WORIOA :: Volume #6

#208: Procrastinates( third asked monthly ticket)

Profound disappearance of Eye of Desire core place, does not have the response to the question of Gu Liang again, he has to accept Extraordinary Power that oneself obtained is the Virgo Micro Universe fact. 愿望之眼核心处的深邃消失,对顾良的疑问再无回应,他不得不接受了自己获得的超凡之力处女座小宇宙的事实。 Microcosm? Is this gadget useful?” Gu Liang sat the sides of the bed, both eyes closes, tastes the unusual sense, the body and mind was precipitating a moment ago gradually, within the body microcosm naturally revolved. “小宇宙?这玩意儿有什么用?”顾良坐到床沿,双眼闭上,回味着刚才与众不同的感官,身心渐渐沉淀,体内小宇宙自然运转。 All around resembles to be spatial, resembling to be quiet, as if has a thick gauze to be lifted, all become clear, in apartment each room has the sound to transmit, the snoring sound, the phonograph needle glide sound, the low weeping sound, the mouse gnaws to nip the sound, messy is disorderly, actually exceptionally serves as contrast the night to be tranquil. 四周似空非空,似幽非幽,仿佛有一层厚纱被掀开,一切都变得清晰,公寓每个房间内都有声音传来,呼噜声,唱针滑动声,低低啜泣声,老鼠啃咬声,杂乱无章,却衬托得夜晚异常宁静。 The upper air has the inexplicable induction to lower, constitutes the stars of constellation virgo to bloom the radiant and illusory ray, hangs, drew out an illusory image of maiden constellation, it as if becomes the vast universe. 高空有莫名感应降下,构成处女座的星辰绽放出璀璨又虚幻的光芒,垂到身上,引出了一个处女星座的幻影,它似乎自成浩瀚宇宙。 The strength flows, if in the Gu Liang hand has the star scraps/condescend to reappear, formed a micro Milky Way, Yun Han(contain) the bomb prestige energy. 力量流淌,顾良手中如有星屑浮现,汇成了一条微缩的银河,蕴含着炸弹般的威能。 Gu Liang opened the eye, to so-called microcosm, to constellation virgo, to intensive, again was unsuspicious. 顾良睁开了眼睛,对所谓的小宇宙,对处女座,对速成,都再无怀疑。 This is real Extraordinary Power! 这是货真价实的超凡之力 Only is opens the minimum part that practice comes out as if is not many member to be worse than Special Operation Division at present! 光是自己目前开放修炼出来的极小部分就似乎不比特别行动科很多成员差! But before the dozen minutes, oneself has not seen the true Extraordinary Power average person merely, the god graciousness like the sea, transforms instantaneously. 而仅仅在十几分钟前,自己还是未曾见过真正超凡之力的普通人,神恩如海,瞬间转变。 What is True God? 什么是真神 This is True God! 这就是真神 In the past only had the belief, stands up to Gu Liang that the strange ghost, Extraordinary Power wait/etc. did not believe completely, knelt in Eye of Desire devotionally front, the right hand resists the chest, was from the heart saying: 过去仅有浅浅信仰,对灵异鬼怪、超凡之力等完全不信的顾良站起身,虔诚跪于“愿望之眼”前方,右手抵住胸口,发自内心道: You are the lord of storm, you are disaster Incarnation, you are omnipotent to high god!” “你是风暴之主,你是天灾化身,你是无所不能的至高之神!” Finishes speaking, his as if looks at arrived universe most deep place, the most fearful place, sits one unable darkly with existence that the language described, did not have the high and low around division, without the difference of past future, all sources, initial initial. 话音刚落,他仿佛到了宇宙最深处,最幽暗最可怕的地方,坐着一个无法用语言来描述的存在,没有上下前后之分,没有过去未来之别,一切的源泉,最初的最初。 But this had in the hand to boil up a lightning, changed to a giant, the giant golden hair danced in the air, the thunder and lightning was the wing, is raising the terrifying great hammer, is making the storm, Incarnation became the disaster. 而这位存在手中迸出了一道闪电,化作了一尊巨人,巨人金发飞舞,雷电为翅,提着恐怖的巨锤,制造着风暴,化身成天灾。 don't tell me is God of Storm and Disaster only Incarnation that some have greatly?” Gu Liang is startled, at once is ecstatic. 难道风暴与天灾之神只是某位伟大存在的化身?”顾良吃了一惊,旋即心花怒放。 He puts on Eye of Desire, cleans up the room, goes out of the apartment, stands under the street light that the ray sways, waits for carriage that is riding spatially. 他戴上愿望之眼,收拾好房间,走出公寓,站在光芒挥洒的路灯之下,等待着空乘的马车。 As the Far East liveliest city, late at night has the carriage to roll by as before, is passing through the ballroom agglomeration and other city corners. 作为远东最繁华的城市,深夜依旧有马车驶过,贯穿着舞厅聚集地与城市其他角落。 When was very long, Gu Liang waits for arrived not to have the carriage of passenger finally, if in the past, he affirmed agitated anxious, but after there is Virgo Micro Universe, he thought that oneself particularly enjoys the rare free time. 等了很久,顾良终于等到了没有乘客的马车,若是以往,他肯定烦躁急切,但有了处女座小宇宙后,他觉得自己分外享受难得的空闲。 dá dá, the carriage rolls by no longer the crowded street, nearby when the quick then arrived new Scotland Yard, pays the fare, he sees the cart driver chest front to hang the plain cross. 哒哒哒,马车驶过不再拥挤的街道,很快便到了新苏格兰场附近,给付车资时,他看见车夫胸前挂着古朴的十字架。 „Do you believe Exalted Emperor?” He selected the eyebrow, asked one. “你信上帝?”他挑了挑眉毛,问了一句。 Since Exalted Emperor degenerates, does not know that many clergy fall into crazily with slaughtering, Its church disintegrates rapidly, already was very difficult to find the votary again, even so, worships the Depraved Exalted Emperor bloodthirsty lunatic. 自从上帝堕落,不知多少神职人员陷入疯狂与杀戮,祂的教会就迅速土崩瓦解,已经很难再找到信仰者了,即使有,也是崇拜堕落上帝的嗜血疯子。 Cart driver wooden nod: Yes, letter/believed three generations.” 车夫木纳点头:“是啊,信了三代人。” But already did not have clergy.” Gu Liang knits the brows to say. “可已经没有神职人员了。”顾良皱眉道。 The cart drivers looked at his one eyes strangely: What does that have? Oneself prayed at home.” 车夫奇怪看了他一眼:“那有什么?自己在家里祈祷啊。” At this point, his flexure scratched the head, embarrassed say/way: Is seeks to feel at ease.” 说到这里,他挠了挠头,不好意思道:“就是求个心安。” Gu Liang nods, this was also in the past the attitude toward the belief, but circumstances changed with the time, oneself already was from the heart to believe that existence of True God, believed supreme God of Storm and Disaster. 顾良点了点头,这也是自己以往对信仰的态度,但时过境迁,自己已经发自内心相信真神的存在,相信至高无上的风暴与天灾之神 Returns to the Special Operation Division conference room, many members are still resting, inside seems scattered, Gu Liang had not said, has taken the new material, is studying attentively. 回到特别行动科会议室,很多成员还在休息,里面显得稀稀落落,顾良没有多说,拿过新的资料,全神贯注地研究着。 Over time, he knows anything is Buddha Organization, anything is Dao Organization, knows common buddhist name Nāmó Amitābha, knows the Buddha Organization members advocate the mind the mystery, knows Six Paths Reincarnation System that they construct, knew Sixth Sense, Seventh Sense and Eighth Sense, as well as correspondence knowledge...... 随着时间推移,他知道了什么是佛组织,什么是道组织,知道了常见的佛号南无阿弥佗佛”,知道了佛组织的成员们崇尚心灵的奥妙,知道了他们构建的六道轮回体系,知道了第六感第七感第八感,以及对应的“识”…… But with the understanding Buddha Organization, he detected that own microcosm is getting more and more defined, is getting more and more powerful, probably had the reference, were many many Buddha Organization so-called Seed of Wisdom, once germinates, is different Extraordinary Power. 而随着对佛组织的了解,他发觉自己的小宇宙越来越明晰,越来越强大,像是有了参照,多了不少佛组织所谓的“智慧种子”,一旦发芽,便是不同的超凡之力 Virgo Micro Universe and do Buddha Organization have the complicated relations? Gu Liang feels suddenly terrified, but exceptionally is also joyful. 处女座小宇宙佛组织有着千丝万缕的关系?顾良突感悚然,但又异常欣喜。 No wonder God of Storm and Disaster must trace Reversed Buddha Cult! 难怪风暴与天灾之神要追查逆佛教 How to look?” Exchanged Lin Tong of policewoman black coat to collect. “看得怎么样了?”换上女警黑色大衣的林瞳凑了过来。 Gu Liang said honestly: Had not found what clue, but in Buddha Organization and Dao Organization to disappearance history had the understanding of comparison forming.” 顾良老实道:“没找到什么线索,但对消失历史里的佛组织道组织有了比较成形的理解。” Good, must find Reversed Buddha Cult, must have the understanding in this aspect.” Lin Tong nods, then the corners of the mouth brings back, the faint smile said that „, but also has an issue.” “不错,要找到逆佛教,少不了这方面的了解。”林瞳颔首点,接着嘴角勾起,似笑非笑道,“但还有一个问题。” What issue?” Gu Liang asked. “什么问题?”顾良问道。 Lin Tong glances one revolution: Why have you closed one's eyes? Can this also read the material?” 林瞳眼波一转:“你为什么一直闭着眼睛?这样也能看资料?” Do I, I close one's eyes? Gu Liang until this time discovered oneself seem like the blind person to shut both eyes, for quite some time, but the Lin Tong frown and smile, all around colleague, the material on table, looks clear. 我,我闭着眼睛?顾良直到此时才发现自己像是盲人般闭着双眼,不知从什么时候开始的,但林瞳一颦一笑,四周的同事,桌上的资料,都“看”得一清二楚。 This is Eye of Heart was looking that...... Gu Liang has bright becoming aware suddenly, Virgo Micro Universe truly originates from Buddha Organization! 这是用心之眼在看……顾良忽有明悟,处女座小宇宙确实就来源于佛组织 He opened the eye, all around pale yellow one seemed to be brighter, Lin Tong only thinks that his eye pupil deep place as if has Milky Way of revolving slowly, particularly appealing mind. 他睁开了眼睛,四周的昏黄似乎一下亮了很多,林瞳只觉他眼眸深处仿佛有着缓缓旋转的银河,分外吸引人心神。 Good, besides the accurate firing ability, other spirit cultivates the talent, no wonder chapter SIR must incur you especially.” Lin Tong takes back the vision, inwardly exclaimed in surprise. “不错啊,除了精准的射击能力,还有别的灵修天赋,难怪章SIR要特招你。”林瞳收回目光,暗自惊叹。 Crossed on several th, after the Reversed Buddha Cult information of Gu Liang collection lets Eye of Desire core is profound, the concerned person who remains behind the squad and action squad exchanges, before starting the essence investigation, to list and others, he and Lin Tong and other senior member one group, is responsible for slow Anqu several goals. 过了几日,当顾良搜集的逆佛教情报让“愿望之眼”核心再次深邃后,留守小队与行动小队互换,开始实质排查之前列出的有关人等,他与林瞳等资深成员一组,负责徐安区的几名目标。 In the alley, the path is narrow, the top of the head is randomly drying in the sun clothes line, often has the waterdrop to fall, Lin Tong quite feels is walking disappointedly, spoke thoughtlessly to ask the team member: That goal, what did you have to discover a moment ago?” 弄堂内,道路狭窄,头顶是乱拉的晾衣线,不时有水滴落下,林瞳颇感失望地走着,随口问着组员:“刚才那个目标,你们有什么发现?” No, is very normal.” Is called the Li Feng spirit to cultivate/repair the supervisor to shake the head to say. “没有,很正常。”叫做李峰的灵修督察摇头道。 Gu Liang also feels does not have any issue, when replied, suddenly was startled, because felt some type of thing and own microcosm resonance! 顾良也觉得没有任何问题,正待回答,突然怔住了,因为感觉到某种事物在与自己的小宇宙共鸣! Its pure wisdom, the zen is bright, it is Buddha Organization sariputra! 它清净智慧,禅意剔透,它是佛组织舍利子 Gu Liang turns head to look to nearby obsolete tattered apartment, is pointing at three corridors: That room has the issue!” 顾良扭头看向旁边的老旧破烂公寓,指着三楼道:“那个房间有问题!” What issue?” Lin Tong stunned asked. “什么问题?”林瞳愕然发问。 Has the aura of Buddha Organization sacred object, is doubtful related with Reversed Buddha Cult.” Gu Liang categorical say/way. “有佛组织圣物的气息,疑似与逆佛教有关。”顾良斩钉截铁道。 He understands why suddenly the storm and disaster lord of must give the microcosm of constellation virgo rather than Capricorn. 他忽然明白风暴与天灾之主为什么要给自己处女座的小宇宙而不是摩羯座了。 „Can you induce?” Li Feng was skeptical. “你能感应到?”李峰表示了怀疑。 If not Special Operation Division has too induces certain things to have the example of ultra long ability, he wants to flick the sleeve departs. 如果不是特别行动科有着太多感应某些事物具备超长能力的例子,他都想拂袖离去。 Can the rookie who just now joins what ability have? 才刚加入的新人能有什么能力? Determination.” Gu Liang persists in saying. “确定。”顾良坚持道。 Lin Tong thinks, immediately told: Forest peak SIP, you return to new Scotland Yard, the request assistance, Wang Yan supervising, your remaining team members disperse, block all accesses of this apartment, I and Sheriff Gu Liang inspect, so as to avoid there are other accidents/surprises.” 林瞳想了想,当即吩咐道:“林峰高级督察,你返回新苏格兰场,请求支援,王妍督察,你剩下组员散开,封锁住这栋公寓的所有出入口,我和顾良警长上去检查一下,免得有其他意外。” She for on, has not been thinking discretely intrudes directly, feared that alerts the enemy, but are unable to deal. 她谨慎为上,没有想着直接闯入,怕打草惊蛇而自身无法应对。 The apartment staircase makes noise, perhaps was completed in last century, does not know that underwent how much wind and frost, has transferred front two, when close to three buildings, Lin Tong attracted the nose suddenly, the sinking sound said: Smell of blood, really has the issue, returns downstairs.” 公寓楼梯吱吱呀呀作响,或许建成于上个世纪,不知经受了多少风霜,转过前面两层,接近三楼时,林瞳忽然吸了吸鼻子,沉声道:“血腥味,确实有问题,退回楼下。” She finishes barely the words, on the both sides wall found out arms suddenly, without the skin, performing is the flesh, but the first-order step staircase grew the bloody intestines, must tie down their bodies. 她话音未落,两侧墙壁上忽然探出了一条条手臂,没有皮肤,尽是血肉,而一阶阶楼梯则长出了血淋淋的肠子,要缠住他们的身体。 The Lin Tong right hand presses, body surface immediately has to be only luminous, like the dawn, according to the arm and intestines Zizi makes noise. 林瞳右手一按,体表顿时有净光亮起,如同晨曦,照得手臂与肠子兹兹作响。 She is Sun God God Officer. 她是太阳神神官 But Gu Liang witnesses this, first frightens, suddenly intent moves, the facial expression sinks to congeal, the mouth opened, made the dignified sacred sound: 顾良目睹这一幕,先是惊吓,忽然意动,神情沉凝,嘴巴张开,发出了庄严神圣之音: Nā mó!” 南无!” A Zen sound sound, his body at the same time put to make a debut the colored glaze golden light, the as if gold casts, filled the cannot erase flavor, the arm, was the intestines, was hard to invade, in every dozen, oneself cuns (2.5 cm) shatter. 禅音一响,他身体同时放出道道琉璃金光,仿佛黄金铸成,充满了不可磨灭的韵味,无论是手臂,还是肠子,都难以侵入,凡是打中,自身寸寸破碎。 Lin Tong stunned looked at Gu Liang one, will draw him to withdraw, actually listens to arrived thump thump thump the sound of footsteps, seeing under to walk the each and every one unfamiliar person, they put on have the characteristics respectively, on the face has the smile that may skim, but lacked the arm either, either the eye socket is empty, either chest and belly big mouth, disappearing intestines! 林瞳愕然看了顾良一眼,正要拉着他退后,却听到了咚咚咚的脚步声,看见下方走上来一个个陌生人,他们穿着各有特色,脸上带着可掬的笑容,但要么缺少了手臂,要么眼眶空荡,要么胸腹大口,不见了肠子! Didn't have the arm and bloody intestines of skin a moment ago from them? 刚才没有皮肤的手臂与血淋淋的肠子来自他们? Behind is extremely dangerous, a Lin Tong thought revolution, is drawing Gu Liang upward to: Arrived three buildings, jumps to other apartment roof, the waiting support!” 后面极其危险,林瞳念头一转,拉着顾良往上冲着:“到三楼,跳到别的公寓楼顶,等待支援!” Treads the tread to stare, they run to be quick, but at this moment, the gates of three building rooms open towering, inside walks a high thin man of wear reddish black wonderful shape long gown, the skin color ancient bronzes, the vision is indifferent, the right hand extends, the immediately Corporeal and Incorporeal shape wall kept off in Lin Tong and Gu Liang front. 蹬蹬瞪,他们奔跑极快,但就在这时,三楼房间的门突兀打开,里面走出来一个穿着红黑奇形长袍的高瘦男子,肤色古铜,目光冷漠,右手一伸,顿时有无形墙壁挡在了林瞳顾良前方。 His sound as if from the hell, both hands spreads out, is low and deep: 他的声音仿佛来自地狱,双手摊开,低沉道: Buddha has Salvation to All Living Things, Reversed Buddha has Genocide!” “佛有普度众生,逆佛种族灭绝!” The double palm pushes, the reddish black reversion ten thousand characters changed to Great Sun to rush to Lin Tong and Gu Liang brilliance. 双掌一推,红黑逆向万字符化作大日光辉涌向了林瞳顾良 But in the Gu Liang mind only flashed through a thought: 顾良脑海里只闪过了一个念头: Tathagata Reverse Palm! 如来逆掌 Under the reddish black wave, the dead is not affected, but Far East aura are not definitely able to resist. 红黑波浪之下,死者不受影响,而远东气息者都肯定无法抵挡。 Lin Tong grasps the Sun God emblem, changed to round of Great Sun, but also melts unceasingly, must unable to support shortly. 林瞳手持太阳神徽,化作了一轮大日,可也不断消融,眼看就要支撑不住。 Luck was not really good, meets the Reversed Buddha Cult high level.” The Lin Tong forced smile said. “运气真不好,遇到逆佛教高层了。”林瞳苦笑道。 The Gu Liang fine body hair towers, unable to deal with accumulates again, is stroking gently Eye of Desire, cried out: 顾良寒毛耸立,顾不得再积累,摩挲着“愿望之眼”,呐喊道: Omnipotent existence , helping me pass through this pass/test!” “无所不能的存在啊,助我闯过这一关!” Dodges to pass profoundly, in the Gu Liang mind suddenly presents a gold built the armor, its strength is vast, the meaning of pure being aloof just like essence. 深邃一闪而逝,顾良脑海内突然出现了一件黄金打造般的盔甲,它力量浩瀚磅礴,清净超脱之意宛若实质。 Virgo Golden Saint Cloth, lends the time limit: One minute, restriction on use: The microcosm is insufficient, can only wear the hand.” The God of Storm and Disaster slating sound resounds. 处女座黄金圣衣,借予时限:一分钟,使用限制:小宇宙不足,只能佩戴手部。”风暴与天灾之神雷鸣般的声音响起。 Golden Saint Garment? What thing is this? Gu Liang dumbfounded. 黄金圣衣?这是什么玩意?顾良呆住了。
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