WORIOA :: Volume #6

#206: Special Operation Division( first)

The Sergeant Huang far wave wears the hand of white glove to toss about to inspect this silver-white sheet metal, but does not dare to touch the button at will, good long while latter puts in it the exhibit bag , to continue other flow, Gu Liang is suppressing the curiosity, looks at the sheriff to handle affairs dedicated, once in a while according to the instruction makes some help, in the mind more and more presents the content that in the police academy learns, each other verification. 警长黄远波戴着白色手套的手翻来覆去检查着这块银白色的金属薄片,但没敢随意触碰按钮,好半天后将它放入证物袋内,继续别的流程,顾良压制着好奇心,专注看着警长行事,间或根据吩咐做些帮忙,脑海里越来越多地出现警校里学到的内容,彼此印证。 It seems like troubled......” sheriff to say with a sigh suddenly, but in the tone is completely relaxed. “看来麻烦了……”警长忽然叹息道,但语气里尽是轻松。 The Gu Liang heart doubts, are emboldening to ask: Sergeant Huang, can this be the unsettled law case? Therefore do you feel troublesome?” 顾良心头疑惑,壮着胆子问道:“黄警长,这会是悬案吧?所以你才觉得麻烦?” Can be why relaxed? Will become the unsettled law case in any case, doesn't need to consume the spiritual detection? 可为什么会轻松呢?反正会成为悬案,无需耗费精神侦查了? yellow Yuanbo smiles, stands the burned black corpse front saying: Does not have the night of thundering lightning dead of the thunder strike is not an this solitary one case, in the past happened to be many matter of being similar, some related to the supernatural, some were involved in the Spirit Cultivation Society and other organization of the events.” 黄远波笑了笑,站着焦黑的尸体前方道:“没有打雷闪电的夜晚死于雷击并非孤案,过去曾经发生过很多起类似之事,有的涉及超自然现象,有的则是卷入了灵修会等组织的事件。” last year, Scotland Yard came Charlotte spy of exchange to mention a similar case, did not have the night of thunder to be divided by the lightning, similarly is gripping together the silver white sheet metal, the only difference was, the dead body was special, the doubtful Demon God follower, died for many years to be discovered, therefore, some reasons believe, this was involves Evil Cult to involve the case of unusual event together, did not need our criminal activity to track down the branch to take over, has directly subordinates is responsible for in Special Operation Division of chief police officer committee.” “就在去年,苏格兰场过来交流的夏洛特侦探就提到过一起类似的案子,同样是无雷之夜被闪电劈死,同样是攥着一块银白金属薄片,唯一的不同在于,死者身体特殊,疑似魔神信徒,死亡多年才被发现,所以,有理由相信,这是又一起牵涉邪教牵涉超凡事件的案子,不用我们刑事侦缉科接手,自有直接隶属于首席警官委员会的特别行动科负责。” Gu Liang hears dumbfoundedly, is confused, the strange novel that as if read last night illuminated into the reality, what supernatural? What unusual event? 顾良听得目瞪口呆,一头雾水,仿佛昨晚看的灵异小说照入了现实,什么超自然现象?什么超凡事件? Actually is Sergeant Huang saying what? 黄警长究竟在说什么? „Have you looked at that «World Strange Record»?” yellow Yuanbo is playing with own glove, asked careless. “你看过那本《世界异闻录》没有?”黄远波玩弄着自己的手套,漫不经心问道。 Look, has looked!” Gu Liang subconscious reply. “看,看过!”顾良下意识回答。 Sergeant Huang shows the smile: Has looked well, matter that inside records real.” 黄警长露出微笑:“看过就好,里面记载的事情都是真的。” „......” The Gu Liang mouth opens, is hard to close up. “啊……”顾良嘴巴张开,难以合拢。 Personnel office already authorized your being put on regular status application, next Monday will have the department to receive you, therefore I make people lend you restricted data of this National Police Agency ahead of time, when has the police comes across the strange event to feel helpless.” yellow Yuanbo hehe said with a smile, looked had not felt that inside content did hear something never heard of in the past? This is the secret restricted data!” “人事处已经批准了你的转正申请,下个礼拜一就有部门接收你,所以我才将这本警察厅的内部资料让人提前借给你,免得出警时遇到灵异事件不知所措。”黄远波呵呵笑道,“看的时候没有感觉里面的内容过去闻所未闻吗?这都是机密资料!” The father, mother, I, after I do not want to do...... the shock, Gu Liang beat a drum, had the idea of resignation, how did a oneself ordinary person walk into the strange world? 爹,娘,我,我不想干了……震惊之后,顾良一阵打鼓,起了辞职的想法,自己一个普普通通的人怎么就走入灵异世界了? yellow Yuanbo shot a look at his one eyes saying: We have the police to come across similar matter to submit directly to the chief police officer committee, is dispatched Special Operation Division to process by them, we only need to be responsible for with the normal person related matter, does not need to be afraid, you said you, even if not the police, this whole life couldn't certainly come across the matter of strange ghost? The good and evil knows the whole story now, could not find the professional to help, what fears?” 黄远波瞥了他一眼道:“我们出警遇到类似事情都是直接提交给首席警官委员会,由他们派遣特别行动科处理,我们只需要负责与正常人有关的事情,不用害怕,你说你就算不当警察,这辈子就一定碰不到灵异鬼怪之事了?好歹现在知根知底,也找得到专业人士帮忙,怕什么?” His tone school of relaxedness, making Gu Liang gradually gentle the mood, said with a smile reluctantly: Sergeant Huang said right.” 他语气一派轻松,让顾良渐渐平缓了心情,勉强笑道:“黄警长说得对。” At this time, the criminal activity tracked down other branch colleagues to catch up, some protection, some returned to new Scotland Yard to submit to report that to the chief police officer committee, waited for taking over of Special Operation Division, which department Gu Liang there's not enough time inquires itself by to take over were many pile of odd jobs, was tied up, finally to be many being on night duty mission. 此时,刑事侦缉科其他同事赶来了,有的保护现场,有的回新苏格兰场提交报告给首席警官委员会,等待特别行动科的接手,顾良来不及打探自己会被哪个部门接手就多了一堆杂活,忙得不可开交,最后还多了一个值夜的任务 The night is deep, in busy new Scotland Yard lights are put out, only the other criminal activities track down the branch exhibit room also to have the pale yellow ancient electric lamp to sway, Gu Liang both hands insert in the pocket, paces up and down, has the fear that cannot mediate at heart. 夜深深,繁忙的新苏格兰场内一盏盏灯火熄灭,只余下刑事侦缉科的证物房还有昏黄的古旧电灯摇晃,顾良双手插在兜里,来回走动,心里有着排解不去的恐惧。 Because of that burned black corpse, as well as with his related item also here! 因为那具焦黑的尸体,以及与他有关的物品都还在这里! After Special Operation Division sends people to look, thinks that is the immaterial event, but recently they had the big case to be busy, cannot branch out the manpower, several days have connected with again, therefore the Sergeant Huang far wave makes Gu Liang be on night duty specially the guarding. 特别行动科派人看过后,认为是无关紧要的事件,而最近他们有大案子要忙,分不出人手,过几日再交接,于是警长黄远波特意让顾良值夜看守。 Gu Liang transferred tired, sat down, at present on the table is putting several exhibit bags, inside had the fine pocket watches, gold bars and other miscellaneous, including that silver white sheet metal. 顾良转得累了,重新坐下,眼前桌子上放着几个证物袋,里面有精致的怀表、一根根金条和其余杂物,包括那块银白金属薄片。 The courage foot, lives curiously, Gu Liang is the person who likes the strange frightened story, sits, becomes doubtful at heart: „Before clock and watch merchant dies, is gripping is actually the silver white sheet metal what? Evil Cult badge?” 胆气足,好奇生,顾良本来就是喜好灵异惊悚故事的人,坐着坐着,心里犯了嘀咕:“钟表商人死前攥着的银白金属薄片究竟是什么?邪教的徽章?” He glances right and left, clenches teeth, put out pair of white gloves to put on simply, opened the exhibit bag carefully, took out that sheet metal, was taking a look to the light. 他左顾右盼,咬了咬牙,干脆拿出了一双白手套戴上,小心打开证物袋,取出了那块金属薄片,对着灯光瞅了起来。 The modeling has to plant the aesthetic sense of surpassing the time, is not insightful, the pattern is strange, the button has one...... 造型有种超越时代的美感,并不通透,花纹诡异,按钮只得一个…… Suddenly, Gu Liang slides, the silver white sheet metal drops downward, he hurries to grasp, actually did not grasp the button carefully, innermost feelings immediately thump, for fear that had not the good change. 忽然,顾良手一滑,银白金属薄片往下跌落,他慌忙去抓,却不小心抓中了按钮,内心顿时咯噔了一下,生怕出现不好的变化。 Does not have the different light to flash before , without the black fog to emit, Gu Liang relaxes, does not dare to be harebrained, prepares to return in the exhibit bag the sheet metal. 没有异光闪现,没有黑雾冒出,顾良松了口气,不敢再冒失,准备将金属薄片放回证物袋内。 At this moment, the sheet metal surface suddenly had the life to wriggle probably, stripped silver white layer, this silver white condensed the thumb size bead, in deep, but outside shallow, a as if profound eye. 就在这时,金属薄片表面忽然像是有生命般蠕动了起来,剥离了一层银白,这层银白则凝聚成了拇指大小的珠子,内深而外浅,仿佛一只深邃的眼睛。 Gu Liang stood up fiercely, knocked down the chair, withdrew again and again, wants to avoid this strange change, there's not enough time considered oneself brought the big trouble, only wants to escape this terrifying side. 顾良猛地站起,撞倒了椅子,连连退后,想要躲避这诡异的变化,来不及考虑自己是不是闯下大祸了,只想逃开这恐怖的一面。 After the profound silver white eye concentrates, all mutations vanished, at this time Gu Liang had not escaped from the exhibit room with enough time. 深邃的银白之眼凝出后,所有的异变都消失了,这时顾良还没来得及逃出证物房。 He lives in the footsteps, probably there has anything to summon itself, after swallowing a saliva difficultly, felt, since no were strange, under tidying up table, so as to avoid being just put on regular status is dismissed. 他顿住脚步,像是那里有什么召唤着自己,艰难吞了口唾沫后,觉得既然没什么古怪了,还是收拾下桌子,免得刚刚转正就被开除。 The exhibit has not lost, were on the contrary many, Gu Liang wears the white gloves, took it, discovered that it inscribes rows of tiny writing: 证物没有丢失,反倒多了一件,顾良戴着白手套,将它拿了起来,发现它铭刻着一排排细小的文字: Eye of Desire, the God of Storm and Disaster divine object, can satisfy all your desires, so long as makes the corresponding contribution.” 愿望之眼,风暴与天灾之神的神物,能满足你所有愿望,只要做出相应奉献。” Gu Liang stayed, suddenly has being out of sorts feeling, oneself have read so many strange novels, first meets itself to label for the household utensils of such and such divine object, although is clear, but the mysterious unknown terrifying feeling lost, particularly ground beetle! 顾良呆了呆,忽然有种违和感,自己看过那么多灵异小说,还是第一件遇见自己标注为某某神物的器皿,虽然一目了然,但神秘未知的恐怖感就丢失了,分外土鳖! Makes the contribution, satisfies the desire, is really the Evil Cult style.” Gu Liang shakes the head, hey, I, if made a vow to strengthen the firing ability, how it will be satisfied?” “做出奉献,满足愿望,果然是邪教的风格。”顾良摇了摇头,嘿了一声,“我要是许愿增强射击能力,它会怎么满足?” Finishes speaking, his ear bank resounds the low and deep slating voice: Has the offer to accumulate, the desire satisfies.” 话音刚落,他耳畔就响起低沉雷鸣般的嗓音:“有奉献积累,愿望满足。” The faint trace silver white electric light overflows, the Gu Liang body immediately paralysis, the brain sudden acupuncture ache, the vision had the delicate change, the motion nerve also had some enhancement. 丝丝银白电光溢出,顾良身体顿时麻痹,大脑突然针刺般疼痛,视觉出现了微妙变化,运动神经也有了某种增强。 All quick in the past, probably nothing happened, Gu Liang erratically puts down Eye of Desire panic-stricken, looks at own both hands, had to plant them cleverly many feelings. 一切很快过去,像是什么都没有发生,顾良惊恐不定地放下“愿望之眼”,愣愣看着自己的双手,有种它们灵巧了许多的感觉。 „Did don't tell me really realize the desire?” He has doubts to think. 难道真的实现愿望了?”他疑惑想着。 A night completely indulges in flights of fancy, when the dawn, Gu Liang will strip a silver white sheet metal to return, brings Eye of Desire, made the connection with the colleague, hurries to the target range hurriedly, must experiment own firing ability. 一夜尽是胡思乱想,等到天明,顾良将剥离了一层的银白金属薄片放回,带着愿望之眼,与同事做了交接,匆匆忙忙赶去靶场,要试验一下自己的射击能力。 Bang bang bang! 砰砰砰! The consecutively ten spears/guns, center the spear/gun spear/gun the bull's eye, Gu Liang looks at dumbly same place, cannot believe. 连续十枪,枪枪正中靶心,顾良呆立原地,不敢相信。 Own firing ability has passed an examination reluctantly! 自己的射击能力一直都是勉强及格! Eye of Desire really can satisfy the desire! 愿望之眼真的能满足愿望! God of Storm and Disaster has such Divine Power, how to have heard? 风暴与天灾之神有如此神力,怎么从来没听说过? Suddenly, his side were many a man, black coat that puts on the Scotland Yard style, is haggard-looking, double pupil black accumulated is red, having the feeling is very bad. 突然,他身边多了一个男子,穿着苏格兰场风格的黑色大衣,面容消瘦,双眸黑中蕴红,存在感很差。 Good.” This man nods, „the firing ability of unusual level.” “不错。”这男子点了点头,“超凡水准的射击能力。” He looked at the Gu Liang police officer badge, said indifferently: Gu Liang? Monday to the Special Operation Division registration.” 他看了看顾良的警员徽章,淡然道:“顾良是吧?礼拜一到特别行动科报到。” Then, he turns around to walk, does not give the leeway of rejection. 说完,他转身就走,不给拒绝的余地。 Special Operation Division? Gu Liang has a scare, is about to reject, could not have seen the opposite party person's shadow. 特别行动科顾良吓了一跳,待要拒绝,已是看不到对方人影。 don't tell me Special Operation Division really lacked the manpower recently, even can my fellow gather? 难道特别行动科最近真是缺乏人手,连我这种家伙都要招揽? He decides, on Monday resigns, had Eye of Desire in any case, what do oneself do to select is not good? 他打定主意,礼拜一就去辞职,反正有了愿望之眼,自己干点啥不好? However, can fall to the clock and watch merchant such is struck by lightning dead? 不过,会不会落到钟表商人那样被雷劈死? ............... …………… On Monday, Gu Liang goes through asks the way, looks for Special Operation Division of arrived in finally situated in old style foreign-style house, looks at arrived that black coat man. 礼拜一,顾良几经问路,总算找到了位于一栋老式洋房内的特别行动科,看到了那黑色大衣男子。 His being opens the mouth, sees the opposite party saying: You were assigned in the first strike force, investigates the recent big case with them.” 他正待开口,就见对方道:“你被分配在第一行动组,跟着他们调查最近的大案子。” I, I think that......” Gu Liang hurries to make noise, but the words have not said, the opposite party hits to block the way, this case related to new Evil Cult, 300 years of history that loses with the Far East area may be very related.” “我,我想……”顾良赶紧出声,可话未说完,对方就打断道,“这起案子涉及新出现的一个邪教,很可能与远东地区丢失的三百年历史有关。” ? In the Gu Liang heart emitted curiously: With losing is 300 years of history related?” 诶?顾良心中冒出了好奇:“与丢失的三百年历史有关?” 300 years ago, Far East has the organization of so-called Buddha and say/way, but presented a Xiao Huzi short person man at that time, he is a painter, afterward contacted top secret Tathagata Divine Palm in Buddha Organization, was seduced by the devil, counter practiced this Divine Palm, finally becomes World Annihilation Demon, ruined Far East Civilization, now appears worshipped Its organization, this helps us clarify for 300 years ago actually to have anything.” The black coat men's brief and to the point say/way, directing Gu Liang to enter a dim room, inside is hanging a flag, the red was the bottom, two black went against the flow to interlock like the S character, have an appalling strange feeling. “在三百年前,远东有着所谓佛和道的组织,但当时出现了一个小胡子矮个男人,他原本是画家,后来接触到佛组织里的最高机密如来神掌,被魔鬼诱惑,逆练了这门神掌,最终成为灭世之魔,毁掉了远东文明,如今则出现了崇拜祂的组织,这有助于我们弄清楚三百年前究竟发生了什么。”黑色大衣男子言简意赅道,引着顾良进入了一间昏暗的屋子,里面悬挂着一面旗帜,红色为底,两个黑色如同S的字符逆行交错,有种让人毛骨悚然的诡异感。 This is the symbol of Reversed Buddha Cult!” “这就是逆佛教的标志!” Sees this symbol, hearing the black clothes man's introduction, the Gu Liang ear bank to resound such as the thunderous sound suddenly low and deep: 看到这个符号,听见黑衣男子的介绍,顾良耳畔陡然响起低沉如雷鸣的声音: Investigates Reversed Buddha Cult, obtains the offer!” “调查逆佛教,获得奉献!”
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