WORIOA :: Volume #6

#204: „Pitifully, after your legend not,......”

In Meng Qi Niwan Palace first qi of heaven gushes out, the due west transfers good-looking monk immediately, the hand held bamboo green long sword, with approaching, manifestation for Golden Body Gautama Buddha of solemn silence, the due south has the white clothing swordsman stamping the feet and singing, but , the palm in the long sword water cloud interaction, deducts one to soar True Dragon, the due east has being high-spirited grand man to arrive floating, the sword makes the scarlet phoenix, the wind fire follows. 孟奇泥丸宫内先天之气喷薄而出,正西方当即转来一位俊俏僧人,手提竹枝般的青碧长剑,随着靠近,显化为了一尊庄严肃穆的金身佛陀,正南方有白衣剑客踏歌而至,掌中长剑水云相间,演绎出一条腾空真龙,正东方则有昂藏雄伟男子飘然降临,剑做赤凰,风火相随。 Fellow Daoist, I help you!” They shout with one voice, sways the long sword. “道友,我来助你!”他们齐声喊道,已是挥洒出长剑。 Sees so the situation, Overlord immediately knows that the opposite party emitted the victory to cross the hands behind the back, in the mind flashed through easely initially by sword formation that oneself quite dreaded, the opposite party with sword formation that another sword immortal displayed jointly, doubtful Immemorial First Killing Formation Immortal Executing Sword Formation. 一见如此情状,霸王顿时知道对方放出胜负手了,脑海里悠然闪过当初让自己颇为忌惮的剑阵,对方与另外一名剑仙联手施展的剑阵,疑似太古第一杀阵诛仙剑阵 Now if four big Heavenly Immortal to become array, oneself falls into, is the confidence is near, perhaps also the acknowledgment failure possibly reaches as high as ** becomes, therefore, cannot make them arrange/cloth become sword formation absolutely! 如今四大天仙若是成阵,自己身陷其中,再是信心近傲,恐怕也得承认失败可能高达**成,因此,绝对不能让“他们”布成剑阵 The thought is fleeting, the Overlord fight experience is rich, the preying talent is outstanding, in an instant peeps to have problems, has a resolution. 念头稍纵即逝,霸王战斗经验何等丰富,搏杀天赋何等出众,刹那间就窥出问题,有所决断。 A terrifying blade that he cuts again shoots towering, charges into the midair, at once unites all strengths all aggressively for the dark thunder, then under chops loudly, strikes in the vacancy, the speed must seem like truly thunder light quickly. 他再次斩出的恐怖一刀突兀弹起,冲向半空,旋即凝聚所有力量所有霸气为幽幽暗暗一点雷霆,接着轰然下劈,击在空处,速度快得像是真正雷光。 The electric light disperses suddenly, changed to the dark purple azure doping thunder sea all around, at the same time attacked to the Meng Qi main body and Zhen Ding Tathagata and Heavenly Lord Meng and True Monarch Qingyuan. 电光霍然散开,将四周化作了幽暗紫青掺杂的雷霆海洋,同时攻向孟奇本尊与“真定如来”、“孟天尊”和“清源真君”。 The body enters Nine Serenities 5 身入九幽 …… …… …… …… …… …… …… …… Bang! 轰隆! thunder light will put in order a main hall to cover entirely, is shattered besides core place collapsing, other did not divide the strong and weak unexpectedly, as if suppress innumerable Overlord of strength to have the blade in at the same time slightly, struck to attack toward the different enemies. 雷光将整座大殿布满了,除了核心处坍塌破灭之外,其余竟然不分强弱,仿佛稍微压制了实力的无数个霸王同时出刀,一击击攻向着不同敌人。 Meng Qi's One Qi Becomes Three Purities is not complete, will be very far from the past, the present and future body, was only the union studies three Incarnation that different cultivation technique cut, had the limit tyrannicalally, they can with the main body at same realm. But each other strength has the obvious disparity, like Meng Qi and other Heavenly Immortal. 孟奇的一气化三清”并不圆满,距离过去、现在、未来身还有很远,仅是结合所学不同功法斩出的三具化身,强横自有限制,它们能与本尊处在同一境界。但彼此的实力有着明显差距,就像孟奇与其他天仙一样。 Is only Zhen Ding Tathagata that” the Tathagata Divine Palm general outlines, the first types and other Buddhism cultivation technique concentrate, even with is Heavenly Immortal, how could also „the Primordial Sovereign Daoist to place on a par with main body? 仅仅只是如来神掌总纲、第一式及其他佛门功法凝成的“真定如来”,即使同为天仙,又岂能与本尊“元皇道人”相提并论? But the Truncating Heaven 7 Swords general outline has the issue, Immortal Executing Four Sword is imperfect, Heavenly Lord Meng also however, only then Inextinguishable Dao Body True Monarch Qingyuan is small with the main body disparity, but missed Legendary Characteristic and Pāramitā Characteristic, therefore, Overlord peeped this issue. Courageously executed no difference attack evil spirit gave, the strongest being shattered core resisted the Meng Qi main body „the Primordial Sovereign Daoist, other slightly weak, but each other consistent range attack swept across three big Incarnation, was locked in a stalemate with True Monarch Qingyuan, lets Zhen Ding Tathagata and Heavenly Lord Meng suffered the enormous crisis. 截天七剑总纲有问题,诛仙四剑并不完善,“孟天尊”亦然,只有不灭道体的“清源真君”与本尊差距较小,但还是差了传说特征彼岸特征,于是,霸王窥出了这个问题。当机立断施出了无差别进攻的“妖魔授首”,最强的破灭核心抵住孟奇本尊“元皇道人”,其余稍弱但彼此一致的范围攻击席卷三大化身,与“清源真君”相持,让“真定如来”与“孟天尊”遭遇了极大危机。 Five Colored Heavenly Thunder, Four Symbols Immortal Thunder, Yin-Yang Dao Thunder, the purple electricity azure thunder, the innumerable thunder light blast out. The tide is rushing to Golden Body Gautama Buddha and sword immortal Heavenly Lord, making their one insert with the sword before the body void, a finger day, touches single-handedly. The revolutions body is Ālaya-vijñāna, wanders in Mind World, avoids the point, a long sword cuts. Indistinct falls, thunder light as if was slow, has flashed the leeway that the revolutions organized. 五彩天雷,四象仙雷,阴阳道雷,紫电青雷,无数雷光炸开。浪潮般涌向着金身佛陀与剑仙天尊,让他们一个以剑插于身前虚空,一手指天,一手触地。转身躯为阿赖耶识,游荡于心灵天地,避开锋芒,一个长剑斩出。飘渺化落,雷光仿佛迟缓,有了闪转腾挪的余地。 A blade leaves. Strong and weak from difference! 一刀既出。强弱自分! The range attack subsides slightly, the Overlord footsteps step on, with the aid of the aggressive shift, flashes before Zhen Ding Tathagata body, holds the main body and Heavenly Lord and Daoist immortal Incarnation also has the been cut off opportunity, Extreme Blade shoots, chops faintly, penetrated the virtual world directly. 范围攻击稍有平息,霸王脚步一踩,借助霸气移转,闪现于“真定如来”身前,抓住本尊与天尊、真君化身还有被阻隔的机会,绝刀弹起,淡漠劈下,直接贯入了虚幻世界。 He and Meng Qi main body will truly hit give-and-take, but Incarnation is not necessarily able to block several blades! 他与孟奇本尊确实会打得有来有往,但化身未必能挡得住几刀! The blade enters the mind, Golden Body Tathagata vanishes suddenly, presented two Innate God demon palms same place, is tying the seal law, holds colored glaze ancient lamp and purple mind. 刀入心灵,金身如来忽然消失,原地出现了两只先天神魔般的手掌,结着印法,托着琉璃古灯与紫色心灵。 Thump thump thump! 咚咚咚! Extreme Blade was rebounded, but Golden Body Tathagata appears before the place that „the Primordial Sovereign Daoist is. 绝刀被反弹了回去,而金身如来出现于“元皇道人”之前所在的地方。 Between the main body and Incarnation close of relation, the selfenergy separates the spatial exchange! 本尊与化身间联系之紧密,自能隔空对换! The Meng Qi main body blocked Extreme Blade, Incarnation has respectively, Inextinguishable Dao Body True Monarch Qingyuan long sword shook, projects azure sword qi, the wind had not had the trace, the myriad things were indistinct, a sword immortal Heavenly Lord thorn, gushed out slowly quiet black, did not extinguish rolling. 孟奇本尊一挡住绝刀,化身们各有动了,不灭道体所化的“清源真君”长剑一震,射出了青色剑气,风过无踪,万物飘渺,剑仙天尊则缓缓一刺,幽黑涌出,滚滚不熄。 But in Zhen Ding Tathagata extracts bamboo Alaya Sword, Overlord with the aid of the potential of Extreme Blade rebound, jumps to leap, fills the air aggressively, must jump out of the encirclement ring. 但在真定如来抽出竹枝般的阿赖耶剑时,霸王借助绝刀反弹之势,纵身跃出,弥漫霸气,要跳出包围圈。 He just soared, then saw the upper air to present Meng Qi of palatial Deity appearance, is grasping the phantom apricot yellow pennant, swayed the innumerable golden lotus, but each golden lotus bloomed trillion rays of light, formed indestructible one to prevent, another hand set upright the palm blade, by the potential of Splitting Heaven and Earth, divided callously. 他刚有腾空,便见高空出现了巍峨神人模样的孟奇,一手持着虚影般的杏黄小旗,挥洒出无数金莲,而每朵金莲都绽放亿万毫光,结成了坚不可摧的一层阻挡,另外一只手则竖成掌刀,以开天辟地之势,冷酷劈下。 A Overlord's Extreme Blade booklet, purple electricity to become ring, disappear and hits, then the impact of Splitting Heaven and Earth, hits by the back to one side, hit dark water spray sword qi of Heavenly Lord Meng directly, congealed aggressively the essence, weakened the attack enormously, performing made the back have a dragon eye big wound, the flowed out park park blood is sealed up at once aggressively. 霸王绝刀一折,紫电成环,连消带打,接着开天辟地的冲击,以背部撞向一侧,直接撞中了孟天尊的幽暗水浪剑气,霸气凝成实质,极大削弱了攻击,尽让背部出现一个龙眼大的伤口,流出的泊泊鲜血旋即被霸气封住。 But this hits, he ran out of the sword formation range forcefully, has not fallen into Immemorial First Killing Formation. 而正是这一撞,他硬生生冲出了剑阵范围,没有陷入太古第一杀阵 The Meng Qi main body steps on, the right hand makes a fist the hammer, pounds heavily, the left hand flaming chariot revolutions, is following close on the five fingers of opening, earth-shaking, 孟奇本尊踏步而上,右手握拳成锤,沉重捣出,左手风火轮转,紧跟着张开的五指,翻天覆地, Overlord has not paused, from time to time winds to retrocede from time to time, Extreme Blade does not rigidly adhere to any style, has words at fingertips and writes with facility, conforms to a rhyme, in reflection outside world truncates under other strong oneself aggressively, stalled the attack of Meng Qi main body one after another, but to Zhen Ding Tathagata, Heavenly Lord Meng and True Monarch Qingyuan converging attack, he can keep off keeps off, cannot keep off on by reduces the wound aggressively, by the wound receiving in exchange crevice, did not tie down, falls into Immortal Executing Sword Formation. 霸王没有停步,时而蜿蜒时而后退,绝刀不拘泥于任何招式,信手拈来,符合道韵,在反照外界的霸气削彼强己之下,接连挡住了孟奇本尊的进攻,而对真定如来孟天尊清源真君的夹击,他能挡就挡,不能挡就以霸气减伤,以伤换取空隙,不被缠住,落入诛仙剑阵 figure of both sides covered entirely this main hall again, is only offensive and defensive changed/easy Zhuan, turned into Overlord to take advantage of blade technique to flash the revolutions to organize, the body sword cut continually increased, the blood incarnadine the armor, the aura but dropped slowly firmly, may never reveal the defeat, did not enter formation, was locked in a stalemate by the disadvantage. 双方的身影再次布满了这座大殿,只是攻守易转,变成了霸王依仗刀法闪转腾挪,身上剑伤不断增多,鲜血染红了盔甲,气息缓慢但坚定地下降,可始终不露败相,不入阵法,以劣势相持。 One Qi Becomes Three Purities has the time limit surely . Moreover the loss of big divine ability to main body so goes against heaven's will surely is also enormous, so long as insisted that One Qi Becomes Three Purities finished, changes from defensive to offensive, obtains the opportunity of exceeding! 一气化三清必定有时间限制,而且如此逆天的大神通对本尊的损耗也必定极大,只要坚持到一气化三清结束,就是反守为攻,取得胜过的机会! The Overlord fight talent is unequalled, drags the time to pass unceasingly, ten breaths, 20 breaths, 40 breaths and 50 breaths, the wound are getting more and more, but is not fatal, the non- heavy losses, the aggressive wondrous use may be called the miracle, in Meng Qi with three big Incarnation strong winds rough sea wave striking power jointly like the rock, must always be submerged shortly, always stands erect safely. 霸王战斗天赋无与伦比,生生拖着时光不断流逝,十息、二十息、四十息、五十息,伤口越来越多,可都不致命,都非重创,霸气之妙用堪称奇迹,在孟奇与三大化身狂风巨浪般的联手攻击力如同磐石,总是眼看要被淹没,总是安然屹立。 Heaven Turning Seal, Yin-Yang Seal, Void Seal, Four Symbols Seal, Wuji Seal, Heaven Opening Seal and Extreme Nihility Seal, the seal seal is connected, the series storm, Meng Qi is actually not able to turn the advantage into to win the potential, saw with own eyes that also remains the time that ten breaths do not arrive. In the idea the heart, plans to change the strategy. 番天印阴阳印虚空印四象印戊己印开天印无极印,印印相连,连环强攻,孟奇却无法化优势为胜势,眼见还剩十息不到的时光。计上心头,打算变化战略。 Suddenly, his left hand raises, the sleeve opened, included this side world, directly attracted Overlord. 忽然,他左手一扬,袖管张开,囊括了这方天地,将霸王直接吸了进去。 Then, Golden Body Gautama Buddha, sword immortal Heavenly Lord, Inextinguishable Dao Body simultaneously shakes the long sword, projects the different color sword light. Connects in Trigram Immortal Sword sword qi that the Meng Qi main body presents towering together, scarlet azure black and white will soon form. 然后,金身佛陀,剑仙天尊,不灭道体齐齐一震长剑,射出不同颜色的剑光。与孟奇本尊突兀出现的离仙剑剑气交汇在一起,赤青黑白即将成形。 Meng Qi when shake-out Overlord, shakes into Immortal Executing Sword Formation, but purple blade light bursts out violently, cut to break the sleeve robe, flushed. 孟奇正待将霸王抖出,抖入诛仙剑阵,但紫色刀光猛烈迸发,斩破了袖袍,冲了出来。 Only misses little! 只差少许! The aspect replies arrived Overlord to change the time by the wound the condition, Meng Qi deeply inspires, when the Overlord avoidance standard keeps off three big Incarnation, suddenly received them completely. Strengthens the remaining strength, the imposing manner is climbing the peak steep again, the top of the head appears celebration cloud, celebration cloud crowds around ancient banner. ancient banner falls floating, integrates the sword of Trigram Immortal, before Overlord responded, cut the opening day of universe large explosion to strike! 局面又回复到了霸王以伤换时间的状况,孟奇深吸了口气,在霸王躲避格挡三大化身时,突然将它们全部收了回来。汲取着残余力量,气势陡地再攀顶峰,头顶显出庆云,庆云簇拥古幡古幡飘然落下,融入离仙之剑,在霸王反应过来之前,斩出了宇宙大爆炸的开天一击! To receive in exchange to win the potential unexpectedly! 以出其不意换取胜势! The ray shines. The sword light sweeps away the front, to explode a stance of new world to attack to Overlord, the inexhaustible sword light embezzled him. 光芒亮起。剑光横扫前方,以炸出一个新天地的姿态冲击向霸王,无穷无尽的剑光将他吞没了。 Good!” Overlord calls out makes noise. Raises the one breath, the purple electricity previous cut toward the body, chops the world not to save, a blade that oneself saved alone, must separate the place to stick an awl in the universe large explosion! “好!”霸王暴喝出声。强提一口气,紫电往身前一斩,劈出了天地不存,自身独存的一刀,要在宇宙大爆炸里生生隔出立锥之地! The sword light impact, blade light extinguished fresh, lived extinguished. 剑光冲击,刀光灭了又生,生了又灭。 When! 当! The sword junction strikes, the light wave is turbulent, both sides squeezed out the last strength to put into the fight, tried to crush the opposite party. 刀剑交击,光浪汹涌,双方榨取着自身最后一丝力气投入了战斗,试图压倒对方。 Rumble! 轰隆隆! The ray sweeps across the main hall, the purple electricity does not extinguish weakly, Meng Qi Divine Consciousness and Dao Power at the same time dries up, but in such hedge, True Spirit has more surmounts high, more and more unique marvelous feeling. 光芒席卷大殿,紫电弱而不灭,孟奇神识道力同时枯竭,但在这样的对冲里,真灵却有越攀越高,越来越独一无二的奇妙感受。 One as if start to overlook the main hall, overlooks such collision, is overlooking ten thousand universes, if there is enhancement again, then can shine upon various boundary/world naturally, forms his me to project. 自身似乎开始俯视大殿,俯视这样的碰撞,俯视着万界宇宙,若再有提高,便能自然而然映照诸界,形成他我投影。 Is this Mister Lu Da „not fake others” the road? 这就是陆大先生“不假他人”之路? The Meng Qi thought rotates, sees only has the place to stick an awl Overlord body week to be getting more and more dark, as if connected more and more ten thousand universes, his as if with the aid of such collision, such inner qi hauling, there is an enhancement essentially, can connect naturally are more his I! 孟奇念头转动间,只见仅有立锥之地的霸王身周越来越幽暗,仿佛连通了越来越多的万界宇宙,他仿佛借助这样的碰撞,这样的气机牵引,也有了本质上的提高,能自然而然连通更多“他我”了! Rumble! 轰隆隆! The sword does not only extinguish, the purple electricity does not fall , to continue to be locked in a stalemate again, Overlord could not say that can break through, arrives in the qualitative change the moment, but Meng Qi also has dozens years of time from not fake others, this is the disparity of accumulation. 剑光不熄,紫电不坠,再继续相持下去,霸王说不得就能临阵突破,抵达质变的关头,而孟奇距离不假他人还有着几十年的时光,这就是积累的差距。 Last strength invests, the sword light started to weaken, the purple electricity stood erect as before, did not extinguish pale, but Overlord has not seized the chance to counter-attack, but also Extreme Blade horizontally in chest front. 最后一丝力气投入,剑光开始变弱了,紫电依旧屹立,淡而不灭,但霸王并没有趁机反击,而是随之将绝刀横在胸前。 Very good, Heavenly Immortal can also have such performance, really makes me exclaim in surprise, if you appear when that opportunity uses One Qi Becomes Three Purities, if that strikes finally, in your hand is not the ordinary Heavenly Immortal long sword, but is divine armament of peerless level, my perhaps already losses.” Although Overlord communicated were more his I, the strength has recovered, but the wound was extremely numerous, was weak, both sides are put together arrived to be without ammunition and food. “很好,天仙还能有这样的表现,委实让我惊叹,如果你在那个机会出现时就用一气化三清,如果最后那一击,你手上的不是普通天仙长剑,而是绝世层次的神兵,我或许已经了。”霸王虽然沟通了更多他我,力量有所恢复,但伤口极多,还是虚弱,双方已是拼到了弹尽粮绝。 Meng Qi sprinkles however to receive Trigram Immortal Sword, shows a faint smile saying: If Overlord you are not proud, from the beginning exhausts the full power, if you seize the opportunity to counter-attack a blade finally, losing possibly is I.” 孟奇洒然收起离仙剑,微微一笑道:“如果霸王你不自傲,一开始就用尽全力,如果你最后抓住机会反击一刀,输得可能是我。” Finishes speaking, both sides laugh with one voice, is carefree. 话音刚落,双方齐声大笑,非常畅快。 This war is really happy! 这一战真是痛快啊! Meng Qi quite sighed, if oneself had enough time, has harvest that this one fought, can definitely walk Mister Lu Da not fake others the road, that was the path that also most liked most purely, what a pity that need at least 30 years of accumulation, moreover must be in Reality World. 孟奇颇为叹息,如果自己有足够的时间,有此一战的收获,完全可以走陆大先生不假他人之路,那是最纯粹也最得自己喜欢的道路,可惜那需要至少三十年的积累,而且必须是真实界内。 Overlord receives Extreme Blade, turns around to move toward the front door, sighed however said: Life an opponent foot, after waiting for the legend, we come a war again.” 霸王收起绝刀,转身走向大门,喟然道:“人生得一对手足矣,等传说以后,我们再来一战。” Meng Qi has not spoken, went out of the gate of main hall with him shoulder to shoulder, during the wave light twinkles, comes outside arrived Monster Sovereign Palace, but the side did not have Overlord. 孟奇没有说话,与他并肩走出了大殿之门,波光闪烁间,来到了妖皇殿外,可身边却没有了霸王 A chapter of present, chapter of Medieval. 一回当前,一回中古 He leans excessively, looks at the empty side, sighed: 他侧过头,看着空空荡荡的身边,叹息了一声:
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