WORIOA :: Volume #6

#209: Absorbs Śarīra( first asked monthly ticket)

Tathagata Reverse Palm? The Genocide reddish black tide soon extinguished the Lin Tong Great Sun brilliance pouring, thick bloody greeted the nostrils to come with the death flavor, the Gu Liang mind trembled, the unable to deal with doubts, the right hand stretched out again, inwardly whispered: 如来逆掌?种族灭绝的红黑浪潮快要将林瞳大日光辉浇灭了,浓浓的血腥与死亡味道扑鼻而来,顾良心神颤栗,再顾不得疑惑,右手伸出,暗自低语: Come, Golden Saint Garment!” “来吧,黄金圣衣!” Wipes the colored glaze golden light to be sparking, the ear bank is the Buddha sound Zen sings, Gu Liang only thinks the right hand single layer, was wrapped by the bright bright golden armor, its line is smooth and graceful, the boundless vast strength that Yun Han(contain) is inconceivable, making the life have the shock feeling that Spiritual God arrives at directly. 一抹琉璃金光闪亮,耳畔是佛音禅唱,顾良只觉右手一重,被剔透明净的黄金盔甲包裹住了,它线条流畅而优美,蕴含着难以想象的磅礴浩瀚之力,让人生出神灵直接降临的震撼感觉。 within the body microcosm revolves and burns crazily, Gu Liang as if places oneself in the boundless starry sky, all around is radiant stars, set the example of constellation virgo continually, Seed of Wisdom each and every one that oneself before laid down took root to germinate, grows into Extraordinary Power. 体内小宇宙疯狂运转与燃烧,顾良仿佛置身于无垠星空,四周是一颗颗璀璨的星辰,连做了处女座的样子,自身之前埋下的智慧种子一个个生根发芽,长成超凡之力 His vision hides Milky Way, the right hand is naturally promoting, in the mouth makes severe warning sound: 他目光藏着银河,右手自然推出,口中发出当头棒喝般的声音: Nā mó!” 南无!” Bursts out brightly quiet and peaceful the light of purification by the palm that the golden yellow glove covers up, erupted just like the star, swept across the entire corridor, but has not affected the brick wood, only let the each and every one be with smile on the face crafty corpse and Genocide reddish black tide vanish like smoke in thin air. 被金黄手套遮掩的掌心迸发出明净又清宁的净化之光,宛若恒星爆发,席卷了整个楼道,但未曾影响砖木,只让一个个面带微笑的诡尸与种族灭绝的红黑浪潮烟消云散 Bright bright nowhere not, immeasurable light, Wuliangshou! 灿烂明净无处不至,无量光,无量寿! The pressure that Lin Tong faces alleviates instantaneously, then looks that wears the blue color to make Gu Liang of police officer coat to pass through from oneself, goes toward three building entrance ascended to step by step, the right hand wears god making the thing golden fingernail, the surroundings are pure, extremely happy spontaneity. 林瞳面临的压力瞬间缓解,然后看着身穿蓝色呢制警员大衣的顾良从自己旁边经过,往三楼门口一步步登临而去,右手戴着神造之物般的黄金手甲,周围清净安宁,极乐自生。 The Reversed Buddha Cult high-level vision one cold, roared lowly: 逆佛教的高层目光一凛,低低咆哮道: Gautama Buddha reincarnation?” 佛陀转世?” His both hands have the strange seal law, must execute Tathagata Reverse Palm again. 他双手结出诡异印法,就要再施如来逆掌 But at this time, Gu Liang opened the right hand five fingers, the golden yellow sparkle, the palm congealing light, illuminated into illusory, screened the Reversed Buddha Cult high-level body week radiant stellar lines. 可这个时候,顾良张开了右手五根手指,金黄闪耀,掌心凝光,照入了虚幻,映出逆佛教高层身周的一根根璀璨星线。 thunder sound reverberates, has the Buddha view: 雷音回荡,有佛说法: World is divided Six Paths, has because of then has the fruit, does good deeds Celestial, for wicked dropping hell......” “世间分六道,有因便有果,行善成天人,为恶堕地狱……” Zen sound is intermittent, Gu Liang splits the dignified sound again, the palm ray bursts out suddenly: 禅音阵阵,顾良再绽庄严之声,掌心光芒陡然迸发: Six Paths of Reincarnation!” 六道轮回!” In the ray, around the Reversed Buddha Cult high level immediately presented be with smile on the face illusory images, they or lack the arm, or few eyes, either does not have the intestines, the whole body is bloody, one after another is drawing the Reversed Buddha Cult high-level lower hem corner, shoes, arm, thigh, sent out call that the pain struggles: Goes to hell together!” 光芒之中,逆佛教高层周围顿时出现了一道道面带微笑的幻影,他们或缺胳膊,或少眼睛,或无肠子,浑身血淋淋,纷纷拉着逆佛教高层的衣角、鞋子、手臂、大腿等,发出痛苦又挣扎的呐喊:“一起下地狱吧!” No!” The blood-color transpiration, tremendous dangers and difficulties appear, the Reversed Buddha Cult high level sends out the sad and shrill pitiful yell, drew in the hell say/way by these illusory images. “不!”血色蒸腾,刀山火海浮现,逆佛教高层发出凄厉惨叫,被这些幻影生生拖入了地狱道中。 radiance glitters, Six Paths of Reincarnation phantom vanished, wears the Reversed Buddha Cult high level of reddish black wonderful shape long gown to pour in three building entrances, the body rolled up, the expression twisted, before dying, as if bore the enormous suffering, but did not have a scar all over the body. 光华闪烁,六道轮回虚影消失,身着红黑奇形长袍的逆佛教高层倒在了三楼门口,身体蜷缩,表情扭曲,死前仿佛承受了极大痛苦,但通体没有一点伤痕。 Such strength...... Gu Liang stunned takes back the right hand, is sizing up it carefully, golden yellow bright, cannot erase. 这样的力量……顾良愕然收回右手,仔细打量着“它”,金黄明净,不可磨灭。 This simply is the strength of god! 这简直就是神的力量! Corridor quiet and peaceful, did not have the bloody intestines and loses the arm of skin, did not have be with smile on the face corpses, Gu Liang and various Lin Tong bosom thoughts, fell into being in a daze, good long while sobers. 楼道一片清宁,没有了血淋淋的肠子和失去皮肤的手臂,也没有了一具具面带微笑的尸体,顾良林瞳则各怀心思,陷入了发愣,好半天才清醒过来。 But at this time, the Virgo Golden Saint Cloth part of Gu Liang right hand has vanished without the trace. 而这个时候,顾良右手的处女座黄金圣衣部件已然消失无踪。 How many does not know to offer, can be granted Virgo Golden Saint Cloth truly? He arises spontaneously such idea. 不知多少奉献,才能真正被赐予处女座黄金圣衣?他油然而生这样的想法。 Inspection corpse, searches for the clue.” Lin Tong deeply looked at Gu Liang one, had not asked, pretends anything not to happen, is treading the staircase, walks the arrived three building entrances, the probe head looks, seeing only the window curtains is sincere, throughout drawing, room dim, is placing bottles of cans of everywhere, inside has the light yellow water fluid, is soaking eyes, the eye of human! “检查尸体,搜寻线索。”林瞳深深看了顾良一眼,没有多问,装作什么都未发生,踏着楼梯,走到了三楼门口,探头望去,只见窗帘厚重,始终拉着,房间一片昏暗,到处摆放着瓶瓶罐罐,里面有着淡黄的水液,浸泡着一只只眼睛,人类的眼睛! Is looked by this pair of both eyes eyeball, oneself such as Lin Tong cannot bear absolutely terrifiedly, carefully looks, discovered also has tongue, heart and male and female reproductive organ and other things, is fearful and disgusting. 被这一双双眼睛“看着”,自身如林瞳也忍不住毛骨悚然,仔细看去,发现还有舌头、心脏、男女生殖器官等事物,可怕又恶心。 Reversed Buddha Cult is really the anti-human!” Lin Tong cursed angrily one. 逆佛教真是反人类!”林瞳怒骂了一声。 She is worried also to have other mutations, oneself can block, the panels are not good, therefore has not summoned the support, but was obviously surpasses Gu Liang of Special Operation Division middle-grade level to inspect the scene separately. 她担心还有其他异变,自身能挡得住,小组成员可不行,于是没有呼唤支援,而是与明显超过了特别行动科中等水准的顾良分头检查现场。 Gu Liang first puts on the white gloves, squatted down was looking over the corpse, discovered that the Reversed Buddha Cult high level truly did not have the scar, did not have the bone to break, internal organs breakage and other signs, seemed like really dragged into the hell by the ghosts the spirit body. 顾良先是戴上白手套,蹲下了翻检着尸体,发现逆佛教高层确实没有伤痕,也无骨头断折、内脏破损等迹象,看起来真的是被冤魂们将灵体拉入了地狱里。 „Is this Buddha Organization Six Paths of Reincarnation?” He is thinking looking pensive, then inspects the corpse relic. “这就是佛组织六道轮回?”他若有所思想着,然后检查起尸身遗物。 Reddish black reversion ten thousand Ziqi...... telegram two...... code book...... sariputra?” Gu Liang turns finally, discovered two sariputra, induces arrived, the color becomes golden yellow, Ze like the colored glaze, the meaning of spontaneity pure mercy, as if is hiding the Salvation to All Living Things flavor, another is similar to the blood to condense, the core place had the black to fill the air, filled meaning that slaughtered, Genocide bloody. “红黑逆向万字旗……电报两封……密码本一个……舍利子?”顾良翻到最后,找出了两枚舍利子,一枚正是自己感应到了,色成金黄,泽如琉璃,清净慈悲之意自生,仿佛藏着普度众生的韵味,另外一枚则如同鲜血凝聚,核心处有黑色弥漫,充满了杀戮血腥、种族灭绝的意味。 He has not thought deeply about these with enough time, the ear bank then resounded the disaster and storm divine thunder of called the sound: 他还没来得及思索这些,耳畔便响起了天灾与风暴之神雷鸣般的声音: Offers sacrifices two sariputra, obtains the offer.” “献祭两枚舍利子,获得奉献。” This can receive in exchange for the offer? Gu Liang looked at Lin Tong one, discovered that she finds a arrived material, and takes the telegram and code book that were uncovering a moment ago, is knitting the brows reading, has not paid attention to itself, will therefore wear Eye of Desire on finger to approach these two sariputra. 这个能换取奉献?顾良看了林瞳一眼,发现她找到了一份资料,并拿着自己刚才搜出的电报与密码本,正皱眉阅读,未曾注意自己这边,于是将戴在手指上的愿望之眼靠近了这两枚“舍利子”。 Just touched, two sariputra immediately broke up, changed to the Golden Body person's shadow, the Seventh people, reddish black to become demon, Genocide, simultaneously invested in Eye of Desire, vanished without the trace thoroughly. 刚有触碰,两枚“舍利子顿时崩解,一个化作了金身人影,普渡众人,一个红黑成魔,种族灭绝,齐齐投入了愿望之眼内,彻底消失无踪。 After Golden Saint Garment the low-spirited ordinary Eye of Desire core again becomes profound! 借来黄金圣衣后黯然平常的愿望之眼核心再次变得深邃! „The multi- accumulations, realize a better desire......” Gu Liang inwardly to say. “得多积累积累,实现更好的愿望……”顾良暗自想道。 Suddenly, his microcosm naturally revolves, the constellation development, seems the induction with the Reversed Buddha Cult high-level forehead, the Yin-Yang mutual attraction, the Buddha demon stirs up! 突然,他小宇宙自然运转,星座显影,与逆佛教高层眉心似有感应,阴阳相吸,佛魔相激! Reddish black reversion ten thousand characters highlight in the Reversed Buddha Cult high-level forehead, Gu Liang thought that he becomes part of body strangely, the thought moves, then saw the corpse to sway to stand up, frightens in the Lin Tong hand to shine the Great Sun god splendor. 一个红黑逆向万字符凸显于逆佛教高层眉心,顾良觉得他诡异成为了自己身体的一部分,念头一动,便看见尸体摇摇晃晃站起,吓得林瞳手中亮起了大日神辉。 Inspector Lin, is I! I discovered that I can operate this corpse.” Gu Liang hurrying answered. 林总督察,是我!我发现自己能操纵这具尸体。”顾良赶紧解释道。 Lin Tong gawked staring, at once face reveal smile: Happen to!” 林瞳愣了愣,旋即脸露笑容:“正好!” Happen to what?” Gu Liang vacant question. “正好什么?”顾良茫然反问。 Lin Tong said smugly: According to the telegram that the material and code book solve, I discovered that Reversed Buddha Cult is preparing a big plan, they first manufacture various types of divine objects, then plans to shoulder the battlefield, while offers sacrifices randomly a lively city, received exchange for resurrecting of Reversed Buddha.” 林瞳踌躇满志道:“根据资料和密码本解出的电报,我发现逆佛教在准备一个大计划,他们先制作各种神物,然后谋划挑起战场,趁乱献祭一个繁华城市,换取逆佛的复活。” Reversed Buddha once short return dozens years ago, arranged these things, but did not know to have problems afterward, did not have the response.” 逆佛曾经在几十年前短暂归来,布置了这些事情,但后来不知出了什么问题,又没有了回应。” You, since can operate this corpse, we fake temporarily have not discovered here, you use him to contact other Reversed Buddha Cult members, to grasp the founder and core inheritance is, finally thorough destruction they!” “你既然能操纵这具尸体,我们就暂时假作没有发现这里,你利用他接触其他逆佛教成员,以掌握教主与核心传承所在,最终彻底覆灭他们!” Gu Liang to offer, hesitates slightly then nods saying: Compliant, always supervises.” 顾良为了奉献,略微沉吟便点头道:“遵命,总督察。” He attempted, discovered oneself operate corpse the distance not over 100 meters, therefore planned that rents an apartment in the , Lin Tong is responsible for concealing below Special Operation Division member, and giving support explained to the police division and senior police Si who Men. 他尝试了一下,发现自己操纵尸体的距离不超过一百米,于是打算在附近租一间公寓,林瞳则负责隐瞒下方的特别行动科成员,并向前来支援的警司、高级警司们解释。 ............ ………… Several days do not have the words, some people have not contacted that Reversed Buddha Cult high level, Gu Liang, although has to be stranded in home, can the practice microcosm also be very interesting matter, does not feel agitated. 几日无话,未曾有人接触那名逆佛教高层,顾良虽然不得不困在家中,能修炼小宇宙也是非常有意思的事情,倒不觉得烦躁。 This night, thump thump thump the knock resounds, Gu Liang operated that Reversed Buddha Cult high level to open the door, then saw facial expression devout believers to file, crowded the apartment room. 这个深夜,咚咚咚敲门声响起,顾良操纵那名逆佛教高层打开了房门,然后看见一位位神情虔诚的教徒鱼贯而入,塞满了公寓房间。 Apostle, by the day of offering sacrifices, please preside over the ceremony.” Is the believer of head said respectfully. 神使,又到献祭之日,请您主持仪式。”为首的教徒恭敬说道。 Offers sacrifices? Ceremony? The Gu Liang recollection has read material, sinking sound said: You first prepare.” 献祭?仪式?顾良回忆看过的资料,沉声道:“你们先做准备。” Originally this high level is one of the Apostle! 原来这高层是神使之一! The believers disperse, regarding the high level of Gu Liang operation, jumped is filling slaughtered primitively with ** the dance, each and every one immersed gradually, on the face showed the strange smile, then one after another knelt down, put out the dagger. 教徒们散开,围绕着顾良操纵的高层,跳着充满了原始杀戮与**的舞蹈,一个个渐渐沉醉,脸上露出诡异的笑容,然后纷纷跪倒,拿出了匕首。 At this time, Gu Liang discovered that they were incomplete the finger, the body scabs were extremely numerous, obviously tried to please Reversed Buddha by the autonomy, completed to offer sacrifices. 这时,顾良才发现他们都残缺了手指,身上伤疤极多,显然是以自残取悦逆佛,完成献祭。 What to do? As a mental disposition also calculates that the good police officer, Gu Liang does not dare to imagine the following picture. 怎么办?作为一名秉性还算善良的警员,顾良不敢想象接下来的画面。 Can oneself look at their autonomy satisfiedly? 自己能心安理得看着他们自残吗? It is not good, must prevent! 不行,必须阻止! But how to prevent? The means that Gu Liang thinks of only help by the form request disaster and storm god of desire! 而如何阻止呢?顾良唯一想到的办法就是以愿望的形式请求天灾与风暴之神帮忙! After consuming part of contributions, he hears the voice of arrived god, results in the arrived direction, expression immediately becomes strange. 消耗了一部分贡献后,他听到了神的声音,得到了指点,表情顿时变得古怪。 In the believers will soon wield the dagger, suddenly hears Apostle to make the magnetic low and deep sound: Waits for.” 就在教徒们即将挥下匕首时,突然听见神使发出磁性低沉的声音:“等一下。” Why does not know, this sound particularly makes one trust, does not dare to defy, on image plane to Reversed Buddha. 不知为什么,这声音分外让人信赖,不敢违抗,就像面对着逆佛 Reversed Buddha is not quite satisfied with the beforehand ceremony, already modified, you follow I to study.” Gu Liang pronounced by Reversed Buddha Cult Apostle, the microcosm revolved, disturbs the spirit. 逆佛对以前的仪式不太满意,已经做出了修改,你们跟着我重新学习一下。”顾良透过逆佛教神使发音,小宇宙运转,扰动精神。 Is the believer of head said immediately: Invited Apostle guide.” 为首的教徒当即道:“请神使指导。” Apostle nods saying: You follow I to do.” 神使点了点头道:“你们跟着我做。” Then expression steep solemn silence: 然后表情陡地庄严肃穆: Now kick-off: Seventh set of calisthenics to radio music!” “现在开始仪式:第七套广播体操!”
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