以主播的身份完成一档直播节目,名字就叫做:“跟着元皇去冒险”或者“我与妖神灵山”,相信肯定大受欢迎。 The only issue is, Spirit Mountain and outside world isolate, have no way according to the karma transmission news , can only think...... 唯一的问题在于,灵山与外界隔绝,没法根据因果传递消息,也就只能想想…… Dashes along the mountain road, along the way many Arhat and Bodhisattva zombie, by the Hui Guang(glowing light) destruction, was fired sariputra conveniently. 沿着山路飞奔,沿途不少罗汉菩萨的僵尸,都被辉光随手覆灭,烧成了舍利子 Must tour a mountain peak shortly, in the side dirt fog prudent blackness kicks out the rotten goat that death qi wound around suddenly, the strength terrifying, baleful aura is full, probably Evil God from Nine Serenities. 眼看就要转过一处山峰,旁边污雾慎重的漆黑里忽地扑出了一头死气缭绕的腐烂山羊,力量恐怖,煞气十足,像是来自九幽邪神 This is one attacks Spirit Mountain to Monster God, by the Nine Serenities demon qi dead intent invasion, the feeling of somewhat heavy life wisdom, was been unexpectedly terrorist. 这是一只攻上灵山的至妖神,被九幽般的魔气死意侵染,竟有几分重生灵智之感,非常恐怖。 Qilin Monster God Luo Jia looked at this goat one lightly, the body week five-colors god splendor burst out, concentrates a plain plain token, the destiny the bell, the command world, the great distance was extremely obviously near, rotten Monster God is not always actually able to hit he, among as if both sides has the irreparable distance. 麒麟妖神落伽淡淡看了这头山羊一眼,身周五彩神辉迸发,凝成了一面古朴无华的令牌,气运所钟,号令天地,明明相隔极近,腐烂的妖神却总是无法打中他,似乎双方之间有着无法弥补的距离。 Then in the Luo Jia pupil projected two pure white light. 然后落伽眸子里射出了两道纯白之光。 A ray photo, baleful aura dissipates, the contamination removes, the goat limbs disintegrated, turned into the blood mud. 光芒一照,煞气消散,污秽褪去,山羊肢体瓦解,变成了血泥。 Worthily is destiny divine beast, Evil Breaking Dao Light is also quite out of the ordinary.” Meng Qi inwardly praised, surrounding the stance is strong. “不愧是气运神兽,‘破邪道光’也是相当不凡。”孟奇暗自赞道,围观姿态非常强势。 The team non-stop , to continue to proceed, saw with own eyes that Hui Guang(glowing light) and Luo Jia show off, is not willing to fall leeward Fei Xiang to speed up escaping fast, snatched in the front, met Arhat Bodhisattva and Monster God Monster King zombie, one made into the fragment powder by him sincerely, or ripped two sections directly, threw into the void slit, met no resistance seriously, sweeps away all obstacles. 队伍不停,继续往前,眼见辉光落伽都出了风头,不肯就此落了下风的非想加快遁速,抢在了前方,遇见的罗汉菩萨妖神妖王僵尸,都被他一拳拳打成了齑粉,或直接撕成两截,丢入虚空缝隙,当真如入无人之境,所向披靡。 Such team progress is extremely naturally rapid, in a while crossed the mountainside, surpassed Meng Qi and the others to encounter Kasyapa and Manjushri region initially. 这样的队伍进展自然极快,没过多久就越过了山腰,超出了孟奇等人当初遭遇迦叶文殊的地域。 At this moment, the front only remained the half the buddhist temple front door to open, goes out of one to stuff world golden yellow figure. 就在这时,前方只剩半截的佛刹大门打开,走出了一道充塞天地般的金黄身影 It amiable looking, the earlobe is enormous, falls above the arrived shoulder, is blooming light of all colors colored glaze by Golden Body of grayish white and jet black invasion, in each ray all has the golden lotus ups and downs, the flower blossoms to fall, extinguishes only locally born, the as if innumerable universes are crowding around this figure. “祂”慈眉善目,耳垂极大,落到了肩膀之上,被灰白与漆黑侵入的金身绽放着道道五彩琉璃之光,每一道光芒里皆有金莲沉浮,花开花落,净土生灭,仿佛无数宇宙在簇拥着这道身影 This is one Buddha remains! 这是一尊“佛”的遗蜕 The Meng Qi eye narrows the eyes slightly, Spirit Mountain various Buddha should not compose Ten Thousand Buddha Great Formation, in the unmanned situation is in the peak? 孟奇眼睛微微眯起,灵山诸佛不都该组成了万佛大阵,无人操纵的情况下身在峰顶吗? This Gautama Buddha Golden Body left Ten Thousand Buddha Great Formation unexpectedly, arrives at the mountainside! 这尊佛陀金身竟然离开了万佛大阵,来到山腰! Is Demon Buddha can show a strength to operate, in other Supreme is Great Divine Expert dark controls? 魔佛又能透出一丝力量操纵,还是别的大能大神通者暗里控制? Or after Sha Wujing carried that mysterious corpse, Spirit Mountain had the subtle mutation, in trapped/sleepy in array Gautama Buddha Golden Body did remains even more by the Nine Serenities dead intent invasion, have gradually opened the spirit wisdom again the sign? 或者说,沙悟净背出了那具神秘的尸体后,灵山出现了微妙异变,之前困于阵中的佛陀金身遗蜕们愈发被九幽死意侵染,渐渐有了再开灵智的迹象? Regardless of which possibility, the road ahead will not be problem-free! 无论哪种可能,前路都不会一帆风顺! Really, Qing Qiu(azure mound) asked me to join a group is goes looking for trouble...... the Meng Qi unstated criticism oneself. 果然,青丘找我入伙就是自找麻烦……孟奇腹诽了自己一句。 Although several Monster God are supercilious, but is not the blind ignorant generation, sees this Gautama Buddha remains, changed the color slightly, thinks that arrived are many. 几位妖神虽然心高气傲,但也不是盲目无知之辈,一见这佛陀遗蜕,都微微变了颜色,想到了很多。 Tai Li treads the previous step, the back scarlet azure yellowish white black five colors circulation, concentrates one bunch, sprinkles fiercely, directly that Gautama Buddha Golden Body brushing. 太离踏前一步,背后赤青黄白黑五色流转,凝成一束,猛地洒落,直接将那具佛陀金身给刷了进去。 Five radiance shakes, the ripples are unceasing, Tai Li does not seem able to control too for a long time, but at this time, Fei Xiang nods, opened the mouth. 五道光华震荡,涟漪不断,太离似乎无法控制太久,而这时,非想点了点头,张开了嘴巴。 Five Colored Divine Light shakes, Golden Body Gautama Buddha departs, the Kunpeng Monster God mouth increases suddenly, the upper lip arrives at the day, the lower lip touches, swallowed this remains. 五色神光一抖,金身佛陀飞出,鲲鹏妖神嘴巴陡然变大,上唇抵天,下唇触地,一口就将这遗蜕吞了进去。 The abdomen wriggles, struggles intensely, subsides quickly, Fei Xiang hēi hēi said with a smile: Flavor is good.” 腹部蠕动,激烈挣扎,很快平息,非想嘿嘿一笑道:“味道还不错。” Actually you are not Kunpeng Monster God, was gluttonous ti Monster God...... the Meng Qi corners of the mouth pulled out pulling out. 其实你不是鲲鹏妖神,是饕鬄妖神吧……孟奇嘴角抽了抽。 Then carefully.” Small fox Qing Qiu(azure mound) said one dignifiedly. “接下来得更加小心了。”小狐狸青丘凝重道了一句。 Hui Guang(glowing light), Luo Jia and Fei Xiang, although nods, but the self-confident meaning is full. 辉光落伽非想虽然点头,但自信之意十足。 Then, starts to meet much obviously strong in the initial remains skeleton, but four big Monster God reveal divine ability respectively, with irresistible force, the speed only slows down slightly. 接下来,开始遇到不少明显强于最初的遗蜕尸骸,但四大妖神各显神通,势若破竹,速度仅是稍有放缓。 Meng Qi gets a panoramic view the tactical situation, had some conclusions at heart gradually: 孟奇则将战况尽收眼底,心里渐渐有了一些结论: Compared with Qing Qiu(azure mound) by the cultivation technique practice five virtue ; half th, to rely on Hui Guang(glowing light) of bloodlines could not have gone to the Five Virtues Body situation at present, strength of Saint Virtue and Inner Virtue is obviously weak, having Merit Virtue, Daode(way of virtue) and Blessing Virtue match her realm, don't tell me is the Heavenly Immortal three virtue, legend four virtue, the Creator (good fortune) five virtue......” “比起青丘功法修炼的五德,半是依赖血脉的辉光目前还达不到五德加身的地步,圣德阴德之力明显偏弱,只有功德道德福德才算匹配她的境界,难道天仙三德,传说四德,造化五德……” Luo Jia is good at eliminating the ghost broken evilly, is precisely destiny Incarnation, fights at the position that with him not being tolerated by heaven or earth, destiny shuts out, fortunately, I can the small scope operation destiny......” 落伽擅长破邪除煞,且是气运化身,与他交手处在天地不容、命运嫌弃的境地,还好,我能小幅度操纵命运……” „The strength of Fei Xiang mortal body is extremely strong, endures compared with now my 89, moreover there are to swallow the myriad things to be able......” 非想肉身之力极强,堪比我如今的八九,而且有吞噬万物之能……” Tai Li Five Colored Divine Light also has the profit, has been able the five colors and it, contains the material, does not have the thing not to fall......” 太离五色神光又有进益,已能五色并其,包容物质,无物不落……” The team speed has slowed down, but quick crossed the mountainside, former Fangshan Road collapsing, presented the cliff, as if had recently had a fierce combat. 队伍速度有所放缓,但很快还是越过了山腰,前方山路坍塌,出现了断崖,似乎最近发生过一场激战。 The Meng Qi heart moves suddenly, then saw Luo Jia to stop the footsteps, if there is an induction to look to the cliff, there is sitting cross-legged together dark gold color huge figure, the appearance like the old man, two eyebrows was extremely long, extends the face, the surroundings had nothing the void slit, when Udumbara Flower crowded around, saw the flower, the flowers put, when the single layer universe pure land, did not look, flower and heart with lonesome. 孟奇心头忽地一动,然后便看见落伽停顿了脚步,如有感应般看向断崖另外一边,那里盘坐着一道暗金色巨大身影,貌如老者,两眉极长,延伸出脸庞,周围无有虚空缝隙,一朵朵婆罗花簇拥,看见花时,花朵盛放,一重宇宙一方净土,不看时,花与心同寂。 Dark Golden Body shadow both hands hold the fist in the other hand, the corners of the mouth have the happy expression, the blissful peace induced by meditation is distant, laughs at me variably, I smile variably. 金身影双手抱拳,嘴角含着浅浅笑意,禅味悠远,无常笑我,我笑无常。 Before remains that sees what is not same, this Golden Body has no grayish white and dead intent. 与之前所见的遗蜕都不相同的是,这具金身没有任何灰白与死意。 Meng Qi shut the eye, at heart a deep sigh: 孟奇闭了闭眼睛,心里一声长叹: Kasyapa......” 迦叶……” When with previous time fights, his as if had a point , if there is spirit wisdom that resembles not to have, the terrifying degree soars! 和上次交手时,他仿佛有了一点若有似无的灵智,恐怖程度直线上升! „It is not good to cope, everyone works as one.” Has displayed supercilious Kunpeng Monster God dignifiedly to say. “不好对付,大家同心协力。”一直表现得心高气傲的鲲鹏妖神凝重说道。 At this moment, bottom of the cliff jet black deep place exudes one to roar, entire Spirit Mountain shivers, Arhat Bodhisattva remains, the each and every one Monster God Monster King skeleton, one after another wells up, invests, formed one just like the blood yellow river of essence, linked up the horizon, flows continuous, let Hui Guang(glowing light), Luo Jia and Tai Li changed the color, was dignified. 就在这时,断崖底部的漆黑深处发出一声咆哮,整座灵山为之颤抖,一具具罗汉菩萨遗蜕,一个个妖神妖王尸骸,纷纷涌来,投入进去,汇成了一条宛若实质的血黄长河,贯通了天际,流淌不休,让辉光落伽太离都变了颜色,非常凝重。 The cliff bottom skeleton and present Spirit Mountain phase contrast, as if this place control, seems very more formidabe than Kasyapa! 断崖底部的尸骸与如今的灵山很相衬,仿佛此地主宰,比迦叶似乎更难对付! Looks at their seriousness, Meng Qi relaxes on the contrary, although Netherworld's Skeleton some mutations, but own brand mark also in! 看着他们的郑重,孟奇反倒松了口气,黄泉骸骨虽然有些异变,但自己的烙印还在!
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