WORIOA :: Volume #6

#191: Mediated the childhood wish

The Daoists stop up the gate, great lake do not have the thing to have the water surface, for a while quiet and peaceful in good taste, but the Great King of Inspiration actually air/Qi results in the three evil spirits violent to jump, both hands take up to place nearby sinking large sum of money hammer, the anger exclaim: 道人堵门,巨泽无物能出水面,一时清宁雅静,而灵感大王却气得三尸神暴跳,双手拿起放在旁边的沉重金锤,怒吼道: High-rising that ox muzzle, the elongated neck makes this/Ben king beat on three hammers!” “兀那牛鼻子,伸长脖子让本大王捶上三锤!” The acoustic shock like the tide, the great lake upper air suddenly becomes dark, highlights the each and every one blackhole vortex, vortex deep place illusory image numerous, probably connected other universe. 声震如潮,巨泽高空忽然变得幽暗,凸显出一个个混洞般的漩涡,漩涡深处则幻影重重,像是连通了另外的宇宙。 Crash-bang, in each vortex gushed out flood Heaven River water, is illusory and real, turned into the sparkling lake flood world the great lake above three thousand li (500 km) all. 哗啦啦,每个漩涡内都涌出了滔天河水,虚幻又真实,将巨泽以上三千里尽数化成了波光粼粼的洪水世界。 Here, the gold/metal nature is serious, the fifth heavenly stem earth melts the powder, azure wood is difficult to be long, the profound fire, except for the strength and the corresponding rule water line, all seems small and weak, even is unable to survive. 在这里,金性沉重,戊土融散,青木难长,玄火不起,除了水行之力和对应规则,一切都显得弱小,甚至无法生存。 This is the reflection of Great King of Inspiration within the body heavenly abode, in the specific area, said that Dharma Idol along with, the world did not agree, then changed the conjunction! 这是灵感大王体内洞天的反照,特定范围内,一言出,法相随,天地不谐,则改到契合! It was really close to the legend...... Meng Qi, although placed the midair, all around water spray was torrential, rouses the bloodlines, must change to beach bloody pus him, belonged to the water the world. 它果然接近传说了……孟奇虽身处半空,四周却水浪滔滔,勾动血脉,要将他化作一滩脓血,归入水的世界。 The inspiration worthily is Journey to the West famous Monster King! 灵感不愧是西游有名的妖王 Looks that Goldfish Spirit throws over is fighting armor, is raising the great hammer, roared is running out of Crystal Palace, hit to oneself, the Meng Qi heart raised for several points to sigh with emotion suddenly. 看着那条金鱼精披着战甲,提着巨锤,咆哮着冲出水晶宫,打向自己,孟奇心头忽地升起了几分感慨。 Initially when enters this, oneself were also expelled roadless ascends the sky by Constantly Rushing River this Journey to the West small monster enters impossible, the fee/spent completely the troubles, suffered loss, forces to cut to kill it, but now, when oneself have been able facing on Journey to the West also calculates that legendary Monster King inspiration, is not timid, seriously the vicissitudes, the people are no longer the same, making one particularly sigh tyrannical of years, the mystery of destiny. 初入此界时,自己还被奔波儿灞西游小妖撵得上天无路入地无门,费尽了周折,吃尽了苦头,才勉强将它斩杀,而如今,自己已能正面对上西游时也算赫赫有名妖王灵感,丝毫不怯,当真沧海桑田,物是人非,让人分外感叹岁月的强横,命运的神奇。 Then, his right hand stretches out, five slender powerful fingers gripped the Extreme Blade that long and plain hilt. 然后,他右手伸出,五根修长有力的手指握住了绝刀那长而古朴的刀柄。 Great King of Inspiration both hands hold a golden light bright great hammer respectively, within the body heavenly abode change, the flood is also torrential, is isolating and suppressing other principles. 灵感大王双手各持一只金光灿烂的巨锤,体内洞天变化,外界洪水随之滔滔,隔绝与压制着其余法则。 Even if there is Heavenly Immortal cultivation base, so long as not near legend, after falling into the flood world, maintains life to run away continually is not necessarily able to achieve! 哪怕有天仙修为,只要不近传说,落入自家洪水世界后连保命逃遁都未必能够做到! That ox muzzle appearance unfamiliar, does not know that which remote mountain ignorant and inexperienced cultivator, dares to stop up itself unexpectedly the gate? 那牛鼻子面相陌生,不知哪座深山孤陋寡闻的修士,竟然敢堵自家之门? Does not know good from bad seriously! 当真不知好歹! Only the water reveres alone, Only I Am Venerated!” It roared to make noise, the great hammer brings the fearful imposing manner of smashing the stars ejected suddenly, the flood changed to the water belt/bring, is fettering Meng Qi layer upon layer, making him be hard to transfer the half a point external force. “唯水独尊,唯我独尊!”它咆哮出声,巨锤带着捣毁星辰的可怕气势猛然击出,洪水则化作水带,层层束缚着孟奇,让他难以调动半分外力。 At this moment, Great King of Inspiration a flower, has lost Meng Qi's figure at present, he disappeared from the flood world unexpectedly! 就在这时,灵感大王眼前一花,已是失了孟奇的身影,他竟然神不知鬼不觉从洪水世界里消失了! The intention flashes, the inner qi hauling, Great King of Inspiration raised the head fiercely, by the water spray, sees ten thousand li (0.5 km) upper air, there had the illusory fire to ascend, changed to one purple world, the somewhat everywhere feeling, was an excellent likeness unexpectedly in years past Immortal Realm, but above the purple world, a scarlet azure yellowish white crazy chaotic world, was close similarly everywhere, similarly was an excellent likeness in years past Heavenly Court. 心念闪动,气机牵引,灵感大王猛地抬头,透过汩汩水浪,看见万里高空,那里有虚幻之火升腾,化作了一片紫色天地,竟有几分无处不在之感,神似昔年仙界,而紫色天地之上,还有一层赤青黄白疯狂混乱的世界,同样接近无处不在,同样神似昔年天庭 These two Immortal Realm above, after wearing young Daoist one of the hydration clothing/taking lost/carrying, raises the blade single-handedly, is overlooking itself! 这两层“仙界”之上,身穿水合服的年轻道人一手负后,一手提刀,俯视着自身! He is also close to Heavenly Immortal of legend? Great King of Inspiration is startled suddenly. 他也是接近传说的天仙灵感大王霍然一惊。 It is not right, how to be close to Heavenly Immortal of legend, why my heavenly abode reflection is the normal world, but two world actually as if Immortal Realm that he foot treads? 不对,如何都是接近传说的天仙,为何我的洞天反照是正常世界,而他脚踏的两层天地却仿佛仙界 The Meng Qi pupil is quiet, the right hand slow reality lifts anxiously, the sound is indifferent, like managing the Heaven Punishment immortal god: 孟奇眸子幽黑,右手似缓实急抬起,声音淡然,如同主持天罚的仙神: Heart Aperture is the fire, the hidden treasure spirit, this is this poor Daoist heart melts Origin Heart Heaven.” 心窍属火,秘藏精神,此乃贫道心脏所化‘元心天’。” Lung is the gold/metal, the spleen is the earth, the liver lives the wood, Kidney store Water, Four Symbols may spread out beginning the day!” “肺属金,脾属土,肝生木,肾藏水,四象可衍初天!” You enjoy the blood sacrifice, swallows childhood child woman, is sinful, this poor Daoist today generation of day penalties!” “尔享受血祭,吞噬童年童女,罪孽深重,贫道今日代天刑罚!” The words reverberate instantaneously, stir up Great King of Inspiration Seven Apertures to live the smoke, however only listens to a resounding at this time, Extreme Blade falls, the purple thunder however shoots down together bright. 话语瞬间回荡,激得灵感大王七窍生烟,然而此时只听啪的一声脆响,绝刀落下,一道紫色雷霆煌煌然击落。 Protecting and sustaining of two Immortal Realm, the flood world cannot repel this lightning, sees only it to split up unceasingly, lives the branch like the big tree, following the river character, then chops to fall in the Great King of Inspiration top of the head instantly, is twining its body. 有两层仙界的护持,洪水天地未能排斥这道闪电,只见它不断分化,如同大树生岔,顺着水性,刹那便劈落于灵感大王头顶,缠绕着它的身体。 A blade spreads out does to like a sudden thunderclap, a blade quells Spirit Mountain, becomes formation! 一刀衍做五雷轰顶,一刀荡平灵山,自成阵法 Great King of Inspiration cold snort/hum, two golden color hammered as if not to have the weight to dance in the air greatly, the surroundings flood was transparent, changed to purest water film. 灵感大王冷哼一声,两只金色巨锤仿佛没有重量般飞舞了起来,周围洪水透明,化作了一层最纯粹的水膜。 ! 噗! The thunder cannot go through the water film, Extreme Blade is blocked by the great hammer, the flood world shake continuous, making below rivers and lakes sway, shakes Aqua Clan to have a dizzy spell, is extremely uncomfortable. 雷霆未能穿过水膜,绝刀被巨锤挡住,洪水世界震荡不休,让下方水泽摇晃,震得水族们头晕目眩,极其难受。 If not the complementary waves were reflected heavenly abode to absorb, the light struck a moment ago, they will then unravel. 若非余波被反照外界的洞天吸纳,光是刚才一击,它们便将灰飞烟灭。 Good!” In the Meng Qi hand Extreme Blade begins, chops to fall downward, the body locates universe collapsing in acupoint every time, belongs to Immortal Realm, congealed chaos profound celebration cloud, but above celebration cloud is fluttering an ancient boundless streamer. “好!”孟奇手中绝刀再起,往下劈落,身体每处窍穴内的宇宙坍缩,归于仙界,凝出了一朵混沌幽深的庆云,而庆云之上则飘荡着一面古老苍茫之幡。 Pangu Banner drags, the Extreme Blade ray flashes, cut the flood world silently. 盘古幡摇曳,绝刀光芒一闪,无声无息斩开了洪水世界。 Splitting Heaven and Earth , without the thing broken, Meng Qi has not kept the hand slightly! 开天辟地,无物不破,孟奇丝毫没有留手! When he read Journey to the West in the past, always discontented in doing all kinds of evil Monster King, because is such and such God and Immortal mount such and such Bodhisattva pets, therefore has been redeemed, returned to the former days, has not paid the coordinated price, especially Great King of Inspiration this boy, does not know that harmed many to the boys and girls, seriously the heinous crime, frustrating the bone raised the ash is not excessive, finally, Great Sage Equal of Heaven can easily win it obviously, actually concerned about the Guanyin Bodhisattva face, has to make a play. 他往昔读西游时,总是不满于作恶多端的妖王们因为是某某神仙坐骑某某菩萨宠物,于是得到救赎,重归旧日,没有付出对等的代价,尤其灵感大王这厮,不知害了多少对童男童女,当真罪该万死,挫骨扬灰都不过分,结果,齐天大圣明明能轻易胜它,却碍于观音菩萨的面子,不得不做了一场戏。 Today meets, the inspirational abuse does not change, was known as how could of chivalrous through and through are light vertical? 今日相会,灵感恶习不改,号称侠肝义胆的自己岂能轻纵? The heaven does not punish me to punish, Bodhisattva does not punish me to punish! 苍天不罚我来罚,菩萨不惩我来惩! Because of this, after hearing Great King of Inspiration rejected own meeting request, Meng Qi has nothing hesitant, stopped up great lake directly front door, has a mind a war. 正因为如此,听到灵感大王拒绝了自己的见面请求后,孟奇没有任何犹豫,直接堵住了巨泽“大门”,有心一战。 blade light flashes, has arrived at present, Great King of Inspiration that originally when attacks has a scare, dangerous aura that hearing arrived can sever completely. 刀光一闪,已到眼前,本来正待攻击的灵感大王吓了一跳,闻到了能将自身一刀两断的危险气息。 unable to deal with other, the Great King of Inspiration body week wave rocks again, the body splits suddenly, divides into two, two are divided into four, got made row of Goldfish Spirit. 顾不得其他,灵感大王身周水波晃动,身体忽然分裂,一分为二,二分为四,变做了一排金鱼精 blade light has delimited, the inspirational dream bubble that the body was at broke, other phantom follow vanishes, only left behind the main body in corner. 刀光划过,原本身躯所在的灵感梦幻泡影般破碎了,其余虚影跟随消失,只留下了角落里的本尊。 This is not illusion technique, but unified the wave to shine upon legend projection being puzzled enemy divine ability of characteristics, did not arrive close to the level of legend, outside corresponding heavenly abode has not illuminated, was hard to achieve the practical effect! 这不是幻术,而是结合了水波映照特性的传说投影惑敌神通,不到接近传说的层次,没有相应的洞天外照,都难以达到实用的效果! „, By this king hammer!” Nearly calls out by Great King of Inspiration that a blade chops again, the flood world removes the above suddenly, only left behind that each and every one chaos vortex, the illusory image of each vortex deep place got made being an excellent likeness inspiration monster, then changed to the stars that wave rippled. “哇呀呀,受本大王一锤!”险些被一刀劈死的灵感大王再次暴喝,洪水世界忽然褪去上方,只留下了那一个个混沌般的漩涡,每个漩涡深处的幻影都变做了神似灵感的怪物,然后化作了一颗水波荡漾的星辰。 The stars depart the vortex, link, the vast boundless star aura arrives suddenly, the flood world shakes fiercely, in great lake many small and weak Aqua Clan emerged the lake surface, the belly faced upwards, had died. 星辰飞出漩涡,颗颗连结,浩瀚磅礴的恒星气息陡然降临,洪水世界猛地震荡,巨泽内不少弱小水族浮出了湖面,肚皮朝天,已然身亡。 Crash-bang! Two golden great hammers changed to two lead stars, the radiant gathering, formed wave light Heaven River, upwells crazily, tries to embezzle Origin Heart Heaven and Four Symbols Heaven. 哗啦啦!两只金色巨锤化作了两颗领头星辰,璀璨汇聚,形成了一道波光天河,疯狂上涌,试图吞没元心天四象天 Crash-bang! Southern Gaze Continent southeastern domain dark cloud gathering, rainstorm pouring, as if extinguishes the world floods soon to arrive. 哗啦啦!南瞻部洲东南界域乌云汇聚,暴雨倾盆而下,仿佛灭世水灾即将到来。 Crash-bang! The water level rises crazily, many mountain peaks had been submerged less than half. 哗啦啦!水位狂涨,不少山峰已被淹没了小半。 Heaven River is billowing, the great hammer is heavy, Great King of Inspiration front suddenly dim, saw only the young Daoist to appear several universes behind, all had the belt/bring feeling of Splitting Heaven and Earth figure to highlight, some right hands pressed downward, some both eyes projected the dim light, with chaos cloud of young Daoist top of the head for a body, then however departed continually leisurely, embezzled star light Heaven River. 天河滚滚,巨锤沉重,灵感大王前方突地昏暗,只见年轻道人身后现出了几个宇宙,皆有带着开天辟地之感的身影凸显,有的右手往下一按,有的双目射出幽光,与年轻道人头顶的混沌庆云连为了一体,然后施施然飞出,吞没了星光天河 All heaviness, all floods, at the same time vanishes. 所有的沉重,所有的水灾,同时消失。 This grade of divine ability? Great King of Inspiration has a scare, pulls oneself together, is brandishing the great hammer, is displaying divine ability, becomes one group with Meng Qi games. 这等神通灵感大王吓了一跳,抖擞精神,挥舞着巨锤,施展着神通,与孟奇成一团。 But its war is the heart startled, oneself do utmost , can only spell evenly, but the opposite party looks also has the ample force especially! 可它越战越是心惊,自己竭尽了全力,也仅能拼得平手,而对方看起来还尤有余力! How below the legend can have such monster? 传说以下怎么能有如此怪物? It drew out the heart of flinching gradually, caused an empty move, making the flood world collapse suddenly, oneself drilled into great lake, plans to depend upon to arrange many years of forbidden technique resistance. 它渐渐起了退缩之心,使了个虚招,让洪水世界猛然坍塌,自身则钻入了巨泽,打算依靠布置多年的禁法抵御。 Such was then absolutely safe! 那样便万无一失了! great lake is in sight, the wave rocks, suddenly, the Great King of Inspiration present scene had the change, jet black is the bottom, vast boundless, the distant place is glittering the stars. 巨泽在望,水波晃动,突然,灵感大王眼前的场景出现了变化,漆黑为底,浩瀚无际,远处则闪烁着星辰。 Did oneself fly into the starry sky unexpectedly? 自己竟然飞入了星空? At this moment, it looks at a arrived ancient palatial Deity, top of the head Primordial Beginning celebration cloud, the foot steps on chaotic Four Symbols, the body week winding around golden lotus, six arms hold the ancient seal sword respectively, presses like the most giant star in own top of the head, lets own as if tiny dust. 就在这时,它看到了一尊古老巍峨的神人,头顶元始庆云,脚踩混乱四象,身周缭绕金莲,六臂各持古印刀剑,如同最巨大的恒星般压在自己头顶,让自己仿佛渺小的灰尘。 On for below, left Weiyou, he inverted the direction, therefore oneself did drill into the action of Crystal Palace to turn into the heaven? Great King of Inspiration just had suddenly, sees the left hand to exit a good-looking monk, in the hand is raising the long sword, be with smile on the face, in mouth buddhist name: 上为下,左为右,他颠倒了方向,所以自身钻入水晶宫的行动变成了上天?灵感大王刚有恍然,就看见左手边转出一名俊俏和尚,手中提着长剑,面带笑容,口中佛号: Nā mó Saint Buddha, this poor monk comes to help you!” 南无尊上圣佛,贫僧前来助你!” With this at the same time, the right has swordsman to tread the starry sky to come, solemn opens the mouth: 与此同时,右边有剑客踏着星空飘然而来,冷峻开口: Fellow Daoist, I help you!” “道友,我来助你!” The rear area appeared one to stuff galaxy huge figure, seizing the star with moon/month no longer was the adjective, his voice was grand, shakes Heaven River: 后方则现出了一尊充塞星河般的巨大身影,捉星拿月不再是形容词,他声音宏伟,震荡天河: Fellow Daoist, I help you!” “道友,我来助你!”
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