WORIOA :: Volume #6

#210: Desperate and depressing world

The movement is uniform, waving the demonic nature brilliance, the believers deeply immersed, and by the Virgo Micro Universe influence, completely forgot the matter of autonomy, looks at this, the Gu Liang corners of the mouth twitched inexplicably several, but relaxes finally, does not need to be worried that the blood cruel scene performs in oneself at present. 动作整齐划一,“舞动”出魔性的光辉,教徒们深深沉醉了进去,兼且被处女座小宇宙影响影响,完全忘记了自残之事,看着这一幕,顾良嘴角莫名抽搐了几下,但终于松了口气,不用担心鲜血残忍的场景在自家眼前上演了。 Offering sacrifices ceremony ended, the believers said goodbye to leave, Gu Liang took back most attention, glanced through literature material on hand- how long, because clearly do not wait to be able to grasp the Hidden Buddha Sect founder and core inheritance the place of concealment, Lin Tong gave Gu Liang one set of material specially, some were the Hidden Buddha Sect latest information, some were relates the internal books of Seven Great Demon Gods and many fiendish people, belonged to Special Operation Division to join the member to read the thing newly. “献祭仪式”结束,教徒们告辞离开,顾良收回大部分注意力,翻阅起手头的文献资料-因为不清楚要等待多久才能掌握秘佛教教主和核心传承的隐匿之地,林瞳特意给了顾良一套资料,有的是秘佛教最新情报,有的则是关系七大魔神及诸多魔王的内部书籍,属于特别行动科新加入成员必读之物。 Compared with «World Strange Record», these books were more detailed, like the former, only then the symbol of Seven Great Demon Gods adorer group, warned that the person of people careful being similar, but when the latter has the Seven Great Demon Gods strength manifestation special image, once saw, must be far away immediately, the urgent report, does not need to worry about the issue of nearby human survival, because definitely did not rescue. 比起《世界异闻录》,这些书籍详细了许多,就像前者只有七大魔神崇拜者团体的标志,告诫人们小心类似之人,而后者有七大魔神力量显化时的特殊形象,一旦看到,必须立刻远离,紧急汇报,不用操心附近人类存活的问题,因为肯定救不了。 Core of Chaos: All when witnesses Its strength manifestation the person who special images did not die is insane, was no exception, including several True God, including Its adorer, therefore, no one knows that Its manifestation image......” the first description made Gu Liang absolutely terrified, has to plant this world pessimistic and depressing subtle feeling. 混沌之核:所有目睹祂力量显化时特殊形象的人不是死了就是疯了,无一幸免,包括几位真神,包括祂的崇拜者,因此,谁也不知道祂的显化形象……”第一个描述就让顾良毛骨悚然,有种这个世界悲观而压抑的微妙感觉。 Gate of Ten Thousand Gates, Evil Sage, Lord of Space and Time Labyrinth: According to the limited information, it by innumerable light ball gathering that is symbolizing the gate, nondescriptive, those contact Its, finally fell into degenerated...... Dark Mother God: Saw Its survival ancient God to describe them for the giant flesh lump that a black reproductive organ mixed carelessly, wriggled unceasingly, constantly changed, does not have the concrete shape...... Great Demon of Fear: Saw that Its person was insane, lowers the instruction that to speculate from True God, It frequently appears by the tender and beautiful the image of young girl or handsome man, but once removes the person skin, is covered with the extremely fat monster of tentacle, uses the intense mood and heart and brain as the food......” 万门之门,邪恶智者,时空迷宫之主:据有限的情报猜测,它由无数个象征着门的光球汇聚而成,难以名状,凡是接触祂的,最终都陷入了堕落……黑暗母神:曾经见过祂的幸存古神描述祂为一个黑色生殖器胡乱糅合的巨大肉块,不断蠕动,不断变化,没有具体形状……恐惧大魔:见到祂的人都疯了,从真神降下的指示推测,祂常常以娇艳少女或者英俊男子的形象出现,可一旦褪去人皮,就是长满触手的臃肿怪物,以激烈的情绪与心脏、大脑为食……” Myriad Things Return One Being: Has contacted with them died! Its adorer is willing to describe them for the indescribable dense fog...... Faceless Pharaoh: Wears the magnificent long gown, filled arrogant, the face is completely rotten, cannot see the appearance, above white bone is hanging rotten meat, likes by the Incarnation walk world, but melts figure frequently is skin is likely dark, tall thin, the smile frank man, to seduce the person to degenerate, completing fraud is the pleasure, slaughters...... Depraved Exalted Emperor rarely, once highest Spiritual God, 300 years of history that because the Far East area loses crashes, becoming the bloodthirsty is crazy, manifestation is on the blood-color cross hangs upside down bare male......” 万物归一者:与祂接触过的都死了!祂的崇拜者更愿意将祂描述为不可名状的迷雾……无面法老:穿着华丽的长袍,充满了傲慢,脸部完全腐烂,看不出样子,白骨之上挂着一条条烂肉,喜欢以化身行走世界,而化身形象常常是一名皮肤黝黑,个子高瘦,笑容爽朗的男子,以诱惑人堕落,完成欺诈事件为乐趣,少见杀戮……堕落上帝,曾经的最高神灵,因为远东地区丢失的三百年历史而坠落,变得嗜血而疯狂,显化为血色十字架上的倒吊裸男……” Only then, Gu Liang is the strange terrifying world outside true contact ordinary world, desire strongly is absorbing the knowledge, may more look that more constrains, more looks is uncomfortable. 直到此时,顾良才算真正接触普通世界之外的灵异恐怖天地,如饥似渴地汲取着知识,可越看越是压抑,越看越是难受。 Degenerated Demon God including once highest Spiritual God, how True God to resist demon? 连曾经的最高神灵都堕落成了魔神,真神们如何抵挡魔物? What is more important, Depraved Exalted Emperor ranks to set the base in Seven Great Demon Gods, above them also has six indescribable terrifying thing! 更为重要的是,堕落上帝七大魔神里排名垫底,祂之上还有六个不可名状般的恐怖之物! Existence of human in the hitting fishing boat like storm, will as if tilt momentarily, can support now, depends entirely on...... such cognition to make Gu Liang very uncomfortable luck, but he rapidly alleviated, fortunately, supreme great existence, God of Storm and Disaster! 人类的存在似乎就像暴风雨里的打渔船,随时会倾覆,能撑到现在,全靠幸运……这样的认知让顾良很不舒服,但他迅速缓解了过来,还好,还有至高无上的伟大存在,风暴与天灾之神 It is omnipotent, can defeat Seven Great Demon Gods surely! 祂无所不能,必定可以击败七大魔神 The mood decides slightly, the sea of Gu Liang knowledge, the day passes again earnestly day-by-day, finally waits for arrived one with the telegram that the code writes. 心情稍定,顾良再次埋头知识的海洋,日子一天天过去,终于等到了一封用密语写的电报。 Through the translation of code book, Gu Liang clarified the content of telegram, it first inquired that dead Reversed Buddha Cult high level did have by newly Langer Field sheepdog stared, if not, after three days early morning took Reversed Buddha Śarīra and Gautama Buddha Śarīra two Great Saint thing goes to the Jingning District River North Road No. 9 villa. 通过密码本的翻译,顾良弄清楚了电报的内容,它先是询问了那位死去的逆佛教高层有没有被新苏兰格场的“牧羊犬”盯上,如果没有,三日后的凌晨带上逆佛舍利佛陀舍利大圣物前往静宁区河北路九号别墅。 Jingning District River North Road...... isn't that the place that the nobility man lives in?” The Gu Liang complexion sinks, suddenly had at heart disturbedly. 静宁区河北路……那不是爵爷们居住的地方?”顾良面色一沉,心里忽然有了忐忑。 Jingning District River North Road is the upper circles of society of this city, has the Far East area governor, some major administrative commanding officers, have the knight group regimental commanders and admirals, for example Far East National Police Agency police service director, deputy director and assistant director and others, they were often awarded the different title, therefore there is called Knight Road. 静宁区河北路是这座城市的上流社会,有远东地区总督,有各大行政主官,有骑士团团长、舰队司令,比如远东警察厅警务总监、副总监、助理总监等,他们往往被授予了不同爵位,因此那里被称为爵士路 Reversed Buddha Cult infiltrated the true upper circles of society unexpectedly! 逆佛教竟然打入了真正的上流社会! This matter was a little troublesome...... Gu Liang, when sends out the telegram, delivers to new Scotland Yard, but feels strange at once, because no one knows that other Reversed Buddha Cult believers or the high levels are staring here, just attained the telegram then to depart hurriedly, is obviously dubious. 这事有点麻烦了……顾良正待将电报送出去,送到新苏格兰场,但旋即觉得不妥,因为谁也不知道有没有逆佛教其他教徒或高层盯着这里,刚拿到电报便急匆匆离去,明显值得怀疑。 He operated the corpse, the secret broadcasting station in use room returned to a telegram, hinted all normally, must participate on time, then waited till the darkness, when Lin Tong assumed the guise the policeman passed by daily, the revolution microcosm, closes the double pupil, opened the mind, is inducing Lin Tong, was away from the block of flats and street secret with her talks. 他操纵尸体,利用屋内的秘密电台回了一封电报,示意一切正常,必准时参加,接着等到天黑,等到林瞳扮作巡警日常路过时,才运转小宇宙,闭上双眸,打开心眼,感应着林瞳,与她隔着公寓楼与街道秘密对话。 After this is Seed of Wisdom takes root to germinate the unusual place! 这就是智慧种子生根发芽后的超凡之处! This is the Virgo Micro Universe ability! 这就是处女座小宇宙的能力! Lin Tong obviously has a scare, cannot see Gu Liang, can actually exchange with him, this was close to Spiritual God simply! 林瞳明显吓了一跳,看不到顾良,却能与他交流,这简直接近神灵了! However the following information made her forget surprisedly, sinking sound said in the dialogue of heart: I to report chapter of SIR, the secret assemble the Special Operation Division trustworthy member immediately.” 不过后续的情报让她忘记了惊讶,在心的对话里沉声道:“我立刻禀报章SIR,秘密调集特别行动科值得信赖的成员。” She said: „No. 9 villa belongs to Eastern Knight Regiment Deputy Head, must be especially careful.” 她顿了顿道:“九号别墅属于东方骑士团副团长,必须格外小心。” Fortunately is not the police service director with four big giants, otherwise the matter is more troublesome...... Gu Liang to relax, the situation of traitor within will not be at least serious. 还好不是警务总监与四大巨头,否则事情更麻烦……顾良松了口气,至少内奸的情况不会严重。 He is strongly calm, practice the microcosm, is waiting for Lin Tong to bring the new order. 他竭力平心静气,修炼着小宇宙,等待着林瞳带来新的命令。 ............ ………… After three days, 11 : 00 pm. 三日后,夜里11点。 The gate of apartment opened, puts on the Reversed Buddha Cult high level of reddish black wonderful shape long gown to walk, side following appearance similar assistant, was Gu Liang. 公寓之门吱呀打开,穿着红黑奇形长袍的逆佛教高层走了出来,旁边跟着位打扮相似的副手,正是顾良 The order of Zhang Shouque is to make him mix in No. 9 villa, once discovers the Reversed Buddha Cult trail, immediately sounds the signal flare, ambushes after the surrounding Special Operation Division team sees the signal, then does not need scruples anything, firepower full, surrounds and captures crazily- No. 9 villa is a viscount after all, does not have under the solid evidence, National Police Agency does not dare absurdly from the search. 章守缺的命令是让他混入九号别墅,一旦发现逆佛教踪迹,立刻拉响信号弹,埋伏在周围的特别行动科队伍看到信号后,便不用顾忌什么,火力全开,疯狂围捕-九号别墅毕竟属于一位子爵,没有确凿的证据下,警察厅不敢妄自搜查。 Under the block of flats stops is riding the carriage, four rounds of two horses, the modeling has the western land breeze very much, is magnificent and fine, Gu Liang and Reversed Buddha Cult high-level corpse has not spoken, opens the vehicle door, sat. 公寓楼下停着一乘马车,四轮两马,造型很有西陆风,华丽而精致,顾良逆佛教高层尸体没有说话,拉开车门,坐了进去。 The cart drivers are very silent, like the corpse, did not say a word, actuated the horses. 车夫很是沉默,如同尸体,一言不发,驱动了马匹。 Across the night peaceful unmanned streets, the carriage arrived in an occupying land area quite broad villa, the rail front door, high fence, in the middle of fountain, by garden. 穿过夜里安静无人的条条街道,马车抵达了一座占地颇广的别墅,铁栏大门,高高围墙,喷泉当中,花园两侧。 Looks fully is knights of alert, is inducing them and Gautama Buddha just the opposite bloody miraculous glow beat, Gu Liang deeply inspires pure, understands that this place is definitely related with Reversed Buddha Cult. 看着满是戒备的一位位骑士,感应着他们与佛陀清净刚好相反的血腥灵光跳动,顾良深吸了口气,明白此地肯定与逆佛教有关。 But he does not have to sound the signal flare immediately, because no one knows that what kind of scene in the villa is, if the dance party? 但他没有立刻拉响信号弹,因为谁也不知道别墅内是怎样的场景,万一是舞会呢? The carriage across the front door, bypasses the fountain, stops before the villa Lord room, Gu Liang operates the Reversed Buddha Cult high level to get out, oneself think of the appearance that shrinks, follows. 马车穿过大门,绕过喷泉,停在别墅主屋之前,顾良操纵着逆佛教高层下车,自己装着畏缩的模样,紧随其后。 That face that type of aura was the certificate, the Reversed Buddha Cult high level through inspects layer upon layer, pushed in the Lord room, saw only spreads in the hall of brownish yellow rug to place the sacrificial altar that human bones and person skin cast, but in the middle of the sacrificial altar had an illusory photo to enter the realistic red bottom black reversion ten thousand characters, it carried to sink to carry to float in Xueguang. 那张脸那种气息就是凭证,逆佛教高层通过层层检查,挤入了主屋,只见铺着棕黄地毯的大厅之中摆放着一个人骨与人皮铸成的祭台,而祭台当中有一个虚幻照入现实般的红底黑色逆向万字符,它载沉载浮于血光里。 Around the sacrificial altar corpses, the rotten taste, the smell of blood, the wicked stink, was stuffing the hall, making here seem like the mass grave, probably mass grave. 祭台四周倒着一具具尸体,腐烂味,血腥味,恶臭味,充塞了大厅,让这里像是万人坑,像是乱葬岗。 Beside the corpse is setting up Apostle that wears the reddish black wonderful shape long gown, a leader creamy white armor is also dyeing the bright red eye-catching bloodstain. 尸体之外立着一位位身穿红黑奇形长袍的神使,为首者一袭乳白盔甲也染着鲜红夺目的血痕。 Puts in the sacrificial altar the sacred object.” The leaders said low and deep. “将圣物放入祭台。”为首者低沉说道。 Gu Liang knows him, has seen him in the newspaper, he is Eastern Knight Regiment Deputy Head, three generations of all viscounts stationed in Far East. 顾良认识他,在报纸上见过他,他是东方骑士团副团长,一位三代皆驻扎远东的子爵。 Does he want resurrecting Reversed Buddha? 他想要复活逆佛 The high level of dying proceeded to take a step, attracts all attention, Gu Liang promptly sounded the signal flare. 死去的高层往前迈步,吸引了所有注意,顾良则当机立断拉响了信号弹。 Bang! 砰! A flame ran out of the window, explodes all over the sky fireworks, surroundings immediately has Great Sun to raise, the having mystical powers light like the rain, the Special Operation Division members launched the attack. 一道火光冲出了窗户,炸成满天的烟花,周围顿时大日升起,有灵光如雨,特别行动科的成员们发动了攻击。 Eastern Knight Regiment Deputy Head looks angrily at Gu Liang, both hands is lifting, must make into beach muddy flesh him, but Gu Liang starts to make a vow, wants to obtain the Golden Saint Garment in addition to hold. 东方骑士团副团长怒视着顾良,双手抬起,要将他打成一滩肉泥,而顾良开始许愿,想获得黄金圣衣的加持。 At this moment, he sees on the finger Eye of Desire bursts out the bright bright brilliance, forms indescribable body that the each and every one light ball condensed! 就在这时,他看见手指上的“愿望之眼”迸发出灿烂明净的光辉,形成了一个个光球凝聚的不可名状体! Is this? The Gu Liang heart jumps, upwells familiar. 这是?顾良心头一跳,熟悉上涌。 The innumerable light balls kick out, as if opened the mouth, sinks the red bottom black reversion ten thousand characters that carries to float to swallow down that year, hall immediately exudes such as the wave light, the clear dream, two Special Operation Division members break, each other bumps into, actually interpenetration past. 无数光球扑出,仿佛张开了嘴巴,一口就将那载沉载浮的红底黑色逆向万字符吞了下去,大厅顿时泛起如水波光,粼粼梦幻,两名特别行动科成员冲入,彼此相撞,却互相穿透了过去。 Can see the opposite party obviously, actually like being at different space and times! 明明可以看见对方,却像处在不同的时空! This is Gate of Ten Thousand Gates, this is Evil Sage, Lord of Space and Time Labyrinth, this is one of the Seven Great Demon Gods! What God of Storm and Disaster is It camouflages! Gu Liang looks dull, suddenly feels desperate. 这是万门之门,这是邪恶智者,时空迷宫之主,这是七大魔神之一!什么风暴与天灾之神都是祂伪装的!顾良呆呆看着,忽然感到绝望。 Does not have any saves supreme existence of human, only then Demon God, only has Gate of Ten Thousand Gates! 没有什么拯救人类的至高无上存在,只有魔神,只有万门之门 At present sees, just like dreamland. 眼前所见,宛若梦境。 Desperately most depressing dreamland. 最绝望最压抑的梦境。 ............ ………… In new Langer Field, in the exhibit room, that burned black corpse turned over/stood up to sit up suddenly, sheds dead skin. 新苏兰格场里,证物房内,那具焦黑的尸体突然翻身坐起,褪掉了死皮。 He has not died unexpectedly, he has hidden the truth from everyone unexpectedly! 他竟然没有死,他竟然瞒过了所有人! The clock and watch merchant discovers the silver white sheet metal, is sizing up all around, as if detected gaze that arrived certain has indescribably, however they were attracted by themselves here, cannot prevent No. 9 the matter of villa. 钟表商人找出银白金属薄片,打量着四周,似乎察觉到了某些不可名状存在的注视,然而祂们都被自己吸引到这边了,没能阻止九号别墅发生的事情。 Therefore, he is showing a faint smile to the thin slice: 于是,他对着薄片微微一笑: You divided me for the 15 th time.” “你第十五次劈死我了。” Good, the cooperation is happy.” “好吧,合作愉快。” He is one is skinny, the skin is dark, smile frank man. 他是一位身材瘦高,皮肤黝黑,笑容爽朗的男子。
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