WORIOA :: Volume #6

#212: The monsters enter a city

In the Jade Void Palace peaceful room, the Clear Sky Mirror fragment is glittering the glimmer, the low and deep is profound, just like boundless starry sky, moreover unceasing change, obscure mysterious. 玉虚宫静室内,昊天镜碎片闪烁着微光,幽沉深邃,宛若无垠星空,而且不断变迁,晦涩神秘。 Taking advantage of this change, Meng Qi or makes Myriad Worlds Communication Talisman to lose, or splits Divine Consciousness, separates to land to be near, the main body has not entered, because at the same time controls several thousand over ten thousand another "I" Imprint formation, if a true body of universe universe enters the attempt, does not speak of five years ten years, 500 years in 5000 will not be necessarily able to complete the quantitative change to the accumulation of qualitative change. 借着这种变迁,孟奇或制造万界通识符丢出去,或分裂神识,隔空降临,本尊并未进入,因为得同时操控几千上万个“他我印记”的形成,若一个宇宙一个宇宙的真身进入尝试,休说五年十年,五百年五千年都未必能完成量变到质变的积累。 The time passes, day and night, the peaceful room is dark throughout, in eternally unchanging deserted, each and every one his I phantom formed to return slowly, had the Transformers universe projection image, it replaced and assimilated the Heavenly Lord of the Primordial Beginning his my legend, there is not well-known Saint warrior before huge stone buddha, formed the balance of Primordial Beginning and Demon Buddha, but these another "I" Imprint the quantity were quite small, could not achieve the qualitative change by far the degree, Meng Qi patrols as before various boundary/world, is playing the different roles, is swaying Myriad Worlds Communication Talisman, the casting fortuitous encounter legends. 时光流逝,夜以继日,静室始终幽幽暗暗,处在永恒不变般的空寂里,一个个“他我”虚影慢慢成形回归了,有变形金刚宇宙的投影形象,其取代并同化了元始天尊的他我传说,也有巨大石佛前的不知名圣斗士,形成了元始魔佛的平衡,但这些“他我印记”的数量还比较少,远远达不到质变的程度,孟奇依旧神游诸界,扮演着不同角色,挥洒着万界通识符,铸造着一次次的奇遇传说。 The autumn goes to the winter , big green root came to the peaceful room suddenly on the 1st, to report said: 秋去冬天,忽有一日,大青根来到静室,禀报道: Mr. Headmaster, that Chui Yizi has the news to transmit, already contacted the Monster Saint successor small fox.” 掌教老爷,那垂翼子有消息传来,已经联络上妖圣传人小狐狸了。” Meng Qi opens the eye slowly, in the pupil illusory figure, committed fornication the red black light ball coagulum, there are Brahma of Creation that sat well the lotus throne, they were overlapped, mystical was unusual: How Monster Saint did successor say?” 孟奇缓缓张开眼睛,眸子里一道道虚幻的身影,有染上了红黑色的光球凝聚体,也有端坐莲台的创世梵天,他们重重叠叠,神异超凡:“妖圣传人怎么说?” The sound is low and deep and indistinct, as if lowers from other universe, making big green root unable to bear the rhizome become tender, feeling that some types are facing the Primordial Beginning big master, trembling say/way: Monster Saint successor said one will come Jade Void Palace visiting.” 声音低沉而飘渺,仿佛自另外的宇宙降下,让大青根忍不住根茎发软,有种面对着元始大老爷的感觉,战战兢兢道:“妖圣传人说自身会前来玉虚宫拜访。” Good.” mystical in Meng Qi pupil vanishes, shows a smile, you crossed recently enjoy the sight and sound of the wind whipping up the water, is quite good with the cooperation of Chui Yizi.” “好。”孟奇眸子内的神异消失,露出一丝微笑,“你最近过得风生水起啊,和垂翼子的合作相当不错。” big green root hēi hēi smiles lowly: Mr. Headmaster the erroneous approved, originally thinks pit pit he, result goods are very unexpectedly suitable to be the anchor, is only the performance speaks, has does not know that many people watch, yeah. Is the present person so how bored?” 大青根嘿嘿低笑:“掌教老爷谬赞了,本来只是想坑坑他,结果这货竟然很适合当主播,光是表演说话,就有不知多少人观看,哎。现在的人怎么就如此无聊呢?” He expressed the critique by a status of plant to bored human, but how the delighted tone cannot conceal. 他以一株植物的身份对无聊的人类表示了批判,但乐滋滋的语气怎么都掩饰不住。 Meng Qi has not said anything, slightly nod said: Directs Fei Zhengtao, the good and evil also calculates Jade Void Disciple.” 孟奇没有多说什么,微微点头道:“多指点指点费正涛,好歹也算玉虚门下。” Mr. Headmaster felt relieved. That is small direct disciple!” big green root is striking one's chest the guarantee to say with the branch. 掌教老爷放心。那可是小的嫡传弟子!”大青根用枝条拍着胸脯保证道。 Oneself play the entry also to by the apprentice instruct! 自己游戏通关还得靠徒弟指导呢! Which day waits for the fellow who likes playing to become many, catches the live broadcast to play the game the apprentice, makes money by this! 等哪天喜欢游戏的家伙变多,就把徒弟抓来直播玩游戏,以此赚钱! ............ ………… Under Kunlun Mountain, because of existence of Jade Void Palace and Primordial Sovereign, here developed a large city gradually. Some people hope the self-satisfied fairyism, some people were fantasizing in the Primordial Sovereign finger seam flows tip was obtained by oneself, some people wait for Jade Void Palace to recruit the opportunity of disciple, some people reclaim the medicine field here, plants the strange flower and grass, when Myriad Worlds Trade City sells then can hang up around Kunlun Mountain Jade Essence Lingzhi Jade Void Palace ginseng and other names, looks is „the thing of dwelling place of celestial beings, can sell the good price! 昆仑山下,因为玉虚宫元皇的存在,这里渐渐发展成了一个规模不小的城池。有人希望沾沾仙气,有人幻想着元皇手指缝里流出来的点点滴滴被自己得到,有人等待着玉虚宫招收弟子的机会,有人则在这里开垦药田,种植奇花异草,在万界商城售卖时便能挂上“昆仑山玉髓灵芝玉虚宫周围人参”等名称,一看就是“仙家之物”,能卖上不错的价钱! This day, rode the ordinary carriage to drive into the city, the windows and doors felt strange the white gauze covered up. Make people be hard to sneak a peek at inside scene. 这日,一乘普普通通的马车驶入了城池,门窗被奇怪白纱遮掩。让人难以窥见里面的景象。 In the car(riage) is spreading the thick rug, the ornaments are magnificent, sit a man and a woman, the female red skirt fire, the lip slightly honk, as if Innate so, attracts the spontaneity cleanly, the eye pupil limpid, both form the striking contrast, interweaves the far ultra mediocre charm. In addition the appearance of peony, in nine foxes on as if legend, male silver-haired, has the air/Qi of books. The appearance seems like the servant, is serving the young girl conscientiously. 车内铺着厚厚的地毯,摆设华丽,坐着一男一女,女的红裙似火,嘴唇微嘟,仿佛天生如此,魅惑自生,眼眸则干净清澈,两者形成鲜明对比,交织出远超凡俗的魅力。加上国色天香的容颜,就仿佛传说里的九尾狐狸,男的则白发苍苍,颇有书卷之气。打扮像是仆人,尽心尽力地伺候着少女。 By white muslin, the young girl looked that arrived rides the made of iron bird to hover, but the Dawning Enlightenment expert, looks at the arrived flat land, reaches as high as hundred zhang (333 m) Star Picking Tower, it is said inside can be occupied by many people. Tolerates many shops, the communication pedestrian in a hurry, although there is the color of bustling about, but among the facial expressions was full of the hope, making the entire city catch the vitality. 透过白纱,少女看到了乘着铁制飞鸟翱翔而过的开窍好手,看到了平地而起,高达百丈的摘星楼,据说里面能住很多人。能容很多店铺,来往行人匆匆,虽有忙碌之色,但神情间充满了希望,让整座城池染上了朝气。 „When Uncle Wen, previous we enter the Human Clan state time, is the irrevocable scene, now is entirely different, had the earth-shaking change.” Young girl Monster Saint successor, myth Queen Mother of the West, Azure Mound Fox Clan young lord. 文伯,上一次我们进入人族国度时,还是一成不变的场景,如今则截然不同,有了翻天覆地的改变。”少女正是妖圣传人,神话的西王母,青丘狐族少主 Uncle Wen hey: „Very consistent with the Medieval scene of record, Mo Palace most was good at handling these things, but flowed in the exquisiteness, the imbalance enjoyed with conveniently, if piping time of peace from being worth admiring, but Final Tribulation, Supreme will regain consciousness one after another now, like this lively, but was being equal of fist palm, the illusion, immortal way Martial Dao wait/etc. were the correct principle.” 文伯嘿了一声:“和记载的中古景象很一致,墨宫最擅长做这些事情了,但都流于精巧,偏重享受和便捷,若是太平盛世自值得艳羡,可如今末劫将至,大能们将纷纷苏醒,这样的繁华,不过是一拳一掌的等同,镜花水月罢了,仙途武道等才是正理。” That said that but most people do not need Final Tribulation to live many years, must vanished in a puff of smoke eventually, can enjoy naturally must enjoy.” The small fox somewhat is quite sentimental, sighing the life is ephemerus, feeling eternal rarity. “话是这么说,但绝大多数人不用末劫又能活多少年,终究要灰飞烟灭,能享受自然要享受。”小狐狸颇有几分多愁善感,叹生命之易逝,感永恒之难得。 Therefore must carve painstaking cultivation to refine, enhances longevity, otherwise the thing of many long life are unable to withstand.” The Uncle Wen viewpoint is invariable. “所以才要刻苦修炼,提高寿元,否则很多延寿之物都无法承受。”文伯观点不变。 The carriage rolls by the street slowly, passed through many arenas, they arrange forbidden technique, many Jiang Hu people are comparing notes the ratio to fight, is very lively. 马车缓缓驶过街道,途经了不少擂台,它们布置有禁法,有诸多江湖人士正切磋比斗,好不热闹。 Small fox Yanran(sweet) smiles: Uncle Wen, this how?” 小狐狸嫣然一笑:“文伯,这又如何呢?” Life gathers in great numbers, always seeks fame and fortune unavoidably, after Myriad Worlds Communication World forming, the Human Clan relation strengthens, this atmosphere is more prosperous, therefore there are spread regional Martial Dao congresses, struggled the list position, even were not good, can still beam with joy in the live broadcast, enhances the fame, moreover in the forum and Martial Dao Communication Group had the friction unavoidably, would presenting you to come some to try, believes I hacked to death you approximately fights, similar arena therefore increased.” “生灵聚众,总免不了争名夺利,万界通识天地成形后,人族彼此间的联系加强,这种风气更加鼎盛,于是有了遍及各地的武道大会,争一争榜单名次,即使不行,也能在直播里露脸,提高名气,而且论坛与武道交流群里难免有摩擦,总会出现‘你来某地试试,信不信我砍死你’的约斗,类似的擂台因此增多。” Perhaps she to Myriad Worlds Communication World as if not unfamiliar, threw over Sockpuppet, long-term water post. 她对万界通识天地似乎一点也不陌生,也许披了马甲,长期水贴。 The Uncle Wen complexion is slightly serious: Martial Dao atmosphere promotion truly is worth attaching great importance.” 文伯脸色略显严肃:“武道风气提升确实值得我们重视。” The car(riage) rattle rattle, the horse whinny, the pedestrian sword in the waist, the carriage across the avenue, moves to another city gate respectively, there is the Kunlun Mountain foot. 车辚辚,马萧萧,行人刀剑各在腰,马车穿过大街,驶向另外一个城门,那里是昆仑山脚。 At this moment, the small fox sees the roadside to have two men to dispute. 就在这时,小狐狸看见路边有两名男子在争执。 Brother Miao, how you can give up the excellent future, handles this illusory matter?” Men's loud say/way of swordsman appearance. 苗兄,你怎能放弃大好前程,做此虚无缥缈的事情?”剑客打扮的男子大声道。 Is called the Brother Miao Confucian scholar appearance man to say excitedly: Virtuous Brother Wu, you do not understand that the significance of this matter, does not understand it has the big value.” 被称作苗兄的儒生模样男子激动道:“吴贤弟,你不明白这件事情的意义,不明白它有多大的价值。” I am not really clear!” Virtuous Brother Wu shakes the head saying that you did not buy what Virtual Reality secret manual from Myriad Worlds Trade City, like being bewitched, exercised martial arts laxly, had the opportunity pays respects Ruda influence not to go, originally the Exterior Scenery easy excellent future was about to be destroyed in a moment!” “我真不明白!”吴贤弟摇头道,“你不就从万界商城买了什么虚拟现实秘籍,就像着了魔一样,练功松懈了,有机会拜入大势力也不愿意去,本来外景轻而易举的大好前程快毁于一旦了!” Brother Miao hints Virtuous Brother Wu to be calm: You think, if can establish a Virtual Reality arena that is rooted in Myriad Worlds Communication World, can't martial artist all over the country compare notes directly? Moreover did not fear the death, but can also virtual Evil Demon monster, through their fights, the accumulation data, the accumulation experience, meet in the future, must be able chef solution ox!” 苗兄示意吴贤弟冷静:“你想想,如果能建立一个根植于万界通识天地虚拟现实擂台,天南海北的武者不就能直接切磋了吗?而且还不怕死亡,还可以虚拟邪魔妖物,通过它们的战斗,积累数据,积累经验,日后遇到,必能庖丁解牛!” „Is this unimportant to martial artist?” “这对武者来说不重要?” This can let most martial artist fast promotion actual combat experiences!” “这能让绝大多数武者快速提升实战经验!” Virtuous Brother Wu was the Dawning Enlightenment expert, sword technique is also outstanding, after listening, understood the significance of this matter, but sinking sound said: Yourself? Such matter does not know how many years can be completed, therefore your Martial Dao did leave uncultivated?” 吴贤弟也是开窍好手,剑法出众,听完之后明白了这件事情的意义,但还是沉声道:“你自己呢?这样的事情不知多少年才能完成,你的武道就因此荒废了?” First, I will attempt to join Mo Palace, next.” Brother Miao said, „everyone has own pursue, is no one equally is reverent in Martial Dao, perhaps I cannot therefore unusual refined, cannot longevity several hundred, but everyone will die finally, I only want this to live brightly, have delimited the meteor of sky probably, even if fleeting, there is to illuminate the night time.” “首先,我会尝试加入墨宫,其次。”苗兄顿了顿道,“每个人都有自己的追求,不是谁都一样虔诚于武道,或许我不能因此超凡脱俗,不能寿元几百,但大家终会死去,我只想将这一生活得灿烂,像是划过天空的流星,哪怕稍纵即逝,也有照亮夜晚的时刻。” Virtuous Brother Wu looks at present Brother Miao, one type knows his feeling today. 吴贤弟看着眼前的苗兄,有一种今天才认识他的感觉。 The small fox in carriage is stroking gently the cheeks, nearby Uncle Wen complexion becomes dignified: Promotes the Martial Dao experience by Virtual Reality? Must pay attention to this person!” 马车内的小狐狸摩挲着脸颊,旁边的文伯脸色则变得凝重:“以虚拟现实提升武道经验?必须关注这个人!” Had Myriad Worlds Communication World, Human Clan really had the tremendous changes!” “有了万界通识天地,人族真是发生了翻天覆地的变化!” He also voiced the small fox same opinions. 他也发出了小狐狸一样的感叹。 The carriage puts forth the city, along the mountain road, arrived in small Dao Monastery of white clouds deep place, two monsters have not gotten out, saw a azure plant in out of the door, smiled saying: Mr. Headmaster makes small greets two honored guests.” 马车使出城池,沿着山路,抵达了白云深处的小道观,两妖还未下车,就看见一根青色植物等在了门外,笑眯眯道:“掌教老爷让小的迎接两位贵客。” The small fox restrains the tender gruff manner, the facial expression tours the desert, chilly say/way: Had the work.” 小狐狸收敛起娇憨神态,神情转漠,清冷道:“有劳了。” They follow big green root to enter Jade Void Palace, bypasses the wall screening, across the courtyard, arrived in the main hall, sees only inside to stand erect a Heavenly Lord of the Primordial Beginning statue, is mighty, sacred dignified, profound difficult name, but under the Primordial Beginning statue sits cross-legged to sit a azure robe Daoist, the body week concealment starry sky, fluctuates gloomily, with idol same dignity, same profundity. 他们跟着大青根进入玉虚宫,绕过照壁,穿过院落,抵达了正殿,只见里面竖立着一尊元始天尊雕像,气势恢宏,神圣庄严,幽深难名,而元始雕像下盘腿坐着一位青袍道人,身周隐含星空,晦暗变幻,与神像一样的庄严,一样的幽深。 His arrived so realm...... the small fox dangling view, salutes to say unexpectedly: 他竟到了如此境界……小狐狸垂下眼帘,行礼道: Has seen Primordial Sovereign.” “见过元皇。” Uncle Wen nearly is intimate friends Divine Capital to fall into enemy hands, follows to salute hastily. 文伯险些连心神都失守,连忙跟着行礼。 Meng Qi opens the mouth slowly: Some wants anything, you should be very clear.” 孟奇缓缓开口:“某想要什么,你应该很清楚。” The small fox nod said: Ānanda his my material, we really have, but needs Primordial Sovereign you to help busy.” 小狐狸点头道:“阿难他我的资料,我们确实有很多,但需要元皇你帮一个忙。” What busy?” The Meng Qi's vision projects on arrived her face. “什么忙?”孟奇的目光投射到了她脸上。 Small fox silent, no longer hesitates, direct authorities: 小狐狸沉默了一下,不再犹豫,直截了当道: Goes together Spirit Mountain, rescues survives Great Saint!”( To be continued.) “同往灵山,救出残存大圣!”(未完待续。)
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