WORIOA :: Volume #6

#214: Qing Qiu(azure mound) small method

Un? 嗯? Behind Tai Li scarlet azure yellowish white black five radiance stands erect, ripples, clear appears the innermost feelings is not tranquil, as if has not thought that the concealment aura Human Clan Heavenly Immortal unexpectedly is Primordial Sovereign Su Meng. 太离背后赤青黄白黑五道光华竖立,一阵荡漾,昭显出内心的不平静,仿佛没有想到隐匿气息的人族天仙竟然是“元皇苏孟 Small fox Qing Qiu(azure mound) has not as if discussed this matter with him. 小狐狸青丘似乎并未与他商量这件事情。 In the Meng Qi eye the chaos counter spin, Milky Way lives secretly, the star scraps/condescend dance in the air, shot the line of sight of Tai Li, relaxed satisfied, calm. 孟奇眼中混沌逆旋,银河暗生,点点星屑飞舞,将太离的视线弹了开来,轻松惬意,波澜不惊。 The Tai Li aura fluctuates, innermost feelings stunned, not only the surprise appears in Meng Qi's, but also shocks in immeasurably deep of opposite party realm. 太离气息浮动,内心愕然,不仅仅诧异于孟奇的出现,而且震惊于对方境界的深不可测。 Then many years, he really had the feeling of several points of legend! 这才多少年,他就真的有了几分传说之感! Tai Li?” „Phoenix Monster God Hui Guang(glowing light) looked, felt strange that in Tai Li absent-minded, what issue he discovered? 太离?”“妖神辉光看了过来,奇怪于太离的失神,他发现什么问题了吗? Tai Li takes back the vision, deeply looked at Monster Saint successor Qing Qiu(azure mound) one, the sound sinking slow say/way: Is about several years has not seen, you unexpectedly already arrived in this way situation.” 太离收回目光,深深看了妖圣传人青丘一眼,声音沉缓道:“不过几年未见,你们竟已到了如斯地步。” Regarding these three Monster God realm, he had actually expected, at this time is used to cover up rude. 对于这三位妖神境界,他其实有所预料,此时用来遮掩失态。 Communication his I arrived finally is patient and persistent work, so long as there is an enough time, can always accumulate enough, but we most do not lack is the time.” Kunpeng Monster God Fei Xiang hēi hēi said with a smile, clear(ly) was modest, arrogant intent revealed completely actually. “沟通‘他我’到了最后就是水磨工夫,只要有足够的时光,总能积累足够,而我们最不缺的就是时光。”“鲲鹏妖神非想嘿嘿笑道,明是谦虚,实则傲意毕露。 What communication his I am most difficult is early period , the practice mind enhances Divine Consciousness to induce sufficiently to the subtle relation, in vast ten thousand Jieli found dark his me, perplexed many Heavenly Immortal mountain passes, they often cannot step, can only place hopes in obtains Taiyi Dividing Spirit Pill and so on immortal medicine assistance, but after can induce to his me few, when communication must withstand the washout of opposite party experience, character and sentimental to mind, did not pay attention on the memory slightly chaotic, overstated, attacked request of Incarnation Body to the mind to be higher than Dark Maiden . 沟通“他我”最难的是前期,修炼心灵提高神识到足以感应到微妙联系,于浩瀚万界里找到冥冥中的“他我”,是难住了很多天仙的关隘,他们往往迈不过去,只能寄希望于获得“太乙分神丹”之类的仙药辅助,而能感应到少量“他我”后,沟通时得承受对方经历、性格和感情对心灵的冲刷,稍不留神就混乱了记忆,走火入魔,比玄女冲击应身对心灵的要求还高。 When adapted to all these, had the experience, remaining is patient and persistent work of accumulation quantity, the end looked that the time is whether sufficient. 等到适应了这一切,有了经验,剩下就是积累数量的水磨工夫,端看时光是否充足。 Hui Guang(glowing light) nods slightly: More importantly compares I for me broken ‚’.” 辉光微微颔首:“重要的是勘破‘我之为我’。” Three Great Monster Divine Capital have made his me quantity accumulate arrived to be close to the qualitative change the degree, once compares I for me broken, can shove open Gate of Legend. 大妖神都已让“他我”数量积累到了接近质变的程度,一旦勘破“我之为我”,就能推开传说之门 In in All Heavens that Sea Calming Bead evolves, induces to the darkness in „did his I want, like taking Taiyi Dividing Spirit Pill simply? Meng Qi audits with a smile, is rotating other thought at heart. 身在定海珠衍化的诸天之中,感应到冥冥中的“他我”是否要简单一点,就像服食了太乙分神丹孟奇含笑旁听,心里转动着别的念头。 The All Heavens essence that Sea Calming Bead evolves is only lower than 9th Heavenly Layer slightly, the arrival ten thousand above, there is legend special characteristics , helping induce his me to seem like the logical matter, naturally, in Reality World, God Sealing World and Journey to the West world, because of the mean isolation of Heavenly Lord of the Primordial Beginning and Heavenly Lord of the Way and the Virtue, All Heavens that Sea Calming Bead evolves is unable to cover ten thousand sides like 9th Heavenly Layer, everywhere, but can only limit, unties until the Monster Sovereign Palace seal, can each other contact, steps in Final Tribulation. 定海珠衍化的诸天本质仅稍低于九重天,驾临万界之上,有传说特质,有助于感应“他我”似乎是顺理成章的事情,当然,在真实界封神世界西游世界,因为元始天尊道德天尊的有意隔离,定海珠衍化的诸天无法像九重天一样覆盖万方,无处不在,而是仅能局限于其中一处,直到妖皇殿封印解开,能彼此往来,才算涉足末劫 Heart Saint and other Medieval various Saint did the outstanding people seem like before induction his I compare to break me for me? 心圣中古诸圣的佼佼者似乎是先于感应“他我”勘破了“我之为我”? Among the Meng Qi train of thought vicissitudes, small fox Qing Qiu(azure mound) sees four big Monster God to be uneven, opens to embroider the mouth, said prudently: Spirit Mountain was reversed Ten Thousand Buddha Great Formation to make broken by Ānanda, the shape like Nine Serenities, is step by step dangerous, everyone needs carefully.” 孟奇思绪浮沉间,小狐狸青丘见四大妖神已齐,张开绣口,慎重道:“灵山阿难逆转万佛大阵弄得残破,形如九幽,步步危险,各位需得小心。” She had entered Spirit Mountain, is completes samsara mission time, but not thorough, only lingers in the surrounding, after hesitating one next, according to carry-over of Monster Saint, half deduce partly guesses: Inside may bump into Legendary Level and even obsession remains of Creator (good fortune) level very much, for example Kasyapa, for example Manjushri and Samantabhadra, for example Acala Vidyārāja and Time Illumination Vajra, for example Akshobhya and Ratnasambhava, for example the corpse abandons, detention grandson and other Ancient Buddha, Great Saint that as well as has fallen from the sky.” 她曾经进过一次灵山,是完成轮回任务的时候,但没有深入,只在外围徘徊,沉吟了一下后,根据妖圣的遗留,半推衍半猜测道:“里面很有可能碰到传说级乃至造化级的执念遗蜕,比如迦叶,比如文殊普贤,比如不动明王遍照金刚,比如阿閦如来宝生如来,比如尸弃、拘留孙等古佛,以及已然陨落的大圣。” Ten thousand Buddha falls, has legend and even remains of Creator (good fortune) level is very normal, when the unmanned situation, only depending on obsession, Golden Body cannot compare again is prosperous, definitely cannot achieve Legendary Level, has what fears it?” Qilin Monster God Luo Jia said calmly. “万佛同坠,有传说乃至造化级的遗蜕很正常,但无人操纵的情况,仅凭一点执念,金身再强也比不上鼎盛之时,肯定达不到传说层次,有何惧之?”“麒麟妖神落伽平静说道。 Monster Origin Heaven inherits remote, to matter of not unfamiliar Spirit Mountain, has few words that Monster Saint leaves behind. 妖源天传承久远,对灵山之事并不陌生,同样有妖圣留下的只言片语。 Hui Guang(glowing light), said similarly indifferently: This remains, only if dies extremely the counter- fresh, heavy life wisdom, was careful at most their legends or the Creator (good fortune) special characteristics, were not reflected the outside world and other method influences.” 辉光同样如此,淡然道:“这种遗蜕,除非死极反生,重生灵智,顶多小心他们的传说或造化特质,不被反照外界等手段影响。” As from legend, only then one pace to Monster God, they do not dread about the thing of remains, one after another is showing the understanding and familiar, is competing faintly position that leads the overall situation. 作为距离传说只有一步之遥的至妖神,他们对遗蜕之物并不畏惧,纷纷展现着了解和熟悉,隐隐在争夺着主导全局的地位。 Has penetrated Spirit Mountain, faces directly Kasyapa and Manjushri remains Meng Qi to listen funnily, quite I calmly look feeling that you install to compel. 深入过灵山,直面过迦叶文殊遗蜕孟奇好笑听着,颇有一种我就静静看着你们装逼的感觉。 Also is your luck is good, if Demon Buddha had not cut off the lackey by me, but can also show a strength, Gautama Buddha, Bodhisattva and Great Arhat is remains under Its operation, which is in empty talk easy to cope? 也是你们运气好,若魔佛没有被我斩断爪牙,还能透出一丝力量,佛陀菩萨大阿罗汉遗蜕在祂的操纵下,哪是纸上谈兵般容易对付? Oneself must discard the Yellow Springs skeleton, can bypass Kasyapa! 自己都得舍弃黄泉尸骸,才能绕过迦叶 Moreover present Spirit Mountain has the Nine Serenities special characteristics, are many to the ghost malicious ghost and zombie remains addition, previous time because of the Demon Buddha operation, oneself cannot peep the specialness of this aspect, this time is near again, perhaps appropriately will be then fierce. 而且如今的灵山具备九幽特质,对冤魂恶鬼、僵尸遗骸加成很多,上次因为魔佛操纵,自己未能窥出这方面的特殊,此次再临,或许便得体会厉害。 Seeing Luo Jia, Hui Guang(glowing light) and other Monster God were self-confident, disdains in remains, Qing Qiu(azure mound) thinks, then said: Can let place of ten thousand Buddha with falling, even in the past were eternal, still remains surely the danger zone, same carefully.” 落伽辉光妖神自信满满,不屑于遗蜕,青丘想了想,转而说道:“能让万佛同坠的地方,即使过去万古,也必定残留危险地带,各位同样得小心。” Regarding these words, four big Monster God do not have the objection, they again are proud, does not dare to look down on Spirit Mountain that falls into many Great Saint. 对于这句话,四大妖神没有异议,他们再是自傲,也不敢小瞧了陷入诸多大圣灵山 Finally, Qing Qiu(azure mound) emphasized: „The Spirit Mountain peak is suppressing extremely fearful Evil Demon, is not the remains strength can compare favorably, we gather Golden Cudgel, when rescues survives Great Saint, absolutely do not affect another side seal.” 最后,青丘强调道:“灵山峰顶镇压着一个极其可怕的邪魔,绝非遗蜕的力量可以媲美,我们收取金箍棒,解救残存大圣时,绝对不要影响到另外一边的封印。” Listened to Qing Qiu(azure mound) to say seriously, Hui Guang(glowing light) and Fei Xiang and other look at each other in dismay, knit the brows slightly: Is what Evil Demon?” 青丘说得郑重,辉光非想面面相觑,微微皱眉道:“是何邪魔?” Crashes into Devil Path Ānanda.” Tai Li sinking sound said. “坠入魔道阿难。”太离沉声道。 Crashes into Devil Path Ānanda?” The Hui Guang(glowing light) facial expression fluctuates, startled fears and clenches jaws, the Monster Saint hatred inscribes in the middle of the bloodlines. “坠入魔道阿难?”辉光神情变幻,又惊又惧又咬牙切齿,妖圣的恨意铭刻于血脉当中。 Fei Xiang and Luo Jia facial expression transfers seriously, initially made the Buddhism Monster Clan almost destruction Ānanda actually also live, unexpectedly suppression in Spirit Mountain! 非想落伽神情转为郑重,当初让佛门妖族差点覆灭的阿难竟然还活着,竟然就镇压在灵山 Among antiquity years he had the Creator (good fortune) level, if did not emit It carefully, that was the Monster Clan total destruction! 上古年间他就有造化水准,要是不小心放出了祂,那就是妖族的灭顶之灾! At this time, Qing Qiu(azure mound) added: „After Ānanda crashes into Devil Path, is ascended to Pāramitā, by the Buddha Ancestor suppression in Spirit Mountain.” 这时,青丘补充道:“阿难坠入魔道后,已是登临彼岸,被佛祖镇压于灵山。” This? The news was one by one frightened, making three big Monster God one after another lose the color, Ānanda crossed completely the sea of bitterness unexpectedly, becomes Spirit Mountain, but after achievement Dao Fruit, vanishes Buddha Ancestor take action that did not see to suppress It unexpectedly personally? 这?消息一个比一个惊悚,让三大妖神纷纷失了颜色,阿难竟然渡尽了苦海,成为了灵山,而成就道果后消失不见的佛祖竟亲自出手镇压了祂? Calm Meng Qi saw that the small fox Qing Qiu(azure mound) corners of the mouth bring back slightly, have a contented smile, quite appreciates to her small method at heart. 波澜不惊的孟奇看到小狐狸青丘嘴角微微勾起,有着一丝自得的笑容,心里对她的小手段颇为赞赏。 Your three big don't Monster God have keen eyesight in withstand/top? Isn't conceited? Doesn't want to wield Monster Saint Spear? 你们三大妖神不是眼高于顶吗?不是自视甚高吗?不是都想执掌妖圣枪吗? That spreads the Demon Buddha Ānanda news to shake you, frustrates your imposing manners! 那就放出魔佛阿难的消息震一震你们,挫一挫你们的气势! After simple several introductions, the atmosphere in Monster Sovereign Palace changed quietly, three big Monster God alerts are really deep, no longer inwardly fights, covets Monster Saint Spear, discussed discretely the tour of Spirit Mountain, how the discussion gathers Golden Cudgel. 简单的几句介绍后,妖皇殿内的气氛悄然发生了改变,三大妖神戒备甚深,不再暗自争锋,觊觎妖圣枪,谨慎地讨论起灵山之行,讨论起如何收取金箍棒 Actually you do not need to be worried about Demon Buddha, I fortunately am good the stand said here he was unable to defend oneself...... the Meng Qi unstated criticism, the smile was listening, discovered that they grasped made Golden Cudgel small the method unexpectedly. 其实你们不用担心魔佛,我还好好站在这里就表示他自身难保……孟奇腹诽了一句,微笑听着,发现他们竟然掌握了让金箍棒“小小小小小”的法门。 After discussing is appropriate, quietly with Qing Qiu(azure mound) and Tai Li of arrived leadership position takes the lead, three big Monster God and Meng Qi later, through Monster Sovereign Palace, arrived in South Sea of Journey to the West world, flies to escape arrived Western Continent of Cattle Gift, goes to the Spirit Mountain position to be. 商议妥当后,悄然拿到了主导位置的青丘太离领头,三大妖神孟奇随后,通过妖皇殿,抵达了西游世界的南海,飞遁到了西牛贺洲,前往原本灵山位置所在。 Above, three big Monster God various bosom thoughts, have not cared to Meng Qi this ordinary Human Clan Heavenly Immortal. 一路之上,三大妖神各怀心思,对孟奇这普通人族天仙并未在意。 After arriving Meng Qi obtained Great Leiyin Temple initially the inscribed horizontal tablet ruined temple, small fox Qing Qiu(azure mound) watched the weather, is waiting for the double-hour, is waiting for the change of stars position. 降临孟奇当初得到“大雷音寺”匾额的破庙后,小狐狸青丘看了看天色,等待着时辰,等待着星辰位置的变化。 Has not known how long, she extended both hands suddenly, back nine fiery red fox tail appear, have the each and every one Buddhism seal law, changing, Zen sound is profound. 不知过了多久,她忽然伸出双手,背后九条火红的狐狸尾巴浮现,结出一个个佛门印法,变幻万千,禅音深远。 My feeling at ease place, spiritual platform has the mountain!” The seal law finished, she embroiders mouth one, words that sends out thunder Yinban. “我心安处,灵台有山!”印法完毕,她绣口一张,发出雷音般的话语。 Spirit Mountain does where seek? Spirit Mountain in heart! 灵山何处寻?灵山在心中! buddhist light one bright, the front presented the dim illusory front door, the colored glaze rotation, Monster God and Meng Qi wait/etc. all the info clerk, making him look at the arrived familiar Spirit Mountain boundary again. 佛光一亮,前方出现了朦朦胧胧的虚幻大门,琉璃转动,将妖神孟奇等尽数收纳,让他再次看到了熟悉的灵山地界。 towering cloud crossing that dozens li (0.5 km), has flowed rolling presently at present, several Monster God eyesights are tyrannical, has completely understood the front, looks at arrived to support a day of continually place palatial Golden Cudgel, looked that a arrived blue lotus lives to fall, a thunder flashes on and off, a flowered world, a thunder universe. 几十里一步而过,滚滚流淌的凌云渡现于眼前,几位妖神目力强横,已然看透前方,看到了撑天连地的巍峨金箍棒,看到了朵朵青莲生落,道道雷霆明灭,一花一世界,一雷一宇宙。 They exclaimed in surprise when in this scene, Meng Qi actually looks at 78 li (0.5 km) wide towering cloud crossing, had a strange idea. 他们惊叹于这幅场景时,孟奇却看着七八里宽的凌云渡,冒出了一个奇诡的想法。 Since Gold Sovereign said that Monk Tang has the issue, did physical body and mortal flesh that he removes where go to following the rivers? 既然金皇说唐僧有问题,那他褪去的肉体凡胎顺着河流去了哪里? Also can find? 还能不能找到?
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