WORIOA :: Volume #6

#213: The mountain top stands in great numbers

Goes together Spirit Mountain, rescues survives Great Saint? 同往灵山,救出残存大圣 After hearing this request, Meng Qi is the feeling is first absurd, if really has the Great Saint survival, oneself do rescue them to come out is not the shape with the suicide? 听到这个要求后,孟奇先是感觉荒谬可笑,若真有大圣幸存,自己救它们出来不是形同自杀吗? Now world, Human Clan, although seems like that fresh flower brocade, the raging fire burns the oil, is progressing day by day, but once encounters the Legendary Level enemy, has the unredeemable disparity, the influence that can maintain reluctantly is few, all prosperity, all future, must cut off. 当今之世,人族虽看似鲜花着锦,烈火焚油,正蒸蒸日上,可一旦遭遇传说级的敌人,还是有着无可弥补的差距,能勉强维持的势力寥寥无几,所有的兴盛,所有的未来,必遭掐断。 Initially enters Supreme of legend to accomplish, let alone Great Saint between era vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered world? 初入传说的大能都可以办到,何况上古时代纵横天地间的大圣们? Oneself take risk to gain the material, does utmost manufacture another "I" Imprint, for what? For before legend Supreme one after another returns the matter that from the card legend, the protection the person who takes seriously to attach great importance, but lets Great Saint ahead of time break free, how could it not be to put the cart before the horse, the method and are the goal contradictory? 自己冒险获取资料,竭尽全力制造“他我印记”,为的是什么?为的就是在传说大能纷纷归来前自证传说,守护重视的人重视的事,而让大圣们提前脱困,岂不本末倒置,手段与目的矛盾? But changes mind thinks, the Meng Qi innermost feelings are dignified, Monster Saint successor proposed that subtext of this request was not they and Luoism reached the agreement, paid certain price, accepted some restraint, obtained the means of entering Spirit Mountain? 但转念一想,孟奇内心已然凝重,妖圣传人提出这个要求的潜台词不就是他们与罗教达成了协议,付出一定代价,接受某种约束,获得了进入灵山的办法? Oneself, they cannot look for other powerhouse cooperation! 没有自己,他们还能找别的强者合作! Enters Spirit Mountain to rescue Great Saint this matter everything is ready, the east wind also has, asks itself to improve on perfection, is the rejection or not as if of little significance? 灵山大圣这件事情万事俱备,东风也有,找自己只是锦上添花,拒绝与否似乎无关大局? The Meng Qi surface facial expression is invariable, is maintaining Kunlun Mountain Jade Void Palace Headmaster shrewdness, is maintaining the imposing manner of most Heavenly Immortal, said lightly: Enters Spirit Mountain? Did you attain thing that wanted from Luoism?” 孟奇表面神情不变,维持着昆仑山玉虚宫掌教城府,维持着最天仙的气势,淡淡道:“进入灵山?你们从罗教手里拿到想要的东西了?” Monster Saint successor nods gently, said proudly: Yes.” 妖圣传人轻轻颔首,略带骄傲道:“是。” She replied briefly and to the point, does not have any explanation, does not want to make the bystander know price that obviously Monster Clan paid for this reason. 她回答得言简意赅,没有任何解释,显然不想让外人知道妖族为此付出的代价。 Monster Clan dispersion from all walks of life, conceals one's abilities for many years , the Monster Sovereign Palace main entrance opens, had the contact mutually, when is abundance of capable people, what does Xu look for some help?” Meng Qi sits well cloud bed, the sound, if floating clouds. 妖族分散各界,韬光多年,又得妖皇殿正门开启,互相有了往来,正是人才济济之时,何需找某帮忙?”孟奇端坐云床,音若浮云。 The small fox facial features are motionless, is tranquilly free: Perhaps other monster does not know, but I am very clear, now ten thousand boundary/world, Primordial Sovereign is to revere, the biography could not say, who with fighting, Spirit Mountain was everywhere dangerous, was step by step secret, can result in Primordial Sovereign you to assist, successfully the assurance at least enhanced 30%, to rescue Great Saint, was worth taking risk.” 小狐狸眉眼不动,平静自若道:“别妖或许不知道,但我很清楚,当今万界,元皇为尊,传说不出,谁与争锋,灵山处处危险,步步隐秘,能得元皇您相助,成功把握至少提高30%,为了救出大圣们,值得冒险。” She it seems like knows in Monster Sovereign Palace the war of most Heavenly Immortal, Primordial Sovereign and Overlord are even, in the present time, really a biography cannot say, who with fighting! 她看来知晓妖皇殿内最天仙之战,元皇霸王平手,在如今时代,真个传说不出,谁与争锋! You did not fear that some waits for an opportunity to disturb, destroys the action of Great Saint break free?” Meng Qi body week dark fluctuation, like lowering celebration cloud, asked forthrightly. “你不怕某伺机捣乱,破坏大圣脱困之举?”孟奇身周幽暗浮动,如同降下的庆云,毫不避讳地问道。 The small fox smiles, hundred flatter to come up in great numbers and from all sides: I believe that the arrived critical moment, Primordial Sovereign you will make the correct judgment.” 小狐狸抿嘴一笑,百媚横生:“我相信到了紧要关头,元皇您自会做出正确判断。” Well, is this assured Spirit Mountain has to make me change the change of initial idea? Believes that my destruction doesn't help matters? The Meng Qi thought fluctuates, quite doubts. 咦,这是笃定灵山有让我改变最初想法的变化?或者相信我的破坏无济于事?孟奇念头起伏,颇为疑惑。 Monster Clan and Luoism already reached the agreement, point of no return has to send, oneself participated, but can also act according to circumstances, has destroyed, or clarified the advantage that Luoism gained, if rejected, then can only wait for the news, was hard to control the message good and badness. 妖族罗教已经达成了协议,箭在弦上不得不发,自己参与进去,还能见机行事,有所破坏,或者弄清楚罗教获得的好处,若是拒绝,则只能等待消息,难以控制消息的好与坏。 How should do, was needless to say. 该怎么做,自不用多说。 Various Meng Qi both hands knot seal law, put in the kneecap, the tone does not have the wave channel lightly: Good, some, and searches Spirit Mountain as you like.” 孟奇双手各结印法,置于膝头,语气平淡无波道:“好,某且随你探一探灵山。” Could not say that can also seek Netherworld's Skeleton, as will refine the peerless thing in the future the material or the Jade Void Palace mountain-protecting formation core. 说不得还能将黄泉骸骨寻回来,作为日后炼制绝世之物的材料或者玉虚宫护山大阵的核心。 Many thanks Primordial Sovereign.” The small fox restraining smile, acts with constraint to salute. “多谢元皇。”小狐狸收敛笑容,矜持行礼。 How did debt owed to a certain person call you?” Meng Qi spoke thoughtlessly to ask. “某该如何称呼你?”孟奇随口问道。 The small fox corners of the mouth slightly check, the dimple is vivid: Beforehand name already does not use, after becoming Lord of Azure Mound Fox Clan, my name Qing Qiu(azure mound).” 小狐狸嘴角微勾,梨涡生动:“以前的名字已经不用了,成为青丘狐族之主后,我的叫做‘青丘’。” Lord of Azure Mound Fox Clan?” Meng Qi chewed one, in the mind thought arrived another nine foxes spontaneously . Moreover the strength above Qing Qiu(azure mound), there is Heavenly Immortal realm. 青丘狐族之主?”孟奇嘴嚼了一句,脑海里油然想到了另外一条九尾狐狸,而且实力更在青丘之上,有天仙境界 Su Daji returns to the future, says in Eastern Colored Glass Pure Land green lamps and ancient Buddhas, even already died during meditation? 苏妲己有没有返回未来,还是说在东方琉璃净土青灯古佛,甚至已经坐化 In the peaceful room, the oil lamp drags, shines upon figure of small fox to be dreamlike, Meng Qi sighed secretly, has me to help, successfully does the assurance at least promote 30%? 静室内,青灯摇曳,映照得小狐狸的身影如梦似幻,孟奇却暗暗叹息了一声,有我帮助,成功把握至少提升30%? You, are naively are too too pure, does not know that I am the courting disaster expert, accidental/surprised expert? 你啊,还是太天真太单纯,不知道我是惹祸能手,意外专家吗? Has my participation and ensure the trip is changing, the new difficulties crop up unexpectedly, is difficult to predict finally...... 有我的参与,保证此行充满变化,横生波折,结果难料…… ............ ………… The date and time of arrived agreement, the Meng Qi ball wipes the dust that the years saves, a azure robe, arrives at Eastern Sea, the graying at the temples as before, the makings just like the well, do not have the least bit mighty waves. 到了约定的时日,孟奇弹拭掉岁月积攒的尘埃,一袭青袍,降临东海,两鬓斑白依旧,气质宛若古井,不起半点波澜。 Across the sea eye, arrived in Monster Sovereign Palace, he sees small fox Qing Qiu(azure mound) to cross the hands behind the back in out of the door, the red skirt transfers white, just like having dust elf, hidden several points of Fengyi world honored with looking disdainfully. 穿过海眼,抵达了妖皇殿,他看见小狐狸青丘正负手等在门外,红裙转白,宛若出尘精灵,暗藏几分凤仪天下的尊贵与睥睨。 Headmaster Su, waits for you to see from Naihe Heaven, Illusion Heaven and Monster Origin Heaven to Monster God, they have not visited Reality World, so long as you follow I, quiet, does not unfold the imposing manner, will not cause them to pay attention.” Qing Qiu(azure mound) said that while directs Meng Qi to enter Monster Sovereign Palace. 苏掌教,等下你会见到来自奈何天幻想天妖源天的至妖神,他们未曾踏足过真实界,只要你跟着我,少言寡语,不展气势,不会引起他们关注的。”青丘一边说一边引着孟奇进入妖皇殿 After achieving the cooperation, she changed to Headmaster Su the name of Primordial Sovereign. 达成合作后,她将元皇的称呼改成了苏掌教 Naihe Heaven, Illusion Heaven and Monster Origin Heaven? In other words initially All Heavens collapse leisurely/scatter, Sea Calming Bead was sparse, Monster Clan at least arrived three? Meng Qi follows looking pensive, the azure robe was profound, imitates Buddhist Scripture to undergo the elder of years washout, was seemingly ordinary, was actually unpredictable. 奈何天幻想天妖源天?也就是说当初诸天崩散,定海珠寥落,妖族至少得到了三枚?孟奇若有所思跟着,青袍幽深,仿佛经历了岁月冲刷的长者,看似普通,实则难测。 Before the Monster Sovereign Palace main entrance opens, is in half seal status, Monster Clan is unable to enter the main hall, attains the treasure, is unable to communicate through Monster Sovereign Palace in All Heavens Myriad Realms, can only enter inside, obtains to correspond the Great Saint inheritance, or eliminates the risk to seek asylum, until Tai Li and Qing Qiu(azure mound) with the aid of Lord of Six Paths of Reincarnation, arrives at God Sealing World, opens the main entrance, made Monster Sovereign Palace restore the time, the basic capability of void and energetic room, can collude All Heavens Myriad Realms. 妖皇殿正门开启前处于半封印状态,妖族无法进入正殿,拿到宝物,也无法通过妖皇殿来往于诸天万界,仅能进入里面,获得对应大圣传承,或者消灾避难,直到太离青丘借助六道轮回之主,来到封神世界,打开正门,才让妖皇殿恢复了时光、虚空与精神屋子的基本能力,可以勾连诸天万界 Therefore Tai Li they gradually contact Journey to the West Monster Clan and conceals in Illusion Heaven and other different All Heavens Monster Clan, is at the mountain top to stand in great numbers, each other refuses to accept, status of internal integration, this is they have not disrupted the Reality World primary cause. 于是太离他们才逐渐联络上西游妖族和藏于幻想天等不同诸天妖族,正处在山头林立,彼此不服,内部整合的状态,这也是他们没有扰乱真实界的主要原因。 Naturally, Monster Sovereign Palace restored to collude in the past in the future, after All Heavens Myriad Realms ability, was not Qing Qiu(azure mound) and Tai Li wants to return to Medieval to return to Medieval, because they did not have the control to Monster Sovereign Palace, all looked at „the opposite party mood, similarly, even if Medieval and present different Monster Clan entered Monster Sovereign Palace, can meet, still relied on Monster Sovereign Palace idea, possibly each other figure overlapped, is actually not able to detect existence of opposite party! 当然,妖皇殿恢复勾连过去未来,诸天万界能力后,并不是青丘太离想回到中古就回到中古,因为他们对妖皇殿没有控制能力,全看“对方”心情,同样的,即使中古与现在不同妖族都进入了妖皇殿,能不能相遇,也依赖于妖皇殿的“想法”,可能彼此身影重叠,却无法察觉对方的存在! To Monster God? Can strong? After Meng Qi both hands lost/carrying, gradually leads the way, as Qing Qiu(azure mound) stepped into the single layer main hall. 妖神?能有多强?孟奇双手负后,缓步前行,随着青丘踏入了第一重大殿。 When here with his previous time fights the Overlord scene to be entirely different, around the main hall has more than ten Dao Sect, and were many a row of platoon leader beacon light, but each candle makes the appearance that raises hand to overcome nature, showing for several points is ancient and obscure. 这里与他上次交手霸王时的场景已截然不同,大殿四面有着十几道门,且多了一排排长明灯,而每一根蜡烛都做成举手补天的模样,透出几分古老与晦涩。 At this time, another side of the main hall also had the sound to transmit, aura above scalding hot and imposing all living things headed on. 这时,大殿另外一边也有吱呀声传来,一股灼热又凛然众生之上的气息扑面而来。 Meng Qi sprinkles, however stands, is losing both hands, followed the small fox Qing Qiu(azure mound) vision to look, saw only side gate to walk into deep red figure that selected high, the neck was slender, just like swan, but the aura was vigorous, has the sacred feeling, had the meaning of burning down, the different parts of body as if comprised of the different stars. 孟奇洒然而立,负着双手,跟随小狐狸青丘的目光望了过去,只见“侧门”走入了一道高挑的绛色身影,脖子修长优美,宛若天鹅,而气息蓬勃,有神圣之感,有焚烧之意,身体的不同部分似乎由不同恒星组成。 Illusion Heaven to Monster God Hui Guang(glowing light), phoenix descendant, Five Virtues Body, from legend, only then one step, the Tai Li so proud peacock, acknowledged that is inferior she at least to plan.” Qing Qiu(azure mound) sound transmission Meng Qi, is making the introduction for him. 幻想天的至妖神辉光’,凤凰后裔,五德加身,距离传说只有一步,太离如此骄傲的孔雀,都承认逊色她至少一筹。”青丘传音孟奇,为他做着介绍。 Five Virtues Body, Nine Fires Burning World? Meng Qi slightly nod, the imposing manner looks at Hui Guang(glowing light) reserved. 五德加身,九火焚世孟奇微微点头,气势内敛地看着辉光 The Hui Guang(glowing light) atmosphere is graceful, the vision has swept Meng Qi, falls to the Qing Qiu(azure mound) face on, sound just like the most wonderful heavenly music: „Did you invite the Human Clan helper?” 辉光大气雍容,目光扫过孟奇,落到青丘脸上,声音宛若最美妙的仙乐:“你请了个人族帮手?” Monster Clan will have the rebel, Human Clan from also has the trustworthy object.” Qing Qiu(azure mound) calm reply. 妖族会有叛徒,人族自也有值得信赖的对象。”青丘波澜不惊回答。 Hui Guang(glowing light) no longer pays attention to Meng Qi, is showing a faint smile to say to Qing Qiu(azure mound): Spirit Mountain bad risk, you, even if there is the favor of Monster Saint Spear, itself also becomes the Monster God level initially, why bother to go to take risk?” 辉光不再关注孟奇,对着青丘微微一笑道:“灵山凶险,你纵有妖圣枪的青睐,本身也不过是初成妖神的水准,何苦前去冒险呢?” Hears these words, Meng Qi heart immediately suddenly, as the phoenix descendant, Hui Guang(glowing light) obviously looks down upon Qing Qiu(azure mound), wants to struggle the Monster Saint successor position. 听到这句话,孟奇心头顿时恍然,作为凤凰后裔,辉光明显瞧不起青丘,想争一争妖圣传人的位置。 He looks at this with a smile, the as if crowds, but Hui Guang(glowing light) has not cared about his existence, because does not know that Primordial Sovereign Su Meng, is only treats as the strength also to calculate that good Human Clan Heavenly Immortal treats. 他含笑看着这一幕,仿佛围观群众,而辉光并未在意他的存在,因为根本不知道“元皇苏孟,仅是当做实力还算不错的人族天仙对待。 The Qing Qiu(azure mound) chin raises: Does not need Phoenix Monster God to be worried, this goes to Spirit Mountain, the life and death from the secure destiny, if I am buried there, Monster Saint Spear will have the next master.” 青丘下巴微昂:“无需妖神担心,此去灵山,生死自安天命,若我葬身在那里,妖圣枪会有下一任主人的。” Finishing barely the words, is a leaf of front door opens, visits one to wear middle-grade, male Monster God that but the imposing manner is sacredly difficult to invade. 话音未落,又是一扇大门打开,踏足一位身穿中等,但气势神圣难侵的雄性妖神 This Monster God wears the golden armor, wears the phoenix wing crown, hair color light yellow, the five senses as if world the bell, cannot discover a slight defect, all styles of eight side control. 妖神穿着黄金盔甲,头戴凤翅冠,发色淡黄,五官仿佛天地所钟,找不出一丝瑕疵,举手投足间皆有八方主宰的气派。 Monster Origin Heaven to Monster God Luo Jia, the Qilin descendant, divine beast is, is always strong, is not worse than Hui Guang(glowing light).” Qing Qiu(azure mound) inwardly introduced. 妖源天妖神落伽’,麒麟后裔,神兽之属,向来强势,不比辉光差。”青丘暗自介绍道。 The Luo Jia vision swept, passed over gently and swiftly Meng Qi, did not pay attention, but expressed best wishes to Qing Qiu(azure mound) and Hui Guang(glowing light) slightly nod, then arrived at side, very arrogant. 落伽目光一扫,掠过孟奇,并不关注,只是对青丘辉光微微点头致意,然后自顾自走到旁边,非常地孤高。 Has the sound to transmit again, a military might is high-spirited, best pupil nine chi (0.33 m) Monster God walked, he wears the black long gown, the skin is dark, the mouth is big, the whole body remaining is full of the explosive strength. 再次有吱呀声传来,一位威武昂藏,高足九尺的妖神走了进来,他穿着玄色长袍,皮肤黝黑,嘴巴较大,浑身剩下充满着爆炸性的力量。 This is Naihe Heaven to Monster God Fei Xiang, he is not the Kunpeng descendant, in the bloodlines is weak one, but closes right up against itself to try hard with the spell of good or bad fortune, little status, arrived Kunpeng True Body, can swallow the myriad things finally, the strength terrifying.” Qing Qiu(azure mound) hidden somewhat dreads about Fei Xiang. “这是奈何天的至妖神非想’,他并不是鲲鹏后裔,血脉里只有微弱一丝,但靠着自身努力与际遇,一点点状态,最终得到了鲲鹏真身,能吞万物,力量恐怖。”青丘非想隐有几分畏惧。 Fei Xiang steps into gradually, shows the frank smile, looks at Hui Guang(glowing light), Qing Qiu(azure mound) and other Daoist wizards: Everyone very comes early, I may reach an agreement beforehand, enter Spirit Mountain, Golden Cudgel turned over to me!” 非想缓步踏入,露出爽朗笑容,看着辉光青丘等妖道:“大家来得挺早嘛,我可事先说好,进了灵山,金箍棒归我!” Really impolite...... disregarded Meng Qi to Monster Saint successor has a relish to look on. 啧,对妖圣传人真是一点也不客气……被无视的孟奇饶有兴致旁观着。 At this time, sent five colors Peacock Monster God Tai Li from bringing up the rear exits, the back scarlet azure yellowish white black five light Huaqing shook lightly, the strength was obviously raised, to be equivalent to Human Clan Heavenly Immortal. 就在这个时候,发成五色的孔雀妖神太离从殿后转出,背后赤青黄白黑五道光华轻轻震荡,力量明显提升,相当于人族天仙了。 His vision has swept the numerous monsters, reveals completely proudly, although strength realm has insufficient, but depends Five Colored Divine Light this big divine ability, does not dread Qilin Monster God Luo Jia and Kunpeng Monster God Fei Xiang, but the comparison dreads Phoenix Monster God Hui Guang(glowing light). 他目光扫过众妖,自傲毕露,虽然实力境界有所不足,但仗着五色神光这大神通,并不畏惧麒麟妖神落伽鲲鹏妖神非想,只是比较忌惮妖神辉光 Then, he looks at arrived Meng Qi, first is stunned, then the line of sight touches, immediately halts, only thinks that the opposite party pupil really like the chaos, own mind nearly cannot pull out! 然后,他看到了孟奇,先是愕然,接着视线相触,顿时止步,只觉对方眸子真的如同混沌,自己的心神险些拔不出来!
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