WORIOA :: Volume #6

#192: South Sea Purple Bamboo Forest( first)

Fellow Daoist, I help you!” “道友,我来助你!” In the sound, stuffed galaxy huge figure to be joined to refer to the sword, the right hand shakes, made white sword qi. 声音之中,充塞星河般的巨大身影骈指成剑,右手一震,打出了一道白茫茫的剑气 In this at the same time, swordsman, monk and ancient palatial Deity, or spurt sword qi, either wields Trigram Immortal, either Pāramitā Characteristic lasts the blade of light, simultaneously cuts. 于此同时,剑客、和尚和古老巍峨的神人,或喷剑气,或挥离仙,或化彼岸特征为时光之刃,齐齐斩出。 Scarlet azure yellowish white, universe Great Desolation, four sword qi maneuver among groups, 10,000 trillion were difficult to trace, formed sword formation that presented various destruction scene, or chaotic arrived extreme on the contrary ultimate deathly stillness, either expanded unceasingly, finally stagnated, became icy cold...... 赤青黄白,宇宙洪荒,四道剑气纵横捭阖,亿亿难描,结成了呈现各种各样毁灭景象的剑阵,或混乱到了极点反倒终极死寂,或不断扩张,最终停滞,变得冰凉…… So all sorts of scenes by four sword light deduction, were approached layer upon layer, arrive at the Great King of Inspiration body week, only misses little then can make it also fall into the destruction or becomes chaotic. 如此种种景象被四道剑光演绎而出,层层逼近,来到灵感大王身周,只差少许便能让它也陷入毁灭或变得混乱。 This pinnacle danger spreads to the Great King of Inspiration heart, its body each flesh is trembling, as if looks at arrived own end clearly, only thinks that cannot block sword formation unrestrained sweeping completely. 这种极致的危险传入灵感大王的心头,它身体每一处血肉都在颤栗,仿佛真切看到了自身的末日,只觉完全挡不住剑阵肆掠 Could keep off for a while, so long as cannot withdraw, sooner or later falls from the sky! 或许能挡一时,但只要脱身不出,迟早陨落在内! What is more important, this sword formation makes karma relate becomes fuzzy, as if periphery will be shattered completely, the space and time does not save, karma is difficult to stand, only remains the confusion, approaches the nihility, sooner or later regression limitless condition, maintained life secret technique to be hard to be effective by oneself much. 更为重要的是,这剑阵因果联系都变得模糊,似乎将周围完全破灭,时空不存,因果难立,只剩混乱,逼近虚无,迟早复归无极之态,让自身不少保命秘法都难以奏效。 If this sword formation has Legendary Level, even if true Supreme falls into, still meets body dies and Dao disappears, after each death, the body of regeneration can only appear in sword formation by the projection, is unable to surpass, therefore wears down unceasingly, until radical end. 若这剑阵传说层次,那即使真正大能陷入,也会身死道消,因为每一次死亡后,由投影而再生的躯体都只能在剑阵中出现,无法超出,于是不断消磨,及至彻底的终结。 The body and mind is icy cold, the death overhead, Great King of Inspiration flashed through a thought suddenly: 身心冰凉,死亡当头,灵感大王忽然闪过了一个念头: Immortal Executing Sword Formation! 诛仙剑阵 This is Immortal Executing Sword Formation! 这是诛仙剑阵 Only then Immemorial First Killing Formation can present so the power and influence! 只有太古第一杀阵才能呈现如此威势! After wants to understand, it not only could not find the countermeasure, even more fears on the contrary, the hands and feet is weak, ten tenths strength cannot display 60%. 想明白之后,它不仅找不到对策,反倒愈发恐惧,手脚酥软,十成战力发挥不出60%。 Person the shadow of famous tree, is only the Immortal Executing Sword Formation four characters can deter the enemy, in Primordial Beginning Nine Seals limitless, one with opening the day can also accomplish, what a pity the reputation spreads to be inferior to Immortal Executing Sword Formation, Great King of Inspiration has not recognized. 人的名树的影,光是诛仙剑阵四个字就能震慑住敌人,元始九印里的无极、道一与开天亦能办到,可惜名声流传不如诛仙剑阵,灵感大王未曾认出。 sword qi soaks the body, suddenly hovering, Great King of Inspiration gawked staring, the great hammer works as the chest, hears the arrived vitality, hurriedly said: 剑气浸体,忽地悬停,灵感大王愣了愣,巨锤当胸,闻到了生机,忙不迭道: Friend, what do you come Cloud Dream Lake to make?” “朋友,你来云梦泽想做什么?” When great lake that it will make is called the antiquity legendary Cloud Dream Lake, at this time is exceptionally annoying, for trivial meets the matter of visiting to fall to so the hopeless situation unexpectedly, when the one had only known, the crab general notifies being correct person seeks an interview, oneself flaunt what spirit, what suspends for many years the rack of ghost? 它将自身制造的巨泽叫做上古时赫赫有名云梦泽,此时异常懊恼,就为了区区见面拜访之事竟落到如此绝境,早知如此,蟹将军通报有道人求见时,自己逞什么意气,摆什么积年老妖的架子? Immortal Executing Sword Formation bogs down temporarily, the Meng Qi manifestation Primordial Beginning Deity exudes the great sound: 诛仙剑阵暂时停滞不前,孟奇显化元始神人发出宏大之声: This poor Daoist wants to consult a king issue, how many years ago initially Heavenly Court crashed is, when what Ke?” “贫道想请教大王一个问题,当初天庭坠落是多少年前,何时何刻?” To ask this question? Great King of Inspiration is even more annoying, deeply inspires saying: So long as the friend you remove sword formation, I speak out frankly to express oneself fully.” 就为了问这种问题?灵感大王愈发懊恼,深吸了口气道:“只要朋友你撤开剑阵,我知无不言言无不尽。” The opposite party have the demand, oneself had the leeway of negotiations! 对方有需求,自己就有谈判的余地了! Grasps the sword ancient seal and other thing of Meng Qi to show a faint smile, the sound is broad: 手持刀剑古印等物的孟奇微微一笑,声音恢弘: King aren't you clear? You now only then two choices, anything did not say either, under Immortal Executing Sword Formation projects to wear down cleanly, True Spirit disappears thoroughly, the escape route cuts off completely, either replied honestly, after some cuts you kills, shows mercy, making your True Spirit have the hope of reincarnation samsara.” “大王你还不明白吗?你现在只有两个选择,要么什么都不说,诛仙剑阵下投影消磨干净,真灵彻底泯灭,后路完全断绝,要么老老实实回答,某将你斩杀后,手下留情,让你之真灵有转世轮回的希望。” Left also dies? Right also dies? Great King of Inspiration only thinks that Meng Qi kills intent to be really firm, for a while startled and anger, feared and feared. 左也是死?右也是死?灵感大王只觉孟奇杀意甚坚,一时又惊又怒,又惧又怕。 Good, at the worst puts together a fight in which both sides perish, indiscriminate destruction!” It angrily roars to make noise. “好,大不了拼个鱼死网破,玉石俱焚!”它怒吼出声。 As the Guanyin pet, the inspiration can also have a ready pen occasionally. 作为观音宠物,灵感偶尔也是能出口成章的。 Primordial Beginning Deity and monk, swordsman and giant figure at the same time opens the mouth, sound reverberation, continuously: „The issue of this poor Daoist, the world still many friends can reply, are many your is not many, is short of your many.” 元始神人并和尚、剑客与巨大身影同时开口,声音回荡,接连不断:“贫道的问题,天下尚有诸多朋友可以回答,多你一个不多,少你一个不少。” However the king you are different, thoroughly how could falls from the sky and has looking of samsara reincarnation to be mentioned in the same breath?” “而大王你则不同,彻底陨落与尚存轮回转世之望岂能同日而语?” hears word, sullen anger, but the exceptionally helpless mood welled up the Great King of Inspiration heart, its train of thought fluctuated, idea numerous, language roll-of-yaw slow say/way: Good, this king acknowledges that the punishment is deserved today.” 闻言,憋屈愤怒但又异常无奈的情绪涌上了灵感大王心头,它思绪浮动,想法纷呈,语速变缓道:“好,本大王今日就认栽了。” Heavenly Court crashes 689 years ago, on February 2, 12 : 45......” 天庭坠落是在六百八十九年前,二月 2 日,午时三刻……” Regarding this important matter, although it at that time in the Putuo Mountain Purple Bamboo Forest fishpond, but the world collapse terrifying sound makes it remember profoundly, but around such sound crashes at most has the difference from true Heavenly Court, the time disparity is not big. 对于这件大事,虽然它彼时尚在普陀山紫竹林的鱼池内,但天地垮塌般的恐怖动静还是让它记忆深刻,而那样的动静顶多与真正的天庭坠落有前后之别,时间差距不大。 Good, this poor Daoist will ask other friends to confirm, if the king deceives, will tread the broken samsara also to let your god shape entirely to extinguish.” Does Meng Qi just like the generation day line punishing Deity, when Demon Lord get Heavenly Court is?” “不错,贫道自会找其余朋友确认,若大王欺瞒,踏破轮回也会让你神形俱灭。”孟奇宛若代天行罚的神人,“魔主打上天庭又是何时?” 695 years ago......” Great King of Inspiration recalls. “六百九十五年前……”灵感大王回忆道。 Finishes barely the words, in its eye emitted two colored glaze golden light suddenly, the body inflates suddenly, changed to a giant goldfish. 话音未落,它眼中忽地放出两道琉璃金光,身躯陡然膨胀,化作了一只巨大的金鱼。 The goldfish is similar to the balloon to swell instantaneously, the boundless enormous and powerful aura becomes chaotic out-of-control. 金鱼瞬间如同气球般胀大,磅礴浩荡的气息变得混乱失控。 It chose unexpectedly from exploding, when will soon reply completes, Meng Qi diverted attention to listen to the answer! 它竟然选择了自爆,在即将回答完成,孟奇分心听着答案时! Huge goldfish both eyes protrudes, existing fierce, at once is wiped incandescent embezzling that shines. 庞大金鱼双眼凸出,现有狰狞,旋即被一抹亮起的白炽吞没。 The inexhaustible beam ray bursts out, the overlapping sword qi ablation, will break in end world Immortal Executing Sword Formation. 无穷无尽般的射线光芒迸发,将层层叠叠的剑气消融,冲入终结天地般的诛仙剑阵 Bang! 轰隆! The loud sound sends later, close to Heavenly Immortal of legend from exploding might what kind of terrifying, Meng Qi only thinks sword formation to sway, is about to stave, therefore receiving One Qi Becomes Three Purities divine ability, with the aid of the relation, separated returned to Cloud Dream Lake empty on. 巨响稍后才发,接近传说的天仙自爆威力何等恐怖,孟奇只觉剑阵飘摇,行将破碎,于是收起一气化三清神通,借助联系,隔空落回了“云梦泽”上。 Then, he looks up, sees only the Star Sea deep place a little to experience for a long time luminously. 然后,他抬头望去,只见星海深处有一点光亮久经不息。 Does Great King of Inspiration so renounce unexpectedly? 灵感大王竟然如此决绝? That why before reply from not exploding? 那为何不在回答前就自爆? The doubts exude, Meng Qi leaves at once was not right. 疑惑泛起,孟奇旋即品出了不对。 Is this perhaps its final maintaining life method? 这恐怕是它最后的保命手段? For blasts out Immortal Executing Sword Formation, finds a slim chance of survival? 为的就是炸开诛仙剑阵,觅得一线生机? ............ ………… South Sea deep place, indistinct difficult to it place, the side is not the world pure land. 南海深处,飘渺难至之地,有一方不属于天地般的净土。 Purple Bamboo Forest stands, the mountain range stands tall and erect, was in years past Guanyin Bodhisattva Dao Temple, Putuo Pure Land. 紫竹林立,山脉高耸,正是昔年观音菩萨道场,普陀净土 woof Eight Treasures Merit Pond wave ripples, goldfish illusory image numerous, from time to time gathers disperses from time to time, suddenly, they shrank fiercely, concentrate a substantive goldfish. 一汪八宝功德池水波荡漾,金鱼幻影重重,时而聚时而散,突然,它们猛地一缩,凝成了一条实质的金鱼。 This gold/metal fish dive has the water surface, looked at Southern Gaze Continent, in the eye was being full of the hatred. 这金鱼跃出水面,望着南瞻部洲,眼中充满了仇恨。 Although Guanyin Bodhisattva Saṃbhogakāya Pure Land is not complete, in which Eight Treasures Merit Pond is unable to remould Dharma Body, but in addition involvement his I projection, each other union, can let the Great King of Inspiration rebirth. 虽然观音菩萨报身净土不是圆满,其中的八宝功德池无法重塑法身,但加上勾连的的“他我”投影,彼此结合,能让灵感大王藉此重生。 The only issue is, thoroughly restores the peak to need very long time, moreover hammered divine armament also to lose greatly. 唯一的问题在于,彻底恢复巅峰需要很长时光,而且巨锤神兵也损失了。 But if from not exploding the Heavenly Immortal level monster body, how to open Immortal Executing Sword Formation, but does not open Immortal Executing Sword Formation, has projection of Eight Treasures Merit Pond in Saṃbhogakāya Pure Land again with his me, is unable the rebirth in this, to reappear in Zhennei. 但如果不自爆天仙级妖身,如何打得开诛仙剑阵,而不打开诛仙剑阵,再有报身净土内的八宝功德池与“他我”投影,也无法重生于此,会再现于阵内。 Good very to say!” Goldfish Spirit said with clenched jaws. “好贼道!”金鱼精咬牙切齿般道。 ............ ………… Returns to the starry sky battlefield, Meng Qi only to see the broken golden great hammer to float, the calculation then found slightly Great King of Inspiration has not fallen from the sky thoroughly, but is wounded at present seriously, does not know that which hides arrived to be at mystically, is hard to trace. 回到星空战场,孟奇只看见残破的金色巨锤漂浮,略微推算便发现灵感大王未曾彻底陨落,只是目前受创严重,不知躲到了哪个神秘所在,难以追溯。 Worthily is Monster King for many years, close to the powerhouse of legend, this can escape alive.” “不愧是积年妖王,接近传说的强者,这都能逃出生天。” Perhaps after this fight, it had the full cognition to my method, next time will fight, must be prepared, was not necessarily able to win so simply.” Meng Qi sighed, oneself and Great King of Inspiration are truly on a par in the level and strength at present, but the divine ability method and martial arts weapon has exceeded. “经过这次战斗,它对我的手段恐怕有了充分认知,下次交手,必有准备,未必能胜得如此简单了。”孟奇感叹了一句,自己和灵感大王在层次与实力上目前确实不相伯仲,只是神通手段、武功兵器有所胜过。 Naturally, enters the profit by own ten thousand li in a day, when Great King of Inspiration recovers to appear, perhaps a finger can be run over and die it. 当然,以自己一日千里般的进益,等到灵感大王养好伤出现,说不定一根指头就能碾死它了。 Receives the tattered great hammer, Meng Qi steps into Cloud Dream Lake, both hands searches, raises baseless, made that great lake just like the earthquake, draws out that Crystal Palace, inside has the Great King of Inspiration many years to save. 收起破烂巨锤,孟奇踏入云梦泽,双手一探,凭空一提,弄得巨泽宛若地震,生生将那水晶宫拔出,里面有着灵感大王的多年积蓄。 When oneself by One Qi Becomes Three Purities arrange/cloth Immortal Executing Sword Formation, has Trigram Immortal Sword, other replace with sword qi either, either the Extreme Blade camouflage, still owed three Heavenly Immortal long swords, has a disappointment and loophole, hopes that can supplement from the Great King of Inspiration treasure house. 自己以一气化三清诛仙剑阵时,只得一口离仙剑,其余要么用剑气代替,要么绝刀伪装,尚欠三口天仙长剑,有所缺憾和漏洞,希望可以从灵感大王的宝库里补充。 If not, that adds the great hammer to lose many years of savings of Great King of Inspiration to East Sea Dragon King in front, with this collection rich fellow exchange! 如果没有,那就将灵感大王的多年积蓄加巨锤丢到东海龙王面前,与这收藏丰厚的家伙对换! Receives Crystal Palace, builds the escaping light, Meng Qi directly soars Eastern Sea. 收起水晶宫,架起遁光,孟奇直奔东海
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