WORIOA :: Volume #6

#216: Body recollection

Do not pester, passes fast, exempts the fresh mutation.” The Monster God thought as if electric light, Zizi flashes before, collides unceasingly, stimulates the spark, then reached an agreement in the wink of an eye. “不要纠缠,快速通过,免生异变。”妖神们的念头仿佛电光,兹兹闪现,不断碰撞,激发出火花,瞬息之间便达成了一致。 Cliff bottom skeleton and front Kasyapa remains, although seemingly gave birth to a point , if there is spirit wisdom that resembles not to have, but obvious and normal also has very remote distance, does not put together the mind with them, must contend directly, is really strikes other short at the length of oneself, is not necessarily able to win does not raise, but also delays the time, has a mutation in present Spirit Mountain, in the unexplained situation, drags for a long time is the danger, is easier to be defeated. 断崖底部的尸骸和前方的迦叶遗蜕虽然看起来生出了一点若有似无的灵智,但明显和正常还有很遥远的距离,不与祂们拼头脑,非得正面抗衡,实属以己之长击彼之短,未必能赢不提,还非常耽搁时间,在如今灵山有所异变,原因不明的情况下,拖得越久越是危险,越容易失败。 Therefore, five big Monster God including Qing Qiu(azure mound) has almost not disputed made the resolution, not bottom the skeleton entanglement with Kasyapa remains and cliff, is primarily involving and confusing, quickly passes, will have no enemy of spirit wisdom to cast off. 所以,包括青丘在内的五大妖神几乎没有争执就做出了决断,不与迦叶遗蜕及断崖底部的尸骸纠缠,以牵扯和迷惑为主,尽快通过,将没什么灵智的敌人甩开。 As for Meng Qi is what idea, looked at his one eyes except for Qing Qiu(azure mound) and Tai Li, determined that he did not have the objection, Hui Guang(glowing light), Luo Jia and Fei Xiang neglects also to have such a Heavenly Immortal helper completely. 至于孟奇是什么主意,除了青丘太离看了他一眼,确定他没有异议,辉光落伽非想都完全忽略掉了还有这么一位天仙帮手。 Makes a decision, the Tai Li back as if tail feathers are in full bloom scarlet azure yellowish white black five colors Kuang Hua at the same time sprinkles, simultaneously brushes to holding the fist in the other hand to sit, the mouth contains smile Kasyapa. 决断一出,太离背后仿佛尾羽盛开般的赤青黄白黑五色同时洒出,齐齐刷向抱拳而坐,嘴含微笑的迦叶 Hui Guang(glowing light) departs top of the head Heaven, Earth, Black and Yellow Exquisite Treasured Pagoda, the cover to that just like the essence, fills up the skeleton the blood yellow river, must suppress it temporarily, Luo Jia and Fei Xiang follow, prevents the mutation, Qing Qiu(azure mound) and Meng Qi falls finally. 辉光则飞出头顶天地玄黄玲珑宝塔,罩向那条宛若实质,填满尸骸的血黄长河,要将它暂时镇压,落伽非想紧随其后,防止异变,青丘孟奇则落在最后。 Once Tai Li and Hui Guang(glowing light) go well, through the cliff, casts off the enemy fast, the ascended to peak! 一旦太离辉光得手,就飞快通过断崖,甩开敌人,登临顶峰! Five Colored Divine Light does not have the thing not to brush, Kasyapa remains also cannot escape by luck, was brushed directly falls, when Tai Li must take back scarlet azure yellowish white black radiance, as if was actually sewn in same place, how not to draw that Great Arhat Golden Body. 五色神光无物不刷,迦叶遗蜕亦未能幸免,直接被刷落,然而当太离要收回赤青黄白黑光华时,却仿佛被钉在了原地,怎么都拉不动那尊大阿罗汉金身 It is not only heavy above the material, but also heavily in mind! 祂不仅仅沉重在物质之上,而且沉重于心灵! The Tai Li complexion fluctuates, the body swings, had appeared the Five Elements Peacock true body, huge tyrannical, the aura is boundless, is taking back Five Colored Divine Light strongly. 太离脸色变幻,身躯一摇,已是现出了五行孔雀真身,庞大强横,气息磅礴,竭力收回着五色神光 The gods are only similar to the fishing net, can cover all fish, when but catches a shark, the owner of fishing net not necessarily has the strength to pull up the prey! 神光如同渔网,能罩一切鱼类,但当捕获住一条大鲨鱼时,渔网的主人未必有力量将猎物拉起! At this moment, because of falling into Five Colored Divine Light appears dim Kasyapa to send out sigh gently, the right hand lifts, the middle finger thumb makes the shape of picking flowers, stroked lightly. 就在这时,因为陷入五色神光而显得朦朦胧胧的迦叶发出轻轻的叹息,右手抬起,中指拇指做拈花之状,平淡拂了出去。 The flower blooms brightly, withers and falls finally, sentiment gold/metal is firm, difficult enemy time, the stars in nighttime sky, although is radiant, but will have collapsing finally extinguishment the day, is unable permanent, all things ten thousand laws, change inevitably, move toward ruined, this said variably. 花开灿烂,终有凋落,情比金坚,难敌时光,夜空里的星辰虽然璀璨,但最后还是会有坍塌“熄灭”之日,无法恒久,万事万物万法,必然变化,走向破败,此谓无常。 Variable rare long, is spatial! 无常难得久,万般皆是空! The pure meaning fills the air, the dark gold finger that Kasyapa strokes penetrated Five Colored Divine Light directly, as if had not hindered, the completely empty, ease point turned toward the Tai Li forehead. 清净之意弥漫,迦叶拂出的暗金手指直接穿透了五色神光,仿佛没有阻碍,空空如也,悠然点向着太离眉心。 Sees this situation, the Hui Guang(glowing light) complexion changes, changed the Heaven, Earth, Black and Yellow Exquisite Treasured Pagoda cover to fall forcibly, making it fly horizontally, kept off before the Kasyapa right hand. 见此情状,辉光脸色微变,强行改变了天地玄黄玲珑宝塔的罩落,让它横飞出去,挡在迦叶右手之前。 buddhist light blooms, the dark gold finger strokes above the arrived yellow and black pagoda, such as enters does not have the thing, any was not affected to pass! 佛光绽放,暗金手指拂到了玄黄宝塔之上,如入无物,不受任何影响般透了过去! Thus have I heard from the buddha, all promising laws, such as dream bubble! 如是我闻,一切有为法,如梦幻泡影! Crash-bang! 哗啦啦! As if comes under the influence that this strokes, the river water spray of blood yellow pollution is torrential, volume to Hui Guang(glowing light) as well as her back Fei Xiang and Luo Jia, but Tai Li exhausts the change, the god light/only drags, actually cannot get rid of that to stroke to the dark gold finger of forehead, once were hit, not escapes by luck certainly. 似乎受到这一拂的影响,血黄浑浊的长河水浪滔滔,卷向了辉光以及她背后的非想落伽,而太离穷尽变化,神光摇曳,却始终摆脱不了那拂向眉心的暗金手指,一旦被击中,绝无幸免。 Previous time enters in compared with Meng Qi, the strength that Kasyapa shows had the tremendous changes, Spirit Mountain really had some mutations! 比起孟奇上次入内,迦叶表现出来的实力发生了翻天覆地的变化,灵山真的有了一些异变! Hui Guang(glowing light) attracts one, the back grows the phoenix wing, proceeded to move a distance, avoided sweeping across of blood yellow river, then the double hand imprint law dark knot, in the eye the purple light soared, congealing purple was pleasant, Blessing Virtue was deep, hangs in the Tai Li top of the head. 辉光强吸一口,背后长出凤凰羽翼,生生往前挪了一段距离,避开了血黄长河的席卷,然后双手印法暗结,眼中紫光飞腾,凝出了一柄紫色如意,福德深厚,悬于太离头顶。 The dark gold finger is glittering the glimmer, must stroke the Tai Li forehead shortly, but does not know why missed a point throughout, the opposite party always turns danger into safety, avoids irregularly. 暗金手指闪烁着微光,眼看就要拂中太离眉心,但不知为何始终差了一点,对方老是化险为夷,差差避开。 The midair organizes, the good fortune blesses, when Tai Li supports the arrived Kasyapa potential finally completely. 半空腾挪,福气庇佑,太离总算撑到了迦叶势尽之时。 Roar! 吼! Bottom of the cliff shouts the acoustic image from the heart, lets each life hides fear to the death that and yearned that burst out, True Spirit trembles, slow movement, but the river of blood yellow pollution is rushing to Kunpeng Monster God Fei Xiang and Qilin Monster God Luo Jia rolling. 断崖底部嘶吼之声像是来自心底,让每个生灵潜藏的对死亡的畏惧和向往迸发了出来,真灵颤栗,动作迟缓,而血黄浑浊的长河滚滚涌向着鲲鹏妖神非想麒麟妖神落伽 River accumulated is completely dead intent, moistening, then True Spirit crashes, Yongcheng frogman, inextricable, seemed like in the world death Grand Dao manifestation, can destruction all vitalities. 长河蕴满死意,沾之则真灵坠落,永成水鬼,无法解脱,似乎是天地之间死亡大道显化,能覆灭一切生机。 Fei Xiang completely unfolds the divine ability resistance, but the clay ox entering the sea, does not have the least bit to respond again, coiling around body week water wind beginning of the universe also cuns (2.5 cm) disintegrated, falls into the death! 非想尽展神通抵御,但都泥牛入海,再无半点反应,就连盘绕身周的水风混元阵也寸寸瓦解,陷入死亡! Saw that he must be embezzled by the Yellow Springs, the critical moment, in the Luo Jia eye projects broken evil except the light of ghost, hits the blood yellow river, dispelled the part, slow instantly, Fei Xiang seizes this opportunity, a clear howled, turns into a bird, to skyrocket 90,000 li (0.5 km) stance to dash the void slit, runs out range that the Yellow Springs swept across. 眼看他就要被黄泉吞没,关键时刻,落伽眼中射出破邪除煞之光,打中血黄长河,消解了部分,迟缓了刹那,非想则抓住这个机会,一声清啸,化成一头飞鸟,以扶摇直上九万里的姿态撞破虚空缝隙,冲出了黄泉席卷的范围。 Wavy, skeleton simultaneously extends both hands, must keeping off, in front Qilin Monster God drags into the water, Luo Jia Evil Breaking Dao Light difficult support, creakying, if not the destiny is prosperous, the heaven blesses, perhaps already was scrubbed by the Yellow Springs, elapsed the life. 波浪滚滚,尸骸齐齐伸出双手,要将挡在前面的麒麟妖神拉入水中,落伽破邪道光艰难支撑,摇摇欲坠,若非气运鼎盛,苍天庇佑,恐怕已经被黄泉洗刷,逝去了生命。 Crash-bang! 哗啦啦! The blood Yellow River water is getting more and more anxious, Luo Jia is unable to stay quiet again, Divine Consciousness finds out, sound transmission Qing Qiu(azure mound): 血黄河水越来越急,落伽再无法保持平静,神识探出,传音青丘: With Monster Saint Spear, burns down quickly Yin filthy!” “快用妖圣枪,焚烧阴秽!” Damn Fei Xiang, dreads the manifestation Yellow Springs river water unexpectedly, circles in the midair, does not dare to descend, the so-called aid is futile attempt! 该死的非想,竟然畏惧显化的黄泉河水,盘旋于半空,不敢降落,所谓的援手不过是杯水车薪! Luo Jia finishes speaking, suddenly feeling at present one dark, strong winds unrestrained sweeping but is different from secret Divine Wind, the surroundings world seemed to be replaced other is. 落伽话音刚落,忽然感觉眼前一暗,狂风肆掠但有别于三昧神风,周围天地似乎被替换成了别的所在。 Dark, he sees the blood yellow pollution the river to shift strangely, by racing Yongwang, invested a big sleeve robe, the lord Human Dao crown azure robe of sleeve robe, two temple vicissitudes, are pretty the dust, just like is the Human Clan helper who Qing Qiu(azure mound) invited. 幽暗里,他看见血黄浑浊的长河诡异转向,奔涌往旁,投入了一只大张的袖袍,袖袍的主人道冠青袍,两鬓沧桑,清俊出尘,俨然便是青丘请来的人族帮手。 Universe Sleeve!” He blurted out. 袖里乾坤!”他脱口而出。 Universe Sleeve? Circled to look in Fei Xiang also stunned of midair. 袖里乾坤?盘旋于半空的非想愕然望了过来。 That Heavenly Immortal meets this big divine ability unexpectedly! 那位天仙竟然会这门大神通 That penetration world, the connection death blood yellow river like the waterfall, was received in the sleeve by Meng Qi, then sees only his front piece to be floating, flies high to take a step, auspicious clouds spontaneity, shape, if Dao Sect Heavenly Lord, then the sleeve robe proceeds to shake, the Yellow Springs that is unable to surround lost, rushes to Kasyapa remains, making Its instinct deal. 那贯通天地,连接死亡般的血黄长河如同瀑布,被孟奇收入了袖中,然后只见他衣襟飘飘,凌空迈步,祥云自生,状若道门天尊,接着袖袍往前一抖,将无法困住的黄泉丢了出去,涌向迦叶遗蜕,让祂本能应对。 Walks!” After Meng Qi meeting lives in the Yellow Springs, the heart is confident, looks all around, bright sound said. “走!”孟奇“接”住黄泉后,心头已然有底,环顾四周,朗声道了一句。 At this time does not walk, when treats! 此时不走,更待何时! Temporarily relieved difficult position Hui Guang(glowing light), Tai Li and other Monster God to look at each other one, the vision flashes, without said anything, must follow Meng Qi to cross the cliff and Kasyapa remains. 暂时解除了困境的辉光太离妖神对视一眼,目光闪动,没有多说什么,就要跟着孟奇越过断崖和迦叶遗蜕 The profound bottom roaring sound is lingering on faintly, but does not have crawling to come out. 幽深底部的咆哮声不绝于耳,但始终没有“爬”出来。 ............ ………… Meng Qi's Zhen Ding Tathagata Incarnation makes one remove the physical body and mortal flesh broad rivers to proceed along that is observing all around scene, seeks mortal flesh that Monk Tang removed in years past, the cross-strait scenery had not changed, if not the water current is torrential, will make one think that throughout on the spot. 孟奇的真定如来化身沿着那条让人褪去肉体凡胎的宽广河流往前,观察着四周景象,寻求昔年唐僧褪去的凡胎,两岸景色一直没有变化,若非水流滔滔,会让人以为始终在原地。 Good, the Meng Qi vision swept the crossing river scope, suddenly well, inside wave was gently clear, highlights scenes, all with oneself related, for example sits cross-legged in Kunlun Mountain Jade Void Palace, for example sword formation surrounds Great King of Inspiration, for example returned to Medieval, the pit Overlord, fought Supreme Heavenly Demon, as to these things, to mention just a few, oneself proved to result in the entire life after Dharma Body according to the time order, in reverse presented that completely all, only then Jade Void Palace, Monster Sovereign Palace wait/etc. a few experienced chaos, was hard to see clearly. 行了一阵,孟奇目光扫过河面,突然轻轻咦了一声,里面水波粼粼,凸显出了一幅幅场景,皆是与自己有关,比如盘坐于昆仑山玉虚宫内,比如剑阵困住灵感大王,比如回到中古,坑了霸王,交手太上天魔,如此种种,不一而足,自己证得法身后的生平按照时间先后的顺序,逆向呈现,全部皆在,只有玉虚宫妖皇殿等少数经历混混沌沌,难以看清。 What meaning does this have? Carefully examined the past?” Meng Qi knits the brows slightly, is tasting these experiences toward front, looked whether to peep to have problems to be. “这有什么含义?审视以往?”孟奇微微皱眉,边往前边回味着这些经历,看能否窥出问题所在。 After recalling he cuts off the future fight picture, the scene completely dark chaos in clear water glare, anything cannot see, even more makes one have doubts. 回溯到他斩断过去未来时的战斗画面后,粼粼水光里的场景完全幽暗混沌了,什么也看不见,愈发让人疑惑。 Continues to proceed, Meng Qi flew to escape, finally saw that Hasuri ended darkly, appeared the new scene, that was looks at World Cup picture when Earth rented room. 继续往前,孟奇飞遁了一阵,终于看到河水里幽暗终结,现出新的场景,那是自己在地球出租屋内看世界杯时的画面。 Well, how to jump the arrived Earth experience when directly? 咦,怎么直接跳到了地球时的经历? Meng Qi hesitates slightly, the union saw a moment ago, the thought floats lives, held an idea gradually: 孟奇略微沉吟,结合刚才所见,念头浮生,渐渐抓住了一个想法: What I see is at present this body the past, that dark hid the years in true Jade Void Palace, is unable to present, will therefore jump over in the past all sorts, presented the Earth scene, recollection correspondence body rather than True Spirit.” “我看见的是目前这具‘身体’的过去,那段幽暗是藏在真正玉虚宫内的岁月,无法呈现,故而才会跳过以往种种,出现地球场景,回溯对应‘身体’而非‘真灵’。” In other words, after removed physical body and mortal flesh afloat downward, since the past that oneself correspond, the little recollection, changes in reverse, the class/flow arrives at first, when returning to mother to be pregnant in October/ten months?” “也就是说,褪去的肉体凡胎顺流往下后,将进入自身对应的过去,一点点回溯,逆向变化,流到最初,回到母亲怀胎十月时?” So returns thoroughly this turns over to beginning, vanishes does not see?” “如此就彻底返本归初,消失不见?” Held this guess, Meng Qi was speeding up the escaping light, paraded downward along the rivers, along the road above, really from going to work to recall the university, recalled the high school, junior middle school and elementary school from the university, again from studying the experience recalled to babble, finally from babbling to turn into mother to be pregnant the scene. 抱着这个猜测,孟奇加快了遁光,沿着河流往下游行去,沿路之上,果然从上班回溯到大学,从大学回溯到高中、初中、小学,再从读书经历回溯到牙牙学语,最后从牙牙学语变成了母亲大着肚子时的场景。 The belly little changes is small, that body seems again traceless. 肚子一点点变小,那具“身体”似乎再无痕迹。 Proceeds, the scene interrupt, the rivers converge darkly, the front covers entirely the crack void, the appearance of the mountain is steep, unexpectedly after is Spirit Mountain, peak! 往前,场景中断,河流汇入幽暗,前方虚空布满裂缝,山势陡峭,竟是灵山后峰! Meng Qi stamps the foot this place, looks at the torrential river water looking pensive: 孟奇顿足此地,若有所思看着滔滔河水: „Before it seems like , when I enter Spirit Mountain Su Ziyuan mortal flesh that removes, goes downstream, changes in reverse, when when returns to Zhen Ding status little, Su Family son status, baby status, finally returns to the stomach, belongs to the flesh , there is nothing remains.” “看来之前我进入灵山时褪去的苏子远凡胎,是顺流而下,逆向变化,一点点返回真定时的状态,苏家庶子时的状态,婴儿时的状态,最终回到肚中,归于血肉,无有残留。” Is fills the Buddhism true intent rivers seriously......” “当真是充满佛门真意的河流……” What does that proceed to see again?” “那再往前又会看到什么?” What Monk Tang's mortal flesh will the exuviate turn into finally?” “唐僧的凡胎最终会蜕变成什么?” The white buddhist monk's robes monk who the fine dust does not dye hesitated, the starting to walk step, after stepping into Spirit Mountain, peak. 纤尘不染的白色僧衣和尚沉吟了一阵,迈开步伐,踏入了灵山后峰。
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