WORIOA :: Volume #6

#205: A homicide case

Meng Qi nearly endures handsome, to be honest, confirmed after the Monster Emperor will wants by oneself as soon as possible the legend, to entering Monster Sovereign Palace did not think that had what danger, complied with Chui Yizi is not the matter at the worst. 孟奇险些忍俊不住,老实说,确认妖皇的意志是想让自己尽快传说后,对进入妖皇殿就不觉得有什么危险了,答应垂翼子也不是什么大不了的事情。 But oneself and he can only be the old knowledge, does not have any friendship, was fastidious about karma then to arrange at the first place. 但自己与他仅能算是旧识,没有任何交情,讲究因果便排在了首位。 This poor Daoist counted on the fingers, today is not suitable reenters.” Meng Qi serious say/way. “贫道掐指一算,今日不宜再入。”孟奇一本正经道。 Chui Yizi loosens the robe corner/horn, said: When did you count?” 垂翼子松开袍角,愣愣道:“你什么时候掐指了?” Did not wait for him to continue, Meng Qi said categorically: At heart!” 不等他继续说下去,孟奇斩钉截铁道:“心里!” You met the Monster Saint successor small fox, after telling this poor Daoist to have the matter looked for her, then contacts this poor Daoist, accompanied you to search Monster Sovereign Palace.” “等你遇见妖圣传人小狐狸,告诉她贫道有事找她后,再联络贫道,陪你探探妖皇殿。” „, Does not see the rabbit not to scatter the eagle, we thought initially you are a character, good, when meets the small fox, we then contact with you , how should relate?” Chui Yizi is kicking the wing. “啧,不见兔子不撒鹰,咱当初就觉得你是个人物,好,等到遇见小狐狸,咱便联系你,呃,该怎么联系?”垂翼子扑腾着翅膀。 Meng Qi pulls out Myriad Worlds Communication Talisman conveniently, how raised selects several to use: „......, so long as is not in Monster Sovereign Palace, can contact on this poor Daoist.” 孟奇随手又掏出一张万界通识符,提点了几句怎么使用:“……只要不在妖皇殿内,都能联络上贫道。” At this point, his facial expression transfers seriously: If in the future meets you to cruelly harm Human Clan, this poor Daoist must remove harmful things personally!” 说到这里,他神情转为严肃:“日后若遇见你残害人族,贫道必亲手除害!” The Chui Yizi lip speaks haltingly: „Are we, we a vegetarian are not good? Can the fish? Can the beef......” 垂翼子嘴唇嗫嚅:“咱,咱吃素还不行吗?鱼可不可以?牛肉可不可以……” He asked that but some Meng Qi expectations, a words saying ended early, turned around to step into the spring, returned to Eastern Sea. 他连珠炮般问道,可孟奇早有预料,话一说完,转身就踏入了泉眼,回到东海 ............ ………… In Kunlun Mountain Jade Void Palace, Meng Qi just sat cross-legged to sit down, puts out the Clear Sky Mirror fragment, prepares with the aid of Overlord Thunder God his I characteristics, induces Ānanda his I brand mark, thus shortens oneself leave behind another "I" Imprint the time. 昆仑山玉虚宫内,孟奇刚盘腿坐下,拿出昊天镜碎片,准备借助霸王的“雷神他我”特征,感应“阿难他我”烙印,从而缩短自家留下“他我印记”的时间。 At this moment, Myriad Worlds Communication Talisman sends out the sound suddenly, is the telephone conversation request of Chui Yizi. 就在这时,万界通识符突然发出响动,是垂翼子的通话请求。 „Did you meet the small fox quickly?” Meng Qi spoke thoughtlessly to ask. “你这么快就遇见小狐狸了?”孟奇随口问道。 The Chui Yizi tone is quite excited: Also no, we thought Myriad Worlds Communication World is very interesting, the forum, the live broadcast, Myriad Worlds Trade City, is very fun, especially qualify our divine beast of this excelling exchange, replied each forum all posts a moment ago, by them was said irrigates to ban the word, without the means spoke, can you help unseal, how Primordial Sovereign Coins should obtain, we have a liking for many good thing......” 垂翼子语气颇为兴奋:“还没,咱只是觉得万界通识天地很有意思,论坛啊,直播啊,万界商城啊,都特别好玩,特别适合咱这种擅长交流的神兽,刚才把每个论坛所有帖子都回复了一遍,被他们说灌水禁言,没办法说话了,你能不能帮忙解封一下,还有元皇币该如何获得,咱可是看上不少好东西……” He talked endlessly, the standard idle talk basket, the Meng Qi expression was wooden, wants to pull out the big slap in the face, why must to this goods Myriad Worlds Communication Talisman, moreover there is an own contact way, didn't this seek the noise to attack on own initiative? 他喋喋不休,标准的废话篓子,孟奇表情木然,又想抽自己大耳刮子,为什么要给这货万界通识符,而且还有自己的联络方式,这不是主动寻求噪音攻击吗? Waits to contact the small fox, immediately on this goods blacklisted! 等接触上小狐狸,立刻就把这货拉黑! You stop, this poor Daoist asks the professional to help you.” Meng Qi interrupted the Chui Yizi words one word at a time, changes to meet on arrived gatekeeper big green root Myriad Worlds Communication Talisman Chui Yizi with own telephone conversation relation without hesitation. “你停一停,贫道找专业人士来帮你。”孟奇一字一顿打断了垂翼子的话,毫不犹豫将垂翼子与自己的通话联系改接到了门房大青根万界通识符上。 big green root, will help me meet the Chui Yizi this Kunpeng descendant's telephone conversation in the future, when has the substantive news or other useful clues of Monster Saint successor small fox switches over to me.” He told. 大青根,日后帮我接垂翼子鲲鹏后裔的通话,有妖圣传人小狐狸的实质消息或其他有用线索时才转接给我。”他吩咐道。 big green root standing at attention stands immediately: Yes, Mr. Headmaster!” 大青根当即立正站好:“是,掌教老爷!” Kunpeng descendant? The whole body is the treasure! His thought moves, the tone subconsciously seems compatible: Hey, Chui Yizi? I am your uncle grandfather, initially discussed the junction with the monster master person of the same generation!” 鲲鹏后裔?浑身是宝啊!他念头一动,语气下意识就显得亲和:“喂,垂翼子吗?我是你叔爷爷,当初和妖师平辈论交!” Meng Qi relaxes, Divine Consciousness restraining, the heart lake is quiet, a spiritual platform miraculous spontaneity, falls into One Dao Colored Glass Lamp, is rotating black and white radiance, is burning Thunder God his I characteristics. 孟奇松了口气,神识收敛,心湖平静,灵台一点灵光自生,落入道一琉璃灯内,转动着黑白光华,燃烧着“雷神他我”特征。 The One Dao Colored Glass Lamp ray sways, according to above the Clear Sky Mirror fragment, dark layer on layer/heavily, the universe lives imaginary. 道一琉璃灯光芒挥洒,照在昊天镜碎片之上,幽暗重重,宇宙幻生。 How long has not known, Meng Qi gently well. 不知过了多久,孟奇轻轻咦了一声。 ............ ………… A kerosene lamp places on the table, is sending out the ray by far candlelight and oil lamp, moreover constructs excellently, camouflages the wind to blow, only weary then when is the combustion stink, naturally, some fellows have the strange hobby, especially likes this flavor, Gu Liang is one of them. 一盏煤油灯放在桌上,散发着远胜烛火和青灯的光芒,而且构造极好,遮蔽着风吹,唯一让人厌烦的便是燃烧时的臭味,当然,有些家伙具备古怪的嗜好,特别喜欢这种味道,顾良就是其中之一。 He by the bed, deeply attracted the petroleum combustion taste slantingly, the vision projects to the chair on dark blue makes the police officer to take , next Monday, oneself can get rid of the practice again on the 3rd the status, becomes Far East National Police Agency, is new Scotland Yard official police officer. 他斜靠在卧床上,深深吸了口煤油燃烧味,目光投射到椅子上的深蓝呢制警员服,再有三日,下个礼拜一,自己就能摆脱见习的身份,成为远东警察厅,也就是“新苏格兰场”的正式警员。 Does not know that which branch will be assigned to? Best is the criminal activity tracks down branch or the organized criminal investigation branch...... Gu Liang is thinking back on the future, for a while is excited, for a while is disturbed. 不知道会被分配到哪个科?最好是刑事侦缉科或者有组织犯罪调查科……顾良遥想着未来,一时激动,一时忐忑。 But no matter how, after becoming the official police officer, own wage can turn time, achieves 30 silver dollars, did not need to cross again so crudely. 但不管如何,成为正式警员后,自己的薪水就能翻倍,达到三十个银圆,不用再过得如此简陋了。 Truly is not easy in the Far East District liveliest city life! 独自一人在远东大区最繁华的城市生活确实不容易! The Gu Liang conclusion fantasy, took up books, read, «World Strange Record» that this was he borrowed Bensi land Spirit Cultivation Society that compiles from the colleague hand, to liking him of ghost frightened novel was very attractive, especially this nonsense serious type. 顾良结束幻想,拿起身边的书籍,翻看了起来,这是他从同事手中借来的一本西陆灵修会编撰的《世界异闻录》,对喜欢鬼怪惊悚小说的他特别有吸引力,尤其这种胡扯得一本正经的类型。 Is repairing spirit, has recognized Seven Great Demon Gods.” Introduction's first made Gu Liang rouse the spirit, this was knows similar view for the first time. “在灵修界,有公认的七大魔神。”开篇第一句就让顾良振奋了精神,这还是自己首次知道类似说法。 Core of Chaos, most ancient Demon God, is all pardoned crimes, is the source of degeneration, is all devils' heads......” 混沌之核,最古魔神,是一切的原罪,是堕落的源泉,是所有魔鬼之首……” Gate of Ten Thousand Gates, Evil Sage, Lord of Space and Time Labyrinth, this is the name of same Demon God, It appears is late, no later than 30 years, but has most is confusing the will of the people the strength, the most crazy knowledge, as well as is connecting innumerable Dao Sect outside all demon boundary all territories......” 万门之门,邪恶智者,时空迷宫之主,这都是同一个魔神的称呼,祂出现较晚,最迟不超过三十年,但具备着最迷惑人心的力量,最让人疯狂的知识,以及连通着所有魔境所有域外的无数道门……” Dark Mother God, the myriad things create the living, the mothers of all demon fiendish people......” 黑暗母神,万物创生者,所有魔物魔王之母……” Great Demon of Fear, the life is most ancient the strongest mood is frightened......” 恐惧大魔,生灵最古老最强烈的情绪是恐惧……” Myriad Things Return One Being, making all belong to the chaos extinguishing world Demon God......” 万物归一者,让一切归于混沌的灭世魔神……” Faceless Pharaoh, Demon God that walks from the black mainland, becomes the Demon God crazy evil thing by the body of human only, is causes the black mainland life death, the civilization stays in the primitive wild status chief criminal absolutely until now......” 无面法老,从黑色大陆走出来的魔神,唯一以人类之躯成为魔神的疯狂邪物,是造成黑色大陆万万生灵死亡,文明至今停留在原始荒蛮状态的罪魁祸首……” Depraved Exalted Emperor, once was the human protector, the civilized creator, in several thousand years to the high god, fell down the throne, caught evilly, became crazily most bloodthirsty Demon God, the degeneration reason was unclear, doubts related with 300 years of history that Far East Continent lost......” 堕落上帝,曾经是人类保护者,文明的创造者,几千年里至高之神,跌下宝座,染上邪恶,成为最疯狂最嗜血的魔神,堕落原因不详,疑与远东大陆失去的三百年历史有关……” Is the introduction of Seven Great Demon Gods, makes Gu Liang have soul-stirring, exciting feeling, but lets his sigh to the description of Depraved Exalted Emperor. 仅仅是七大魔神的介绍,就让顾良有种惊心动魄,扣人心弦的感觉,而对堕落上帝的描述则让他一阵叹息。 Yes, because just the Far East Continent civilization backs up, history at dark ignorant middle, except for the writing and few ancient books, no heredity, will become the western 61 districts, the civilized security was covered, Far East National Police Agency, must take a name of new Scotland Yard, showing to be related with west land Scotland Yard. 是啊,正因为远东大陆文明倒退,历史处在黑暗蒙昧当中,除了文字和少量典籍,没什么遗传,才会成为西陆一个大区,文明安全被覆盖,就连远东警察厅,也要取一个新苏格兰场的称呼,以示与西陆苏格兰场有关。 Without Spiritual God of sacrificial offering, even the folk does not have the legend of Evil Demon malicious ghost, this aspect has a blank, was occupied by Spirit Cultivation Society, the major Spiritual God churches of west land with ease, was similar the Seven Great Demon Gods legend to fill up. 没有祭祀的神灵,连民间也没有邪魔恶鬼的传说,这方面的存在一片空白,被西陆的灵修会、各大神灵教会等轻松占据,被类似七大魔神的传说填满。 As native of Far East Gu Liang, whenever thinks about the history, is sobs the sigh. 身为远东人的顾良每当想起历史,就是唏嘘感叹。 Calmly studies, goes to sleep to the point, a night does not have the words, next day, Gu Liang will put on the blue color to make the police officer to take, wears on the shoulder patch that only then an sword-shaped symbol and name and practice police officer will number, will take the night stick, will go out of the room, went to the staircase, will arrive at the avenue. 静静读书,到点入睡,一夜无话,翌日,顾良穿上蓝色呢制警员服,佩戴上只有一把剑形符号与姓名、见习警员编号的臂章,提上警棍,走出房间,下了楼梯,来到大街。 On the street the pride of the morning is thin, crowded, four rounds or two rounds horse-drawn vehicles, there is a ricksha that the manpower draws, from time to time can see the novel bicycle, the path central sky has rows of electric wires. 街上晨雾稀薄,人来人往,有四轮或两轮的马车,也有人力拉动的黄包车,时而能见新奇的自行车,道路中央的上空则有一排排电线。 Waited for one, Gu Liang to see the tramcar to drive by far, therefore managed the principle the system coat neckband, will push, actually saw one to wear the big fatty who the police officer took to walk similarly. 等了一阵,顾良看见有轨电车远远驶来,于是理了理呢制大衣领口,正要挤上,却看见一个同样身着警员服的大胖子走了下来。 Good morning, Sergeant Huang.” Gu Liang stands at attention to salute subconsciously. “早上好,黄警长。”顾良下意识就立正行礼。 The Sergeant Huang far wave looked at Gu Liang one: Happen, did not use new Scotland Yard, the nearby had a homicide case, you followed I to experience, others came later.” 警长黄远波看了顾良一眼:“正好,不用去新苏格兰场了,附近有件命案,你跟着我见识见识,其他人稍后就来。” A Gu Liang excitement, but is also quite anxious, because the crime scene definitely has the corpse! 顾良一阵激动,但又颇为紧张,因为命案现场肯定有尸体! Sure enough, after arriving in the crime scene situated in Sanchuan hotel, Gu Liang looks at a arrived burned black corpse, the flavor enters the nose, nearly spat. 果不其然,抵达了位于三川旅馆的案发现场后,顾良到了一身焦黑的尸体,味道入鼻,险些吐了出来。 Sergeant Huang far wave instructs Gu Liang do not bump randomly, while takes the white glove, is inspecting the corpse and scene item. 警长黄远波一边指导顾良不要乱碰,一边带上白色手套,检视着尸体与现场物品 The Gu Liang eyeball turning round revolutions, puts aside from the corpse, looks to side, discovered an opening box, inside thinks of the fine and attractive pocket watches. 顾良眼珠子滴溜溜转,从尸体上移开,看向旁边,发现了一个打开的箱子,里面装着精致又漂亮的一块块怀表。 Clock and watch merchant?” He is judging the identity of dead. “钟表商人?”他判断着死者的身份。 Very rich......” sheriff added that because he opened corpse nearby suitcase, inside was gold bars, emanation makes two people vision change the straight bright ray. “很有钱……”警长补充道,因为他打开了尸体旁边的手提箱,里面是一根根金条,发出让两人目光变直的灿烂光芒。 Swallowed the saliva difficultly, the sheriff looked at Gu Liang one, suddenly somewhat regretted, if we had known did not call this boy. 艰难吞咽了唾沫,警长看了顾良一眼,忽然有些后悔,早知道不叫这小子了。 Waits for others to come to converge, oneself have enough time to fudge! 等其他人前来汇合,自己有足够的时间动手脚! He restrains the mood, reads the corpse cautiously, the doubts is making noise: How to be struck by lightning dead probably?” 他收敛心情,小心翼翼翻看着尸体,疑惑出声:“怎么像是雷劈死的?” For these days had not thundered......” Gu Liang to blurt subconsciously. “这几天没有打雷啊……”顾良下意识脱口。 Is because has not thundered is strange, his body has the thunder strike mark.” The sheriff discovered that a corpse hand closely is gripping, therefore opens it, discovered that is together the silver white thin slice, has the strange pattern and button, presents the strange aesthetic sense! “就是因为没有打雷才奇怪,他身上有雷击纹。”警长发现尸体一只手紧紧攥着,于是将它打开,发现里面是一块银白薄片,有着奇怪的花纹与按钮,呈现诡异的美感! „Is this clue?” Gu Liang concentrates the eye to look. “这是线索吗?”顾良凝目看去。 Does not have the weather of thundering lightning obviously, was this clock and watch merchant actually struck by lightning? 明明没有打雷闪电的天气,这位钟表商人竟然被雷劈死了?
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