WORIOA :: Volume #6

#193: Ancient and modern many matters( second)

Above Cloud Sea, the escaping light flashes past, Meng Qi is inspecting the savings of Great King of Inspiration, is pondering over the two issues. 云海之上,遁光一闪而过,孟奇边检查着灵感大王的积蓄,边思忖着刚才的两个问题。 Asked the time that Heavenly Court crashes is the main goal, to recall time, witnesses the All Heavens collapse leisurely/scatter process, found path that Sea Calming Bead scatters, thus was determined that general range, will be to return to search them to lay the foundation in the future, but asked when Demon Lord will get Heavenly Court is flashes for own miraculous glow. 天庭坠落的时间是此行主要目的,以回溯时光,目睹诸天崩散的过程,找到定海珠散落的轨迹,从而确定大概的范围,为回到未来寻觅它们奠定基础,而问魔主打上天庭是何时则为自身的灵光一闪。 Still remembers enters Journey to the West for the first time , oneself had inquired a small monster, it gets Heavenly Court and Heavenly Court Demon Lord crashes to jumble together, even thought that the former is latter's immediate cause, this and combing to antiquity time line have the obvious contradiction: 还记得第一次进入西游时,自己曾经询问过一名小妖,它将魔主打上天庭天庭坠落混为一谈,甚至觉得前者是后者的直接原因,这与自身对上古时间线的梳理有着明显矛盾: After the Demon Buddha, Sha Wujing and other antiquity party concerned of the indirect or direct verifications, oneself think that first has War of Gods, Heavenly Court benefits, formed the reliable union with hidden secret Heavenly Lord of the Primordial Beginning and Heavenly Lord of the Way and the Virtue, thus depresses Buddhism evil spirit and other influences thoroughly, reaches the arrived most prosperous stage, but in world how can there be eternally unchanging matter, the peak often means to start to slide, as the Celestial Emperor cultivation base day entered, perhaps It no longer satisfied before making Heavenly Lord of the Primordial Beginning and Heavenly Lord of the Way and the Virtue stage the character, made a mere show in the Pāramitā hidden situation sidewise compression first, therefore there is struggle of hell and other matter, the alliance internal presented the unobservable fissure. 经过魔佛沙悟净等上古当事者的间接或直接验证,自己认为先有封神之战,天庭得益,与隐藏幕后的元始天尊道德天尊结成了牢固同盟,从而将佛教妖魔等势力彻底压下,达到了最鼎盛的阶段,但世间岂有永恒不变的事情,顶峰往往就意味着开始下滑,随着天帝修为日进,祂或许不再满足于做元始天尊道德天尊的台前人物,在彼岸多隐的情况下做个空架子的横压一世,于是有了地府之争等事情,联盟内部出现难以察觉的裂痕。 This subtle moment, Demon Lord sudden achievement Pāramitā, gets Heavenly Court, fell from the sky to cause heavy losses to Celestial Emperor by oneself, at the same time exposed the opposite party and Heavenly Lord of the Primordial Beginning, Heavenly Lord of the Way and the Virtue contradiction, therefore the situation changed, Buddhism started the layout, Taoism also deals, Celestial Emperor walked near the cliff, wants to hit the strength with the strength, could achieve success one way or another, achieves balanced, during cloud hiding the storm was so crafty, the Monster Emperor Nuwa Innate God endolithic jumped Monkey Sun, had the following all sorts of things, for example extension of struggle of hell, for example wreaking havoc in the Heavenly Palace, forced Celestial Emperor, making It admit defeat, who knew Celestial Emperor to reverse to Buddha Ancestor unexpectedly directly. 这微妙的关头,魔主突然成就彼岸,打上天庭,以自身陨落重创了天帝,同时将对方与元始天尊道德天尊的矛盾暴露了出来,于是局势变化,佛门开始布局,道家随之应对,天帝走在悬崖边上,想借力打力,左右逢源,达成平衡,如此云谲波诡之中,妖皇女娲先天神石内蹦出了一只孙猴子,有了后续种种事情,比如地府之争的延续,比如大闹天宫,逼迫天帝,让祂服软,谁知天帝竟然直接倒向了佛祖 After that seized Buddha Ancestor of enormous benefit to walk arrived Heavenly Lord of the Primordial Beginning realm finally, started to attempt to make Reduce to Emptiness, arranged the matter of Journey to the West, but the Journey to the West conclusion shortly, why did not know, Heavenly Court crashed suddenly, doubtful several Pāramitā Being trod to break 9th Heavenly Layer jointly, Celestial Emperor died for justice by the body, Incarnation Time Sabre, in this process, no one knows whether Its ally was suppressed or not take action. 其后,攫取了极大利益的佛祖终于走到了元始天尊境界,开始尝试做减求空,布置西游之事,而西游结束没多久,不知出于什么原因,天庭突然坠落,疑似几位彼岸者联手踏破了九重天,天帝以身殉道,化身光阴刀,这个过程中,没人知道祂的盟友是否被压制或者未曾出手 After Heavenly Court crashes, is Buddha Ancestor enters nirvana, Monster Saint gets Spirit Mountain, the Ānanda betrayal, ten thousand Buddha simultaneous/uniform Zhui. 天庭坠落后则是佛祖入灭,妖圣打上灵山,阿难背叛,万佛齐坠。 Titled/sealed God, Demon Lord attacks the day, Journey to the West, Heavenly Court crashes, the war of Spirit Mountain, this is the antiquity important matter time line that comb, but regarding this small monster, since the middle also separated Great Sage Equal of Heaven to bluff and bluster and card achieving Buddhahood Journey to the West age, their not possible lane to mix, thinks that Demon Lord attacked the day to cause Heavenly Court to crash. 封神,魔主攻天,西游,天庭坠落,灵山之战,这就是自己梳理的上古大事时间线,但对此界的小妖而言,既然中间还隔了一个齐天大圣耀武扬威及证道成佛的西游年代,它们不可能弄混,认为魔主攻天造成天庭坠落。 The memory and time line to, matter cannot have the fishy, therefore Meng Qi closely examined Demon Lord to get the Heavenly Court time, but the reply of Great King of Inspiration let he planted really so the feeling. 记忆与时间线对不上,事情必有蹊跷,于是孟奇追问了一句魔主打上天庭的时间,而灵感大王的回答让他有种“果然如此”的感觉。 In this side world, Demon Lord attacks the day to happen , in Heavenly Court crashes six years ago! 这方天地里,魔主攻天发生在天庭坠落不足六年前! Gap such short, several hundred years later small monsters think that they are the same matter are reasonable completely, but Journey to the West was for over 800 years, Demon Lord attacks the day ago, with the time line order that think has contradictory. 间隔如此之短,几百年后的小妖认为它们是同一件事情完全在情理之中,而西游距今超过八百年了,远在魔主攻天前,与自己认为的时间线顺序有所矛盾。 That is actually who is wrong to whom? 那究竟是谁对谁错呢? Meng Qi will insist without hesitation own beforehand combing, because that has obtained Demon Buddha and Sha Wujing two direct litigants affirmed that but the Journey to the West world is Heavenly Lord of the Way and the Virtue extracts a phase of history to evolve, does not know that filled many specious matter or the historical fragment, presents the smooth the confusion definitely to understand, some people suspected not to mention Heavenly Lord of the Way and the Virtue extracts this phase of history to spread out Reality World to cover what secret newly. 孟奇原本会毫不犹豫坚持自身之前的梳理,因为那是得到过魔佛沙悟净两位直接当事人肯定的,而西游世界乃道德天尊抽出一段历史衍化而成,不知填充了多少似是而非的事情或历史碎片,出现顺序的混乱完全可以理解,更别提有人怀疑道德天尊抽出这段历史新衍真实界就是为了掩盖什么秘密。 But, the issues in some details let him are not that assured: 可是,一些细节上的问题让他不是那么笃定了: Regarding own guess, Demon Buddha acknowledged personally colludes with Demon Lord, betrays Celestial Emperor, and Spirit Mountain upheaval, the pit Buddhism and Monster Clan, regarding other things are the attitudes of showing neither approval nor disapproval, raised one merely, after Celestial Emperor is made origin energy damaged severely, a little unable to take Great Sage Equal of Heaven by Demon Lord. 对于自己的猜测,魔佛只是亲口承认了勾结魔主,背叛天帝,以及灵山变乱,坑了佛门妖族,对于其他事情都是不置可否的态度,仅仅提了一句,天帝魔主弄得元气大伤后都有点拿不下齐天大圣 But this seemingly is aiming at the matter of wreaking havoc in the Heavenly Palace conclusively without doubt, but if goes into seriously, then some too explained that after who can affirm Journey to the West, Sun Wukong hasn't fought with Celestial Emperor for the second time? 而这看似确凿无疑地指向着大闹天宫之事,但若是深究,则有太多解释,谁能肯定西游后,孙悟空没有第二次与天帝交手? For example the war of Heavenly Court crash! 比如天庭坠落之战! Even when wreaking havoc in the Heavenly Palace, Celestial Emperor went to battle must two say. 甚至大闹天宫时,天帝有没有出战还得两说。 After all at that time, after the monkey strength was inferior to the Journey to the West termination absolutely, from the Creator (good fortune) completely mostly also distance, Celestial Emperor, even if were damaged seriously because of the matter of Demon Lord, may still be in the Immortal Realm home game, innumerable in addition held, and Pāramitā Being, only then Pāramitā Being can contend, was also insufficient to be afraid again badly, Demon Buddha also said a little cannot take, what therefore Celestial Emperor scruples urges monkey wreaking havoc in the Heavenly Palace secret mastermind, asked Buddha Ancestor to help decisively simply, in this case, can he from falling the status and Great Sage Equal of Heaven contests to have room for discussion. 毕竟那个时候,猴子实力绝对不如西游完结后,距离造化圆满多半都还有一段路程,天帝即使因魔主之事受损严重,可也身在仙界主场,无数加持,且彼岸者只有彼岸者才能抗衡,再不济也不至于害怕,魔佛亦只是说有点拿不下,所以天帝顾忌的是驱使猴子大闹天宫幕后黑手,果断干脆地请了佛祖来援,这种情况下,他会不会自降身份与齐天大圣过招存在商榷的余地。 If the war of Heavenly Court crash, Great Sage Equal of Heaven cut Victorious Battle Buddha, reached arrived Creator (good fortune) complete realm, even possibly had Pāramitā Characteristic, at the same time also had other Pāramitā Being to involve Celestial Emperor, convenient on two moves, was nearly taken by Celestial Emperor, was normal. 若是天庭坠落之战呢,齐天大圣斩出了斗战胜佛,达到了造化圆满的境界,甚至可能具备彼岸特征,同时又有其余彼岸者牵扯天帝,顺手过上两招,险些被天帝拿下,也算正常。 Therefore, the opinion of Demon Buddha cannot be Journey to the West Demon Lord attacks the day later clear evidence, Sha Wujing, accurately elaborated this order actually clearly, and as legend Supreme, memory not because the history was extracted, but fuzzy chaotic, looks is trustworthy. 因此,魔佛的言论不能作为西游魔主攻天之后的确切证据,倒是沙悟净,清晰准确地阐述了这个顺序,且身为传说大能,记忆不会因为历史被抽取而模糊混乱,一看就值得信赖。 However thinks carefully, regardless of Journey to the West, Demon Lord attacks the day, when even Heavenly Lord of the Way and the Virtue extracts this phase of history, Sha Wujing has not proven to result in the legend mostly, but the legend does not involve River of Time, without having Pāramitā Characteristic, when he breaks through is successful, whether can restore the chaotic and fuzzy memory? 不过仔细想想,无论西游,还是魔主攻天,甚或道德天尊抽出这段历史时,沙悟净多半都还未证得传说,而传说本身不涉及时光长河,在不具备彼岸特征的情况下,他突破成功时,是否能恢复混乱而模糊的记忆? What is more important, Sha Wujing is Neverborn Matriarch Juan Lian Apostle, cannot completely believe that even he is not willing to deceive itself, may be unable to support the old mother to fudge to his memory in secret. 更为重要的是,沙悟净无生老母卷帘神使,不能尽信,即使他本人不愿意欺骗自己,可也架不住老母暗中对他的记忆动手脚啊。 Both big keiest evidence presented the insufficiently rigorous place, the things in some details even more are meaningful, for example, when the lower primary school monster has raised, Demon Lord attacks the day later, Grand Saint of Nine Spirits was sent to guard the Nine Serenities front door, defends there, if Demon Lord attacks day when of Journey to the West, Monk Tang and Sun Wukong and his party of bitter experience Grand Saint of Nine Spirits, it obviously should guard the Nine Serenities front door, where can be easily separated? 两大最关键的证据都出现了不够严谨的地方,一些细节上的事情则愈发意味深长,比如当初小妖提过,魔主攻天后,九灵元圣被打发去看守九幽大门了,至今还守在那里,若魔主攻天在西游之事前,唐僧和孙悟空一行遭遇九灵元圣时,它明显该看守着九幽大门,哪能轻易脱离? For example Demon Lord attacks the day ago, Great Emperor Zhenwu was missing mystically, went to Life and Death Origin, Sun Wukong requested when reinforcements did nine days that looked for who swing the demon founder are? 比如魔主攻天前,真武大帝就神秘失踪,前往了生死原点,孙悟空请求援兵时找的九天荡魔祖师又是谁? Although this is have looked at Journey to the West records the content, likely has the adding details while telling a story place, when for example Journey to the West simply does not have Grand Saint of Nine Spirits this difficultly, has not invited for nine days to swing the demon founder, but similar detail also has, can find the Supreme confirmation in the future the matter, this makes itself no longer so assured. 虽然这都是自己看过的西游记内容,很可能有添油加醋的地方,比如西游时根本没九灵元圣这一难,也未曾请过九天荡魔祖师,但类似细节还有一些,都是日后可以找到大能验证的事情,这让自己不再那么笃定。 If places Demon Lord to attack the day ago the matter of Journey to the West? 如果将西游之事放在魔主攻天之前呢? Meng Qi is lost in thought that deduce another possibility: 孟奇陷入了沉思,推衍着另外一种可能: After the happy period of alliance, Celestial Emperor that the cultivation base day entered had the great ambition of becoming revering of true present age, Buddhism does not want to see Taoism throughout the control All Heavens Myriad Realms, therefore slightly rubbed starts becomes many, for example the struggle of hell , Sun Wukong jumped from the Innate God stone in this case, as board game pieces of gambling and struggle. 经过联盟的甜蜜时期,修为日进的天帝有了成为真正当世之尊的雄心,佛门也不想看见道家始终统御着诸天万界,于是小摩擦开始变多,比如地府之争,这种情况下,孙悟空先天神石里蹦了出来,作为一次次博弈与斗争的棋子。 When wreaking havoc in the Heavenly Palace, perhaps he resulted in assisting of Heavenly Lord of the Way and the Virtue, turns on the water with the Dao Sect related God and Immortal collective, enabling Celestial Emperor as if only personally take action, once take action, Sun Wukong mysterious master then possibly launches an attack Celestial Emperor, serves some purpose, but Celestial Emperor sees the potential is not right, promptly invited Western Buddha Ancestor, perhaps reversed to Buddhism thoroughly, perhaps only colluding the matter of Buddha Ancestor exposes, seeks the new balance. 大闹天宫时,他或许得了道德天尊的相助,与道门有关的神仙集体放水,让天帝似乎只能亲自出手,而一旦出手,孙悟空“神秘的师父”便可能藉此发难天帝,达到某个目的,而天帝见势不对,当机立断请了西方佛祖,或许彻底倒向了佛门,也或许仅是将勾连佛祖之事暴露,寻求新的平衡。 After Journey to the West, how many years fermentations also resulted in did not know, therefore had Demon Lord to attack a day of matter, this time, Celestial Emperor showed let the strength that the person dreaded, without Heavenly Lord of the Primordial Beginning, Heavenly Lord of the Way and the Virtue and Buddha Ancestor assisting, preyed on Pāramitā Being alone? 经过西游,又得了不知多少年的酝酿,于是发生了魔主攻天之事,这一次,天帝展现了让人畏惧的实力,在没有元始天尊道德天尊佛祖相助的情况下,独自搏杀了一位彼岸者 Only then Pāramitā Being can contend with Pāramitā Being, among Pāramitā Being is hard to kill the opposite party, frequently can only the seal or the suppression, even if Celestial Emperor paid the enormous price, even if It has the Immortal Realm home advantage, even if Demon Lord ascends Pāramitā merely initially, if no other Ancient Being help, one-on-one kills Pāramitā Being, still fully explained that Celestial Emperor domineering, can perhaps compare favorably with Exalted Emperor Haotian of antique era, truly had the power and prestige of sidewise compression first. 只有彼岸者才能抗衡彼岸者,彼岸者之间难以杀死对方,常常只能封印或镇压,即使天帝付出了极大代价,即使祂有仙界主场优势,即使魔主仅仅初登彼岸,若无别的古老者帮助,单对单强杀一位彼岸者,也足以说明天帝的强势,恐怕能与太古纪元的昊天上帝媲美了,真正有了横压一世的威风。 But why Demon Lord will get Heavenly Court, what perhaps some people want to probe, why for example Celestial Emperor had the confidence initially with two big Heavenly Lord gambling, finally probed the Celestial Emperor strength as well as It strikes to kill taking advantage of Pāramitā Being? 魔主为什么会打上天庭,或许就是有人想要试探什么,比如天帝当初为何有信心与两大天尊博弈,结果试探出了天帝的实力以及祂击杀彼岸者的依仗? Clarified these secrets, or after the confirmation secret directly relates Dao Fruit, in a while, how many Pāramitā Being break through 9th Heavenly Layer jointly, making Celestial Emperor die for justice, perhaps also included Buddha Ancestor? 弄清楚了这些秘密,或者证实秘密直接关系道果后,没过多久,几位彼岸者联手攻破九重天,让天帝殉道,其中或许还包括了佛祖 Although lacks the essential detail that the matter establishes contacts, but so deduce gets down, as if really can see the other aspect of matter, found other explanation...... Meng Qi to inspire lightly, even more thought that matter of cloud hiding the storm antiquity was crafty, was only thinks to let person scalp tingles, but after the extractions of twice history, presents chaotic contradictory status, being hard to figure out that who was really who was the false. 虽然缺乏将事情串连起来的关键细节,但如此推衍下来,似乎真能看到事情的另外一面,找到别的解释……孟奇轻吸了口气,愈发觉得上古之事云谲波诡,光是想想就让人头皮发麻,而经过两次历史的抽取,更是呈现混乱矛盾的状态,难以确定谁是真谁是假。 To oneself, if in the future wants to recall the time, perhaps still further, cannot go round these things. 对自己而言,日后若想回溯时光,更进一步,恐怕绕不开这些事情。 unconsciously, he is escapes arrived Eastern Sea, but Great King of Inspiration the treasure in Crystal Palace has forgotten to settle. 不知不觉,他已是遁到了东海,而灵感大王水晶宫内的宝物早就忘了清点。 Under the escaping presence, Meng Qi found patrolling sea Aqua Clan, asked that understands Crystal Palace is, dived directly. 遁光降下,孟奇找到巡海水族,问明白了水晶宫所在,直接潜了过去。 Outside Crystal Palace, two giant sea crabs crawled, watch the front door, Meng Qi are showing a faint smile, walked, hit to bow: 水晶宫外,两只巨大的海蟹匍匐,守着大门,孟奇微微一笑,走了过去,打了个稽首: This poor Daoist Su Meng, seeks an interview Dragon King.” “贫道苏孟,求见龙王。” This is the gift on first meeting.” “这是见面礼。” His hand throws, two giant gold/metal hammers flew, fell on Crystal Palace. 他手一抛,两只巨大的金锤飞了出去,落在了水晶宫 Bang! 砰! The earth movement water swings, the Crystal Palace sharp shake, surroundings forbidden technique understands and extinguishes, extinguishing was also bright. 地动水摇,水晶宫剧烈震荡,周围禁法明了又灭,灭了又明。 Enemy raids!” The squeal resounds, but in Dragon Palace has the sound of old being astonished to spread: Purple Light Golden Hammer? Inspirational divine armament?” “敌袭!”尖叫声响起,而龙宫内有苍老讶异之声传出:“紫光金阙锤?灵感的神兵?” But inspirational divine armament is so unexpectedly broken, and falls on a arrived mysterious say/way manpower! 而灵感的神兵竟然如此残破,且落到了一位神秘道人手上! The thought flashes, East Sea Dragon King sets out fiercely, rushes to outside Crystal Palace, pours to tread on to welcome! 念头闪动,东海龙王猛地起身,奔向水晶宫外,倒履相迎! The inspiration planted, such character, must treat politely! 灵感都栽了,此等人物,必须客气对待!
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