WORIOA :: Volume #6

#196: A sigh( second)

Who is that? 那是谁? This power and influence feeling, is don't tell me Pāramitā Being that has not entered the war? 这种威势这种感觉,难道是一位没有参战的彼岸者 The Meng Qi heart is panic-stricken, to that both eyes eyeball has strangely regards the feeling, does not seem like because of it, but is the surrounding exaggeration? 孟奇心头惊骇,对那双眼睛有着诡异的既视感,似乎不是因为它本身,而是周围的渲染? Which great person It is, so coldly onlooking, on the contrary a feeling of secret mastermind! 祂是哪位大人物,如此冷冷旁观,反倒给人一种幕后黑手的感觉! Suddenly, as if detected that arrived Meng Qi's gaze, that did not have the indifferent eye that the vortex of rule formed to have the delicate change, as if looked. 突然,似乎察觉到了孟奇的注视,那没有规律的漩涡形成的冷漠眼睛有了微妙变化,仿佛望了过来。 Glances merely, the Meng Qi heart jumps crazily, only thinks own each and every one train of thought each and every one idea had the spirit wisdom fiercely, each other is independent, mind as if had several thousand tens of thousands several million different personalities instantaneously Meng Qi, gathers together, talks, no one is willing to concede, chaotic arrived extreme. 仅仅一瞥,孟奇心头狂跳,只觉自身一个个思绪一个个想法都猛地有了灵智,彼此独立,脑海仿佛瞬间出现了几千几万几百万个不同人格的“孟奇”,济济一堂,你一言我一语,谁也不肯服输,混乱到了极点。 The head blasts out about, is limitless hard-to-control with Origin Heart, Meng Qi holds the last miraculous glow, prepares to stop Seven Kills Tablet, will return to the future, will be separated from this scene, will be separated from this double indifferent eye. 头颅行将炸开,无极与元心都难以控制,孟奇抓住最后一丝灵光,准备中止七杀碑,回到未来,脱离这个场景,脱离这双冷漠的眼睛。 Such a looks, does not have any attack intention, oneself cannot withstand completely, was good witnessed the All Heavens collapse leisurely/scatter process because of already, always remembered that the karma relations of most Sea Calming Bead, achieved the goal. 只是这么一瞧,没有任何攻击的意图,自己就完全承受不了,好在已经目睹了诸天崩散的过程,铭记下了大部分定海珠因果联系,达成了目的。 At this moment, Meng Qi body and mind one light, contains limitless, the Origin Heart awe into submission submissive, the each and every one thought and idea melt all, belong to the inner world, all returned to normal. 就在这时,孟奇身心一轻,无极包容,元心慑服,一个个念头与想法尽数消融,归于心海,一切都恢复了正常。 What's the matter?” Stops the idea of Seven Kills Tablet stopping temporarily, Meng Qi stunned induces to go, discovered that indifferent fearful eye vanished, upper air chaotic dark red also disappears. “怎么回事?”中止七杀碑的想法暂时停顿,孟奇愕然感应而去,发现那双冷漠可怕的眼睛消失了,高空的混乱暗红也不见了。 The thought just got up, he felt it that suddenly roaring of arrived illusory River of Time, has flowed peacefully as if got made the angry sea. 念头刚起,他忽然感觉到了虚幻时光长河的咆哮,一直安静流淌的它似乎变做了怒海。 Following close on, radiance is raising from the horizon, from the void deep place and from the Star Sea end, went to the infinite high place, then radiance disperses, deducted All Heavens! 紧跟着,一道道光华自地平面、自虚空深处、自星海尽头升起,投向了无穷高处,然后光华散开,重新演绎成了诸天 They are Sea Calming Bead! 它们是定海珠 This is Twenty-Four Heavens! 这是二十四诸天 What's the matter? Originally collapse leisurely/scatter was All Heavens again complete? The Meng Qi intention fluctuates, with astonishment has it, at once awakens, is not right, is the time is flowing backwards! 怎么回事?本来崩散的诸天再次完好了?孟奇心念起伏,惊愕有之,旋即醒悟,不对,是时光在倒流! The time flows backwards, all recollections! 时光倒流,一切回溯! Four most continents and all vastness, the flood condensed a little bit unreliably red, if the rainwater of blood, the isolated island returned to the mountain peak, the city reappeared ostentatiously, corpse one after another of being drown to death stood, was vigorous, the vision was sober. 四大部洲并所有汪洋,洪水凝聚成了一滴滴玄红若血的雨水,孤岛重归山峰,城池再现浮华,一具具淹死的尸体纷纷立起,生机盎然,目光清醒。 In the rainwater bygone days flew upside down, penetrated the indistinct air/Qi under Nuwa big god arrange/cloth, are curling up the water spray like the waterfall. 雨水往天上倒飞,穿透了女娲大神布下的飘渺之气,如同瀑布在卷起水浪。 The incandescent ray from dissipates to back up slowly for brightest status, then stops suddenly, reveals all over the sky divine thunder with burning world various fire. 白炽的光芒从缓慢消逝倒退为最明亮的状态,然后戛然而止,露出满天神雷与焚世诸火。 Is interweaving unceasingly the thunder fire that hits to the world of mortals also rewinds the round trip. 不断交织着打向下界的雷火同样倒卷往回。 Looks at this scene visionally, the Meng Qi heart had affirmed: 看着这梦幻般的场景,孟奇心头已然肯定: Really is the time flows backwards! 真的是时光倒流! 9th Heavenly Layer several Pāramitā Being fought to make the influence entire Journey to the West world four most parts continents and all vast time flows backwards, even Reality World was possibly also affected! 九重天几位彼岸者的交手打出了影响整个西游世界四大部洲和所有汪洋的时光倒流,甚至真实界可能也受到影响! This is the Celestial Emperor writing skill, miracle that they jointly create? 这是天帝的手笔,还是祂们共同创造的神迹? At this time, Meng Qi discovered one in slow returned toward the Eastern Sea seabed but actually, the Seven Kills Tablet stay time limit slowly is also restoring, raised one's head to return to 20 by ten breaths, but the memory has not come under any influence, clear(ly) became aware immediately to flash through: Seven Kills Tablet is the time class rare treasure, although is not the Pāramitā level, but can also to return, has certain resistance facing flowing backwards of time, but oneself have Pāramitā Characteristic, without the past and in the future, both will superimpose, then presented time difference with flowing backwards of surroundings, and memory preserved completely. 这时,孟奇发现自身在缓慢往东海海底倒回,七杀碑的停留时限也在慢慢恢复,由十息出头重归二十,但记忆没受到任何影响,明悟顿时闪过:七杀碑是时光类的绝世之宝,虽然不是彼岸级,但也能让人回到过去,面对时光的倒流有一定的抵御,而自身具备彼岸特征,没有过去和未来,两者叠加,便与周围的倒流出现了“时差”,且记忆保全完整。 When he draws close to the sea level quickly, surroundings partly visible illusory River of Time stopped roaring, returned to normal, thunder fire junction strikes again, was weakened overwhelming majority by the indistinct air/Qi, remainder infiltrates the City God temple, temple housing the village god and Dragon Palace wait/etc. was. 当他快贴近海面时,周围若隐若现的虚幻时光长河停止了咆哮,恢复了平静,雷火再次交击而下,被飘渺之气削弱了绝大部分,剩余则打入城隍庙、土地庙和龙宫等所在。 It is not able to resound with the familiar shatter sound of language description again, but Meng Qi had not then seen that illuminates fiercely loses the color, the sky all things to white Zhijing the ray dark, making person as if wander about without the star universe. 无法用语言描述的熟悉破碎声再次响起,但接下来孟奇没有看到至白至净的光芒将万事万物照得失去颜色,天空猛地黑暗,让人仿佛徜徉于没有恒星的宇宙。 Appeared with the former difference! 与之前的不同出现了! The dark upper air emitted stars suddenly, unlike sparse that daily sees, they covered entirely the inexhaustible profound heaven, the crowded place even formed dream blurred galaxy, hidden has the gale to blow, making them flow slowly. 黑暗高空忽然冒出了点点繁星,与日常所见的稀疏不同,它们布满了无穷无尽的幽深苍天,密集处甚至汇成了一条条梦幻迷离星河,隐有大风吹过,让它们缓缓流淌。 This is the most stirring natural miracle, this most lets the starry sky that the person lies prostrate in worship. 这是最震撼人心的自然神迹,这是最让人顶礼膜拜的星空。 , The dense and numerous stars are towing the flame tail suddenly, cuts the horizon, simultaneous/uniform Zhui, keeps dreamlike pure paths, the words are difficult to draw the eventuality. 霍然之间,密密麻麻的星辰拖着焰尾,划破天际,齐坠而下,留出一道道如梦似幻的纯净轨迹,笔墨难绘万一。 On February 2, noontime, the star fell like the rain! 二月 2 日,午时,星落如雨! „Does star fall like the rain?” In the Meng Qi mind flashed through this words and expressions suddenly, the heart jumped, the induction scattered in all directions, tries to seek for the traces of related Gu Xiaosang. “星落如雨?”孟奇脑海内忽地闪过了这个词语,心头一跳,感应四散,试图寻找有关顾小桑的蛛丝马迹。 Is this indication that Calculation Saint said? 这是数圣所言的征兆? However his all had not discovered, can only see the radiant star rain. 然而他一切都没有发现,只能看到璀璨星雨。 „The stars then correspond Star Officer, falling from the sky that each drop rainwater is making clear to a powerhouse. 一颗“星辰”便对应一位星官,每一滴“雨水”就昭示着一位强者的陨落。 heavy rain pouring down! 大雨倾盆 At this time, the depressed dark mute as if foundation vacillation shatter sound handed down from the inexplicable high place, the stars even more sparse nighttime sky collapsed downward, even more near. 这时,沉闷暗哑仿佛根基动摇般的破碎声从莫名高处传下,星辰愈发寥落的夜空往下一坍,愈发得近了。 Meng Qi restrained disappointedly, lightens One Dao Colored Glass Lamp again, revolution Cause of All Fruits, spies on the illusory world. 孟奇收敛了失望,再次点亮道一琉璃灯,运转诸果之因,窥探虚幻天地。 Bang! 轰隆! The sound first comes, the light gets up, 24 Mingxia leaps one after another, scatters toward four most parts continents across, scatters toward the void deep place, there as if is God Sealing World, as if is Reality World, as if is the different universes. 声先来,光才起,二十四道明霞一道接一道地腾起,散落往四大部洲各地,散落往虚空深处,那里仿佛封神世界,仿佛真实之界,仿佛是不同宇宙。 Really was different from the former karma characteristics.” Meng Qi quite rejoiced that is always remembering again, if leaves ahead of time, then on wasted effort. “果然与之前的因果特征有所不同。”孟奇颇为庆幸地再次铭记着,如果提前离开,那就竹篮打水一场空了。 How oneself can expect that has had this condition? 自己怎能预料得到出现这种状况? Crash-bang, as Sea Calming Bead disperses, the profound red blood rain is unexpected, tip, penetrates the indistinct air/Qi, brings to spread the All Heavens Myriad Realms extinguishing world flood. 哗啦啦,随着定海珠飞散,玄红血雨不期而至,点点滴滴,穿透飘渺之气,带来遍及诸天万界的灭世洪水。 The flood one presently, scatters becomes quick, Meng Qi there's not enough time always remembers completely, can only choose easily neglected those. 洪水一现,散落变快,孟奇来不及铭记全部,只能挑选最容易被人忽视的那些 The time one passes closely, the Seven Kills Tablet effectiveness must end shortly, but Sea Calming Bead does not know the trace. 时光一息息流逝,七杀碑的效用眼看就要结束,而定海珠早就不知所踪了。 Meng Qi is planning to return, suddenly listens to arrived vicissitudes, but the ancient sigh, it lowers from the infinite high place, enters everyone heart. 孟奇正打算返回,忽然听到了一声沧桑而古老的叹息,它自无穷高处降下,直入每个人心底。 Is this? Catches the eye to look, Meng Qi looked that arrived a fireball of combustion falls, no, that is not the fireball, palatial palace that but was wrapped by the profound flame layer upon layer. 这是?抬眼望去,孟奇到了一个燃烧的火球落下,不,那不是火球,而是被幽深火焰层层包裹的巍峨宫殿。 It let so familiar, as if see. 它让如此熟悉,似乎曾经见过。 Yes, has truly seen, in Jade Sovereign Mountain, Heavenly Court vestige! 是的,确实见过,玉皇山中,天庭遗迹! This, is this crash Heavenly Court? 这,这就是坠落的天庭 In the flaming flame, in the palatial palace, there are blurs distortion emperor figure to hold up the head to stand erect together, as if stuffed the present and in the future, is never low own head. 熊熊火焰之中,巍峨宫殿之中,有一道模糊而扭曲的帝者身影昂首屹立,似乎充塞了过去现在与未来,从不低下自己的头颅。 It does not have the sound, is standing erect like this, as if billion years of invariable, the flame is unable to add the body, probably changed to Its cloak! 祂没有动静,就这样屹立着,仿佛千百万年不变,火焰都无法加身,像是化作了祂的披风! The fireball falls rapidly, falls toward the void deep place, emperor figure does not have the least bit movement, probably, probably a corpse. 火球急速下坠,落往虚空深处,帝者身影还是没有半点动作,像是,像是一具死尸。 At this moment, Meng Qi line of sight one dark, cannot see anything again, cannot feel the least bit external, as if inexplicable high place had what thing to cave, covered all. 就在这时,孟奇视线一暗,再也见不到任何事物,感觉不到半点外在,似乎莫名高处有什么东西塌陷下来了,掩盖了一切。 In his mind had a thought spontaneously: 他脑海内油然生出了一个念头: This was the day collapses!” “这是天塌了!” The real sky collapsed! 货真价实的天塌了! The Seven Kills Tablet ray shines, the time limit, has escorted Meng Qi to say goodbye to this antiquity battlefield, will return to the future. 七杀碑光芒亮起,时限已至,护送着孟奇告别这上古战场,回到未来。 ............ ………… Emperor is figure in that palace the Celestial Emperor remains? 那宫殿中的帝者身影就是天帝的遗骸? obsession is not loose, altogether refine Time Sabre with the Heavenly Court core and Heavenly Dao seal? 一点执念不散,与天庭核心、天道印共炼成了光阴刀 Whose is that indifferent fearful onlooking eye? 那双冷漠可怕的旁观眼睛是谁的? But the vicissitudes the ancient sigh is who sends out? 沧桑而古老的叹息又是谁发出的? All sorts of questions flash through in the Meng Qi heart, will return to the future along with him, can especially that sigh with own Origin Heart resonance, Mo Fei/could it be that listens to Heavenly Lord of the Primordial Beginning that unexpectedly all sorts of legends had not actually experienced? 种种疑问在孟奇心头闪过,伴随着他回到未来,尤其那一声叹息竟能与自己的元心共鸣,莫非是听过了种种传说却始终未曾见识的元始天尊 Powerful most ancient Pāramitā Being! 最强大最古老的彼岸者 The light shadow appears, Meng Qi appears in Eastern Sea Dragon Palace, at this time the history has the delicate change, before East Sea Dragon King welcomed barefoot is recognizes itself for the Daoist who was mystical and appeared in years past towering, the heart is more discrete, afterward process was even more relaxed. 光影浮现,孟奇出现于东海龙宫,此时历史已有微妙变化,之前东海龙王光脚相迎时已是认出自己为昔年神秘又突兀浮现的道人,心头更加谨慎,后来的过程愈发轻松。 But East Sea Dragon King and Long Zilong Sun Menzhi can see that Meng Qi body Zhou Guanghua flashes disappears, does not have other unusuality, had not detected completely history changed little. 东海龙王与龙子龙孙们只能见到孟奇身周光华一闪一消,没有别的异常,完全没察觉“历史改变了少许”。 Meng Qi stood up, hits to bow, the clear and resonant voice said with a smile: Dragon King is so hale and hearty, this poor Daoist said goodbye.” 孟奇站起身,打了个稽首,朗声笑道:“龙王还是这般老当益壮啊,贫道告辞。” Said that familiar words, he turned head then to walk, treads Eastern Sea Dragon Palace. 说完熟悉的话语,他扭头便走,踏出了东海龙宫 Old Dragon King inwardly relaxes, high sound said: 龙王暗自松了口气,高声道: Sees off Exalted Immortal.” “恭送上仙。” Then really delivers near the arrived gate. 然后真的一路送到了门边。 This character more walks early is better, so as to avoid multi- causing trouble end! 这种人物越早走越好,免得多生事端! When the Meng Qi back vanishes, he aspirates, stroked dragon whisker, restored the dignity of dominating Eastern Sea. 等到孟奇背影消失,他吐了口气,捋了捋龙须,恢复了称霸东海的威严。 Royal Father, do you recognize this Su Meng Daoist?” A dragon child recollection the scene, asked a moment ago curiously. “父王,您认得这苏孟道人?”一位龙子回忆刚才场景,好奇问道。 Old Dragon King nods: „When initially Heavenly Court crashed, he once appeared in Dragon Palace mystically, to this kingly way hale and hearty.” 龙王点了点头:“当初天庭坠落时,他曾神秘出现于龙宫,也对本王道了一句老当益壮。” At this point, he gently well: „When Heavenly Court crashes he in Dragon Palace, why must ask me obviously, when what quarter......” 说到这里,他轻轻咦了一声:“天庭坠落时他明明就在龙宫,为何还要问我哪年哪月,何时何刻……” Isn't this self-contradictory? 这不是自相矛盾吗? Oneself flattered a moment ago wholeheartedly, had not felt, waited to be tranquil to leave strangely. 刚才自己一心讨好,还不觉得,等平静下来才品出了诡异。 Old Dragon King lived the long years, experienced and knowledgeable, the heart flashed through suddenly together miraculous, felt, if explained, matter could convince: 龙王活了漫长岁月,见多识广,心头忽然闪过一道灵光,觉得如果这么解释,事情就说得通了: Opposite party the specific time of oneself here arrived Heavenly Court crashing, therefore the recollection time, arrives, appears in Eastern Sea Dragon Palace, had by oneself had seen his impression, gradually changed the history. 对方从自己这里得到了天庭坠落的具体时刻,于是回溯时间,抵达过去,出现于东海龙宫,让自己有了见过他的印象,略微改变了历史。 But can return in the past is, is...... the old Dragon King body rustlings, the sound stops suddenly, nearby Long Zilong grandson doubts contact. 而能回到过去的都是,都是……老龙王躯体瑟瑟,声音戛然而止,旁边的龙子龙孙疑惑往来。 Royal Father, how?” “父王,怎么了?” The sound of concern is intermittent, old Dragon King shot fiercely, the streaming with sweat, panic-stricken in a panic condition still won a moment ago, shouted loudly: 关切之声阵阵,老龙王猛地弹了起来,汗如雨下,惊恐仓惶之态犹胜刚才,大声喊道: Quickly, suspends the incense table quickly!” “快,快摆香案!” One group of Long Zilong grandsons are perplexed, but also has to act accordingly, when the incense table suspends, old Dragon King crawls immediately, is drawing in all Long Zilong grandsons and palaces the rituals of Aqua Clan respectful line of nine kotowing, faces direction that the Meng Qi back is vanishing, high sound said: 一群龙子龙孙不明所以,但也只好照办,等到香案摆好,老龙王当即匍匐,拉着所有龙子龙孙并宫内水族恭恭敬敬行九叩首之礼,面对着孟奇背影消失的方向,高声道: „The next feudal official sees off Heavenly Lord!” “下臣恭送天尊!” Kunlun Mountain Jade Void Palace, can recall, is not Primordial Beginning Dao Ancestor, is Heavenly Lord! 昆仑山玉虚宫,能回溯过去,不是元始道祖,也是天尊
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