WORIOA :: Volume #6

#194: True Dragon is adaptable to the situation( third)

What kind of family background what kind of realm what kind of strength Great King of Inspiration is, old Dragon King watched critically so many years, how can also not be clear? 灵感大王是怎样的出身怎样的境界怎样的实力,老龙王冷眼旁观了那么多年,又怎会不清楚? It works as about the same as, started to attempt to communicate his me, all can sea Monster God, the divine armament buckle, fall in the manpower vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered now, feared suffers a loss, even possibly already fell from the sky outside the palace the mysterious Daoist's hand, such being the case, why did oneself care dignified? 它与自己当在伯仲之间,开始尝试沟通“他我”了,皆是可以纵横一海的妖神,如今神兵折损,落于人手,怕是吃了大亏,甚至可能已经陨落于宫外神秘道人之手,既然如此,自己何必在意一点体面? Puts out a hand not to hit the smile person, wants initially, Huaguo Mountain water curtain cave Sun Wukong to make a debut , when reputation no one knows, arrives at Eastern Sea Dragon Palace said that laughably Innate sage, oneself are not discretely for on, greets personally, bent/tune intent flattered, although buckle treasure, but has not had a fracture. 正所谓伸手不打笑脸人,想当初,花果山水帘洞孙悟空初出茅庐,名头无人知晓,来到东海龙宫时还可笑地自称“天生圣人”,自己不也是谨慎为上,亲自迎接,曲意奉承,虽然折损了宝贝,但并未伤筋动骨。 At that time can Sun Wukong of nameless be done by oneself this, why not showed the mysterious Daoist of forcing inspiration power and prestige? 那个时候籍籍无名的孙悟空都能让自己如此做,展现了力压灵感威风的神秘道人又有何不可? Old Dragon King does not attend to Long Zilong grandson and ineffective and worthless troops surprise vision, barefoots to rush to near the arrived gate intentionally, will tread will go out, haunches up both hands: Exalted Immortal arrival, Dragon Palace you honor my humble home, please enter, come.” 龙王不顾龙子龙孙、虾兵蟹将诧异的目光,故意赤着脚奔到了门边,踏将出去,拱起双手:“上仙驾临,龙宫蓬荜生辉,请进,请进。” In this process, he slightly makes deduce, discovered Great King of Inspiration, although is also living, but the vitality is weak, and in Southern Gaze Continent, does not suffer a loss surely heavily, was nearly killed, therefore oneself heart is even more discrete. 这个过程里,他略作推衍,发现灵感大王虽然还活着,但生机微弱,且不在南瞻部洲,必定吃亏极重,险些丧命,于是自家心头愈发谨慎。 Looked old Dragon King of dragon's head person is so polite with the great kindness, Meng Qi shows the smile, hand one move, absorbed two broken gold/metal hammers, as Dragon King entered the palace pavilion, the ascended to main hall, sat in high. 一看龙头人身的老龙王如此客气与盛情,孟奇露出微笑,将手一招,摄起了两只残破的金锤,随着龙王进入宫阁,登临大殿,坐于高位。 Does not know how Exalted Immortal did call? In which celestial mountain spiritual cultivation?” Old Dragon King resembles chat asks, the side freshwater mussel fine jellyfish offered the green tea. “不知上仙如何称呼?在哪座仙山修道?”老龙王状似闲聊般问道,旁边蚌精水母等奉上了清茶。 Meng Qi carries the teacup, sipped one, including saying with a smile: This poor Daoist Su Meng, Kunlun Mountain Jade Void Palace hanger-on.” 孟奇端起茶杯,抿了一口,含笑道:“贫道苏孟,昆仑山玉虚宫门下。” Which mountain no matter Meng Qi from where sends, old Dragon King plans to flatter several, therefore hears the reply, opened the mouth without hesitation, Kunlun Mountain is good, famous immortal, immortal......” 不管孟奇来自哪山哪派,老龙王都打算奉承几句,因此一听见回答,毫不犹豫就开口了,“昆仑山好啊,有名的仙,仙……” Words to half, his suddenly stutter, Kunlun Mountain Jade Void Palace? 话到一半,他忽然结巴了,昆仑山玉虚宫 Vanishes many years of Kunlun Mountain Jade Void Palace? 消失多年的昆仑山玉虚宫 Heavenly Lord of the Primordial Beginning Kunlun Mountain Jade Void Palace? 元始天尊昆仑山玉虚宫 The background of this mysterious Daoist is seriously big, no wonder the inspiration falls! 这神秘道人的来头当真不小,难怪灵感都栽了跟头! The words of flattery stop suddenly, the old Dragon King lip speaks haltingly, the facial expression fluctuates, looks around Long Zilong Sun full is surprised. 奉承的话语戛然而止,老龙王嘴唇嗫嚅,神情变幻,看得旁边的龙子龙孙满是惊讶。 Crossed one, he just calmed down: But, was Heavenly Lord of the Primordial Beginning Dao Temple in years past?” 过了一阵,他方才稳定了情绪道:“可是,可是昔年元始天尊道场?” “That's right.” Meng Qi nods easely. “正是。”孟奇悠然颔首。 There is nothing needs to conceal. 这没什么需要隐瞒的。 Old Dragon King inspires lightly, clarified that taught the fourth-generation disciple born? Can Final Tribulation approach seriously? 龙王轻吸了口气,阐教第四代弟子出世了?末劫当真要来临了? Sees Meng Qi not to put out the proof, spoke thoughtlessly such a saying, old Dragon King was half believing and half doubting, but does not dare to closely examine, then said: Exalted Immortal arrives Eastern Sea Dragon Palace, can have the important matter?” 孟奇没有拿出凭据,随口这么一说,老龙王将信将疑,但又不敢追问,转而道:“上仙驾临东海龙宫,可有要事?” Two things.” Meng Qi hey, said intentionally, this poor Daoist wants arrange/cloth four people of sword formation, still lacked three Heavenly Immortal divine sword, often heard that sea Dragon King does not lack the treasure, requested the help especially.” “两件事情。”孟奇嘿了一声,故意道,“贫道要布四人剑阵,尚缺三口天仙神剑,常闻海龙王不缺宝,特来请求帮忙。” pūtōng! Old Dragon King rapid heartbeat a racket, as if presents the illusion at present, a golden hair monkey walks carelessly, under the pretext of good neighborliness and friendliness, demands the divine armament treasure. 噗通!老龙王心跳加快了一拍,眼前仿佛出现了幻觉,一只金毛猴子大大咧咧地走来,以睦邻友好为借口,索取神兵宝贝。 Also came across this matter! 又遇到这种事情了! The previous monkey is not the affable fellow time, at present this seems like is also! 上一次的猴子不是好惹的家伙,眼前这位看起来也是! The surrounding Long Zilong grandson self-control and shrewdness compared with old Dragon King, the expression are not good, how many minute/share of angers look already shows, four people of sword formation lack three divine armament, do you return Bush formation? This is similar to wants to eat the roast lamb tonight, in the family/home has the salt to have the grill, borrows a sheep especially! 周围龙子龙孙涵养和城府都不比老龙王,表情还好,眼神已经透出几分愤怒,四人剑阵缺三口神兵,你还布什么阵法?这就如同今晚想吃烤全羊,家里有盐有烤架,特来借一只羊! Does not know that Exalted Immortal wants Bush sword formation, looks at the Corporeal and Incorporeal help means obsolete.” Legendary Level peerless thing may come by with luck, but not by searching for it, in certain Supreme hands does not have one, therefore old Dragon King now most precious was the Heavenly Immortal level thing, thought to see somebody off, felt like a knife twisting in the heart seriously. “不知上仙要布什么剑阵,老朽看有无帮忙办法。”传说级的绝世之物可遇而不可求,某些大能手中都没有一件,所以老龙王如今最珍贵的就是天仙级事物了,一想到要送人,当真是心如刀割。 The Meng Qi faint smile looked at old Dragon King one: Immortal Executing Sword Formation.” 孟奇似笑非笑看了老龙王一眼:“诛仙剑阵。” Great King of Inspiration will not conceal for oneself, that does not matter to keep secret. 灵感大王可不会替自己隐瞒,那也就无所谓保密。 Immortal Executing Sword Formation? Immortal Executing Sword Formation!” Old Dragon King jumps from the throne fiercely, forehead streaming with sweat. 诛仙剑阵诛仙剑阵!”老龙王猛地从宝座上跳起,额头汗如雨下。 Nearby Long Zilong grandson each and every one keeps silent, the body trembles. 旁边的龙子龙孙一个个噤若寒蝉,身体颤栗。 Immortal Executing Sword Formation! 诛仙剑阵 Immemorial First Killing Formation! 太古第一杀阵啊! When was Emerald Jade Floating Palace good to exchange unsurpassed divine ability with Jade Void Palace each other? 碧游宫什么时候与玉虚宫好得能彼此交换无上神通了? Old doesn't Dragon King believe? Before the inspiration did not believe that this poor Daoist made him try, therefore he left behind divine armament.” Meng Qi at this time quite somewhat the feeling of game mortal world. “老龙王不信?之前灵感也不太信,贫道让他试了试,于是他留下了神兵。”孟奇此时颇有几分游戏红尘之感。 Old Dragon King grieved such as twists, while feels uneasy, deeply inspires saying: Obsolete, looks obsolete, looks to collect several.” 龙王一边心痛如绞,一边芒刺在背,深吸了口气道:“老朽,老朽去找找,看能凑几口。” This group of idiots do not have the natural justice seriously, previous time was seized Sea Calming Divine Needle by the monkey, this time wanted the purse to open greatly...... 这帮浑人当真没有天理,上次被猴子夺了定海神针,这次又要荷包大开了…… In arrived this share, Meng Qi presses the right hand, smile say/way old Dragon King does not need to be urgent, this poor Daoist always treats both the young and old honestly, will not do that matter of seizing by force, since must take the Heavenly Immortal divine sword, will have the thing exchange.” 到了这个份上,孟奇压了压右手,微笑道“老龙王不必如此急迫,贫道一向童叟无欺,不会做那强取豪夺之事,既然要拿天仙神剑,自会有事物交换。” His hand shakes, two broken gold/metal hammers flew, falls to the ground gently, has not created all around wave ripples: This great hammer is Heavenly Immortal divine armament, although now is damaged seriously, but the essence has not fallen, can arrive at half reluctantly.” 他手一抖,两个残破的金锤飞了出去,轻轻落地,未造成四周水波涟漪:“这巨锤是天仙神兵,如今虽然受损严重,但本质还未降,勉强能抵半口。” During the speeches, his right hand drags toward the sleeve, bright clear Crystal Palace appears in the palace, has not restored originally size, but faintly visible in dazzling treasure. 说话间,他右手往袖中一拖,一个剔透晶莹的水晶宫出现于殿中,并未恢复原本大小,但依稀可见里面琳琅满目的宝贝。 Old Dragon King and Long Zilong grandson's eyes soon protruded, this, wasn't this inspirational Crystal Palace? 龙王与龙子龙孙的眼睛快要凸出来了,这,这不是灵感的水晶宫吗? This Jade Void Daoist Priest was about to evacuate the inspirational family property unexpectedly! 玉虚道士竟然将灵感的家底都快搬空了! Eh, inside had a Heavenly Immortal divine sword, this poor Daoist only need trade two.” Meng Qi spreads to look at the savings of Great King of Inspiration until this time, discovered a Heavenly Immortal level divine armament long sword, accurate, should be Great Bodhisattva Great Arhat level buddha sword, naturally, is not Guanyin Kasyapa this abnormal level. “额,里面有一口天仙神剑,贫道只需换两口了。”孟奇直到此时才遍览完灵感大王的积蓄,发现了一口天仙神兵长剑,准确来说,应该是大菩萨大阿罗汉佛剑,当然,不是观音迦叶这种变态水准的。 This sword green, taking the form of bamboo, as if wisp of cool breeze concentrates all over the body, the indistinct embodiment, the colored glaze light flash, as if can illuminate has the will of the people thought that named Alaya Sword. 此剑通体青碧,形似竹枝,仿佛一缕清风所凝,飘渺内蕴,琉璃光闪,仿佛能照出人心念头,名叫“阿赖耶剑”。 Araya is Buddhism Eight Consciousness, was known as the universe opened the myriad things birth at first was born instantly, can hide all laws, can meet endless. 阿赖耶是佛门第八识,号称宇宙开辟万物出生的最初刹那诞生,能藏一切法,能照见无疆。 This buddha sword must be Great King of Inspiration from Guanyin Bodhisattva Putuo Dao Temple along. 这口佛剑应当是灵感大王观音菩萨的普陀道场顺出来的。 Receives this sword, Meng Qi takes advantage of opportunity to take the material that many Exterior Scenery Dharma Body can use, although oneself at present rare outside ask, but two disciples with guarding the door first master must raise, as for other divine armament, he calculates the general value, has not taken away, as receiving in exchange for the Heavenly Immortal long sword needs. 收起此剑,孟奇顺势取了不少外景法身能用的材料,自己目前虽然少有外求,但还有两名弟子与看门大爷要养,至于其余神兵,他算了算大概价值,没有拿走,作为换取天仙长剑所需。 Two great hammers add inside all things, changes two Heavenly Immortal divine sword, old can Dragon King think fairly?” Meng Qi pushed Crystal Palace, “两柄巨锤加里面所有事物,换两口天仙神剑,老龙王可觉公平?”孟奇水晶宫推了过去, Originally prepares for shearing meat old Dragon King to beam with joy saying: Fair, fair, Exalted Immortal is seriously fair!” 本来做好割肉准备的老龙王眉开眼笑道:“公平,公平,上仙当真公平!” The inspiration plunders for many years, in Purple Bamboo Forest along many treasures, oneself did not owe absolutely! 灵感搜刮多年,又在紫竹林内顺了好些宝物,自己绝对不亏! He will quite make the dragon, does not take inventory the treasure in Crystal Palace, immediately gives to ban the symbol token, told that Long Zilong grandson goes to the restricted area treasure house to take out two Heavenly Immortal divine sword. 他相当会做龙,也不清点水晶宫内的宝物,当即给予禁符令牌,吩咐龙子龙孙去禁地宝库取出两口天仙神剑。 Hears this tone, the Meng Qi thought moves, even more thought that East Sea Dragon King really saves richly, does not know many generation of many years, no wonder the monkey king must have his idea initially. 听到这幅口气,孟奇念头一动,愈发觉得东海龙王果然积攒丰厚,不知多少代多少年而成,难怪当初美猴王要打他主意。 Thinks of this festival, Meng Qi smiles to pull out a thing, separated pushes to East Sea Dragon King spatially, said sincerely: This is the genuine gift on first meeting, calls makes Myriad Worlds Communication Talisman, can with same this symbol the worlds apart, yet so close relation, moreover some inside also many good destinations, for example that Myriad Worlds Trade City......” 想到此节,孟奇笑眯眯掏出一件事物,隔空推给了东海龙王,诚挚道:“这是真正的见面礼,唤做万界通识符,能与同样此符者天涯咫尺联系,而且里面还有不少好去处,比如那万界商城……” He blows give an exaggerated account of things Myriad Worlds Trade City, hears the old Dragon King heart movement. 他将万界商城吹得天花乱坠,听得老龙王心动不已。 In the Jade Void Palace gatekeeper, big green root hit to tremble suddenly, then held up the hatchet, muttered: 玉虚宫门房内,大青根忽然打了个寒颤,然后举起了柴刀,喃喃自语: Enters the commercial city deep as sea, henceforth chops the hand to break the foot!” “一入商城深似海,从此剁手又断脚!” blade light flashes, the branch flies to fall. 刀光一闪,枝条飞落。 After a little while, according to old Dragon King told, several Long Zilong Sun Penglai two divine armament long swords, its color was quiet, winding around cloud Qi, shape, if the dragon of reduction, azure is the bottom, such as the wood wind, is wrapping the flame of invisible combustion. 少顷,按照老龙王吩咐,几名龙子龙孙捧来了两口神兵长剑,一口其色幽黑,缭绕云气,形若缩小之龙,一口青色为底,如木似风,包裹着无形燃烧的火焰。 This sword name Soaring Dragon, the water helps the cloud, since.” An old Dragon King introduced, this named Rising Phoenix, the phoenix roosts Wutong, a dynasty, wind fire all over the sky.” “此剑名‘腾龙’,水助云从。”老龙王介绍道,“这口叫做‘起凤’,凤栖梧桐,一朝而起,风火满天。” Received two Heavenly Immortal long swords, Meng Qi strokes gently gently, feels inside heavenly abode, in the mind as if is presenting black True Dragon to turn cloud Tuwu, vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered since figure of mighty waves, as well as a gorgeous scarlet phoenix spread the wings to fly the scene from the Wutong tree on. 接过两口天仙长剑,孟奇轻轻摩挲,感受着里面的洞天,脑海内仿佛出现了一条黑色真龙翻云吐雾,纵横波涛的身影,以及一头艳丽赤凰自梧桐树上展翅飞起的场景。 Good sword!” He approved one, squeezed in two divine sword the sleeve, the words enter the subject saying that „the second matter, this poor Daoist has several issues to consult old Dragon King.” “好剑!”他赞了一声,将两口神剑塞入了袖中,话入正题道,“第二件事情,贫道有几个问题想请教老龙王。” Although asked!” Old Dragon King immediately relaxes. “尽管问!”老龙王顿时松了口气。 How many years ago Heavenly Court crashes, when what Ke?” Meng Qi asked. 天庭坠落是在多少年前,何时何刻?”孟奇问道。 Old Dragon King gawked staring, slowly showed the sad facial expression: 689 years ago, on February 2, noontime two -and-a-half quarters, the heaven caved, thunder Huojiao strikes Eastern Sea, Dragon Palace damages, the obsolete many descendants, the descendant died at that time......” 龙王愣了愣,慢慢露出了感伤的神情:“六百八十九年前,二月 2 日,午时二刻半,苍天塌落,雷火交击东海,龙宫破损,老朽多少儿孙,儿孙死在了那时……” The sound somewhat shivers. 声音有些颤抖。 Isn't 12 : 45?” Meng Qi has not attended to comforting, the doubts asked. “不是午时三刻?”孟奇没顾宽慰,疑惑问道。 Old Dragon King said: Three quarters the wind has received thunder disappears, moreover like the abyss, was hard the day before yesterday deduce, is not, was confused easily to the sense of time, obsolete cracks the exact time of judgment according to own the relations of God's Duty and Heavenly Court.” 龙王道:“三刻早就风收雷消,而且之前天如深渊,难以推衍,不是身在其中者,容易被混淆对时光的感官,老朽是根据自身神职天庭的关系崩裂判断的准确时间。” Very good.” Had the reply reference of Great King of Inspiration, Meng Qi basically determined the time of recollection, as for the completely definite point, that did not need, when the time comes Seven Kills Tablet can glance over the leeway of choice, Heavenly Court when Demon Lord got?” “很好。”有灵感大王的回答参照,孟奇基本确定了回溯的时间段,至于完全确定的点,那倒没有必要,到时候七杀碑会给浏览挑选的余地,“魔主是何时打上的天庭?” Regarding the Meng Qi's issue, old Dragon King is confused, perplexed, but many did not ask, said honestly: 695 years ago, in July 7 th 11 p.m. to 1 a.m.” 对于孟奇的问题,老龙王一头雾水,不明所以,但不好多问,老实道:“六百九十五年前,七月初七子时准。” Meng Qi nods looking pensive, speaks thoughtlessly to ask the related matter, but the battle of top level is far from old Dragon King too, he does not want to mix, not sticks one's neck out, therefore is not familiar. 孟奇若有所思点了点头,随口问着相关之事,但高层次的争斗离老龙王太远,他也不想掺合,明哲保身,因此不甚了了。 It seems like did not need to look for Undying Monster God, the matter of Heavenly Court naturally involved Heavenly Lord of the Way and the Virtue, It will definitely not reveal when the Journey to the West world, so as to avoid came the root of trouble......, moreover Heavenly Court crashed seemed very dangerous, old Dragon King can live to explain that Eastern Sea Dragon Palace also calculates safe...... thought numerous, Meng Qi had the resolution, started Seven Kills Tablet directly here. 看来不用去找不死妖神了,天庭之事必然涉及道德天尊,祂肯定不会在西游世界吐露,免得遭来祸端……而且天庭坠落时似乎很危险,老龙王能活下来说明东海龙宫还算安全……念头纷呈间,孟奇有了决断,直接在这里启动了七杀碑 Finally must return to the antiquity, witnessed that grand atmosphere the cloud hiding the storm crafty time. 终于要回到上古,亲眼目睹那壮阔大气又云谲波诡的时代了。 When Heavenly Court crashes, except that All Heavens comes down, what can also see? 天庭坠落时,除了诸天崩落,还能看到什么? The wave light flashes, his figure vanishes from Eastern Sea Dragon Palace in suddenly. 波光一闪,他的身影陡然自东海龙宫内消失。
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