WORIOA :: Volume #6

#207: The far-fetched desire is realized

Since the consumption offer obtains the accurate firing ability, how regardless of Gu Liang manipulates Eye of Desire, does not see it to have any response, the desire that proposed liked a stone dropped into the sea entirely. 自从消耗奉献得到精准的射击能力后,无论顾良如何摆弄“愿望之眼”,都不见它有任何反应,提出的愿望统统石沉大海。 This makes him suspect that is reason that the offer is insufficient, how may to obtain the offer not to have the clue, attempted to make some good people and good deeds and burning incense offers sacrifices, has not actually heard the affirmation of God of Storm and Disaster, was at heart getting more and more anxious, had the treasure spatially, is unable to use, was uncomfortable! 这让他怀疑是奉献不足的缘故,可对怎么获得奉献毫无头绪,尝试着做了一些好人好事和焚香献祭,却都未听到风暴与天灾之神的肯定,心里越来越焦虑,空有宝物,无法使用,最是难受! Now, God of Storm and Disaster set requirement, the opportunity is fleeting, how could to let off? 如今,风暴与天灾之神主动提出要求,机会稍纵即逝,岂能放过? During the thought rotations, Gu Liang will plan the words that resigns swallowed, inspires to say lightly: Police officer, what can I make?” 念头转动间,顾良将打算辞职的话语咽了下去,轻吸了口气道:“警官,我能做什么?” Wears the man of black coat saying: I am Special Operation Division chief police officer Zhang Shouque, directly is responsible for seven strike forces, you follow the first strike force to remain behind the information that the squad analyzes to collect temporarily, found the follow-up investigation the clue, yes?” 身穿黑色大衣的男子道:“我是特别行动科首席警官章守缺,直接负责七个行动组,你暂时跟着第一行动组留守小队分析搜集到的情报,找到后续调查的线索,明白吗?” Yes, Officer section.” Gu Liang raises hand to salute, heart with amazement. “是,章警官。”顾良举手行礼,心头骇然。 At present this unexpectedly is the chief police officer! 眼前这位竟然是首席警官! Far East National Police Agency conducted the structure of Scotland Yard completely, is under the charge of the entire hall matters concerned to the police service director, its under has the deputy director and assistant director four people, is called four big giants, runs the policeman section, the criminal section and local matter section and administrative support section respectively and other big departments, and is assisted them by a series of chief police officers, but the chief police officer committee that the chief police officers, four big giants and police service directors compose is the highest decision-making body. 远东警察厅完全承袭了苏格兰场的构架,由警务总监负责全厅事宜,其下有副总监、助理总监共四人,简称四大巨头,分别掌管巡警部、刑事部、地方事务部、行政支援部等四大部门,并由一系列首席警官辅助他们,而首席警官们、四大巨头和警务总监组成的首席警官委员会属于最高决策机构。 Gu Liang knows that Special Operation Division and was clear it is under after the chief police officer committee directly, has imagined its specialness, but had not expected completely it unexpectedly with four big department nearly same steps, responsible unexpectedly is a chief police officer. 顾良知道特别行动科并清楚它直接隶属于首席警官委员会后,想象过它的特殊,但完全没预料到它竟然和四大部门近乎同阶,负责的竟然是一位首席警官。 The Special Operation Division power certainly is very big...... he to say spontaneously. 特别行动科的权力一定很大……他油然想道。 Zhang Shouque puts out at the same time the epaulet, gave Gu Liang: This is your official police officer symbolized, do not make.” 章守缺拿出一面肩章,递给了顾良:“这是你的正式警员标志,不要弄掉了。” The official police officer and practice police officer biggest difference is changed to the epaulet by the shoulder patch, an sword-shaped symbolized, has the police officer to number, but did not have the name. 正式警员与见习警员最大的区别就是由臂章改为肩章,还是一个剑形标志,还是有着警员编号,但没有了姓名。 Serial number 9527......” Gu Liang received the epaulet, first swept a serial number. Then discovered that strangely own sword-shaped symbol has three! “编号9527……”顾良接过肩章,先扫了一眼编号。然后奇怪地发现自己的剑形标志有三个! Police, Sheriff!” He has a scare. “警,警长!”他吓了一跳。 This is the epaulet of sheriff! 这是警长的肩章! Oneself continually are of high-level the two sword-shapes police officer to symbolize that has not mixed, became the sheriff unexpectedly directly? 自己连高级警员的两个剑形标志都还没混到,竟然就直接成了警长? Can make a mistake? 会不会弄错了啊? Zhang Shouque said indifferently: Enters Special Operation Division, badly is also a sheriff.” 章守缺淡然道:“进入特别行动科,最差也是警长。” During speeches. He puts out the shoulder patch to wear to himself at the same time on, above has the serial number, as well as is symbolized by the scepter that the laurel crown packages, is representing the chief police officer. 说话间。他拿出一面臂章给自身佩戴上,上面有编号,以及被桂冠包裹的权杖标志,代表着首席警官。 He seems like less than 40, compared with me greatly am more than ten years old. Became the chief police officer, I also had supervising, the SIP, always supervised, the police division, the high-level police division, the police headquarters six equivalents must crawl...... such a think, Gu Liang thought the official rank of sheriff was not unthinkable, accepted satisfiedly. 他看起来不到四十,也就比我大十几岁。都成为首席警官了,我还有督察,高级督察,总督察,警司,高级警司,总警司六个等阶要爬……这么一想,顾良觉得警长的职级也不算匪夷所思,心安理得接受了下来。 Oh, Sergeant Huang this year 40 over. Used all might the quick 20 years to mix the title of sheriff in new Scotland Yard, but I was just put on regular status, with his even Jie, was really the person compared with the popularity deceased person.” Gu Liang regenerates the feeling at heart, all these are because have the firing ability of unusual level, the firing ability of unusual level came from Eye of Desire, Eye of Desire is the God of Storm and Disaster divine object. “唉,黄警长今年四十出头了。在新苏格兰场摸爬滚打了快二十年才混到警长的头衔,而我刚刚转正,就与他平阶,真是人比人气死人。”顾良心里再生感慨,这一切都是因为自己有超凡水准的射击能力,超凡水准的射击能力则来自于愿望之眼,愿望之眼又是风暴与天灾之神的神物。 Divine Power is really incomparable, god graciousness such as sea! Gu Liang decides to be converted to God of Storm and Disaster starting today. 真是神力无比,神恩如海啊!顾良决定从今日起改信风暴与天灾之神 To the mortal, a Spiritual God gracious gift slightly can make his life obtain the enormous change, reaches the peak gradually. Like oneself. 对凡人来说,神灵稍微的一点恩赐就能让他的人生获得极大改变,逐步登上巅峰。就像自己。 At least, the wage 80 silver dollars of sheriff, were also traded a good dwelling by oneself sufficiently, even can ask the servant to clean! 最起码,警长的薪水也有八十个银圆,足以让自己换个好住处,甚至能请佣人打扫! Zhang Shouque has turned around. Passed through the room that is hanging Reversed Buddha Banner, entered nearby conference room, inside is making dozens the men and women who wear supervising and SIP, always to supervise the shoulder patch, even two police departments, a high-level police division, they are reading front material methodically. Records unceasingly, each other circulates for perusal, from time to time some people raised the question, was round of new seeking, atmosphere peaceful ordered, but anxious busy. 章守缺转过身。穿过了悬挂逆佛旗帜的房间,进入了旁边的会议室,里面做着几十个戴着督察、高级督察、总督察臂章的男男女女,甚至有两名警司,一名高级警司,他们正有条不紊地看着面前资料。不断记录,彼此传阅,时而有人提出疑问,又是一轮新的寻找,气氛安静有序但紧张忙碌。 Zhang Shouque patted the palm, after drawing everyone's attention, points at Gu Liang saying: This is this year's rookie, Gu Liang, is good at firing, everyone looks, do not make him scare.” 啪啪啪,章守缺拍了拍手掌,引来所有人的注意后,指着顾良道:“这是今年的新人,顾良,擅长射击,大家照拂一点,不要让他吓坏了。” How this saying to be listening strangely...... Gu Liang stunned thinks, the instinct got hold to camouflage the ring Eye of Desire, is praying care of God of Storm and Disaster at heart. 这话怎么听着怪怪的……顾良愕然想到,本能握紧了伪装成戒指了“愿望之眼”,心里祈祷着风暴与天灾之神的眷顾。 A female who wore always supervises the shoulder patch stood, the simultaneous/uniform shoulder sent directly, the beam purple skirt, the appearance was mature and charming, said with a smile slightly: Brother Gu, does not use anxiously, how regarding to make the rookie transit, our already is very experienced, will not present so many case that again as before enters the mental asylum, naturally, makes our lines, sometimes will really have does not have tomorrow today, you must have the preparation.” 一位佩戴总督察臂章的女子站了起来,齐肩直发,束腰紫裙,容颜成熟而妩媚,微微笑道:“顾小弟,不用紧张,对于怎么让新人过渡,我们已经很有经验,不会再像以前一样出现那么多进入疯人院的案例,当然,做我们这行,有的时候真的是有今天没明日,你要有心理准备。” Insane asylum case? Will have does not have tomorrow today? Gu Liang held breath a cold air, felt oneself were more anxious, fortunately, oneself have God of Storm and Disaster to bless! 疯人院案例?有今天没明日?顾良倒吸了口凉气,觉得自己更紧张了,还好,自己有风暴与天灾之神庇佑! Lin Tong, do not frighten him, leading him to lead the equipment, distributes to his material.” Zhang Shouque smiles rarely, turns around to depart. 林瞳,别吓唬他,带他去领装备,分派给他资料。”章守缺难得一笑,转身离去。 Courage is good.” Lin Tong leaves the home position, walks in front of arrived Gu Liang, praised one with a smile, „, if could not bear continually a moment ago, transfers the criminal section is quite good as early as possible, here case always bloody terrorist, strange fearful.” “胆子不错啊。”林瞳离开原位,走到了顾良面前,笑吟吟夸奖了一句,“如果连刚才的话都受不了,趁早转去刑事部比较好,这里的案子总是血腥恐怖,诡异可怕。” If cannot be offered, realizes the desire, I thought the criminal section is quite good...... Gu Liang to say with a smile reluctantly, comes the Special Operation Division logistics department of arrived next door with the physique that Lin Tong drags. 如果不是能得到奉献,实现愿望,我还是觉得刑事部比较好……顾良勉强笑道,跟着林瞳摇曳的身姿来到了隔壁的特别行动科装备部。 This is your weapon.” Lin Tong and head chatted, took out a document envelope, inside is a brand-new revolver, but above draws spirit rune/symbol writing who carves many to pass is repairing the flavor, silver gray bullet also however! “这是你的武器。”林瞳与负责人闲聊了一阵,取出了一个公文袋,里面是一把崭新的左轮手枪,可上面绘刻着诸多透着灵修味道的符文,银灰子弹亦然! Seeing the Gu Liang doubts is curious, Lin Tong said with a smile: Holy Spirit Pistol, can cope with injust spirit body, devil Evil God and other thing, is suiting your specialty.” 顾良疑惑好奇,林瞳笑道:“圣灵手枪,能对付冤魂灵体、魔鬼邪神等物,正适合你的专长。” Depends on them to investigate strange and Evil Cult case?” Gu Liang receives, proficiently equips. “就靠它们调查灵异与邪教案件?”顾良接了过来,熟练装备上。 Lin Tong smiles: Special Operation Division member Naturally Gifted, becomes the Spirit Cultivation Society member either, either stems from the major temples, is true God Officer that Spiritual God cared, few parts look like you, must rely on the special weapon.” 林瞳笑了笑:“特别行动科的成员要么天赋异禀,成为了灵修会成员,要么出自各大神殿,是得了神灵眷顾的真正神官,只有少部分像你,必须依赖特殊武器。” Major temples? Since Exalted Emperor degenerates, divided to blow Sun God, God of Knowledge, God of Protection, God of War and God of Spirit opposite party influence? Gu Liang suddenly realize. 各大神殿?自上帝堕落后,分刮了对方势力的太阳神知识之神守护之神战争之神灵术之神等?顾良恍然大悟 Oneself are unique God of Storm and Disaster God Officer! 自己则是独一无二的风暴与天灾之神神官 After returning to the conference room, Gu Liang results in arrived thick one pack of materials, starts to glance through, records the main point and unusual place. 回到会议室后,顾良到了厚厚的一叠资料,开始翻阅起来,记录要点和反常之处。 After a day of laborious work, he clarified the long and short of the story of this Evil Cult case finally: 经过一天的辛苦工作,他总算弄清楚了这次邪教案子的来龙去脉: First was other Far East area provinces successively presented a series of suicides and is killed the case, the dead smiles, the body was incomplete, more or less remains the symbol of Reversed Buddha Cult, the special task force that therefore the local police located reported the arrived new Scotland Yard the matter, resulted in arrived certainly to attach great importance, after the initial inquiry, locked several Reversed Buddha Cult members, but only seized successful one, other let slip completely, the opposite party or escaped either the self-destruction. 先是远东地区其他行省陆续出现了一系列自杀和被杀案子,死者都满脸笑容,身躯残缺,或多或少残留着逆佛教的标志,于是地方警察处的特别行动组将事情汇报到了新苏格兰场,得到了一定重视,经过初次调查,锁定了几个逆佛教成员,但只抓捕成功一位,其余全部失手,对方要么逃要么自毁。 But from holding in the member mouth, Special Operation Division knew Tathagata Divine Palm, knows counter practices Divine Palm Xiao Huzi, knows possibly was he ruined Far East Civilization, ruined Buddha with saying two organizations, therefore the case was proposed the arrived phenomenally important degree, must prevent this Demon God to resurrect! 而从抓住的这位成员口中,特别行动科知道了如来神掌,知道了逆练神掌小胡子,知道了可能是他毁掉了远东文明,毁掉佛与道两个组织,于是案子被提到了空前重要的程度,必须阻止这个魔神复活! Now the work of Gu Liang analyzes other materials of strike force collection, investigates Reversed Buddha Cult or the those dead's interpersonal relationship, thus found the clue, and outstanding is exceptionally arid. 如今顾良的工作就是分析其他行动组搜集的资料,排查逆佛教那些死者的人际关系,从而找到线索,高强度且异常枯燥。 However, Gu Liang is instead full of energy, as because read increase of material, he discovered Eye of Desire the core was even more profound, obviously was the offer starts to accumulate, product. 不过,顾良反而精神抖擞,因为随着阅读资料的增多,他发现“愿望之眼”的核心愈发深邃,明显是奉献开始积累,越积越多。 arrived late at night, after remaining the squad members look for the place short rest respectively, the Gu Liang excuse goes home to handle a matter, slipped away new Scotland Yard. 到了深夜,留守小队成员各自找地方短暂休息后,顾良借口回家处理点事情,溜出了新苏格兰场。 Goes home, he takes out Eye of Desire, the expression becomes solemn and respectful: 回到家中,他取出愿望之眼,表情变得肃穆: Omnipotent God of Storm and Disaster, your devout follower request realizes the desire.” “无所不能的风暴与天灾之神啊,您虔诚的信徒请求实现愿望。” Low and deep such as the thunderous sound resounds: Offer has the accumulation, said your desire.” 低沉如雷鸣的声音响起:“奉献有积累,说出你的愿望。” I imagine other God Officer the same as obtain Extraordinary Power.” Gu Liang said excitedly, filled with the anticipation. “我想像其他神官一样获得超凡之力。”顾良激动说道,充满了期待。 Your offer is insufficient, is unable to realize......” slating sound not to have the mood to fluctuate. “你的奉献不足,无法实现……”雷鸣般的声音没有情绪波动。 Gu Liang was scared, how oneself know the offer enough, does not have the weight and measure...... 顾良傻眼了,自己怎么知道奉献够不够,都没有度量衡…… This simply is non- fair trade! 这简直是不公平交易! He does not dare to question God of Storm and Disaster, hesitated evil ways: To offer Extraordinary Power that at present can obtain.” 他不敢质疑风暴与天灾之神,沉吟了一下道:“以目前奉献可以获得的超凡之力。” Offer consumption, the desire is realized.” On the eye badge bursts out the silver purple electric current, drilled into the body of Gu Liang, again makes his whole body paralysis, then he felt that had the thing to enter, opens oneself eyes, nose and other correspondence of the mysterious spots, within the body as if had one with the world that the outside world corresponded, presented the appearance of nebula constellation indistinctly. “奉献消耗,愿望实现。”眼睛般的徽章上迸发出银紫电流,钻入了顾良的身体,再次让他浑身麻痹,然后他感觉有事物进入,打开了自己眼睛、鼻子等对应的神秘部位,体内仿佛有了一个与外界对应的天地,隐约呈现星云星座的模样。 Ear, vision, sense of smell again also different, the zen is deep, Gu Liang deeply is infatuated in such sense, good long while remembers to ask: Great God of Storm and Disaster, this is what Extraordinary Power.” 耳朵,视觉,嗅觉再也不同,禅意深深,顾良深深陶醉在这样的感官里,好半天才想起发问:“伟大的风暴与天灾之神,这是什么超凡之力。” This is intensive Virgo Micro Universe.” The slating sound does not have a happy expression. “这是速成的处女座小宇宙。”雷鸣般的声音不带一丝笑意。 Virgo Micro Universe? What is this? Gu Liang vacant. 处女座小宇宙?这是什么?顾良一片茫然。 An issue, I am Capricorn!( To be continued.) 还有一个问题,我是摩羯座啊!(未完待续。) ps: Third before 1 : 00 ps:第三更在一点前
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