WORIOA :: Volume #6

#195: All Heavens collapse leisurely/scatter( first)

In the limitless darkness, an illusory river linked up the past and in the future, will forward rolling, timeless, splits up the branch the node but to pass slowly firmly, Meng Qi by the Seven Kills Tablet ray package, Cause of All Fruits and Pāramitā Characteristic stress sends, feels arrived to be located in the river of this time and in destiny sincerely, is located in that node. 无边无际的黑暗里,一条虚幻长河贯通了过去与未来,滚滚向前,亘古不变,分化出支流的节点缓慢但坚定地推移着,孟奇七杀碑的光芒包裹,诸果之因彼岸特征应激而发,深切感受到了自身正位于这条时光与命运的长河中,正位于那个节点。 Looks into the future, the branch are innumerable, slurred, can only sneak a peek at 12 indistinctly, looks back, all sorts of pictures all present, oneself tips, others' tips, the tips of ancient, Hao like the starry sky, is unable all, if pours into the Meng Qi's head completely, will make him blast directly, Supreme is unable to escape by luck. 眺望未来,支流无数,模糊不清,仅能隐约窥见一二,回首过去,种种画面皆是呈现,自己的点点滴滴,别人的点点滴滴,古人的点点滴滴,浩如星空,无法尽数,若是全部灌入孟奇的脑袋,会让他直接炸掉,大能都无法幸免。 Has used more than once, Meng Qi is familiar and easy, thought rotation, consciousness enlargement: 使用过不止一次了,孟奇轻车熟路,念头转动,意识放大: 689 years ago, on February 2, noontime two -and-a-half quarters......” “六百八十九年前,二月 2 日,午时二刻半……” Let the innumerable pictures that the person head must explode remove, remaining related scenes, however overwhelming majority all are fuzzy, probably by the television signal that the arrived strong magnetism twists, covers entirely the snowflake, even is completely chaos. 让人脑袋要爆炸的无数画面褪去,剩下有关场景,然而绝大部分皆是模糊,像是受到了强磁扭曲的电视信号,布满雪花,甚至完全混沌。 When there is the legend and above Supreme aura, the recollection of Seven Kills Tablet will seriously be disturbed, at that time did not raise the legend and Creator (good fortune), the light Pāramitā great person enters the stage incessantly, the similar case is really normal, some Meng Qi expectations, are not early flurried, in the mind exudes the new thought: 当有传说及以上大能的气息时,七杀碑的回溯会受到严重干扰,彼时不提传说与造化,光彼岸大人物出场都不止一位,类似情况实属正常,孟奇早有预料,并不慌乱,脑海内泛起新的念头: Eastern Sea Dragon Palace!” 东海龙宫!” Old Dragon King now is also not the legend, in years past was more impossible, moreover Sea Calming Divine Needle that is worth praising was only taken by Sun Wukong, does not fear in its Dragon Palace to have the treasure disturbance! 龙王如今都还不是传说,昔年更不可能,而且唯一值得称道的定海神针都被孙悟空取走了,不怕它龙宫内有宝物干扰! The snowflake or the chaos picture dissipates, when other series of water sprays rippled, the sparkling lake scene, East Sea Dragon King show the instinct of a dragon facing extinguishing world disaster. 或雪花或混沌的画面消逝,余下了一系列水浪荡漾、波光粼粼的场景,东海龙王展现着一条龙面对灭世天灾时的本能反应。 Meng Qi extends the right hand, touches arrived East Sea Dragon King by to shift to the surprised terrified instant wave light calmly. 孟奇伸出右手,触摸到了东海龙王由气定神闲转向惊讶惶恐的刹那波光。 That is it detected that own four seas Emperor God Position and Heavenly Court present the moment that cracks! 那是它察觉自身四海帝君神位天庭出现崩裂的关头! The washout vanishes suddenly, Meng Qi only thinks oneself were ejected River of Time, under the Seven Kills Tablet strength package, across the chaos, the going against the flow turbulent flow, is going toward the upstream. 冲刷陡然消失,孟奇只觉自己被抛出了时光长河,在七杀碑力量包裹下,穿过混沌,逆行乱流,往着上游而去。 Has not known how long, Meng Qi at present one bright, discovered that all around wave drags, the lin light sways, is standing the ineffective and worthless troops, Long Zilong grandson, Turtle Prime Minister, Fish General wait/etc., old Dragon King lords over the throne, grasps the good wine, the astonished vacant and scared vibration on face cannot cover completely. 不知过了多久,孟奇眼前一亮,发现四周水波摇曳,粼光晃荡,站着虾兵蟹将,龙子龙孙,龟丞相,鱼将军等,老龙王高踞宝座,手持美酒,脸上的惊愕茫然与恐慌震动完全掩盖不住。 Dragon King is so hale and hearty.” Meng Qi sees East Sea Dragon King more than 600 years later exactly the same, not, because return to seem young, endured to say one handsome. 龙王还是这般老当益壮啊。”孟奇东海龙王与六百多年后一模一样,没有因为自己回到过去而显得年轻,忍俊不住道了一句。 Old Dragon King looked at a loss, discovered in own Dragon Palace was more towering a mysterious young Daoist, took off/escaped the tastes: 龙王茫然看了过来,发现自家龙宫内突兀多了一位神秘年轻的道人,脱口道: You who?” “你谁啊?” unfathomable mystery appeared in Dragon Palace, unfathomable mystery said oneself were hale and hearty! 莫名其妙出现于龙宫,莫名其妙说自己老当益壮! Turtle Prime Minister and other Aqua Clan are also stunned, they remember obviously before the twinkling, did not have this Daoist, actually does he how come in? 龟丞相水族亦是愕然,他们明明记得瞬息前还没有这名道人,他究竟怎么进来的? Eastern Sea Dragon Palace guards densely, forbidden technique is tyrannical, can it be that the place of suddenly coming? 东海龙宫守卫森然,禁法强横,岂是说来就来之地? At this moment, the old Dragon King complexion again changes, only thinks one and Heavenly Court relations crack thoroughly. 就在这时,老龙王脸色再变,只觉自身与天庭的关系彻底崩裂。 Following close on, Dragon Palace is shaking suddenly, the pillar swings, such as must break off, coral and other thing one after another lean, the floor tile had one after another crack, spreads toward the seabed deep place directly, an old mans role in yuan drama day approaching scene. 紧跟着,龙宫突然震荡,柱子摇摆,如要折断,珊瑚等物纷纷倒倾,地砖则出现了一道又一道裂缝,直接蔓延往海底深处,一副末日来临的景象。 At this time, the Meng Qi right hand pushes leaf of cloud Guan, in Niwan Palace ran out of chaos celebration cloud, a dim light dangles, before changing to the eave , the water curtain. 当此时,孟奇右手一推扇云冠,泥丸宫内冲出了一朵混混沌沌的庆云,道道幽光垂下,化作檐前水幕。 Jumps to leap, he escapes Eastern Sea Dragon Palace, the front surface is scarlet azure yellowish white black five-colors Immortal Thunder and as gorgeous such as the rain falls as the pinnacle purple flame. 纵身一跃,他遁出东海龙宫,迎面便是赤青黄白黑五彩仙雷与艳丽到极致的紫色火焰如雨落下。 heavy rain pouring down, irrigates Dragon Palace, Meng Qi does not give way to traffic, rushes. 大雨倾盆,直浇龙宫,孟奇毫不避让,冲了上去。 Bang! Bang! Bang! 轰隆!轰隆!轰隆! The say/way thunder Huojia the body, falls into the dim light, aroused the ripples, but vanishes without the trace at once. 道道雷火加身,落入幽光,激起了涟漪,但旋即消失无踪。 Broke through thunder Huojiao to strike, Meng Qi at present suddenly open, at this time, oneself were above the vast expanse of water sea, the upper air had the chaos shape, if extinguished the thunder of the world, had black and white being intertwined, its accumulated long thunder, had the thunder of scarlet azure yellowish white Four Symbols avalanche, there is red orange yellow malachite green bluish violet and other flame of different color different threat, they pestered mutually, change to the class/flow spark rain, splendid sight. 冲破了雷火交击,孟奇眼前霍然开朗,此时,自身处在一片汪洋大海之上,高空有混混沌沌状若灭世之雷,有黑白交缠,其蕴悠长之雷,有赤青黄白四象崩塌之雷,也有红橙黄绿青蓝紫等不同颜色不同威胁的火焰,它们互相纠缠,化作流星火雨,蔚为壮观。 Observes their might, if really all falls, that four most parts continents will exterminate with the lives of all sea thoroughly, the mountain peak does not save, the sea water is withered. 观它们的威力,如果真的全部落下,那四大部洲与所有海洋的生灵将彻底灭绝,山峰不存,海水干枯。 Luckily, they have not looked like the raindrop to sprinkle completely, but midair frivolous such as the indistinct air/Qi of gauze, congealed female phantom of person first snake body, Its both arms launched, as if is hugging for nine days, enabling Meng Qi only to see the back. 幸好,它们并没有像雨点般完全洒落,而半空有一层轻薄如纱的飘渺之气,凝成了一道人首蛇身的女性虚影,祂双臂展开,仿佛在拥抱着九天,让孟奇仅能看到背影。 thunder Huojiao strikes, enters the bosom, was extinguished by the indistinct air/Qi, remainder little, passed through difficultly, removed many prestige energies, even reduced the essence, struck to with Heavenly Court concerned land river God four seas emperors and other places. 雷火交击,多入怀抱,被飘渺之气消弭,剩余少许,艰难穿过,褪去了不少威能,甚至降低了本质,击向与天庭有关的土地河神四海帝君等处。 Method that Nuwa leaves behind?” Meng Qi gawked staring, at once hears the upper air to hear one unable with the shatter sound that the language described. 女娲留下的手段?”孟奇愣了愣,旋即听到高空传来一声无法用语言描述的破碎声。 If really must describe when that is a side universe walks arrived end being incapable to struggle, falls into the end, little desperate calling out in grief, is the world collapse greatly being shattered big terrifying! 如果真要形容,那是一方宇宙走到了终结时的无力挣扎,是身陷末日,一点点绝望的悲鸣,是天地塌陷般的大破灭大恐怖! Instantly later, a ray shines, to white Zhijing, dazzling incomparable, divine thunder, will burn world various fires to illuminate all over the sky completely lost the color, as if in the world only left behind this to wipe the brilliance. 刹那之后,一道光芒亮起,至白至净,耀眼无比,将满天神雷、焚世诸火全部照得失去了颜色,似乎天地间只留下了这抹光彩。 Meng Qi eye as if was punctured blindly, cannot see foreign object again, but his heart like Pinghu, ripples, dark does not reflect the scene the pupil deep place, colored glaze ancient lamp highlighted, blooms illusory radiance of black and white circulation. 孟奇眼睛仿佛被刺瞎了,再也见不到外物,但他心如平湖,不起一丝涟漪,黑沉沉不映场景的瞳孔深处,一盏琉璃古灯凸显了出来,绽放出黑白流转的虚幻光华。 Sees also differently, incandescent vanishes again, the radiant stellar lines appear, but they are scattered about, as if was pinched bunch of messes conveniently, cannot see clearly unable to peep detailed karma. 所见再也不同,白炽消失,璀璨星线浮现,但它们七零八落,仿佛被人随手捏成了一团团乱麻,根本看不清窥不出详细的因果 Rumble! 轰隆隆! Blazing the white ray to remove, sky dim, illusory Karma World is also the low and deep. 炽白光芒褪去,天空一片昏暗,虚幻的因果世界亦是幽沉。 A little bit rainwater falls, its color is unreliable, the as if dark blood, penetrated the indistinct air/Qi few, falls in the ground, immediately forms the dreadful flood, submerges the city, turning the mountain peak into the isolated island. 一滴滴雨水落下,其色玄红,仿佛暗血,少量穿透了飘渺之气,落于地上,当即形成滔天洪水,淹没城池,化山峰为孤岛。 Rumble! 轰隆隆! The sky sinks fiercely, probably crashes downward, subsequently radiance soars to the heavens one after another, enough 24, toward scatter in all directions. 天空猛地一沉,像是往下坠落,继而一道又一道光华冲霄而起,足足二十四道,向着四面八方散落。 All Heavens starts to crash! 诸天开始崩塌! Meng Qi in waiting this time arrival, in the illusory karma world, one group of mess karma differentiations, has turned into 24, rushes to thing respectively, radiant bright. 孟奇一直在等待这个时候的到来,虚幻的因果天地里,一团乱麻般的因果分化,化成二十四份,各奔东西,璀璨熠熠。 The Cause of All Fruits rotation, Meng Qi has not tried to intercept the treasure, once broke through indistinct air/Qi trap, under the thunder fire, oneself vanished in a puff of smoke inevitably, therefore, he is remembering with 24 Sea Calming Bead related karma characteristics and all sorts of relations, will wait to return to facilitate deduce with seeking in the future. 诸果之因转动,孟奇没有试图去截取宝物,一旦冲过飘渺之气这层罗网,雷火之下,自己必然灰飞烟灭,所以,他记忆着与二十四枚定海珠有关的因果特征、种种联系,等回到未来才方便推衍与寻找。 The Colored Glass Lamp static illumination, Thread of Karma were always remembered in the Meng Qi eye. 琉璃灯静静发光,一道道因果之线孟奇眼中被铭记。 Must remember shortly completely, his heart moves suddenly, is unable to contain lifts to look to the horizon. 眼看就要完全记住了,他忽然心头一动,无法遏制地抬首看向天际。 karma removes, the confusion emerges, upper air dark red, does not know that in east in west, filled the vortex that does not have the rule, congealed a pair to the extreme fearful eye indifferently. 因果褪去,混乱涌现,高空一片暗红,不知在东还是在西,充满了没有规律的漩涡,凝出了一双冷漠到极点的可怕眼睛。 It is staring at the All Heavens collapse leisurely/scatter inexplicable high place! 祂正盯着诸天崩散的莫名高处!
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