WORIOA :: Volume #6

#190: Stops up the gate

As soon as Dao Ancestor, the second-rate ruler, third-class Star Lord, the God and Immortal Position Chart content mapped the Meng Qi view, sees the maximum difference from Gan Ruoxu daily is, should the book have the Celestial Emperor given name position to be replaced by The Grand One Eastern Sovereign, faint trace wild the sacred aura is also partly visible. 一等道祖,二等帝皇,三等星主,神仙业位图的内容映入了孟奇眼帘,与甘若虚日常所见最大的不同在于,本该书有天帝名讳的位置被“东皇太一”取代了,丝丝荒蛮又神圣的气息若隐若现。 In the Meng Qi pupil highlights One Dao Colored Glass Lamp, the right hand has caressed The Grand One Eastern Sovereign gently the given name, with the aid of aura relation, reverse induction. 孟奇瞳孔内凸显出道一琉璃灯,右手轻轻抚过“东皇太一”的名讳,借助气息联系,反向感应。 All around becomes illusory, radiant stellar lines float raised, is brimming with the feeling of ancient vicissitudes, linked up the Eastern Sovereign given name and infinite distant place. 四周变得虚幻,根根璀璨星线浮凸,其中一根洋溢着古老沧桑之感,贯通了东皇名讳与无穷远处。 Cause of All Fruits revolves, Meng Qi Divine Consciousness flies to flash, like the electric light, leads the way along this Thread of Karma rapidly, felt that the phantom numerous, profound creeping motions, oneself as if penetrated a world of side another side. 诸果之因运转,孟奇神识飞闪,恰如电光,沿着这根因果之线急速前行,感觉中虚影重重,幽深蠕动,自家仿佛穿透了一方又一方的天地。 Suddenly, the front appears one piece jet black dark, karma does not save, the time rolls up, inside hides can probably swallow all monsters, Meng Qi Divine Consciousness is shaken, was recoiled fiercely, opened the eye. 忽然之间,前方现出一片漆黑幽暗,因果不存,时光蜷缩,里面像是藏着能吞噬一切的怪物,孟奇神识受到震荡,猛地被弹回,睁开了眼睛。 „It is not Plum Mountain Great Saint Yuan Hong, was not Han Guang......” he whispered one. “不是梅山大圣袁洪,也不是韩广……”他低语了一句。 Although the backward has not confirmed The Grand One Eastern Sovereign status, but at least can possibly remove some from the Thread of Karma special characteristics. 虽然刚才的追溯未曾确认“东皇太一”的身份,但至少能从因果之线的特质排除一些可能。 In Meng Qi at heart, pretends to be the powerhouse who The Grand One Eastern Sovereign does not expose weaknesses is not many, grasps Eastern Sovereign Bell fragment Plum Mountain Great Saint Yuan Hong, Devil Master Han Guang and Su Wuming is being outstanding person, but after instead traces and induces, basically can determine that is not they. 孟奇心里,冒充“东皇太一”而不露出破绽的强者并不多,掌握着东皇钟碎片的梅山大圣袁洪、“魔师韩广苏无名便是其中的佼佼者,但经过刚才的反溯与感应,基本能确定并非他们。 It seems like other powerhouse Supreme, even The Grand One Eastern Sovereign has not fallen from the sky truly, that is inactive but will come back! In the Meng Qi mind flashed through the snowy mountain deep place suddenly by the monster of Nine Immortal Venerable Ancient Tomb suppression, he is roaring being an excellent likeness Tai Yi(grand one) words! 看来是别的强者大能,甚至东皇太一并未真正陨落,死而不僵!孟奇脑海内突地闪过了雪山深处被九座仙尊古墓镇压的怪物,他怒吼着神似“太一”的话语! don't tell me Eastern Sovereign has not really died, barely manages to maintain a feeble existence arrived this era, becomes secret mastermind of certain events? 难道东皇真没死,苟延残喘到了这个纪元,成为了某些事件的幕后黑手 Lenovo's on the Eastern Sovereign to God and Immortal Position Chart spares nothing also to prevent itself again to restore Seven Kills Tablet, prevents the Endless Abyss Sea mutation, some strange thoughts in Meng Qi heart reverberation: 再联想到神仙业位图上的这位东皇不惜代价也要阻止自己恢复七杀碑,防止无尽渊海异变,一些奇怪的念头在孟奇心底回荡: If Eastern Sovereign has not truly died, has hidden the truth from Exalted Emperor Haotian, the standpoint that It shows at present obviously is partial to Nine Serenities, presents the chaotic crazy stance with Its related matter......, but Demon Lord broke down the boundary initially suddenly, ascended to Pāramitā, was above the expectations of many great person, what has not thought that he has not concealed one's abilities and bided one's time, strengthens himself, did not choose wisely got Heavenly Court...... 如果东皇确实没有死,瞒过了昊天上帝,那祂目前展现的立场明显偏向九幽,与祂相关的事情都呈现混乱疯狂的姿态……而当初魔主突然就打破界限,登临彼岸,超乎了不少大人物的预料,更没想到的是,他未韬光养晦,增强自身,最不明智地选择了打上天庭…… don't tell me this matter with The Grand One Eastern Sovereign related? 难道这件事情与“东皇太一”有关? Only then Pāramitā Being can contend with Pāramitā Being, can hide the truth from Pāramitā Being, can direct Demon Lord and covers up the sound! 只有彼岸者才能抗衡彼岸者,才能瞒过彼岸者,才能指点魔主并遮掩动静! If Eastern Sovereign has not really died, how It does practice trickery, making antique extremely temporary Exalted Emperor Haotian not detect? 东皇真没死,那祂又是如何瞒天过海,让太古强极一时的昊天上帝都未曾察觉? Must know Immemorial Era, Exalted Emperor Haotian absolutely is one of the peak great people, even if has to be inferior to Heavenly Lord of the Primordial Beginning slightly, perhaps with Amitabha Buddha at the same level, Eastern Sovereign is still strong, by the body of barely managing to maintain a feeble existence, how also to hide the truth from It? 要知道太古时代,昊天上帝绝对是最顶尖的大人物之一,即使稍有不如元始天尊,恐怕也与阿弥陀佛处在同一层次,东皇再强,以苟延残喘之躯,又如何瞒得过祂? Compared with antiquity Mythological Era, the matter of immemorial was shattered after many eras, cannot research, felt the mysterious strange feeling, Meng Qi train of thought one after another, actually could not find the way of confirmation, can only plan to meet Lu Ya in the future, asks detail Exalted Emperor Haotian fought the matter of The Grand One Eastern Sovereign, if there is a chance, then searched Fusang Ancient Tree. 比起上古神话时代,太古之事历经多个纪元破灭,早就不可考证,充满了神秘诡异感,孟奇思绪纷纷,却始终找不到证实的途径,只能打算日后遇到陆压,详细问一问昊天上帝大战东皇太一之事,若有机缘,则探一探扶桑古树 The right hand shakes, God and Immortal Position Chart curls up, Meng Qi both eyes closes, falls into the chaos world again, after receiving Primordial Beginning projected, even if so-called The Grand One Eastern Sovereign actuation in the projection of that universe, oneself does not fear gorgeously, after all does not know that in many ten thousand years of history accumulates, Heavenly Lord of the Primordial Beginning is first-grade first, The Grand One Eastern Sovereign is not only only second-rate first, but also limits to Taiping Country Yellow Turban Path and attached many small countries, not acknowledged by God Favored Country and Five Doumi Cult where looks like every has the Dao Sect place, all has the Heavenly Lord of the Primordial Beginning legend. 右手一抖,神仙业位图卷起,孟奇双眼闭上,再次陷入混混沌沌的天地,接收了元始投影后,哪怕所谓的“东皇太一”驱动本身在那位宇宙的投影,自己也巍然不惧,毕竟不知多少万年的历史积淀里,元始天尊是第一等第一位,东皇太一不仅只是第二等第一位,而且还局限于太平国黄巾道和附属诸多小国,不被神眷国五斗米教承认,哪像凡有道门处,皆有元始天尊的传说。 To putting together projection, oneself depress Eastern Sovereign sufficiently! 对拼投影,自己足以压下东皇 ............ ………… The time passes gradually, the years change, after frustrating time and time again the schemes and tricks, Gan Ruoxu only thinks one entered realm of some mysterious difficult word, does not need Heavenly Lord to arrive at the strength on own initiative, depending on part that the cross coupling feeds back, oneself on already were the powerhouse who the world ranked among the best. 时光荏苒,岁月变迁,挫败了一次又一次阴谋诡计后,甘若虚只觉自身进入了某个玄妙难言的境界,无需天尊主动降临力量,光凭交感反馈的部分,自身就已经是天下数一数二的强者了。 Ten years of clear cultivated/repaired, ten years of aloneness, dynasty moved the world.” Gan Ruoxu opens both eyes, stands up slowly, is saluting to the pupil profound Heavenly Lord of the Primordial Beginning idol respectfully. “十年清修,十年孤寂,一朝名动天下。”甘若虚睁开双眼,缓缓站起,恭恭敬敬对着眸子幽深的元始天尊神像行礼。 Suddenly, he felt the miniature stele in dantian sea of qi to live, revolving, changed to the light shadow fast, then penetrated oneself body, departed the palace pavilion, flew to Beyond the Heaven. 突然,他感觉丹田气海内的微型石碑活了过来,飞快旋转,化作光影,接着穿透了自己身体,飞出殿阁,飞往天外 „Did Heavenly Lord take back this treasure?” Gan Ruoxu quite feels stunned, since contentedly to stele, although experienced an enough ten years of time, but simply does not have the opportunity to use it. 天尊收回这件宝物了?”甘若虚颇感愕然,自得到石碑以来,虽然经历了足足十年时光,但根本没机会动用它。 Didn't this waste in vain? 这不是白白浪费了? The thought fluctuates, rapid restraining, Gan Ruoxu restored quietly, by oneself at present and Heavenly Lord cross coupling degree, what needs foreign object? 念头浮动,迅速收敛,甘若虚重新恢复了沉静,以自己目前与天尊的交感程度,又何需外物 Then goes, not worried! 去便去吧,了无牵挂! His vision horizontally views the front, gradually took Three Pure Ones Palace, the heart whispered: 他目光平视前方,缓步迈出了三清殿,心头低语道: Day later Yun Gu, Black Emperor Lin Fengxiao, Eastern Sovereign Zhang Zijing, I came!” “‘天后’云古,‘黑帝林风啸,‘东皇张子敬,我来了!” ............ ………… formation shines, the light shadow fluctuates layer upon layer, in Xu Feiling cries to be thin crash-bang, does not wield also Fairy Chang'e of master also friend. 阵法亮起,层层光影变幻,许飞翎哭得稀里哗啦,挥别着亦师亦友的嫦娥仙子 Is out traveling mortal world, immortal is able to discriminate again, she must return to Heaven eventually! 再是游历红尘,仙凡有别,她终究要回归天界! Looked begins to take Primordial Beginning Bestowed Stone Tablet Ruan Yushu figure is getting more and more pale, Xu Feiling sobs to shout: Fairy maiden, on the moon/month circle, I will offer sacrifices one table of good food to you!” 看着手拿“元始赐予石碑”的阮玉书身影越来越淡,许飞翎抽泣喊道:“仙子,每逢月圆,我都会给你献祭一桌美食!” Under this is many years is influenced by what one sees and hears is most sincere the simplest emotional expression! 这是多年耳濡目染下最真挚最朴素的情感表达! ............ ………… In Kunlun Mountain Jade Void Palace, forbidden technique just like starry sky, vast boundless, a spoken parts skirt beautiful figure such as came from universe most deep place, arrives floating. 昆仑山玉虚宫中,禁法宛若星空,浩瀚无垠,一道白裙倩影如从宇宙最深处而来,飘然降临。 Good, the polish is clear, the accumulation the foot, has closed up digests one to attempt to break through.” The Meng Qi smile nods. “不错,打磨圆润,积累已足,闭关消化一阵就能尝试突破了。”孟奇微笑颔首。 In the ten years, Ruan Yushu does not use rare treasure divine armament and other thing, „the day of later thoroughly growing Yun Gu, Black Emperor Lin Fengxiao and the others have had to do, or compared notes or the life and death to wrestle, experienced the authority characteristics of different God and Immortal correspondence, to looking for own the path has the advantage that was hard to estimate. 这十年里,阮玉书不动用秘宝神兵等物,与彻底成长起来的“天后”云古、“黑帝林风啸等人都打过交道,或切磋或生死以搏,见识了不同神仙对应的权柄特征,对找准自身的道路有着难以估算的好处。 Ruan Yushu took out thing one after another from storage ring, looks at Meng Qi saying: This is advantageous for the local special of far belt/bring.” 阮玉书芥子环内取出了一包又一包的东西,看着孟奇道:“这都是便于远带的当地特产。” This similarly is sincere the simplest emotional expression. 这同样是最真挚最朴素的情感表达。 Waited for Meng Qi to receive Seven Kills Tablet and good food special product, she knit the brows to ask one suddenly: Offering sacrifices of Xu Feiling, can I receive?” 孟奇接过七杀碑与美食特产,她忽地皱眉问了一句:“许飞翎的献祭,我能收到吗?” Does not have the issue, ten thousand boundary/world hold/container mail.” Meng Qi serious reply. “没有问题,万界包邮。”孟奇一本正经回答。 Exchanged greetings to chat, after gazing after Ruan Yushu left, Meng Qi is stroking gently the stele, prepared to arrive at the Journey to the West world. 寒暄谈笑了一阵,目送阮玉书离开后,孟奇摩挲着石碑,准备降临西游世界。 Naturally, after Seven Kills Tablet returns, the time that can stay is limited, must be determined time node that ahead of time initially All Heavens collapse leisurely/scatter, Sea Calming Bead four fell, but this best way is to inquire has experienced the litigant of this catastrophe, for example Undying Monster God, is inferior to East Sea Dragon King, for example Southern Gaze Continent Great King of Inspiration. 当然,借助七杀碑回到过去后,能停留的时间有限,必须提前确定当初诸天崩散,定海珠四落的时间节点,而这最好的办法就是询问经历过这场浩劫的当事人,比如不死妖神,不如东海龙王,比如南瞻部洲灵感大王 Meng Qi planned that each asked that each other comparison, to guard careless mistake. 孟奇打算每个都问,彼此对照,以防纰漏。 ............ ………… Southern Gaze Continent, lake great lake of as if vastness, the communication all saw the grotesque sailor a piece by piece continually. 南瞻部洲,一片片湖泊连成了仿佛汪洋的巨泽,来往皆见奇形怪状的水兵。 Defends the core region Liangtouhu crab general to lead Aqua Clan to inspect back and forth, at present the sudden flower, are many wears Shanyun a crown the pretty Daoist of hydration clothing/taking. 守着核心地带的两头湖蟹将军正率着水族来回巡视,眼前突然一花,多了一位戴扇云冠着水合服的清俊道人。 Two steamed crabs , the crab general, this poor Daoist Su Meng, will have the matter to seek an interview Great King of Inspiration.” The Meng Qi smile hit to bow. “两位大闸蟹将,呃,蟹将军,贫道苏孟,有事求见灵感大王。”孟奇微笑打了个稽首。 Why does not know, two crab generals only think that at present the Daoist is kind, probably father, the sentiment of arising spontaneously child adore/admire, hurriedly said: Is circular below immediately.” 不知为什么,两名蟹将军只觉眼前道人非常亲切,像是自家老爹,油然而生孺慕之情,忙不迭道:“在下马上通传。” They branch out a crab, dives to the lake bottom, does not know how long drilled, in the line of sight were many magnificent magnificent Crystal Palace, then after circular, sees arrived to throw over golden armor and face fish noodles Great King of Inspiration, Goldfish Spirit that in years past Guanyin Bodhisattva raised! 它们分出一蟹,潜向湖底,不知钻了多久,视线内多了一座华丽辉煌的水晶宫,然后经过通传,见到了披着金甲、脸似鱼面的灵感大王,昔年观音菩萨豢养的金鱼精 King, has a Daoist interview named Su Meng.” Crab general high sound said. “大王,有位叫做苏孟的道人求见。”蟹将军高声道。 Great King of Inspiration is eating the blood food, considers to increase consecration of boys and girls next year, hears word sneers saying: Su Meng? Has not heard, making him roll!” 灵感大王正吃着血食,考虑来年增加童男童女的供奉,闻言冷笑道:“苏孟?没听说过,让他滚!” The sound like the sea mine, shakes the crab general whole body to tremble, as if restored the spirit wisdom, hurries to go out, declines Meng Qi. 声如水雷,震得蟹将军浑身一颤,仿佛恢复了灵智,慌忙外出,回绝孟奇 „The unfathomable mystery fellow, my Great King of Inspiration was said that saw can see?” Great King of Inspiration whispered. 莫名其妙的家伙,我灵感大王是说见就能见的吗?”灵感大王低语了一句。 Crossed one, he feels the palpitation suddenly, only thinks that all around Aqua Clan as if becomes flurried, then in sees the crab general to enter again, panic say/way: Report! The kings, that Su Meng Daoist blocked main house gate, all Aqua Clan are unable to go out!” 过了一阵,他突地感觉心悸,只觉四周水族似乎变得慌乱,然后看见蟹将军再次入内,惊慌失措道:“报!大王,那苏孟道人堵住了‘家门’,所有水族无法外出!” Stops up the gate? The Great King of Inspiration eye splits the golden light, looks to the lake surface, sees only the upper air to have a pretty Daoist who wears the hydration clothing/taking sits cross-legged to sit, on the knee gorgeous purple thunder blade, is often boiling up the lightning horizontally, strikes to great lake each corner, does not make any Aqua Clan leave the lake, by one's effort, blocked front door! 堵门?灵感大王目绽金光,望向湖面,只见高空有一位穿着水合服的清俊道人盘腿而坐,膝上横着一口绚紫雷刀,不时迸出闪电,击向巨泽每个角落,不让任何水族离开湖泊,以一己之力,生生堵住了“大门”!
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